Department of Biology, Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics


Department of Biology, Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
Personal Information
Hamed Laroui
Date of birth: August 2nd 1977
Country of birth: France, Permanent Resident of USA
Georgia State University, Biology Department
100 Piedmont Avenue
Suite 754- Petit Science Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
: 404-413-3597
Fax: 404-413-3580
Current Interests
 Fruits extracted exosomes to moderate/eliminate inflammation (liver and colon)
 Cancerous mammalian cells extracted exosomes role in inter-cells communication during
metastasis spreading process.
 New drug and matrix formulation of nanoparticles (charge and size controlled) for cell
targeting during fatty liver disease.
 Drug delivery in intestinal bowel diseases (IBD) by nano and micro technology. This
includes liposomes, nanoparticles and molecules complexes for delivery of peptides,
proteins, polysaccharides and oligonucleotides (miRNA, siRNA and plasmids …).
 Chemical modifications of polymer and copolymer (PLA and PEG) using ring opening
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
 Separation and quantification of sulfated polysaccharides derivatives using Capillary
Educational Background
2003: MS in Physical Chemistry, Tissue bioengineering and biomaterials.
University Henri Poincare of Nancy, France.
2007: PhD in Tissular and cellular bioengineering & Biomaterials.
University Henri Poincare of Nancy, France.
June 2014-Present: Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Robinson School of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA (In progress).
July 2013-Present
Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University,
Atlanta, GA.
Director of the Biophysical group, department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta,
Board member of the recruiting committee of faculty for the Chemistry department.
Teaching Physical Chemistry I (CHEM8510, CHEM4110, CHEM6110 and CHEM4150) and
analytical chemistry (CHEM1212)
August 2011-July 2013
Research Assistant professor (non-tenure track) in the Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics
(CDT), Petit Science Center, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
 Micro- and nanoparticles, specific drug delivery systems for IBD and liver diseases.
 Teacher of concept course classes (BIOL8310 and BIOL8710), Biology Department,
 Teacher biophysical chemistry (CHEM4160, CHEM8510, CHEM1212).
August 2008-August 2011
Postdoctoral Fellow in Digestive Disease Division/Department of Medicine, Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Application of drug loaded nanoparticles in IBD.
November 2007-July 2008
Postdoctoral Fellow in physiopathology of cartilage diseases/Department of Medicine, University
Henri Poincare of Nancy (France).Quantitative analysis of sulfated polysaccharides by capillary electrophoresis.
November 2003-May 2007
Research: PhD student at “Polytechnics Institute Lorraine” in collaboration with the School of
Medicine of Nancy, France.
Teaching: (PhD curriculum) in Polymer and macromolecular chemistry at EEIGM (European
school of materials engineering specialists), Nancy, France.
Brandon Canup, PhD student - Isolation, characterization of fruit extracted exosomes.
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
Engineering of “neo-exosomes” via liposomes membranes technology encapsulated with antiinflammatory/cancer drug and covered with specific fruit exosomes surface ligand.
Jenniffer Stetler, PhD Student - Isolation, characterization of cancer cells (in vitro) and tumors
(in vivo) extracted exosomes. Defined new diagnostics signature of disease such as NAFLD or
liver cancer via exosomes surface analysis for early successful liver disease diagnostic.
Qiang Ma, Master student – Synthesis of new mice inflammatory bowel disease model based on
sulfated polysaccharides non adhesive to RNA.
Meng Xianqxianq, undergraduate student – Application of sulfated polysaccharides as potential
viral infection blocker. Optimization of sulfated polysaccharides in reverse transcriptase
2013-Present: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases member (AASLD).
2008-2013: American Gastroenterology Association for the Study of digestive Diseases member
2011-Present: Member of the Scientific Committee of Impedance Based Cellular Assays (IBCA)
2011-Present: Associate member of Cellular Molecular Biology and Physiology (CMBP) at
Georgia State University (Graduate Program).
2009-PresentAmerican Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
2003-2008: Member of the “French polymer chemistry society”
April 19th -22nd 2015, The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR),
Philadelphia, PA.
November 7th -11th 2014, The Liver meeting, Washington DC.
May 3rd-6th 2014: the Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL
November 2013, The Liver meeting, Washington DC.
May 1st-5th 2013, the digestive disease week, Orlando, FL.
May 23rd 2012, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Washington DC.
May 19st-22nd 2012, the Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA
May 22-27th 2005 EPF 3rd Summer School Polymers for Biomedical Applications, SaintDié-des-Vosges, France.
April 7th 2012, DDRC, Temple, TX
May 6th-10th 2011, the Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL
August 24, 2010 to August 27, 2010 ECIS (Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing)
users meeting, A conference for ECIS theory and applications. Rensselaerville, NY
May 1st-5th 2010, the Digestive Disease Week, New Orleans, LA
November 5th 2009, Faculty Research Day, Emory University, GA
June 4th 2009, the Second Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Emory University, GA
August 2009 FASEB Summer Research Conference. “Targeting drug-loaded nanoparticles
to the colon using polysaccharides hydrogel: A novel therapeutic strategy to treat colitis”,
Aspen, CO,
October 2-8th 2005 GFP meeting European summer school "Polymers for Biomedical
Applications", ENSIC Nancy, France.
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
Director of the Biophysical group, department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta,
Volunteer as poster judge in the Third Postdoctoral Research Symposium, May 18th 2009, Emory
University, GA
Volunteer as poster judge in the Third Postdoctoral Research Symposium, May 20th 2010, Emory
University, GA
To review posters at the Seventh Annual DSAC Student Research Symposium on October 8th
2009, Emory University
Manuscript reviewer
-Open Journal of Biophysics
-American Journal of Physiology
-Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation
-Digestive and Liver Disease
Poster presentations
Intestinal epithelial cells apically secrete exosomes taken up by neighboring epithelial cells
and bacteria, Poonan Rakhya, Bo Xiao, Hamed Laroui and Didier Merlin. (May 18th-21th
2013, the Digestive Disease Week, Orlando, FL.)
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
Use of liver exosomes as natural nanocarriers delivering drugs specifically to the liver,
Poonan Rakhya, Fengyuan Chen, Lixin Wang, Hamed Laroui. (May 18th-21th 2013, the
Digestive Disease Week, Orlando, FL.)
Smart anti-inflammatory nanoparticles: beta 2 integrin antibodies covered nanoparticles
for theragnostic strategy. Hamed Laroui, Yutao Yan, Sarah Ingersoll, Moiz A Charania,
Saravanan Ayyadurai, Bo Xiao, Shanthi V Sitaraman and Didier Merlin (May 19th-22nd
2012, the Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA).
Dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) induces colitis in mice by forming nano-lipocomplexes with
medium-chain-length fatty acids in the colon. Hamed Laroui, Yutao Yan, Sarah Ingersoll,
Moiz A Charania, Saravanan Ayyadurai, Bo Xiao, Shanthi V Sitaraman and Didier Merlin
(May 19th-22nd 2012, the Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA).
Constitutive expression of MMP-9 in intestinal epithelial cells worsens acute colitis in
mice, Pallavi Garg, Neal R Patel, Hamed Laroui, Andrew T Gewirtz, Didier Merlin, and
Shanthi V Sitaraman (May 6th-10th 2011, the Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL).
A2B siRNA-loaded nanoparticles targeted to the colon with polysaccharide hydrogel
reduces the severity of colitis in a mouse model. Hamed Laroui, Yutao Yan, Sarah A.
Ingersoll, Pallavi Garg, Saravanan Ayyadurai, Moiz A. Charania, Shanthi V. Sitaraman,
and Didier Merlin (May 6th-10th 2011, the Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL).
Tri-DAP interacts directly with the LRR domain of NOD1 and consequently regulates
Rick/NOD1 interactions. Hamed Laroui, Yutao Yan, Yoshie Narui, Sarah A. Ingersoll,
Saravanan Ayyadurai, Moiz A. Charania, Feimeng Zhou, Khalid Salaita, Shanthi V.
Sitaraman, and Didier Merlin (May 6th-10th 2011, the Digestive Disease Week, Chicago,
A novel Approach for gene therapy in IBD. Hamed Laroui, Guillaume Dalmasso, Hang
Thi Thu Nguyen, Yutao Yan, Shanthi V. Sitaraman, Didier Merlin. (May 1st-5th 2010, the
Digestive Disease Week, New Orleans, LA)
Pept1 mediates transport of the pro-inflammatory tripeptide L-Ala-gamma-D-Glu-MesoDap in intestinal epithelial cells. Guillaume Dalmasso, Hang Thi Thu Nguyen, Laetitia
Charrier-Hisamuddin, Yutao Yan, Hamed Laroui, Shanthi V. Sitaraman, Didier Merlin.
(May 1st-5th 2010, the Digestive Disease Week, New Orleans, LA)
Yan Y., Dalmasso G., Nguyen HTT., Obertone TS., Hamed Laroui, Sitaraman SV., and
Merlin D. STE20-related Proline/Alanine-rich kinase (SPAK) regulated transcriptionally
by hyperosmolarity is involved in intestinal barrier function. The Digestive Disease Week,
May 2009, Chicago, IL.
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
miR-619 regulates expression of the intestinal oligopeptide transporter PepT1. Dalmasso
G., Nguyen HTT, Yan Y, Hamed Laroui, Sitaraman SV, and Merlin D. The Digestive
Disease Week, May 2009, Chicago, IL.
Invited Talks
“New vectors for applications of Nanomedicine in colon and liver diseases”, School of
industrial chemistry and Engineering (ENSIC), Nancy, France, December 2013.
“Nanomedicine in GI”, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, December 2013.
“Nanomedicine in IBD”, Session 4: Advances in Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment
Session Chairs: Maria Abreu & Wayne Lencer. Shanthi V. Sitaraman Intestinal Pathology
Symposium, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
“Silencing of CD98 expression using a nanoparticle-based delivery system ameliorates
induced colitis in mice”, the Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL.
“ECIS measurements for nanoparticles cytocompatibility”, ECIS (Electric Cell-Substrate
Impedance Sensing) users meeting, A conference for ECIS theory and applications. August 24,
2010 to August 27th 2010, Rensselaerville, NY, USA.
“Targeting drug-loaded nanoparticles to the colon”, FASEB Summer Research
Conference., Aspen, CO, 2009
“Targeting drug-loaded nanoparticles to the colon using polysaccharides hydrogel: a
novel therapeutic strategy to treat colitis”, 6th annual Digestive Diseases Research Development
Center (DDRDC) scientific program, November 3rd 2009.
“Nanotechnology for drug delivery system on digestive diseases”, Georgia Tech, Atlanta,
USA, Wallace H. Coulter Dept. of Biomedical Engineering”, October 14th 2009.
“Targeting drug loaded nanoparticles to the colon: A novel therapeutic strategy to treat
colitis, Emory University, Atlanta, USA, Division of Digestive diseases, June 26th 2009.
“Nanotechnology for drug delivery on digestive tract”, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA,
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Faculty, May 18th 2009
“Polymers for Biomedical Applications”, School of Medicine, Nancy France,
Physiopathology of cartilage, UMR 7561, Nancy France, June 2007.
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
2015: Poster of distinction and travel award from AASLD (American association for the study of
liver diseases), May 16th -19th 2015, the Digestive Disease Week, Washington DC.
2014: Excellent Poster Presentation Award, May 3rd-6th 2014, the Digestive Disease Week,
Chicago, IL.
2013: Excellent Poster Presentation Award, May 18th-21th 2013, the Digestive Disease Week,
Orlando, FL.
2012: Honorable Mention, A Novel Approach for Gene Therapy in IBD, The 1st Center for
Diagnostics and Therapeutics Conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.
2012: Excellent Poster Presentation Award, May 19th-22th 2012, the Digestive Disease Week, San
Diego, CA.
2011: Excellent Poster Presentation Award, May 6th-10th 2011, the Digestive Disease Week,
Chicago, IL.
2010: Selected illustration of Gastroenterology cover (March 2010).
2010: Excellent Poster Presentation Award, May 1st-5th 2010, the Digestive Disease Week, New
Orleans, LA.
2009: Travel award “Targeting drug-loaded nanoparticles to the colon using polysaccharides
hydrogel: A novel therapeutic strategy to treat colitis” FASEB Summer Conference”.
2005: First Award from European GFP meeting "Polymers for Biomedical Applications".
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
Viennois E, Baker MT, Xiao B, Wang L, Laroui H, Merlin D. Longitudinal study of
circulating protein biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease. J Proteomics 2015;112:166-179.
Sampson TR, Napier BA, Schroeder MR, Louwen R, Zhao J, Chin CY, Ratner HK, et al.
A CRISPR-Cas system enhances envelope integrity mediating antibiotic resistance and
inflammasome evasion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014;111:11163-11168.
Laroui H, Viennois E, Xiao B, Canup BS, Geem D, Denning TL, Merlin D. Fab'-bearing
siRNA TNFalpha-loaded nanoparticles targeted to colonic macrophages offer an effective
therapy for experimental colitis. J Control Release 2014;186:41-53.
Xiao B, Yang Y, Viennois E, Zhang Y, Ayyadurai S, Baker M, Laroui H, et al.
Glycoprotein CD98 as a receptor for colitis-targeted delivery of nanoparticle. J Mater Chem B
Mater Biol Med 2014;2:1499-1508.
Ghaleb AM, Laroui H, Merlin D, Yang VW. Genetic deletion of Klf4 in the mouse
intestinal epithelium ameliorates dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis by modulating the NFkappaB pathway inflammatory response. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2014;20:811-820.
Xiao B, Laroui H, Viennois E, Ayyadurai S, Charania MA, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, et al.
Nanoparticles with surface antibody against CD98 and carrying CD98 small interfering RNA
reduce colitis in mice. Gastroenterology 2014;146:1289-1300 e1281-1219.
Laroui H, Geem D, Xiao B, Viennois E, Rakhya P, Denning T, Merlin D. Targeting
intestinal inflammation with CD98 siRNA/PEI-loaded nanoparticles. Mol Ther 2014;22:69-80.
Viennois E, Chen F, Laroui H, Baker MT, Merlin D. Dextran sodium sulfate inhibits the
activities of both polymerase and reverse transcriptase: lithium chloride purification, a rapid and
efficient technique to purify RNA. BMC Res Notes 2013;6:360.
Xiao B, Laroui H, Ayyadurai S, Viennois E, Charania MA, Zhang Y, Merlin D.
Mannosylated bioreducible nanoparticle-mediated macrophage-specific TNF-alpha RNA
interference for IBD therapy. Biomaterials 2013;34:7471-7482.
Laroui H, Rakhya P, Xiao B, Viennois E, Merlin D. Nanotechnology in diagnostics and
therapeutics for gastrointestinal disorders. Dig Liver Dis 2013;45:995-1002.
Charania MA, Laroui H, Liu H, Viennois E, Ayyadurai S, Xiao B, Ingersoll SA, et al.
Intestinal epithelial CD98 directly modulates the innate host response to enteric bacterial
pathogens. Infect Immun 2013;81:923-934.
Llewellyn AC, Zhao J, Song F, Parvathareddy J, Xu Q, Napier BA, Laroui H, et al.
NaxD is a deacetylase required for lipid A modification and Francisella pathogenesis. Mol
Microbiol 2012;86:611-627.
Ingersoll SA, Laroui H, Kolachala VL, Wang L, Garg P, Denning TL, Gewirtz AT, et al.
A((2)B)AR expression in non-immune cells plays an important role in the development of
murine colitis. Dig Liver Dis 2012;44:819-826.
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
Nguyen HT, Dalmasso G, Yan Y, Laroui H, Charania M, Ingersoll S, Ayyadurai S, et al.
Intestinal epithelial cell-specific CD98 expression regulates tumorigenesis in Apc(Min/+) mice.
Lab Invest 2012;92:1203-1212.
Laroui H, Sitaraman SV, Merlin D. Gastrointestinal delivery of anti-inflammatory
nanoparticles. Methods Enzymol 2012;509:101-125.
Charania MA, Ayyadurai S, Ingersoll SA, Xiao B, Viennois E, Yan Y, Laroui H, et al.
Intestinal epithelial CD98 synthesis specifically modulates expression of colonic microRNAs
during colitis. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2012;302:G1282-1291.
Laroui H, Ingersoll SA, Liu HC, Baker MT, Ayyadurai S, Charania MA, Laroui F, et al.
Dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) induces colitis in mice by forming nano-lipocomplexes with
medium-chain-length fatty acids in the colon. PLoS One 2012;7:e32084.
Ingersoll SA, Ayyadurai S, Charania MA, Laroui H, Yan Y, Merlin D. The role and
pathophysiological relevance of membrane transporter PepT1 in intestinal inflammation and
inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2012;302:G484-492.
Dalmasso G, Nguyen HT, Ingersoll SA, Ayyadurai S, Laroui H, Charania MA, Yan Y,
et al. The PepT1-NOD2 signaling pathway aggravates induced colitis in mice. Gastroenterology
Laroui H, Yan Y, Narui Y, Ingersoll SA, Ayyadurai S, Charania MA, Zhou F, et al. LAla-gamma-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) interacts directly with leucine-rich region
domain of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1, increasing phosphorylation activity of
receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 and its interaction with nucleotide-binding
oligomerization domain 1. J Biol Chem 2011;286:31003-31013.
Yan Y, Laroui H, Ingersoll SA, Ayyadurai S, Charania M, Yang S, Dalmasso G, et al.
Overexpression of Ste20-related proline/alanine-rich kinase exacerbates experimental colitis in
mice. J Immunol 2011;187:1496-1505.
Dalmasso G, Nguyen HT, Yan Y, Laroui H, Charania MA, Ayyadurai S, Sitaraman SV,
et al. Microbiota modulate host gene expression via microRNAs. PLoS One 2011;6:e19293.
Nguyen HT, Dalmasso G, Torkvist L, Halfvarson J, Yan Y, Laroui H, Shmerling D, et
al. CD98 expression modulates intestinal homeostasis, inflammation, and colitis-associated
cancer in mice. J Clin Invest 2011;121:1733-1747.
Laroui H, Wilson DS, Dalmasso G, Salaita K, Murthy N, Sitaraman SV, Merlin D.
Nanomedicine in GI. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2011;300:G371-383.
Dalmasso G, Nguyen HT, Yan Y, Laroui H, Charania MA, Obertone TS, Sitaraman SV,
et al. MicroRNA-92b regulates expression of the oligopeptide transporter PepT1 in intestinal
epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2011;300:G52-59.
Department of Biology,
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics.
Laroui H, Theiss AL, Yan Y, Dalmasso G, Nguyen HT, Sitaraman SV, Merlin D.
Functional TNFalpha gene silencing mediated by polyethyleneimine/TNFalpha siRNA
nanocomplexes in inflamed colon. Biomaterials 2011;32:1218-1228.
Theiss AL, Laroui H, Obertone TS, Chowdhury I, Thompson WE, Merlin D, Sitaraman
SV. Nanoparticle-based therapeutic delivery of prohibitin to the colonic epithelial cells
ameliorates acute murine colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011;17:1163-1176.
Dalmasso G, Nguyen HT, Yan Y, Laroui H, Srinivasan S, Sitaraman SV, Merlin D.
MicroRNAs determine human intestinal epithelial cell fate. Differentiation 2010;80:147-154.
Dalmasso G, Nguyen HT, Charrier-Hisamuddin L, Yan Y, Laroui H, Demoulin B,
Sitaraman SV, et al. PepT1 mediates transport of the proinflammatory bacterial tripeptide L-Ala{gamma}-D-Glu-meso-DAP in intestinal epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver
Physiol 2010;299:G687-696.
Kolachala VL, Henriquez OA, Shams S, Golub JS, Kim YT, Laroui H, Torres-Gonzalez
E, et al. Slow-release nanoparticle-encapsulated delivery system for laryngeal injection.
Laryngoscope 2010;120:988-994.
Laroui H, Dalmasso G, Nguyen HT, Yan Y, Sitaraman SV, Merlin D. Drug-loaded
nanoparticles targeted to the colon with polysaccharide hydrogel reduce colitis in a mouse
model. Gastroenterology 2010;138:843-853 e841-842.
Nguyen HT, Dalmasso G, Yan Y, Laroui H, Dahan S, Mayer L, Sitaraman SV, et al.
MicroRNA-7 modulates CD98 expression during intestinal epithelial cell differentiation. J Biol
Chem 2010;285:1479-1489.
Yan Y, Kolachala V, Dalmasso G, Nguyen H, Laroui H, Sitaraman SV, Merlin D.
Temporal and spatial analysis of clinical and molecular parameters in dextran sodium sulfate
induced colitis. PLoS One 2009;4:e6073.
Laroui H, Grossin L, Leonard M, Stoltz JF, Gillet P, Netter P, Dellacherie E.
Hyaluronate-covered nanoparticles for the therapeutic targeting of cartilage. Biomacromolecules
D. Research support
K01-DK-097192 (NIH)
PI : Hamed Laroui
Role of CD98 Glycoprotein in Intestinal Inflammation.