Clay County 4H Newsletter May 2015


Clay County 4H Newsletter May 2015
Clay County 4-H Newsletter
Mother ’s Day Workshop
A Mother’s Day Workshop is scheduled for 3:30-4:45 p.m. on May 5
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May 2015
at the Extension Office. We will be making a gift for you to give to Mom
for Mother’s Day. Space is limited since this workshop is for Cloverbuds and Juniors/
Inside this issue:
Seniors. Please call the Extension Office (494-5371) to reserve your space by Friday, May
Mother’s Day Workshop
1st at 5pm. Be here at 3:30 sharp so we have plenty of time to get things done. And
Project Achievement
remember to not give her the gift until Mother’s Day on May 10!
Project Achievement Day Registration
Project Achievement Day is scheduled for June 19 at Itawamba Community
College in Fulton, MS. Registration is open for all 4-H members 8-13 years old.
Registration is open now until May 20. Please contact the Extension Office to register.
Dairy Poster Contest
Like us on Facebook
Poster Art Contest
4-H Calendar
June is Dairy Month!! Posters should help teach others about the dairy industry and the importance of
including milk and dairy products in a healthy, well‐balanced diet. Posters are first judged in the Clay County
4‐H Dairy Poster Contest and first‐place winners in each age division advance to statewide compe on at the
MS 4‐H Club Congress. Posters are due in the Extension office by 4:00 p.m. May 19. For a list of rules, contact
the office at 494‐5371.
Like us on Facebook
Clay County 4‐H has a Facebook page! If you have not liked our page yet, you need too! Pictures of workshops
and events appear here and this is the place to go for informa on between newsle ers. Frequently, a er we
send out the newsle er, we get updates sent to us for contests and events from State that
some mes have deadlines before the next newsle er goes out. In order to get the word out, we post it on
Facebook. Be sure to like our page so you can keep up with the latest informa on!
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Clay County 4-H Newsletter
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2015 Mississippi Poster Art Program
It is time for the 4-H poster contest! This year there is a choice of themes (“I Am 4-H“ and an open theme which
allows 4-H members to create a poster using their own theme)! The contest is open to all 4-H members. County
level winners’ entries will be submitted to 4-H Congress for judging.
All posters must be designed on or affixed to .016 ply construction poster board (solid fiber board) of 14”x22”
dimension. Posters submitted to the State 4-H Office may be produced by any medium — ink, crayon, acrylic,
charcoal, oil or collage—so long as they are not 3-dimensional. Posters incorporating copyrighted material, will not
be accepted. Posters are due to the Clay County Extension Office on May 20. For a complete list of rules, contact
us at 494-5371.
2015 4-H Calendar
5th: Mother’s Day Workshop, 3:30 Extension
19th: 4‐H NE District Project Achievement Day,
Fulton, MS
8th: Congress Registra on DUE
19th: Dairy Posters DUE
20th: 2015 4‐H Poster Art Program DUE
Project Achievement Day registra on DUE
27th‐29th: State 4‐H Congress
Mississippi State University
Extension Service
218 W. Broad St., Suite D
West Point, MS 39773
Phone: 662-494-5371
Fax: 662-495-2056
19th: MSU 4‐H Football Day
23rd: Drop off exhibits for Exhibit Day
24th: Exhibit Day
I’m making plans for summer and I need to
know what volunteer leaders and 4-H’ers want to
learn. Please drop me a line and let me know. I am
planning on have a session or two to introduce
4-H’ers to crafts and a few workshops to hopefully
introduce them to a new hobby and create
something they can enter for Exhibit Day. The
summer schedule should be in the next newsletter.
Natalie Ray