From 2009 MPH Curriculum, § 19 Masters thesis Title: Masters


From 2009 MPH Curriculum, § 19 Masters thesis Title: Masters
From 2009 MPH Curriculum, § 19 Masters thesis
Title: Masters Thesis
ECTS credits: 30
Aim: The Masters thesis shall demonstrate the students’ ability to engage with complex issues,
which require integration of empirical data, theories and methods in public health. On completion
of the thesis, students will be able to independently plan and implement public health projects,
including collection, handling, analysis and interpretation of data as well as communication of
project results.
In order to gain top marks (12), students shall demonstrate their ability to:
 Address a delimited and clear problem in public health
 Plan and undertake a structured and focused literature search relevant to the topic
 Choose, explain and discuss relevant theories
 Choose, explain and apply appropriate scientific methods
 Plan and complete an independent analysis of the chosen topic and critically assess own
 Critically analyse design, methodology, quality and ethical aspects of empirical data, where
 Justify design and methodology and discuss the quality of own empirical data collected,
including research ethics.
 Draw conclusions, critically discuss and assess the knowledge gained through the thesis in
relation to its application, timeliness and contribution to theoretical and methodological
developments in the field
 Document the ability to conform to established standards of oral and written academic
A thesis should be max. 45-50 normal pages (approx. 2.400 characters, incl. spaces), excluding
The thesis shall be written in clear and concise language with no spelling- or grammatical errors.
The thesis shall include an explanatory resume, which shall form part of assessment.
The viva (oral examination), which shall be conducted in the presence of an external examiner, will
be based on the written thesis.
The thesis will be graded according to the 7-point grading scale and the grade will be based on an
overall assessment of the written thesis and the oral exam. In order to pass, the written thesis
must be at least at pass grade. In the overall assessment, the written thesis will normally be
weighted double compared to the oral examination.
We have reserved 60 hours for supervising and for the exam. The 60 hours might be shared with a
co-supervisor if required.
These hours are including meetings and other contact (phone conversations, answering e-mails)
with the student. It also includes preparation by reading text, evaluating analysis and preparing for
the exam. Maximum 1/3 of the time is used to having contact with the student.
Formal requirements:
The thesis shall be submitted on 8 May 2015 before 12:00 in 4 bound hard copies as well as in an
electronic version (pdf) to the MPH administration, Gitte Hansen, Gothersgade 160, 3rd floor, email: In case of questions, please contact Gitte.
Binding your thesis:
The options in the city are and (cheapest – but no English website)