Collector`s Museums in Washington, DC: Tuesday


Collector`s Museums in Washington, DC: Tuesday
johns hopkins university
Collector’s Museums in Washington, DC:
Travel Program
Tuesday, April 7
Dumbarton Oaks & The Phillips Collection
escorted by James Archer Abbott, Director and Curator, Evergreen Museum & Library
$115 for members and volunteers of the JHU Museums / $135 all others
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Meet promptly at 8:30 a.m. at Evergreen Museum & Library, 4545 N. Charles St., Baltimore,
21210 and travel by motorcoach to Washington, D.C. Return to Evergreen by 5 p.m. This trip
includes an outdoor garden tour; sturdy shoes are recommended.
dumbarton oaks research library and collections | Tour
The Dumbarton Oaks museum owes its existence to the pioneering collecting
activities of its donors, Mildred and Robert Woods Bliss, who were friends of
Evergreen’s John and Alice Garrett. The record of the Bliss’ collecting tells a
story of transformation from a sophisticated passion for beautiful things to the
prescient establishment of specialized research collections in Byzantine and
Pre-Columbian art. They provided the vision for future acquisitions after giving
Dumbarton Oaks to Harvard University in 1940. Our docent-led tour will include
the lavishly decorated music room and the splendid historic gardens, with
Japanese plum trees, tulip magnolias, and cherry trees in or near bloom.
the phiLlips collection | Tour
After lunch at the Scion Restaurant in Dupont Circle, we’ll visit the first museum
of modern art in the country: the masterpiece-filled Phillips Collection. It opened
in 1921 in the Georgian Revival mansion of collector Duncan Phillips, who
searched for pieces that impressed him as outstanding products of a particular
artist’s unique vision. At the heart of the collection are Impressionist and modern
masterpieces by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Edgar
Degas, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Pierre Bonnard, and Henri Matisse. Our guided
tour of the permanent collection will include the museum’s most famous piece,
Luncheon of the Boating Party, Renoir’s magnificent work of Impressionism.
please detach and return with check made payable to JHU Museums, to: Evergreen Museum & Library,
4545 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21210. For more information: 410.516.0341 or
collector’s museums in washington, dc | Tuesday, April 7 | 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
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