Bulletin, Issue 17, , 11th June


Bulletin, Issue 17, , 11th June
361 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay, Tasmania. Postal: PO Box 217, Sandy Bay, 7006
p: 03 6216 7900 fax: 03 6216 7999 e: info@mountcarmel.tas.edu.au w: www.mountcarmel.tas.edu.au
Issue 17
11th June, 2015
Dear members of the Mount Carmel College community,
Recently I was drawn to an article posted by Michael Carr-Gregg on Twitter.
Michael is a leading adolescent psychologist and I follow his tweets and have
listened to him speak on several occasions. He has common sense
recommendations about raising and supporting children and young adults.
The article he posted was titled, “18 heartfelt pieces of advice for mums of all
daughters.” As we cater primarily for girls’ education (and because I have
three daughters of my own) it caught my eye. I am sure the advice could be
equally applicable for parents of boys.
A brief summary of the advice (13 seemed to be missing so I could only find
17 pieces of advice) are as follows:
1. Love your body so your daughter can learn to love hers.
2. Tell them they’re smart at least as often as you tell them they are pretty.
3. Teach them their light shines brighter when they try not to burn other
girls’ light out.
4. Enjoy every second of the beauty of raising your daughter.
5. Strive to be the woman you want them to be.
6. Encourage them to be individuals.
7. Be strong and breed confidence in them.
8. Expect lots of drama and try to enjoy it.
9. Try to have more than one bathroom in the house.
10. Remember to breathe.
11. Be a mum first and a friend second.
12. Don’t let jealousy be an issue.
13. Always give them choices.
14. Let them be them.
15. Build your daughters up. Encourage them and teach them to believe in
16. While things can get hard, the challenges are so worth it.
17. Offer unconditional love and respect and honor each girl’s uniqueness.
Most of these are common sense, aren’t they, but when you are “in the thick
of it” it can sometimes be challenging to remember that. My personal
favourite is number 4, closely followed by number 16. I know from experience
how quickly those years fly, and looking back, I can barely remember any of
the issues that caused grief at the time, and with the benefit of hindsight I
know most of them didn’t matter as much as I thought they did. If you would
like to read the full article it can found via
Friday, 12th
Thursday, 18th
Monday, 22nd
Tuesday, 23rd
Wednesday, 24th
Thursday, 25th
Tuesday, 30th
STCPSSA Primary Cross Country
Year 10 Staying Safe Forum
Junior SSATIS Cross Country
Primary Reports Posted (K-Gr 5)
Middle School Reports Posted
(Gr 6 – Yr 8)
Senior School Reports Posted
(Yr 9 & 10)
Kindergarten Open Afternoon
1.30pm – 2.45pm
Parent Teacher Day (Student
Free Day)
Friday, 3rd
Monday, 20th
Tuesday, 21st
Thursday, 23rd
Thursday, 30th
Mount Carmel Day Celebrations
Term 2 Concludes
Student Free Day
Term 3 Commences
Year 7 HPV Immunisations
P&F Association Meeting 7pm
The prayers of the Mount Carmel
community are with staff member Rachael
Willis and her family, who recently
experienced the loss of Rachael’s mother,
Kaye Barron.
Our prayers are also with staff member
Maureen Fasnacht and her family, who
recently experienced the loss of Maureen’s
sister, Christine Penman.
Our hearts go out to you all as we pray that
God will welcome Kaye and Christine into
His loving arms and that precious memories
will be of comfort to those left behind,
knowing that their love will live on in their
hearts forever.
While on the subject of raising daughters, we are thrilled to be hosting Melinda Tankard Reist as a speaker at Mount Carmel
on Monday 22nd June. Melinda, an author and advocate for young women, speaks about the issues of the sexualisation and
objectifiction of girls and its parallels with sexual assault, eating disorders and self harm. I strongly urge you to mark this date
in your diary and join us in the College hall at 7:30pm on 22nd June. The presentation will be particularly relevant for parents
of girls aged 10+, but all parents are welcome and please feel free to bring a friend, family member or neighbour. There is a
flyer and reply slip about the evening attached to this edition of our newsletter.
God’s blessings for the week ahead,
Susan Ryan
Last week I was very fortunate to attend the Positive Schools Conference in Melbourne where I was able to listen to a fantastic
range of speakers and attend a number of workshops devoted to the central question, “What can we do to improve the health
and wellbeing of all our students so that they may thrive and prosper?” Unquestionably, the highlight for me was Geelong
Grammar School’s exhibit, “A Living Library of Positive Education in Action.” In a nutshell, it involves a whole school approach
that focuses on specific skills that assist students to strengthen their relationship, build positive emotions, enhance personal
resilience, promote mindfulness, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. The aim is to foster engagement amongst the students,
encourage them to be active and ultimately, equip them with the qualities to enable them to fulfil their life purpose.
One of the major sponsors of the Conference was KidsMatter Primary and MindMatters Secondary. During the past 18
months the implementation of the KidsMatter Primary Initiative framework has been a priority at Mount Carmel College.
KidsMatter Primary provides strategies, tools and support to help school work with parents and carers, health services and
the wider community, to nurture happy, balanced kids. Thus far, the Action Team consisting of teachers and parents has
meet regularly to implement a coherent approach that is tailored to the needs of Mount Carmel College. The teaching staff
have undertaken a number of hours of professional learning and in the coming months we will spend considerable time and
energy reviewing our Health Scope and Sequence to identify what we are doing well but equally as important, where the gaps
exist in terms of our current curriculum.
I encourage parents and carers to access the magazines, information booklets and books from the newly established
KidsMatter and MindMatters Resource Room in the multi-flexible learning space located next to Grade 3. The room is
available on a Monday afternoon between 2:30 and 3:30pm or on a Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 9:30am. The key can
be collected from the College Office.
Focus of the Fortnight
Continuing this theme of health and wellbeing, the upcoming “Focus of the Fortnight” is honesty. When students are asked
about the qualities that underpin strong friendships, honesty is always listed as a priority.
To practice honesty we have to be honest with ourselves. People who blame others are often not honest with themselves.
They can never make a mistake and they rarely say sorry – which requires humility and strength. Furthermore, by being
honest with others, by telling the truth, by not taking things that do not belong to us, by “owning up,” we develop a sense of
Mid-Year Reports and Parent Teacher Day (Student Free Day) 30 June
Both Primary and Secondary teachers are currently preparing mid-year reports to give parents a clear indication of their
children’s progress in all learning areas. It is an opportunity for teachers to identify strengths in application, work habits and
achievement. Teachers are encouraged to name up explicit tasks that the students have undertaken in addition to focusing
on specific challenges. Most important are the strategies outlined by teachers so that students may move forward with their
Primary School reports (Kindergarten – Grade 5) will be sent home on 22 June, Middle School reports (Grade 6 – Year 8) on
23 June and the Senior School reports (Year 9 -10) on 24 June.
Parent Teacher Day (Student Free Day) 30 June will commence at 11.00am and conclude at 8.00pm. This provides an
opportunity to discuss your child’s report with the teacher. Students in Grades 4 / 5 and 6 are encouraged to attend these
appointments. The College will continue with the online scheduling program for parent bookings and more details regarding
this will be included with your child’s report.
Mount Carmel College
Issue 17, 11th June, 2015
Premier’s Reading Challenge
All students from Prep to Grade 6 have been registered to participate in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Students
are encouraged to read ten books during the ten week period from Tuesday, 9th June until Monday, 17th August.
On Tuesday, Prep to Grade 6 students received a Reading Log, which we ask students or parents to store safely (you can
print one from the official website if it is misplaced) so that it can be returned to class teachers when the Challenge has
been completed. All students who complete the Challenge will receive a congratulatory certificate signed by the Premier.
There are also opportunities to receive prizes if book reviews are posted online.
By being part of the Premier’s Reading Challenge, we hope that Prep to Grade 6 students will be further inspired to
experience the joy of reading and that all members of the family will set some time aside for a special focus on reading
during the coming weeks.
If you would like more information or your child would like to write an online book review, please log on to the official
website: www.premiersreadingchallenge.tas.gov.au/
Happy reading everyone!
Caroline Wilson-Haffenden
Director of Primary
Friday 12 June – STCPSSA Primary Cross Country
Wednesday 17 June – ICAS Writing
Thursday 18 June – Junior SSATIS Cross Country
Monday 22 June – Primary Reports (Kindergarten to Grade 5) posted
Tuesday 23 June – Middle School Reports (Grade 6 – 8) posted home
Thursday 25 June – Kindergarten Open Afternoon 1.30 – 2.45pm
Tuesday 30 June – Parent teacher Day K – 10 (11am – 8pm) Student Free
This week some students in Grade 4/5
made their own lunch which included a
salad sandwich and fruit salad, as well as
set the table to enjoy the fruits of their
labour. Special thanks to Mrs Wendy
Burrill and Mrs Helen Harris for running
this programme.
Melanie Sluyters
Grade 4/5 Teacher
The Mount Carmel College community warmly congratulates Romney
Andersson Gr 3 on receiving the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation
on Sunday 7th June, in the Church of St James, Cygnet. This indeed was a
special occasion in Romney’s faith journey and we pray that she will always
feel the presence of Jesus in her life.
Ida Saracino
Director of Mission / Head of Religious Education - Primary
Mount Carmel College
Issue 17, 11th June, 2015
Mount Carmel Day is fast approaching. It is not only a day for us to celebrate
our heritage but to do something positive for those in our community who are
struggling. With this in mind, the student leaders, in particular the House
Captains, have been scheming ideas to make it a huge day for all students and
staff at Mount Carmel College. Watch this space for an exciting
Outside School Hours Care will provide
care for students on TUESDAY, 30th JUNE
as it is a STUDENT FREE DAY. Please use
the enclosed enrolment form to ensure
your child is booked in. The theme for the
day is Fantasy Dress with games and a
movie. Lunch will be provided, but please
bring a plate of your favourite food to
share. Please do not send food that
contains nut products.
Last week was National Reconciliation Week, a time to reflect upon the
injustices committed to our Indigenous peoples and to look for ways to heal
the hurt and to give back respect. We pray for those hurt by the actions of
others and we aim to seek justice and recognition to all Australians.
Holy Father, God of Love
You are the Creator of this land and all good things.
We acknowledge the pain and shame of our history and the suffering of our
peoples and we ask your forgiveness.
We thank you for the survival of Indigenous cultures.
We pray for your strength and grace to forgive, accept and love one another,
as you love us and forgive and accept us in the sacrifice of your Son.
Give us the courage to accept the realities of our history so that we may
build a better future for our nation.
Teach us to respect all cultures.
Teach us to care for our land and waters.
Help us to share justly the resources of this land.
Help us to bring about spiritual and social change to improve the quality of
life for all groups in our communities, especially the disadvantaged.
Help our young people to find true dignity and self esteem by your Spirit may
your power and love be the foundations
on which we build our families, our communities and our Nation.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pray for Us.
Anthony Chapman
Director of Mission / Head of Religious Education - Secondary
Primary Hockey Games for the 13th June
Hookin2 Hockey
Mount Carmel Gold (Grade 2) BYE
Half Field
Mount Carmel Gold (Grade 3) v Northern Christian School 11.00am – CB4
Open Primary
Mount Carmel Gold (Grade 5/6) v Lenah Valley at 10.00am – CB1
Mount Carmel Navy (Grade 5/6) v SMC at 9.00am - CB3
Mount Carmel White v Fahan at 9.00am - CB2
Ground Codes
CB—Cornelian Bay Grounds—opposite Cornelian Bay
To check for further rosters you can look up the following:
Mount Carmel College
Anne Haward
OSHC Co-ordinator
Flex your mental muscles!
Hobart South Regional Chess
South Hobart Primary, South Hobart
Friday, 26th June 2015
Tournament Details: - All Zone events run
from 9:15am - 2pm - All players play 7
games - There is no minimum or maximum
team size required - Chess Kids coaches on
site to provide assistance - All equipment
Prizes: - Trophies, Medals and Certificates
awarded on the day. No one walks away
empty handed!
Division A winners in each zone qualify for
State Finals - Events with more than 60
players may be split into A and B divisions;
extra medals and certificates are awarded
to B-division winners!
Cost: Entry fee $18 (inc. GST) per player
Venue: South Hobart Primary. 59 Anglesea
St, South Hobart
Date: Friday, 26th June 2015
Divisions: Primary and Open Secondary
http://www.interschool.com.au/2015timetable.html to find more zones. No
geographical restrictions, you may
participate in any event. Choose from
Primary (P-6), Middle-Years (Grade 5-Year
9) and Open Secondary divisions.
Issue 17, 11th June, 2015
Senior Volley Ball Grand Final
The Secondary Volleyball competition concludes on Monday night, and our Year 9/10 team will be competing in the Senior
Division 2 Grand Final against Sacred Heart College at the Moonah Sports Centre, Court 2 at 5:20pm.
The senior team includes Grace Woolford, Zoe Christensen, Zoë d'Orey, Laura Gibbs, Madeleine Fasnacht, Genevieve Holding,
Nicole Murray, Bree Noonan, Ella Harrison and Jasmine Mawer-Goss, with Sally Christensen managing the team.
The girls have had a strong season, winning 5 games and losing only 2, the same as their grand final competitors. Both teams
have had a win each in past games against each other, so it’s shaping up to being a great contest.
Our junior team also plays their final game on Monday night in the 3 v 4 final against Dominic at 4pm.
Best wishes to all the girls in their finals.
Primary Cross Country
The STCPSSA Cross Country is this Friday, 12 June at Rokeby Police Academy. The first 8 students across the line from each
cross country race at field day will take part in this event. They will compete against students from other Southern Catholic
Schools. Good luck to the following girls:
Grade 3
Natasha Furjanic, Aimee Stacey, Coco Erin, Isla
Gerathy, Heidi Preshaw, Gabrielle Philpott, Claudia
Pollard, Jessica Owen
Grade 4
Felicity Wilson-Haffenden, Haylee Gill, Lucy
Hollingsworth, Jemimah Stockwin, Olivia Nichols,
Sienna Stephenson, Abbey Willcox, Holly Round
Grade 5
Imogen Nation, Bronte Gadon, Adele Hart, Josie
Davenport, Ruby Erin, Samantha Tuck, Zara Hart,
Rebekah Furjanic
Grade 6
Anja Bobrowski, Sarah Wilson-Haffenden, Maisy
Sansom, Ainslee MacDonald, Tessa King, Renae
Philpott, Olivia Farrell, Grace Pullen
Term 3 Sports
Term 3 Sport Sign up is now open online. With only a small number of sports offered in term three, it would be great to get a
strong amount of signups this term. Below is a list of the sports we have on offer:
SSATIS Basketball
JSSATIS Basketball
Year 7 & 8
Year 9 & 10
1st Grade (versus Y11/12)
In conjunction with Sandy
Bay Rowing Club
Wednesdays. From 19 August to 28 October
Mondays. From 17 August to 26 October
Thursdays. From 20 August to 19 October
Preseason training starts July/Aug, commencing with
midweek gym and Sat am rowing. Season includes
morning trainings and weekend rowing.
Grade 3/4 and 5/6
Thursdays. From 6 August – 24 September
To sign up for any of these teams, and register your interest to Coach, Manage or Umpire please visit:
Mount Carmel College
Issue 17, 11th June, 2015
SSATIS Cross Country
The SSATIS Cross Country Carnival was held on Tuesday, 9 June at Pontville, in very tough wintery conditions. The girls
were treated to cold, wind and rain during their afternoon, but spirits were high as they cheered on team mates and
enjoyed the race competition, against students from other independent schools.
Mount Carmel finished in 6th place from the 10 independent schools, only .5 point below 4th place.
Well done to all the girls that braved the conditions and gave it their best shot out on the course.
Thank you to Mr Phil Hyatt, Miss Sophie Roe and Miss Ashton Ferguson for escorting the team and marshalling on the
course and Carolyn Monks for her parental support and warm soup.
Best results and participants in the events were:
U13 – 5th place overall
15th Lauren Canning
Emily Grzinic, Samantha Crispin, Brooke Elkin,
Georgia Porter, Kirby Mosenthal, Eleanor
U15 – 8th place overall
27th Mia Lilley
Alanna Monks, Kimberley Peebles, Hannah Coleman,
Ella Kincs-Lowe
Mount Carmel College
U14 – 3rd place overall
12th Lucy Allwright
Tahlia Bortignon, Chloe Parker, Phoebe Hanek,
Carene Alcazar, Hannah Cowen, Abbie Cowen,
Jordan Paine, Alice Eastwood
U16 – 4th place overall
22nd Lily Rasmussen
Alexandra Porter, Ella Teague, Charlotte Sutton,
Chelsie Auckland, Elisha Williams, Jasmine MawerGoss, Tara Jones, Sophie Scott
Issue 17, 11th June, 2015
Mount Carmel College is thrilled to be hosting Melinda Tankard Reist as a speaker at
Mount Carmel on Monday 22nd June. Melinda, an author and advocate for young women,
speaks about the issues of the sexualisation and objectifiction of girls and its parallels with
sexual assault, eating disorders and self harm.
When: Monday, 22nd June
Where: Mount Carmel College Hall
Time: 7:30pm – 9pm
Melinda Tankard Reist was interviewed on ABC 7.30 Report last week. The interview can be found
by following the link: http://melindatankardreist.com/2015/06/porn-before-first-kiss-mtr-on-abc730-report/
Please return to the College Office by Thursday, 18th June.
To the College Office
I ________________________________________________ will / will not be attending the Melinda
Tankard Reist parent information session to be held at Mount Carmel College on 22nd June at
Number of people attending: __________________
Name: ________________________________________________________
Daughter’s Name: ___________________________________ Class: __________________
Mount Carmel College Clothing Shop
Stockings at reduced prices for June or until stocks run out.
small, average, tall,
small, average, tall,
5-6 years
7-8 years
9-10 years
Order Form
I wish to place an order for stockings
as follows:
Cost $13.00—2 for 1 (Children sizes)
Cost $13.00 2 for 1 (Adult sizes) Thick
Cost $13.00 3 for 1 (Adult sizes) Thin
2 for 1
3 for 1
2 for 1
Please enter required size and
NAME :……………..……………………… STUDENT’S NAME: ………………………………………CLASS:……………………….
Amount of order $......… Method of payment Cash ¨ Cheque ¨ Visa ¨ Mastercard ¨
Name on card ……………………………………………………….. Amount $...............
Card Number…………../……….…./……….…./…….…….
SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………………
Tuesday 30th June
8:30am to 6:00pm
Come along today dressed in your favourite costume.
There will be prizes for best dressed, most unique costume
and many more. Participate in party games. We will have
party pies and sausage rolls for lunch but please bring
along a plate of your favourite party food to share with
your friends.
(No nut products please)
Cost: $47
Please complete the form overleaf to register your child for care
Student Free Day
Tuesday 30th June 2015
Child’s Name/s: ………………………………………
Age: ……………………
Age: ……………………
Age: ……………………
Mother’s Name: .................................................................
Mobile: ……………………….
Phone Wk:
Phone Home: ...........................
Father’s Name:
Mobile: ……………………….
Phone Wk:
Phone Home: ...........................
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Emergency Contact Number (while child is in care)
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….…………
Work Phone:
Mobile: .......................................................
Medical Information: (illnesses, allergies and/or food sensitive, medications etc)
Reaction/Treatment: ………………………………………………………………………………...
Family Doctor: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
In the event that we cannot be contacted I/we consent to my child/children receiving medical attention in cases
of accidents or sickness during their time in child care.
Please forward this booking form to the College office as soon as possible.
For any queries, please phone 6216 7900