41-2014 spann video support ann. rep.
41-2014 spann video support ann. rep.
MISSISSIPPI SOYBEAN PROMOTION BOARD PROJECT NO. 41-2014 (CONT) 2014 Annual Report Project: Video Support for MSPB Projects PI & Email: Leighton Spann, leightos@ext.msstate.edu Zac Ashmore, MSU-OAC videographer and producer BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The MSPB asked the Dept. of Agricultural Communications at Mississippi State University to produce videos for their website that include highlighting current research projects and best management practices, and other information pertinent to soybean farmers. REPORT OF PROGRESS The following videos were requested, produced and completed for MSPB, placed in Dropbox, reviewed by Larry G. Heatherly, and posted on MSSOY. 03714 42-2013: Ryan Edwards, Bufkin Fellow 03814 17-2013: Dr. Fred Musser 03914 44-2013: Dr. Dan Reynolds 04014 44-2013: Dr. Dan Reynolds Agric. Act of 2014, Dr. John Michael Riley 04114 11-2013: Dr. Keith Coble 04214 14-2014: Dr. Tom Allen 04314 22-2014: Dr. Bobby Golden 04414 12-2014: Dr. Tom Allen 04514 45-2014: Alanna Blaine Scholtes, GRA 04614 01-2014: Dr. Don Cook 04714 47-2014: Dr. Steve Thomson 04814 51-2014: Ryan Edwards, Bufkin Fellow Pipe Planner Video, Dr. Joe Massey, finished part 1 and 1st draft of part 2 UAV video with Dr. Dean Pennington Travel. 05/28/14: Traveled to Black Hills Experiment Station to film Dr. Reynolds for BMP Videos 07/08-10/14: Traveled to Stoneville to film MSPB Projects 07/11/14: Traveled to the Delta for Pipe-Planner B-Roll filming 08/13/14: MSPB Project Filming WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 1 Impacts and Benefits to Mississippi Soybean Producers. Mississippi soybean producers benefit from visual presentation of the conduct of and information from current research projects that are funded with their checkoff dollars, and by showing Best Management Practices that they can use to maximize yields. WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 2
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