Mexico (Palenque - Museum of The Red River


Mexico (Palenque - Museum of The Red River
Visiting the Classic Maya: Guatemala
(Kaminaljuyu, Quirigua, Tikal), Honduras (Copan),
Mexico (Palenque, Yaxchilan)
September 27-October 5, 2015
Send this form with a check payable to: TZELL
TRAVEL and mail to: 30 Two Bridges Road,
Suite 250, Fairfield, NJ 07004, Telephone:
973-287-1719 or 877-482-8747
Enclosed is my/our deposit of $1000 p/person for
the above tour of Guatemala, Honduras, and
Mexico. Homeland Security rules require that you
provide us with your exact name as it appears on
your PASSPORT and your date of birth.
Name: (1) _____________________________________
Date of Birth: (1) _______________________________
Name: (2) _____________________________________
Date of Birth: (2) ________________________________
Street: _________________________________________
_____I would like to occupy a single room at an
additional $1099.
____I plan to share a twin-bedded room with
____I would like Far Horizons to select a roommate
(if available) to share a twin-bedded room with me.
If not available, I understand that I will be charged
the single supplement.
Your reservation will be considered official only after
your full payment has been received. Should you
cancel after your reservation has been received, the
cancellation penalties in the "Tour Conditions" apply.
I/We have read and agree to the terms and conditions,
which apply to this tour, especially noting the
cancellation and responsibility clauses.
Date: _____________________________________
DAY 1: Sun., Sept. 27 - Dallas/En Route D
Depart from Dallas for your flight to Guatemala City.
Welcome to the Land of Eternal Spring! Upon your
arrival at Guatemala's La Aurora Airport, you will be
transferred to the Miraflores Museum.
Visit the Miraflores Museum
Today you will visit the Miraflores Museum, where
you will find the largest number of relics of the
ancient Mayan city.
Dinner: Enjoy a Welcome Dinner at the hotel or a
local restaurant.
DAY 2: Mon., Sept. 28 - Guatemala City B
AM: Visit Kaminal Juyu and the Popol Vuh
After breakfast at the hotel you will visit Kaminal
Juyu. It is a Mayan archaeological site from the Preclassic period where you can admire sculpture,
ceramic, and works of engineering and architecture.
The city never had a fortification surrounding it.
You will also visit the Popol Vuh Museum. The
museum contains a valuable collection of PreHispanic art including sculpture in stone, polychrome
ceramics, incensories, and funerary ceramics. In
addition, there is a Colonial Art section and a
Folklore section that exhibits indigenous clothing and
traditional dance masks.
PM: Sightseeing Tour of Guatemala City
Later you will enjoy a sightseeing tour of Guatemala
City where you will visit the National Palace, the
Cathedral, and the Civic Center Complex. You will
also visit residential areas, for an overall view of this
rapidly growing metropolis.
DAY 3: Tues., Sept. 29 - Guatemala City/Copán,
Visit the Archaeological Site of Copán
This morning you will depart Guatemala City and
travel to Copán, Honduras. After completing official
archaeological site of Copán. As you step inside the
park you will marvel at the elaborate stone sculptures
everywhere. Proceed into the dramatic expanse of the
Great Plaza and witness of the cultural achievements
of the ancient Mayans. Copán’s main plaza contains
the greatest collection of Mayan sculptures in Central
America. You will have time to explore and admire
the beautiful Mayan stelae, majestic temples, and
complete ball court.
DAY 4: Wed., Sept. 30 - Copán/Flores, Petén B
AM: Visit the Mayan Site of Quiriguá
After breakfast at the hotel you will visit the Mayan
site of Quiriguá, whose extraordinary monuments
include 12 carved stelae, 4 zoomorphs, enormous
carved stones of mythological animal forms, and
unrestored temples. Dates recorded are at exact
intervals of 800 days.
PM: In the afternoon you will travel to Flores, Petén.
DAY 5: Thurs., Oct. 1 - Flores, Petén/Tikal
National Park/Flores, Petén/Guatemala City B
Visit Tikal National Park
Today you will go back more than 2,000 years in
time when you visit Tikal National Park. Tikal was
inhabited from 600 BC until 869 AD. Its highest
point of development was between 690 until 850 AD,
a time period known by archaeologists as the Late
Classic Period. Visit the Twin-Pyramid Complexes
“Q” and “R,” the Lost World Complex where the
Great Pyramid and Temple 5C-49 are the most
important. You will also visit Temple III and the
Palace of the Windows, the Great Plaza, squared off
with the pyramids of the Grand Jaguar and the
Masks, the Palace of the Nobles, and Pyramid IV.
This is the highest of the Mayan pyramids. From the
top enjoy a complete view of Tikal and its
surrounding jungle.
Later you will be transferred to Flores Airport for
your flight to Guatemala City.
DAY 6: Fri., Oct. 2 - Guatemala City/Mexico
City/Chiapas/San Cristobal
This morning you will be transferred to the airport for
your flight to Mexico City and your connecting flight
to Chiapas. Upon your arrival you will be tranferred
to Sumidero Canyon where you will board small
boats for the ride along the Grijalva River.
Later you will travel to San Cristobal de las Casas.
En route you will visit the towns of San Juan
Chamula and Zincantan.
Upon your arrival in San Cristobal you will check
into the hotel and have time to relax.
DAY 7: Sat., Oct. 3 - San Cristobal/Palenque B
AM: After breakfast at the hotel you will depart San
Cristobal and travel to Palenque.
Upon your arrival in Palenque you will check in to
the hotel.
PM: Visit the Agua Azul Waterfalls
This afternoon you will visit the Agua Azul
Waterfalls. The beautiful color of the water is due to
calcium carbonates, and other salts. In 1980 the Aqua
Azul Waterfalls was declared as an area of Forest
Protection and Wildlife Refuge and later a Special
Biosphere Reserve, because of the variety of natural
species and endangered animals.
Visit the Palenque Archaeological Site
Continue to the Palenque Archaeological Site, which
has been a World Heritage Site since 1987. It is one
of the most interesting archaeological cities of
Mexico. To experience it is to discover the soul of
the Mayan world. The Palenque Archaeological Site
has an area of 16 kilometers and contains more than
200 architectural structures and buildings.
Return to the hotel where you will enjoy the rest of
the day at leisure.
DAY 8: Sun., Oct. 4 - Palenque/Villahermosa B,D
This morning you will visit the Yaxchilan
Archaeological site. This Mayan City was built
outside the Usumacinta River. It is notable for its
stelae, lintels, altars, sculptures and architecture.
In the afternoon you will travel to Villahermosa.
Dinner: Enjoy a Farewell Dinner at the hotel or a
local restaurant.
DAY 9: Mon., Oct. 5 - Villahermosa/ Dallas B
Today you will be transferred to the airport for your
flight home to Dallas.
Your tour ends, and you return home with memories
of interesting places and joyful times shared with a
group of wonderful people.
B=breakfast; D=Dinner
COST P/PERSON from Dallas:
$3999.00 double occupancy
$1099.00 single room supplement
The price includes all taxes, fees, and fuel surcharges.
Air: Roundtrip Dallas, economy class;
Domestic Air: Flores Peten/Guatemala City;
Guatemala City/Mexico City; Mexico City/Chiapas
Hotels: 8 nights in first class hotels
Meals: Breakfast daily and two dinners
Sightseeing: Extensive as per itinerary * All
sightseeing in private deluxe motor coaches and
includes the services of expert English speaking
guides and entrance fees
Miscellaneous: Hotel taxes and service charges *
Baggage handling and porterage at the hotels.
TOUR PRICE: Tour price is based upon current
tariff and exchange rates and is subject to change. It
is based upon a minimum of 10 fully paid passengers.
In the event this minimum is not met a surcharge will
be levied. You will have an option to withdraw from
this tour 45 days before the tour departure without
any penalty in lieu of paying a surcharge.
A deposit (by check) of $1000 p/person is required at
time of registration, along with a signed registration
form. You will be billed for the balance, which is
due on or before May 27, 2015 either by check or
money order.
Cancellations received:
Prior to May 27, 2015:
$200 p/person
From May 27-June 30, 2015:
$500 p/person
July 1-July 31, 2015:
$1000 p/person
From August 1, 2015 onward:
No refund
All cancellations must be received in writing.
NOTE: Comprehensive insurance is available to cover trip
cancellation and interruption, baggage protection, medical,
accidental death & dismemberment and emergency
evacuation and repatriation. A descriptive booklet will be
mailed to you upon receipt of your deposit.
AIR TRANSPORTATION: Economy class via any regular
IATA carrier. Any cancellation, itinerary change or failure to
use confirmed air space may be subject to penalties levied by
the airlines at the time of ticketing. Air tickets, once issued,
are non-refundable.
This is in addition to above
"Cancellation Terms."
required for all tour members. U.S. citizens do not require
visas for travel to Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. If you
are not a U.S. citizen call the Consulate of EVERY country
you will enter (even in-transit when changing planes) to
check on visa requirements. ALL passports must be valid
for at least 6 months after the return date of the tour.
and insurance. All items of a personal nature, beverages and
meals not included in the tour. Gratuities to guides, bus
drivers, tour escort, hotel and restaurant staff. Optional tours
and excess baggage charges. There is no refund for unused
land arrangements or any cost incurred through absence or
deviation from the stated itinerary for any reason, including
illness. Any departure taxes that must be paid locally.
Tzell Travel, and/or their agents, give notice that all tickets
issued by them and all arrangements for transport or for hotel
accommodations made by them, are made by them as agents
for the passenger upon the express condition that they shall
not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or
irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of
defect of any vehicle conveying the passenger or through the
act of default or any company or persons engaged in carrying
out the arrangements of the tour, or otherwise in connection
therewith, or of any hotel, or employee. FH and/or their
agents can accept no responsibility for losses or accidental
expenses due to delay or changes in schedules, defaults or
overbookings by hotels, sickness, weather, strike, war, acts of
terrorism or other causes. All such losses or expenses will
have to be borne by the passenger. Baggage is at "owner's
risk" throughout the tour unless insured. FH reserves the
right to withdraw the tour, or any part of it, to make such
alternations in the itinerary as they deem necessary or
desirable. FH has no special knowledge or information
regarding any supplier insolvency, unsafe conditions,
terrorist or social unrest, health hazards or weather hazards,
other than what has appeared in the public media. For
information about possible dangers at your destination please
call the Travel Advisory Section of the State Dept. at (202)
647-5225. For medical information contact the CDC at (877)
394-8747. You hereby release FH from any claims arising
from any causes not within our control. By using your
tickets, you acknowledge that you have read the foregoing
and agree to it.
Further, tour participants hold harmless and release the
Museum of the Red River, Idabel Museum Society, Inc.,
Herron Foundation, Inc., the City of Idabel, as well as any
staff members, other employees and agents of these
organizations from any and all claims and actions resulting
from any loss or injury incurred while participating in this
program. Participants also agree to reimburse any of the
above-mentioned parties for any fees, fines, legal and any
other cost incurred by them which arise from any action or
cause of action, claim or demand initiated on behalf of the
AIRLINE CLAUSE: Any airlines concerned are not to be
held responsible for any act, omission, or event during the
time passengers are not aboard their aircraft. The airline
tickets when issued shall constitute the sole contract between
airline and the purchaser of these tickets/and or passenger.
Airline carriers reserve the right to change equipment
and schedules without prior notice or passenger
approval. We must agree to this upon acceptance of
group contracts. We have the option of cancelling the
contract without penalty, however, we would need to
protect the group on alternate flights. This is not
always possible as changes can occur up to the day of
30 Two Bridges Road, Suite 250, Fairfield, NJ
07004, Telephone: 973-287-1719 or 877-482-8747,
Fax: 973-287-1773, E-mail:
Visiting the Classic Maya:
Guatemala (Kaminaljuyu,
Quirigua, Tikal), Honduras
(Copan), Mexico (Palenque,
September 27-October 5, 2015
Dear Friends,
The next tour will bring us to the splendors of
the Classic Period (ca. AD 250 - 900) Maya of
Central America. This was the time of their
greatest achievements in mathematics and
engineering, art, and architecture. The
magnificent archaeological sites of Tikal, Copan
and Palenque attest to their knowledge and
skills, displaying the full grandeur of their
civilization. Once thought to be a peace loving
society of scientists and philosophers, their skills
at war and the elaborations of their ceremonies
have only recently been appreciated with the
translation of their glyphic writing system.
Participants will experience the Mayan world at
its best, while also enjoying museums
and natural wonders such as Agua Azul Falls
(with its wildlife refuge) and Sumidero Canyon
(by boat along the Grijalva River). Visiting the
historic towns of San Juan Chamula and San
Cristobal de las Casas and Zincantan will bring
us into contact with contemporary Maya
populations. Folk arts shopping will be available
throughout the tour!
This will be a wonderful introduction to the
Mayan world of the past, and the present. Join
Henry Moy
Museum Director