5th to 6th grade Parent Information Packet


5th to 6th grade Parent Information Packet
2015 – 2016
6th Grade Parent
Beadle Middle School
18201 Jefferson Street
Omaha, NE 68135
BMS Parking Lot Procedures
Jefferson Street
Please do not
wait to drop
your child off
by the
marquee. The
extends by the
football field
and if students
are dropped off
by the
sidewalks, the
traffic will
flow much
Drop off and
pick up should
occur all the
way around
the parking lot
where there is
a sidewalk
Drexel Street
South Lot
1. Drexel Street is a one way
before and after school. All
traffic goes west on Drexel.
2. When using the south
entrance, please form a single
line of cars nearest the
sidewalk. When exiting the
south lot, please turn right on
Drexel Street. Do not enter
the center aisle unless you are
parking to enter the building.
3. All cars should be in a
single line waiting to pick up
their child.
4. When lining up to pick up
your child, please pull all the
way up nearest to the football
field. This allows for other
cars to fill into the parking
North Lot
5. Please enter the north lot
from Jefferson Street in a
single file line nearest the
center aisle of the parking lot.
This is a one way lane going
north. The center aisle will
have a metal swinging gate
blocking the movement of
cars. Do not enter the center
aisle unless you are parking
to enter the building.
Continue to follow a
single file line around the
parking lot staying close to
the sidewalk. Do not turn
around and cut down the
center aisle. Just follow the
flow of traffic to exit the lot.
8. Please pull your vehicle all the way up to the access street just north of the building. This allows the cars to continue
to enter the parking lot.
9. This area is only for buses to load and unload kids. Please do not use this area if you are driving a car. It is extremely
unsafe to have cars moving with bus traffic.
Important: Please demonstrate patience when dropping off or picking up students at Beadle. We have the largest
middle school in Millard. We need to have 1,100 students dropped off and picked up each day. If everyone will follow
these procedures, students will be safe in the parking lot and you will spend the least amount of time waiting. Also, if
you have older siblings picking up or dropping off students, please remind them to use their best judgment and not
speed in the parking lot.
Phone #: (402)715-6105
School Nurse – Katie Kintzle BSN RN
Mary Muldoon – Health Room Paraprofessional
The school nurse is at Beadle on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday. The health paraprofessional supervises the health room on the
days the nurse is at her elementary school. She is trained in first aid,
CPR, asthma/anaphylaxis, and diabetic emergencies. The nurse is only
a phone call away and will come to the school if there is an emergency.
You will be asked to pick your child up if your child develops a fever,
vomits, has an unexplained rash, or other possible contagious illness. Please remember
that the school nurse is not a doctor and cannot make a diagnosis regarding your
In the summer mailing, you will receive a confidential health/emergency form. We ask
that you include information concerning any health problems your child has on this
form. Please make sure to let us know about asthma, diabetes, allergies, and/or seizure
disorders, etc. It is important that our nurse know about your child’s health so that
she can better care for him/her. If you would like a one-on-one meeting to discuss
your child’s health concerns, she is always available to do that. You will also be asked
to provide phone numbers that we can use to reach you in case of an emergency.
Please keep phone numbers updated.
In the middle school, a parent or other designated adult must deliver all
prescription medications and fill out a permission to administer medication
Middle school students may transport over-the-counter medications to the health
All medications are kept in the health room, must be in their original container, and
must have a permission to administer card signed by a parent. We are not allowed
to accept medication that is loose in a baggie.
Prescription medications must include the prescription label. Students who use
inhalers and Epi-pens may carry these only with parent and physician sign off. You
may get these forms from the health room or from your child’s doctor. Please
check the expiration dates on inhalers and Epi-pens as they should not be used if
If you have any concerns about your child’s hearing and/or vision during the school
year please feel free to contact the health room and speak with the nurse.
Per Nebraska law, every 7th grade student is required to have either a physical exam
or a parent/guardian signed waiver before entering the 7th grade. In addition,
screenings (hearing, vision, dental, height, weight, & bmi) are required for 7th graders.
These screenings will be performed at school, if not completed during their 7th grade
Please feel free to contact the health room at any time regarding your child’s health
care needs. Mrs. Kintzle looks forward to meeting your children and caring for them
throughout the school year.
Families who live more than two miles from Beadle are eligible for “partial pay”
bus service. If you are in the Beadle bus route area, you will receive information
about bus service this summer in the mail.
If you are interested in bus service and to insure there will be room on the bus for
your child, you should respond to the survey by indicating you wish to have your
middle school student use the bus service during the 2015-2016 school year.
The Beadle bus routes and number of buses will be based upon the survey results.
At this time, bus tickets are sold in a pack of 20 coupons for $30.00. Bus coupons
will be sold in the Beadle office Monday through Friday, before, during and after
school. Checks should be made out to Beadle Middle School (or BMS).
Each time students board the bus, they will need to give the bus driver a coupon.
The bus drivers will not accept cash. If a student rides the bus both to and from
school, two coupons will be needed each day. Students will not be allowed to ride
the bus unless they present a coupon.
The school is not responsible for replacing lost coupons. It is important for
students to understand that their bus coupons are just like money and should be
treated like such.
The bus leaves Beadle approximately 7 minutes after the
bell rings. The bus drops off and picks students up on
the east side of Beadle next to the Multi-Purpose Room.
Beadle Middle School
Counseling Services 2015-2016
 Individual Counseling
Counselors meet with students on an individual basis to discuss various issues related to
social/emotional and/or academic needs. A classroom teacher, administrator, or parent can
request that a student meet with a counselor. Students can also make a self-referral for
 Guidance Curriculum
Students will learn about various topics throughout the school year, which are based on Millard
Public School’s guidance curriculum and specific grade-level needs. The content is related to
social/emotional, academic, and career topics. In 6th grade the focus is on bullying, which is
emphasized via a fun and informative team day. In 7th grade, the focus is on cyber-bullying,
specifically safety and responsibility with technology such as cell phones and the internet. In 8th
grade, the focus is on establishing healthy relationships. Throughout the year during Bulldog
Block, teachers will also be teaching lessons centered on the guidance curriculum and the district’s
College & Career Readiness standards. Some of these lessons are facilitated by the counselors;
whereas, others are facilitated by specific content area teachers.
 Small Group Counseling
Small group counseling is offered on an as-needed basis. All students have the opportunity to sign
up for counseling support groups, all of which meet during the school day. Parents may also
request that a child be included in a group. Participating in a support group is a great way to
meet other students who share similar concerns. Groups are offered as needs arise and may
include: Changing Families, Stress, Anxiety, Anger Management, Friendship and Grief.
 Parent Support
Counselors provide information about specific topics to parents and guardians. Counselors also
consult with parents about home and school issues. Parents are strongly encouraged to contact
their child’s grade level counselor anytime - whether by phone, e-mail, or asking to meet face-toface - as needs surface. School counselors also have access to a variety of district-screened
community agency resources if parents would like a referral. We are here to help.
 BESTies, Top Dawgs, & SPARKS
The counseling department works with classroom teachers and students to create various
leadership opportunities. BESTies are students in grades 6-8 who volunteer to assist our ACP
students. Top Dawgs are chosen via an application process and help facilitate Bulldog Block
lessons for 6th grade, visit 5th graders in the spring, and assist with Sneak Peek and Orientation.
SPARKS are chosen 8th graders who serve as mentors in 6th grade GSP’s for one hexter.
 Three-Year Relationship
We are very excited to work with your child and family throughout the three years of middle
school. As the only staff members who exclusively travel with a class for all three years, we are
provided a unique opportunity to forge a relationship with your child and help them through
these, often times, tumultuous years. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s counselor
anytime. We love hearing from you!
Band 6
Students in sixth grade band meet during Mod 9 three times a week.
One day per week is a sectional (small group day). The other two days
students meet as a full band. All students have band on Tuesday and
Thursday. Monday is a woodwind sectional day, Wednesday is brass
sectional day and Friday is percussions sectional day.
Students in sixth grade band will perform in a Fall and Spring concert
during the school year.
Jazz Band
Jazz Band is an auditioned group of sixth, seventh and eighth grade
students. Students audition in August and will be given audition music at
the beginning of the school year.
Sixth grade students are eligible to participate in Jazz Band if selected
thru an audition. (Standard jazz band instruments are: alto sax, tenor
sax, bari sax, trombone, trumpet, bass, keyboards/piano, guitar, drum
set, vibes).
Students in Jazz band have an opportunity to play a variety of jazz,
pop, Broadway and rock music.
A student must be a current member of the Beadle band or orchestra
program in order to participate.
Jazz Band meets on Monday and Thursday mornings promptly at 7:00
a.m. and performs during numerous concerts throughout the school year
as well as at elementary schools in the spring.
Students in sixth grade orchestra meet during Mod 9 three times a
week. One day is sectional time and the other two days are full
Students in Orchestra 6 will perform in a fall and spring concert during
the school year as well as extracurricular performances as they
become available.
Chorus 6
Students in Chorus 6 meet during Mod 9 three times a week. Two days
per week is spent in a sectional (small group) and one day is spent with
the full ensemble.
6th grade chorus students will perform at the Fall and Spring concerts
and will also be given the opportunity to audition for solos and the
annual Beadle musical in the Spring.
Any student may choose to participate in Chorus 6.
auditioned group.
It is a non-
Show Choir & Musical
6th grade choir students are eligible to audition for Beadle’s annual
musical in the Spring. This year, many 6th grade students are involved
in our production of “Seussical the Musical, Jr”.
7th and 8th grade choir students are eligible to audition for show choir.
Students must be enrolled in chorus to audition.
6th grade chorus lays the foundation for developing vocal and
performance skills. Students in 6th grade chorus will be well-prepared
to audition for show choir the following year.
Sixth Grade Music
All students are required to take a six week “exploratory” music class.
This class is a continuation of the study of music from elementary
This class will meet every day for a period of six weeks.
Participation in Music 6 does not include a performance requirement. In
order to perform, students must be a member of Chorus 6, Band 6 or
Orchestra 6.
Students who wish to participate in more than one music opportunity,
which all meet during Mod 9, are able to do so at Beadle Middle
School. The student’s schedule will be given to them at the
beginning of the school year. The time will be determined by the
teachers and split between the selected music groups.
2015-16 High Ability Learner Program
Beadle Middle School
Julie Hahn – HAL Facilitator, jlhahn@mpsomaha.org, (402)715-6100
There are three levels of HAL services offered at the middle school level. The first level of
opportunities is offered at the district level. Those opportunities are offered as exploration
of curriculum topics or seminar. Seminars are subject to change based on speaker
availability and other circumstances. Below are the seminars offered to Beadle Middle
School students:
District Level Service
Programs and curriculum that are offered to students in all buildings. This
Sixth Grade
1. Celebrate Creativity – Joslyn Art Museum
2. Architecture Styles – The Durham
3. Exploring Writing
4. Coral Study @ the zoo
5. Biomes Study @ the Wildlife Safari Park
6. Engineering
7. Geology Study @ Schram Park
8. FBI Forensic seminar @ FBI Headquarters and Central Middle School
9. HAL Science Lab enrichments-crayfish dissection
Seventh Grade
1. Celebrate Creativity – Joslyn Art Museum
2. Animal Behavior Study @ Henry Doorly Zoo
3. Published Authors Writing Seminar
4. Forensic Science
5. Engineering
6. Advance Theater @ The Rose
7. Architecture @ The Durham
8. Genetics
9. HAL Science Lab enrichment-TBD
Eighth Grade
1. Celebrate Creativity – Joslyn Art Museum
2. Advanced Forensics
3. Writing at UNO
4. Mock Trial
5. Engineering Days at UNL
6. Genetics
7. Amphibian study @ the Wildlife Safari Park
8. Advanced Theater @ the Rose
9. HAL Science Lab enrichment-TBD
The second level of HAL service is offered at the building level. This level of HAL services are
curriculum related units. The following units are offered at each grade level.
Curriculum Units
Language Arts: Students may qualify for participation in the middle school HAL language
arts program through previous HAL identification and/or recommendation. The program
consists of “tiered” curriculum extensions based on the existing language arts curriculum
that is delivered in a heterogeneous language arts classroom setting.
Accelerated Math Courses: Students qualify for middle school accelerated math courses
with a qualifying score on the Orleans-Hanna Math Aptitude test given in 5th grade at the
student’s elementary building. This test measures aptitude, a prediction of a student’s
readiness to learn algebra. It is not a measure of previously studied math content. This
aptitude test has been proven to be a better predictor of appropriate placement than
previous methods. The accelerated math courses are as follows:
 Challenge Math: Students study addition, subtraction, multiplication of whole
numbers, decimals, fractions and integers. They also study one-step equation
solving, problem solving, statistics, ratio, proportion and percent, and 2 and 3
dimensional geometry. The course consolidates the arithmetic study of previous
grades and prepares students for Pre-Algebra.
 Pre-Algebra: Students study number theory, operations with rational numbers,
scientific notation, solving one-step and multi-stem equations and inequalities,
statistics, ratio, proportion, percent, geometry and coordinate graphing. This course
prepares students to take Algebra.
 Algebra: This course is designed for students who have mastered the basics of
arithmetic and pre-algebra, and who understand mathematics in a more abstract
form. This is a typical first-year algebra course and would be the appropriate
mathematics course for most college-bound freshman.
 Geometry: Students learn traditional geometric facts, applications of those facts,
and the axiomatic method used to derive those facts.
Building Level Service:
This level of service consists of programs offered to students at the building
level. These can include clubs, contests, and competitions. These opportunities
may vary by middle school, but could include some of the following:
Wits Clash/Knowledge Master
Stock Market Club
Computer Club
Drama Club
Jazz Band
Chess Club
Extreme Math Day ESU#3 -6th
Extreme Math Day ESU#3 -7-8th
Classroom Level Service:
This level of service is provided in the classroom in a heterogeneous
environment. Differentiation is an approach to planning and teaching that
addresses the needs of all learners. Differentiation involves varied approaches
to curriculum, instruction and assessment. Educators adapt content (what is
taught), process (how it is taught), and product (what the student does) to the
unique learning needs, readiness, interest and learning style of each student.

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