MOUG HANDBOOK - Music OCLC Users Group


MOUG HANDBOOK - Music OCLC Users Group
January 1990; revised 1992; 1995; August 1996; February 1997 and 1998; March 1999;
February 2001; June 2002; April 2006; June 2007; October 2008; February 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, April
2014, February 2015
Chair......................................................................................................................... 2
Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Past Chair ....................................................................... 12
Secretary/Newsletter Editor .................................................................................. 17
Treasurer ............................................................................................................... 21
MOUG’s Incorporation and Non-Profit Status .............................................. 36
IRS Obligations .............................................................................................. 38
Treasurer-Elect/Past Treasurer .............................................................................. 40
Continuing Education Coordinator (CEC)............................................................. 42
MOUG/OCLC Liaison .......................................................................................... 54
NACO-Music Project Coordinator ..................................................................... 579
OLAC Liaison ....................................................................................................... 58
Reference and Collection Services Coordinator (RCSC) ...................................... 59
MOUG Web Keeper .............................................................................................. 60
List Owner for MOUG-L ....................................................................................... 62
Handbook Revisions .............................................................................................. 66
Archiving of Materials ......................................................................................... 657
Awards & Grants (DSA and Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant) ............................. 668
Best of MOUG ..................................................................................................... 724
Board Meetings (Including Travel Expenses) .................................................... 735
Complimentary Memberships/Newsletters .......................................................... 768
Compensation and Honoraria .............................................................................. 779
OCLC Global and Regional Councils.................................................................... 78
MOUG Representation at Non-MOUG Conferences ............................................ 82
Program Committee ............................................................................................. 802
NACO-Music Project Advisory Committee (NMPAC) ...................................... 825
Nominating Committee: Committee Member Guidelines ..................................... 88
Nominating Committee: MOUG Chair Guidelines ............................................. 881
Ballot Procedures ................................................................................................. 903
Reference Services Committee (suspended) .......................................................... 99
Refund Policy....................................................................................................... 100
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I. Responsibilities
A. Serves as member of MOUG Executive Board.
B. Responsible for the general supervision and affairs of the group.
C. Ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
D. Serves when necessary as a liaison to OCLC and other appropriate
affiliations, e.g., to the Music Library Association (MLA).
E. Appoints committees and their chairs and special positions (e.g., Web
Keeper; list owner for MOUG-L; etc.—see particulars under descriptions
of those positions, below). Standing committees are appointed as
instructed in the Bylaws. Continuing committees (e.g. NMP Advisory
Committee) and special committees (e.g. Bylaws Revision) are appointed
at the discretion of the Chair as instructed in the Bylaws.
F. Calls meetings as instructed in the Bylaws.
G. Writes thank-you notes on behalf of MOUG as appropriate, or in
conjunction with the Continuing Education Coordinator (CEC). See
particulars under Thank-You Letters.
H. Authorizes refunds of meeting or workshop registration fees according to
Refund Policy.
I. Signs all required bank paperwork (and is present as needed) when each
new Treasurer creates a new account or adds/removes signatories (see
requirements under Signatories to Financial Instruments). Reviews bank
and other financial statements sent by the Treasurer. Maintains general
awareness of state of finances.
J. Writes a column for the MOUG Newsletter.
K. Monitors OCLC Global and Americas Regional Council Meetings,
arranges for advance notification by appropriate OCLC staff of upcoming
registration periods for Council Meetings, and arranges for MOUG
representation (unofficial).
L. Updates Handbook section as appropriate.
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M. Works with the Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Past Chair and Treasurer to carry
out various duties relating to the Distinguished Service Award and the
Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant.
N. Ensures that the Board reviews NMPAC’s recommendations for NMP
membership in a timely manner; responds to Chair of the NMPAC.
O. Maintains awareness of issues related to MOUG’s non-profit status
(including IRS obligations); carries out Chair’s related responsibilities.
See MOUG’s Non-Profit Status and IRS Obligations for details.
P. With the assistance of other current Board members who have already
served at least one year of their term, orients new/incoming Board
members to their duties immediately following the beginning of their
terms in office.
II. Suggestions for Carrying Out Responsibilities
A. Committees & Appointments
Before Making Appointments:
Carefully consider the availability of suitable candidates among the current
membership for upcoming open Board offices when making appointments to
task forces, ad hoc committees, etc., because it is usually undesirable to have
members serving simultaneously on such a group and on the Board unless
they are doing so ex officio because it is deemed necessary. Members who
seem like they would make excellent candidates for an office that is about to
open (i.e., during the current election cycle) should be bypassed during task
force or ad hoc committee formation in favor of other members, but the Chair
should be careful to make note of the formers’ names and either nominate
them her/himself or simply pass their name(s) along to the Nominating
Committee when it has been formed.
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1. Standing
a. Program Committee
This committee is chaired by the Continuing Education
Coordinator. For more details, see Program Committee below. As
specified in the Bylaws, this group should be officially appointed
immediately following the annual membership meeting. However,
it is helpful if this group can meet during the annual meeting held
prior to the one which it will be planning. Letters of appointment
are not necessary, though they are useful for reiterating the
committee’s charge and stressing the importance of and
appreciation for the committee’s work; the CEC should inform the
Chair of the names of those who have volunteered to serve, and
discussion should ensue if any problems are perceived by the Chair
(e.g., with regard to the size of the group; too many catalogers vs.
public-services representatives; etc.), but otherwise their
appointment may be made by the CEC acting as the Chair’s proxy.
b. Nominating Committee
This committee, including a chair, should be appointed as specified
in the Bylaws, a minimum of six months before the annual meeting
at which that committee’s elected candidates will be announced.
Traditionally the committee appointments have been made
immediately after the preceding annual meeting; more recently
they have been made immediately before the preceding annual
meeting. More details about the MOUG Chair’s responsibilities
are under Nominating Committee: MOUG Chair Guidelines. See
also Nominating Committee: Committee Member Guidelines and
Ballot Procedures.
2. Continuing and Special
a. NACO-Music Project Advisory Committee
The MOUG chair appoints members as needed. For details, see
NACO-Music Project Advisory Committee (especially NMP
Membership). Also see NMPAC Membership for additional
MOUG chair and Board responsibilities.
b. Reference and Collections Services Coordinator
The MOUG chair appoints the Reference and Collection Services
Coordinator for a two-year term.
Note: the Reference Services Committee is suspended as of 2010,
but below are the Chair’s tasks (in case the committee resumes):
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the MOUG chair appoints the chair and members. For details, see
Reference Services Committee. During the last year of the current
Reference Committee Chair’s term, a member of the committee
may be approached about serving as committee chair to work with
the current committee chair to be prepared to take over the
following year.
c. Web Keeper
The MOUG chair appoints the Web Keeper for a one-year,
renewable term following a search conducted by the Executive
Board. Appoint this individual in summer to avoid turnover at the
same time Board membership is turning over. (See the old job ad
in MLA-L for further ideas.) Always designate two owners and/or
administrators (preferably in MOUG’s name) for the Web site, so
that the organization can easily retain (or regain) control of the
Web site in case the Web Keeper does not or cannot give the site
login and password to his or her successor. For further details, see
Web Keeper.
d. MOUG-L List Owner
The MOUG chair appoints the MOUG-L List Owner. For details,
see MOUG-L List Owner.
B. Newsletter Column
This should be submitted to the MOUG Newsletter editor by the deadline
set by the editor. The call for volunteers to run for office should go in the
first newsletter after the annual meeting, with a reminder in the next issue
if sufficient time remains following its publication and mailing to meet the
Nominating Committee’s published deadline. For more details, see
Nominating Committee: MOUG Chair Guidelines: Announcements.
C. Meeting Agendas
1. Send out call for agenda items for annual business meeting and Board
meetings I and II (during annual meeting), and summer Board meeting
(or interim Board meeting held in conjunction with OLAC) to Board at
least a month before each meeting. Send out reminders to committee
chairs, task force chairs, and other office holders (e.g., Web Keeper) if
oral and/or written reports are expected at membership or Board
meetings. Once set, the agendas for the Board meetings should be sent
to the Board prior to the meetings. It is helpful if the agenda for the
Business meeting is completed in time to be included in registration
packets (find out when the CEC needs a copy of the agenda, or let him
or her know if you plan to bring copies yourself).
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2. Joint meetings with Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC)
Because it is usually necessary to hold the interim MOUG Board
meeting (i.e., the usually-summer meeting typically held in August)
during such joint meetings, which usually take place in the fall, it is
important to start discussions of the meeting schedule and financial
details early with all parties concerned (e.g., OLAC local
arrangements; OLAC’s program planning committee—which should
always have MOUG representation to it, usually in the persons of the
Continuing Education Coordinator and the OLAC Liaison; MOUG
Board members; OLAC’s president; invited guests to the MOUG
Board meeting during the joint meeting; etc.).
It will be necessary to fit between 6-8 hours of Board meeting time in
& around the joint meeting program, preferably without any extra days
of travel required on MOUG Board members’ parts, and preferably in
a way that permits MOUG Board members to attend as many program
meetings and social functions as possible. Find out what concerns
Board members have about time away from work and how many days
they can realistically be away from work & home given other travel
already required of them during the rest of the year, and work closely
with the OLAC local arrangements and program planning group to
make sure MOUG Board needs are clearly communicated. Ask the
OLAC Board before program planning begins about waiving
registration fees for MOUG Board members—it may not be possible,
but OLAC should be made aware that it is normal practice for MOUG
and that it may be a fiscal hardship either for MOUG Board members
or our organization to pay registration and MOUG does not
automatically cover such fees for Board travel. The MOUG
Continuing Education Coordinator should arrange for Board meeting
space with adequate furnishings, lighting, etc.
Discuss MOUG’s expected contribution (if any) should there be a
budget shortfall after all registration fees have been paid, or MOUG’s
share in revenues if there is a surplus.
All of this should be discussed with appropriate OLAC personnel well
before the OLAC/MOUG meeting budget and registration fees are set
(and certainly before they are advertised to the membership) and
before the MOUG Board commits to attending. A year in advance is
not too early. Do not wait to be consulted on these points, as OLAC
and MOUG have separate practices. Also be alert to other differences.
For example, MOUG identifies Board members on its nametags, while
OLAC may not.
3. Board meeting agendas have traditionally included the following
items, arranged by board member or committee reports. For more
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efficient use of time (and easier minute taking), it is also helpful to use
“topical” agenda items, especially for topics that appear under several
Board member or committee reports.
a. Annual Board meeting I agenda items (first portion of Board
meeting held during annual meeting):
review of minutes from summer Board meeting
reports from officers
committee reports
old and new business
b. Annual Board meeting II agenda items (i.e., second portion of
Board meeting held during annual meeting):
wrap-up of annual meeting; impressions and observations
welcome to incoming officers; thanks to departing officers
selection of meeting site and date for next year
nominating committee (if not already done)
program committee (if not already done)
(if necessary) budget
incomplete business from the Board meeting I
c. Summer Board meeting agenda items (see comments above about
grouping topical items for more efficient meetings)
review minutes of Board meetings I and II
reports from officers
committee reports
discussion of annual meeting: program, etc.
operating budget
meeting budget (including honoraria for non-MOUG-member
presenters, if any; see Compensation and Honoraria, below)
vii. [Optional] Meeting with the OCLC CEO and/or other officials.
If such a meeting is desired by the MOUG Board,
arrangements should be made through the OCLC Liaison well
in advance of the summer Board meeting.
4. Agenda items for annual business meeting usually include the
following (using topical agenda items as needed):
a. opening remarks and introduction of Board members (and guests,
if any), call for volunteers to run for vacant offices (Chair)
b. approval of minutes (Secretary)
c. Executive Board reports
d. Committee and liaison (OLAC, etc.) reports
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e. New business (includes presentation of Distinguished Service
Award, if any)
D. Additional Meeting-Related Matters
1. Board travel expenses:
Details about what expenses are covered, and how and when
reimbursement is made, are found in the Policies & Procedures section
of this document—a hyperlink follows at the end of this paragraph.
(Note in particular that all such reimbursements are made subject to
the availability of funds, and that the Treasurer is not required to
reimburse any MOUG officer for travel expenses until all other
meeting expenses have been submitted and it has been established that
funds for Board travel are available.) See Travel Expenses.
2. Election results and committee appointments
Upon notification of election results by the Nominating Committee,
the Chair shall promptly notify all candidates of the results and send
letters to the newly elected officers. The Chair shall then notify the
Board of the results. Because public announcement of the results
usually occurs as part of the Chair’s report at the next Annual Meeting,
the Chair shall advise candidates and Board members of the need to
exercise discretion in informing others of election results, and to do so
only for professional or work-related reasons. The Board will need to
give its permission to have ballots from recent elections destroyed.
(See Handling of Ballots.)
3. Thank-yous (in meetings)
These are part of the Chair’s report, and are made, as appropriate, to
outgoing Board members, to the OCLC Liaison for assistance with the
annual meeting program, to the Program Committee and CEC, and to
anyone else involved with the meeting who deserves recognition when
it is desirable that such thanks should be recorded in the meeting
minutes for publication. (See also Responsibilities below for thankyou letters that must be sent.)
E. Thank-You Letters on Behalf of MOUG
1. Following the annual meeting, the Continuing Education Coordinator
for that meeting should write thank-you notes to all
speakers/presenters. (This means an outgoing CEC will generally write
the letters, rather than an incoming CEC.)
2. The Chair (or, as a matter of courtesy and practicality, the person who
just finished a complete year as Chair) should write thank-yous to the
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MLA president and convention managers for MLA’s support; to A-R
and its chief contact for its assistance with online registration; to
committee or Task Force members who have completed their charges
and/or terms of office in the year preceding (including outgoing
MOUG Board members); and to MOUG’s Board liaison to OCLC for
all services & support provided by OCLC, Inc., during the annual
meeting (e.g., the folders, printed programs, and so forth). Thank-yous
to others may of course also be required depending on the events and
circumstances of the year just completed.
3. Other MOUG officers may have situations where thank-you letters are
Note: traditionally, when there is a new Chair, the outgoing Chair has
written the thank-you notes as one of his or her final Chair duties,
especially if s/he worked closely with the parties over the course of the
year(s). However, the current chair is ultimately responsible for ensuring
that thank-you letters are sent.
F. Orientation of New Board Members
Some weeks before new Board members take office, send them digital
copies of (or links to) the most recent MOUG Handbook (linked at and the various
documents on the “blind” page so they can read in advance and be
prepared for their responsibilities. (Most positions have work to do
right after taking office.) Send recent minutes, reports, and links to
Board related information on the MOUG web site. Explain to them
about contributing to decisions about expenditures (the whole Board is
responsible) and about NMP applications. Also encourage them to be
in touch with their predecessors about other things they might do to
prepare for their roles.
When possible, the Chair should organize a lunch or dinner meeting
among new, incoming Board officers, him/herself, and the respective
outgoing (in most cases) counterparts of the new officers to discuss
important matters such as travel reimbursement, expectations for
Board meetings, and other “big picture” issues about which the new
officers are bound to have many questions. These meetings take place
at the annual meeting during which election results are announced, and
they may take place before the results have officially been announced
to the membership. Some of the information should already have been
communicated to the new officers by the chair of the Nominating
Committee, but little detail is usually imparted at that point. Also, the
incoming officers should already have been invited to attend the
second part of the Board meeting that, in recent years, has been a
breakfast meeting the day after the annual meeting closes—referred to
above as “Board meeting (II),” and informally as the Board wrap-up
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session. (New officers are very strongly encouraged to attend the
wrap-up Board meeting. However, because no travel or lodging
reimbursement may be offered at that time, and because they may
already have other (e.g., MLA) commitments, attendance is not
G. OCLC Global and Regional Councils
The MOUG Chair
monitors activities of the OCLC Global and Americas Regional
Councils (formerly Members Council), or ensures someone does it;
arranges for advance notification of upcoming registration periods for
Council Meetings;
arranges for a MOUG observer (frequently the MOUG Chair) at one
meeting annually;
ensures the attendee reports back; and
ensures the Board considers any ramifications of the meeting(s).
MOUG budgets for and reimburses the essential costs, funding permitting.
See OCLC Global and Regional Councils below for guidelines (e.g.,
information sources, reimbursement, history, etc.).
H. Handbook
Review appropriate sections of Handbook prior to leaving office so that
changes can be incorporated by the time new officers assume office.
Ensure that all new Board members have access to the most recent version
of the manual, ideally before their terms commence. Encourage Board
members to review the complete manual (and not just their own sections)
upon commencing work and after revisions, since responsibilities overlap
and relevant information often appears outside of one’s own section.
I. Articles of Incorporation
A copy of MOUG’s signed initial articles of incorporation in Ohio is held
by the current Chair. This copy should be transferred to the new Chair as
soon as s/he takes office, or as soon thereafter as possible. The original is
filed in the MOUG archive, which is part of the Music Library
Association’s archives at the University of Maryland, College Park. See
also Archiving of Materials and MOUG’s Incorporation and Non-Profit
J. Distinguished Service Award (MOUG Chair’s Responsibilities)
Notify the DSA recipient of the impending award so s/he can make travel
arrangements, prepare a citation letter for the winner (in years when a
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winner has been named by the Board) and distribute copies of it. Work
with the Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Past Chair, and the Treasurer, reminding
them of their duties regarding the award in a timely manner (see below).
For formal details, see Distinguished Service Award Guidelines.
K. Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant
Notify the recipient(s) of the Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant of the
impending award, prepare a letter, and ensure the award is announced in
specified venues. Work with the Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Past Chair, and
the Treasurer, reminding them of their duties regarding the award in a
timely manner.
For formal details, see Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant Guidelines.
L. Fiscal Oversight (including IRS Obligations)
As the officer who is “Responsible for the general supervision and affairs
of the group” (see Responsibilities, I, B. above), the Chair is responsible
for monitoring financial data and budget trends (provided to you by the
Treasurer) and for raising any issues and concerns relating to those trends
to the rest of the Executive Board so that they may be discussed and acted
upon as necessary. The Chair is responsible for seeing that all other
officers carry out their responsibilities relating to fiscal matters (e.g., the
Continuing Education Coordinator supplying information about food costs
for the next annual meeting to the Board in advance of the summer Board
meeting; the Treasurer maintaining and distributing to the Board the fiveyear grid comparing Actual-vs.-Proposed budget trends; etc.), and should
be especially attuned to any trends indicating that expenses are starting
regularly to exceed income.
This responsibility for fiscal oversight also requires maintaining an
awareness of MOUG’s current tax status as a non-profit organization (see
MOUG’s Non-Profit Status), and of any developing situations (such as
unexpectedly having more than $50,000 (formerly $25,000) income in a
given tax year, perhaps because of a donation) that may affect the need for
the Treasurer to file a federal tax return on MOUG’s behalf. (See IRS
Obligations.) It is neither required nor expected that the Chair have
expertise in tax matters; only that s/he proceed with “due diligence” in
examining tax information available from reputable sources, such as the
IRS website on the Internet, that appears to pertain to MOUG and to other
organizations like it. Consultation with boards of directors and
examination of the documentation of other, similar library organizations
(e.g., the current Fiscal Policies Handbook of the Music Library
Association) is advised as an “avenue of first resort” when unexpected tax
situations arise, keeping in mind that those resources may be out-of-date
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or have very different tax situations if they are larger or have a different
tax status.
MOUG reincorporated, by amending its Articles of Incorporation, in the
state of Ohio in January 2012. It is the shared responsibility of the Chair
and the Treasurer to ensure that MOUG reincorporate before the end of
Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Past Chair
I. Responsibilities
A. Serves as member of MOUG Executive Board.
B. Serves as Chair if the Chair is unable to serve.
C. Assists with general supervision of the group and works on special
projects assigned by the Chair.
D. Updates all sections of the MOUG Handbook as necessary.
E. Provides Executive Board members with publicity fliers or brochures for
F. Handles outreach and publicity not directly related to the annual meeting
(fliers, exchange ads, etc.).
G. Serves as liaison to MOUG Web Keeper.
H. Works with the Chair to carry out various duties relating to the
Distinguished Service Award and the Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant.
I. Updates the MOUG Bylaws and ensures that the most current version is
available to the membership via the MOUG Web site (see G, preceding).
J. With other Board members, reviews NMPAC’s recommendations for
NMP membership in a timely manner; see NMPAC Membership for
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II. Suggestions for Carrying Out Responsibilities
A. Preparation for the Position
Review as much documentation as possible from past MOUG activities
(such as this Handbook, minutes of Board meetings, correspondence, and
MOUG newsletters).
B. Updating Online Documents
1. MOUG Handbook
This Handbook may be revised at any time by majority vote of the Board,
although most changes tend to be made upon the completion of officer
terms based on the officers’ experiences. Solicit updated or expanded
information for the MOUG Handbook from each officer a few months
before they leave office (annually, if possible) so that the Handbook can
be updated (if necessary) in time for the incoming officers to receive it
when they take office. Consult committee chairs or special appointees to
see if their Handbook sections need updating. Board meeting minutes and
emails can help identify procedural changes that were intended to be
entered into the Handbook. (For example, search for the word
“Handbook,” but also look for other items that might belong, especially if
procedural changes occurred shortly after officers submitted updates.)
When editing the Handbook, try selectively to cross-reference or crosslink related items, especially if they might easily be overlooked by new (or
hurried) officers or chairs. Detailed formatting instructions for Handbook
revisions can be found in the Officer Forms.
Send a draft of the revised Handbook to Board members, ideally with
changes highlighted in some way, so everyone can see and comment on
changes in other sections that might affect their work. Upon Board
approval of changes, you can email the Handbook as an attachment or
have the Web Keeper put the document on the web site.
When the updates are complete, send the Handbook in MS Word format to
the Web Keeper for uploading. Make sure the Web Keeper uses the
following procedure:
The iteration of the Handbook already linked to the Executive
Board page ( – that
is, the one being superseded – is to be moved to the “blind”
MOUG Handbook web page
the page is “blind” because no other Web page links to it, thus
rendering it inaccessible to Google and other search engines).
When linking the superseded iteration to the “blind” page, it
should be renamed according to the date of the iteration (e.g.,
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“MOUG Handbook--June 2007 Revision”). Insert the new link
after the older Handbook iterations so that the links appear in
chronological order.
Link the new iteration of the Handbook to the Executive Board
page using the “MOUG Officer Handbook” link.
Once the Web Keeper has made the changes, check to make sure they
were done accurately, and then notify the Board and the appropriate
committee chairs that the new revision is available at the Executive Board
2. Executive Board minutes
Send these to the Web Keeper for linking to the “blind” page
( as they
become available, in both draft and formally approved forms. Once
the minutes for a particular Executive Board meeting have been
approved by the Board, have the draft version of those minutes
removed. The list of minutes should look like this:
Executive Board Minutes
July 2012 (draft)
February 2012
July 2011
3. Forms and Document Samples
These are also stored at the “blind” page
( and
referred to throughout the Handbook as “Officer Forms.” After the
Board decides on any changes to the number or content of these,
communicate them promptly to the Web Keeper.
C. VC/CE/PC Handbook Section(s)
Review appropriate sections of Handbook prior to leaving office so that
changes can be incorporated by the time new officers assume office.
D. MOUG Publicity
Update the general MOUG flier, brochure, and any ads periodically,
particularly when the Treasurer or dues change (in the Treasurer’s section,
see the Note about Dues Changes). Send sufficient copies to the current
MLA Publicity Officer to be distributed with the traveling MLA exhibit.
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Have sufficient copies made before the annual meeting so that they can be
distributed to all MLA (not MOUG) attendees. Sending 500 copies to the
local arrangements committee and requesting that they be inserted into the
MLA convention packets is usually possible. Sometimes someone local
can copy the fliers at his or her institution and save MOUG duplication
and/or mailing costs. Otherwise, try to have items duplicated and/or
mailed from your institution or from another board member’s institution.
If an institution picks up the cost of duplication, be sure to thank the
institution verbally at the business meeting, or better, in the MOUG
program. (NOTE: We are not currently inserting MOUG fliers in the
MOUG conference packets.)
Contact the Marketing Communications Specialist at OCLC (the OCLC
Liaison should be able to identify this person) to get OK for MOUG
trifolds to be displayed at the OCLC booth at ALA (you may also ask if
there are other meetings where OCLC exhibits that would be appropriate
venues). Trifolds can be mailed to OCLC. For any given ALA
conference, 40 copies is probably sufficient for OCLC.
Provide timely updates to OCLC for the MOUG information page at the
OCLC usergroup profile Web site
E. Exchange Ads
MOUG has agreements to exchange ads with MLA and OLAC. Contact
the MLA Advertising Manager and the OLAC Newsletter Editor to make
arrangements for exchanging ads. The MOUG Secretary/Newsletter Editor
will have to be involved in order to provide MOUG’s specifications for ad
insertions. Be sure the check the ads published in Notes to ensure they
were printed correctly, and that the correct version of the ad was used.
Notes requires several months lead time for publishing, so send updated
ads or corrections as soon as possible. It may be possible to arrange for
additional exchanges (Brio, Fontes, Japanese Music Library Association,
F. MOUG Web Site
Communicate any changes/updates in MOUG matters to Web Keeper in
sufficient time so that the Web site will be as current as possible. Watch
MOUG Board email and review Board meeting minutes for potential
items. If needed, help coordinate items that may be more readily carried
out by other Board members, e.g., conference information from the CEC
or posting of older newsletters by the Secretary/Treasurer.
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G. Distinguished Service Award (Vice Chair/CE/PC’s Responsibilities)
Below are general tips. Also be sure to consult the formal Distinguished
Service Award Guidelines.
1. Call for Nominations — Post the calls right after the MOUG/MLA
meeting, usually two months prior to a May 15th nominations deadline;
share results right away with the board (all nominations are
confidential); and have the web site “call for nominations” removed
after the nomination period is over . See Nominations (under
Distinguished Service Award) for more details.
2. Plaque — Work with the Chair to develop wording for a plaque to
present to a winning nominee, at least one month prior to an annual
meeting at which it is to be presented, and ensure that the plaque is
created and ready for presentation at the meeting. (Expenses directly
related to creation of the plaque are reimbursed by MOUG.) See the
Sample below; see detailed instructions for plaque (under
Distinguished Service Award).
3. Press Releases Announcing Winner — Distribute these after the award
is made at the business meeting. See Press Release instructions (under
Distinguished Service Award).
H. Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant (Vice Chair/CE/PC’s Responsibilities)
The Vice Chair is responsible for posting the call for nominations by
September 1, forwarding applications to the board by October 5, and
posting announcements to listservs and newsletters regarding awards. See
details in the Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant Guidelines.
The Vice Chair also compiles and archives case histories identifying
names, addresses, manner of selection, and relationship (if any) of
awardees to any donors or Board members, as well as the purpose and
amount of each award.
I. Updating Bylaws
Edit and update Bylaws ASAP following ballot approval of changes to
same by the Membership, forward the revised document to the Board for
proofreading, and then send the Board-approved final version to the
MOUG Web Keeper with a request that the revised Bylaws replace the
extant version on the MOUG Web site. (Be sure to include the date of
revision in the updated document.)
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J. Post-Chair Duties
Some chair duties and projects will carry over slightly into the Past Chair
position as you wrap up loose ends and transition tasks to the new Chair.
For example, an outgoing Chair who becomes Past Chair will generally
write the thank-you letters after an annual meeting as one of the final
Chair duties (even though s/he is officially not Chair) since s/he had
primary contact with the letter recipients over the preceding year(s). This
is also courtesy to the incoming chair who may have many other tasks at
hand. Be sure to communicate intent to the new Chair, so as to avoid
duplicated effort, misunderstandings, or dropped tasks.
The Past Chair shall, upon completing his/her term of office, forward
copies of all promotional materials to the incoming Vice Chair/ChairElect.
Secretary/Newsletter Editor
I. Responsibilities
A. Serves as member of MOUG Executive Board
B. Records and distributes minutes of all the Executive Board meetings and
the annual Business Meeting.
C. Serves as MOUG’s official Parliamentarian during Board and Business
Meetings following Robert’s Rules of Order as considered necessary
during the course of business. Robert’s Rules of Order may be applied
during times of motions, voting, and whenever considered appropriate by
those in attendance.
D. Prepares and distributes an Executive Board Roster.
E. Prepares summaries of MOUG activities and advertisements of MOUG
publications for publication in other journals and newsletters as needed or
as requested by the Board.
F. Acts as liaison to the Music Library Association, reporting on activities
three times a year as requested by the MLA President or Executive
G. Maintains printed correspondence log of e-mail communication among
Board members for archival purposes.
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H. Provides Executive Board members with copies of the current MOUG
logo in electronic form for use in creating MOUG letterhead for
correspondence; publicity & advertising; etc.
I. Supervises the preparation of all meeting summaries for publication in the
MOUG Newsletter.
J. Prepares and distributes the MOUG Newsletter.
K. Reviews the contents of the current Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc.
(OLAC) Newsletter ( and
reports to the MOUG Board on content of possible interest.
L. Updates Handbook section as appropriate.
M. Works with the Web Keeper to post back issues of the newsletter to the
N. Uploads the current issue to EBSCO ftp server.
O. With other Board members, reviews NMPAC’s recommendations for
NMP membership in a timely manner; see NMPAC Membership for
II. Suggestions for Carrying Out Responsibilities
A. Minutes
The incoming Secretary/Newsletter Editor’s responsibilities begin at the
end of the Executive Board meeting held immediately following the
annual meeting. That is, the outgoing officer is responsible for preparing
and mailing minutes from both Executive Board Meetings held at the
annual meeting. The Board meetings are informal, but should be kept
professional. Robert’s Rules of Order may be applied at the discretion of
the Chair with the assistance of the Secretary/Newsletter Editor to
maintain a collegial atmosphere; the Secretary/Newsletter Editor serves as
official Parliamentarian (see Responsibilities, C, above). Board minutes,
including bulleted or otherwise highlighted action items for all MOUG
officers to pursue in the period prior to the next meeting, are distributed to
all Executive Board members within one month after the meetings take
place. Guests present at any Board meeting may receive the minutes of the
section of the meeting that they attended if appropriate. Approval of
minutes is voted on at the next Executive Board meeting. After the
minutes to a Board Meeting are approved (which always takes place at the
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next Board Meeting), send the minutes and the Board reports as a packet
to the archives.
B. Board Roster
The incoming officer’s first duty is to prepare and mail a Board Roster. It
is distributed to members of the Executive Board and the MLA President.
C. Summaries
A summary of the MOUG annual meeting should be sent promptly to the
MLA Newsletter editor for inclusion in that publication. If any guest (i.e.,
non-Executive Board members) attends a Board meeting, excerpts from
the Board minutes pertaining to such guest’s appearance may be
forwarded to them. Other correspondence on behalf of the Executive
Board may also be requested.
D. Reports to MLA
The Secretary/Newsletter customarily serves as MLA’s MOUG Liaison
and in that capacity prepares reports for each MLA Board meeting. The
MLA Board meets three times a year: at the MLA Annual Meeting; in the
early summer; and in the fall. Reports are due to the MLA President upon
receipt of the call for reports. For the exact dates of these meetings,
consult the MLA Administrative Calendar at
E. E-mail correspondence
Since most of the business of the Board is conducted via e-mail, a record
of Board correspondence must be maintained. Not every message needs to
be kept, but when in doubt, keep it. The Secretary should be alert to
informal opinions which may be offered concerning specific individuals in
the course of Board discussions; these references should be edited out. The
Secretary should make a regular habit of archiving Board emails into a
word-processing document of some kind. That way duplicated material
(such as copies of messages being replied to) can be deleted and uniform
formatting applied. See also Archiving of Materials, below.
F. Letterhead
Letterhead is self-generated by each Board officer using a current, clean
JPG or other common-format image of the MOUG logo that is retained
and distributed as necessary by the Secretary/Newsletter Editor. As a
convenience, also send the logo in a ready-to-use MS Word file (or in
whatever word-processing software format is in widespread use at the
time). The MOUG Chair should also have a copy. No envelopes are
produced since much of the mailing is done through Executive Board
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members’ home institutions which require that outgoing mail be sent in
envelopes of the home institution. The logo is the same as that used for the
newsletter with the newsletter designation blocked.
G. Meeting summaries and photographs in MOUG Newsletter
These typically appear in the newsletter following the annual meeting.
Solicit volunteers (via MOUG-L, the Web site, the Newsletter, and other
electronic discussion lists as appropriate) in advance of the meeting to
write summaries of each meeting session, and provide them with a brief,
specific charge, including a deadline for completion. Refer them to
previous post-meeting Newsletters for examples of the expected style and
content. No summary is typically provided for working sessions,
committee or Board meetings, or sessions led by OCLC marketing
personnel (e.g. “Update on OCLC Products and Services”). After receipt
of the summaries, letters of thanks are sent to all summary providers.
You may also solicit volunteers to serve as meeting photographers,
capturing images of presenters and meeting attendees for publication in the
newsletter, or for submission to the MOUG Archives as part of the
historical record. Photographers should be instructed to obtain from those
photographed permission to publish their image in the newsletter or on the
MOUG Web site (verbal permission is fine). Also be sure to obtain written
permission (e-mail is fine) from the photographer(s) stating that the photos
may be published in the newsletter or on the Web site, or sent to the
Current MOUG Board members who contribute a column to a newsletter
issue should also supply a photograph of themselves to appear alongside
their columns.
If you do not have access to a scanner to scan physical photos, request that
photos be sent as JPG or other common image format in use at the time.
H. MOUG Newsletter preparation and distribution
The MOUG Newsletter is designated as an occasional publication. It has
been the practice to try to publish three times per year, in June, September,
and December. Particularly with regard to the June and December issues,
it is highly desirable for the newsletters to reach the membership no later
than the beginning of the months in question.
Newsletter tasks include soliciting items for publication, editing
contributions, preparing camera-ready copy, arranging for printing,
assembling, and mailing, and keeping an electronic file of MOUG
newsletters published, to be passed on to the successor for eventual
inclusion on the MOUG Web site (which stays one year behind, e.g., 2012
newsletters are not mounted online until the end of calendar year 2013).
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The Editor also sends an electronic copy of each issue to EBSCO for
inclusion in their products.
For exhaustive Newsletter preparation and distribution instructions, please
visit “Officers-Only” documentation.
I. Handbook
Review appropriate sections of Handbook prior to leaving office so that
changes can be incorporated by the time new officers assume office.
J. Responsibilities
A. Serves as member of MOUG Executive Board.
B. Keeps financial accounts and maintains accurate records of all financial
C. Pays bills and makes deposits for the organization, and handles
reimbursements to the Executive Board and designated MOUG
representatives for travel or other expenses incurred.
D. Monitors bank accounts, certificate of deposit, and other financial
statements and sends copies to the MOUG Chair on at least a quarterly
E. Prepares financial reports, including quarterly and annual reports, a report
for the annual meeting, and other special reports as deemed necessary or
useful by the Executive Board.
F. Prepares a yearly budget which is discussed and approved at the summer
Executive Board meeting.
G. Serves as Membership Officer, communicating with the membership as
necessary, and maintaining an up-to-date database of the membership,
including current subscription information.
H. Provides member databases to the Newsletter Editor and a list of current
members to the Nominating Committee Chair. Provides member databases
to the Executive Board upon request, in advance of board meetings for
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I. Ensures that election candidates are members in good standing by the time
annual ballots are distributed. Handles prepared print or online ballots for
MOUG officer elections, Bylaws amendments, and changes to annual
dues if no other person is assigned to do so.
J. Handles claims for back issues of the Newsletter.
K. Files an E-Postcard with the IRS annually if annual gross receipts are less
than $50,000, and files other appropriate IRS forms if annual gross
receipts are equal to or greater than $50,000. With Chair, monitors IRS
requirements and changes for non-profit organizations. See IRS
L. Assists the MOUG Chair to provide fiscal oversight for the Group by
reporting in detail concerns or problems relating to MOUG’s finances &
budget to the Chair and/or Board in a timely manner. Particular attention
should be paid to emerging patterns, for example: two years in a row of
operational expenses exceeding income. (See also Chair, Fiscal Oversight)
M. Updates Handbook section as appropriate.
N. Articles of incorporation: A copy of MOUG’s signed initial articles of
incorporation in Ohio is held by the current Treasurer. This copy should
be transferred to the new Treasurer as soon as s/he takes office, or as soon
thereafter as possible. See also Articles of Incorporation in the Chair’s
section. Note that MOUG must reincorporate in the State of Ohio by the
end of 2017.
O. With other Board members, reviews NMPAC’s recommendations for
NMP membership in a timely manner; see NMPAC Membership for
II. Preparation for the Position
A. Notify the following persons and organizations of your current address.
1. MOUG Web Keeper
2. MOUG Secretary/Newsletter Editor
3. MOUG Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect or Past Chair (for updating MOUG
5. Harrassowitz
6. Swets
7. W.T. Cox
8. Wolper
9. Previous two MOUG Treasurers (for forwarding purposes)
10. Website hosting provider (currently
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B. Purchase supplies or do an inventory of supplies sent by previous
9 X 12 clasp envelopes for sending claims for newsletter
Plain security envelopes for sending checks
Single window envelopes for sending membership renewals
Postage (as necessary)
Return address labels or stamp
Blank checks
“For Deposit Only” stamp
Accounting software (MOUG will purchase and support the Microsoft or PC
version of financial software every few years; if an incoming Treasurer
wants the Macintosh version, s/he will have to purchase it him or herself).
Note that software should be a separate operating budget line from supplies.
9. Materials for maintaining and organizing print correspondence. File folders
or 3-ring binders are suggested
C. Request that the Previous Treasurer sends you the following materials and
documents (in print and/or electronic form)
Personal Member database
Institutional Member database
New member welcome letter template (see Officer Forms)
Ballots (as an example for constructing future ballots) (see Officer Forms)
Checking and savings account monies
Checking, savings, and investment (e.g., certificate(s) of deposit) bank
statements for previous two years
7. Financial reports from accounting software for previous two years
8. Budget proposals for at least the previous two years
9. MOUG Board-adopted budgets for previous two years
10. Quarterly financial reports for previous two years
11. Printed copies of past newsletters for sending out claims
12. Any surplus office supplies
13. Documents that show that MOUG is an organization rather than a business.
These may be needed to open or maintain bank accounts. Examples: taxexempt certificate from the government, IRS form with the FEIN (Federal
Employer Identification Number), meeting notes, the latest newsletter (the
second page explains MOUG’s status and lists its FEIN), draft of current and
initial Bylaws, website address, and in particular, copies of MOUG’s initial
and subsequent articles of incorporation in the State of Ohio (See more on
this immediately below.)
III. Suggestions for Carrying Out Responsibilities
Note: MOUG’s fiscal and membership year follow a calendar year, January to
December. MOUG is currently a 501(c)(3) organization under the IRS code.
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Organizations/Life-Cycle-of-a-Public-Charity. (URLs current as of March 6,
2015). (See also section IV, below, From the IRS Web site.)
A. Banking
1. When opening new bank accounts for MOUG, seek out banks that
offer a competitive interest rate for savings accounts and ones that
waive fees on checking accounts. It pays to shop around and compare
services. Deposits are frequent at most times throughout the year, so
ease of access should be considered. Obtain a Deposit Account
Resolution and Authorization for Business Entities from your account
representative and send this to the MOUG Chair so he/she can also
write checks and serve as a back-up to the Treasurer. This
authorization is also referred to casually as a “signature card;” each
bank has its own name for this form.
2. At least two MOUG Board members should be signatories on any
given account (never just one member), including certificates of
deposit. Also consider the signers’ longevity on the Board when
selecting signers—generally the current Chair or the Vice Chair/Past
Chair and Treasurer should always be signatory. See requirements
under Signatories to Financial Instruments.
The MOUG Treasurer will maintain at least two accounts: business
checking, and business savings. There may also be one or more
Certificates of Deposit at any given time. To open new MOUG
accounts, you will need:
a. Business address and phone
b. MOUG Tax ID number (FEIN, or Federal Employer Identification
Number), which is 31-0951917.
c. Copy of MOUG articles of incorporation and meeting minutes
from the last business meeting. (You may also need minutes
showing that you are indeed the new treasurer.)
d. Checks from the previous Treasurer to open accounts
e. Name of the MOUG chair (or designated second signer) and
possibly his/her driver’s license number, Social Security number,
and address. The bank may require that the second signer be
present at the time of account origination (See note about
f. Two forms of identification for each signer, at least one of which
bears a photo.
g. An idea of the types of checks and bookkeeping organization that
you would like to utilize
h. A “For Deposit Only” stamp
i. A debit card for paying expenses at MOUG Board meetings, and
for making ATM deposits and paying incidental expenses during
the year.
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(See Preparation for the Position, above, for additional documents that
may come in handy for opening or maintaining accounts.)
Note: MOUG has maintained accounts with Bank of America for
several years, and has preferred it for its national presence and for ease
of transition between Treasurers. New signers have been added and
old signers removed from the accounts as needed, usually at the time
of the annual meeting.
If a change in bank accounts is required at the beginning of a new
Treasurer’s term, the previous Treasurer sends the new Treasurer two
checks with which to open a checking account and a savings account,
leaving enough money in the previous Treasurer’s checking account to
cover outstanding checks. After all checks have cleared, the previous
Treasurer sends any remaining funds to the new Treasurer in two
separate checks, one for savings and one for checking. Checks will be
made out to Music OCLC Users Group (not the individual Treasurer).
If for any reason a CD to which the previous Treasurer is signatory has
not yet matured, the previous Treasurer will wait for the CD to mature
before cashing it (in order to avoid penalties for early withdrawal and
to earn the full yield on the interest) and mailing a check for the full
amount of the mature CD to the new Treasurer.
B. Financial Record-keeping
1. Financial accounts should be maintained in electronic form, using a
report-generating application program.
2. Record-keeping should be kept as current as possible. Checks should
be deposited promptly; payments on financial obligations, such as
bills, honoraria, and reimbursements, should be made in a timely
fashion. Retain all receipts. Promptly review bank statements, forward
copies to the MOUG Chair for additional review, and discuss any
concerns or problems with the MOUG chair and/or Board so
irregularities can be identified and resolved as soon as possible.
3. Reimbursements to Board Members, or other designated MOUG
representatives, or grantees for travel, supplies, software (e.g.,
accounting software for the Treasurer), award plaques, or other
expenses on behalf of the organization, require receipts. These should
be labeled and maintained in an orderly fashion. Reimbursement for
personal automobile mileage should be based on the current IRS
figure. Retain all receipts. Note that the IRS mileage rate is the basis
for mileage reimbursement to Board officers for travel. (Be sure to
work with the Chair to ensure that non-board members, especially the
Ralph Papakhian travel grant recipients, know what reimbursement
procedures to follow.)
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C. Budgeting
1. The Treasurer prepares for and conducts the discussion of the
upcoming year’s proposed budget at the summer Board meeting. In
preparation, individuals responsible for various items in the budget are
contacted in advance for their input on projected income/expenses,
including the upcoming year’s anticipated travel expenses. Send board
members a draft budget spreadsheet before the meeting so they have
time to digest preliminary figures, then update the budget as needed
(on a laptop) during the meeting. Send new Board members copies of
the approved budget for the current year so they can make every
attempt to stay within the budget during the current year. If the
summer meeting will be significantly delayed (e.g., until September or
October because of a joint meeting with OLAC), a preliminary budget
should be assembled over the summer via email and conference call if
possible. When preparing a budget, keep in mind that some conference
expenses may change unexpectedly (e.g., sales tax increase, overall
prices increase, discounts may not be honored, MLA may not make its
room quota and thus incur extra charges, AV prices may be
misquoted). As such, include a 5% or 10% contingency fund, and
consider excluding promised discounts from the budget.
2. A report showing year-to-date budgeted vs. actual expenditures should
be prepared before the summer Board meeting (for use in the budgetsetting process), and again after the fiscal year’s end, to be distributed
to Board members before the winter Board meeting. See also Financial
Reports, following.
3. Following the summer Board meeting, the approved budget is sent out
as an Excel spreadsheet or Access report to the Executive Board as the
Projected Budget for the upcoming fiscal year. A “forecast” column
should be maintained, to note any significant actual or expected
variances in budget figures. The original budget figures are not altered,
but are kept for reference. Updates to the budget forecast occurring at
the annual meeting should be distributed to the Executive Board.
4. Maintain a five-year grid of actual vs. proposed budgets for future
budget planning & development purposes.
5. Note emerging trends, if any, and report them to the MOUG Chair
and/or Executive Board. For example, two years in a row of operations
expenses exceeding income should be cause for concern. On the other
hand, two years in a row of income exceeding expenses may present
opportunities for programming, representation to external
organizations, etc. of which the Board should be aware. Falling or
rising bank interest rates should also be noted and discussed during
your reports to the Board at the twice-yearly Board meetings, as they
impact decisions about moving funds from money-market accounts
into certificates of deposit, how much to move, etc. Increases or
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decreases in Board travel expenses are another type of trend to
monitor. In general, trends affecting all “big dollar” lines in the budget
should be observed and analyzed for possible cause & effect to the
best of your abilities, but don’t feel that you are doing this alone: your
responsibility is primarily to note the trends, report them to the Board,
and let the Board decide as a whole whether or not they are indicators
warranting any sort of policy action.
D. Financial Reports
1. Quarterly (year-to-date) and annual reports should be prepared
promptly. Send quarterly reports to the MOUG Board at the (end of
March, June, Sept., and Dec.).
2. A budget report on the annual meeting should be prepared as soon as
all financial transactions have been completed. See also
Compensation and Honoraria.
3. The Treasurer presents an annual report orally to the membership at
the annual meeting.
4. Prepare an annual budget analyses (spreadsheets or database reports),
with separate sections for the operating budget and one for the meeting
budget, showing the breakdown of income and expenses for the
current and previous four years, for review at the summer Board
meeting. These analyses should be included in the Treasurer’s report
to the Board at the summer meeting. Report verbally at that time (and,
if necessary at the winter Board meeting too) on emerging trends that
you may have observed in the comparative data—see section C, e,
5. In order for consistent comparison of figures over time, the following
line items are used in preparing the budget proposal and in financial
reports. Note that annual meeting expenses are separated from regular
Membership dues
Subscription fees
Meeting registration fees
Bank interest (including CDs, etc.)
Publication sales (Best of MOUG)
Expenses are broadly conceptualized, but not currently labeled in the budget, as “controllable”
(which generally occur under Operations) and “uncontrollable” (more typically under Annual
meeting), depending on the extent to which the Board is able to set the figure for the expense in
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Annual Meeting
ADA Accommodations
Travel reimbursement for MOUG non-member speakers
Internet Connectivity
Duplication & Supplies
Awards and Grants
Summer Board meeting
Board meeting in conjunction with annual meeting
MLA courtesy payment
OCLC Global or Regional Council meeting [see GC/RC Budgeting]
NMPAC travel (see NMP Operations: Budget Process) [rare]
Bank charges
Web hosting provider
Paid advertising/publicity
Office Expenses
E. Correspondence
1. Typical forms of correspondence include:
Member and institutional renewal information
Claims for the newsletter from vendors and institutions
New member information
Request for tax status information. MOUG’s tax identification
number (TIN) is 31-0951917. (This is the same as the FEIN, or
Federal Employer Identification Number.) Keep this number handy
for inquiries.
e. Conference registration forms and checks (sent from Continuing
Education Coordinator).
f. Request for a formal invoice from MLA’s business office
( for conference expenses if one has not been
received [within two months of the end of the meeting?], in years
advance of its incurrence. Thus the MLA conference services courtesy payment is under
Operations, rather than Annual meeting, because MOUG can negotiate the amount or even delay
payment in a financial exigency—ditto for all Board travel expenses, whether they occur in
conjunction with the annual meeting or not.
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when MOUG meets in conjunction with MLA. N.B. This request
should go to MLA’s business office and not to the MLA
convention manager(s).
g. Requests for reimbursements for Board meetings or other expenses
incurred from Board members.
h. Bills
2. The Treasurer serves as the membership contact with vendors, which
handle a large portion of the institutional subscriptions. Confusion
regarding vendor subscriptions is most quickly resolved by contacting
either the vendor or the client directly. Claims for MOUG newsletter
issues should be sent immediately upon request and noted in the
personal membership or institutional subscriber databases.
3. Dues notices should be sent to the entire membership for the upcoming
fiscal year on November 1, with a December 31 deadline for receipt of
dues if the member is to remain in good standing for the upcoming
fiscal year. (See note below about good standing.)There are three
paying categories: personal memberships, institutional subscriptions
billed directly, and institutional subscriptions paid through vendors
(each notice is a little different). Notices in the first category are sent
electronically. The last category receives a notice for informational
purposes only, with a request that contact phone numbers be
confirmed and updated if necessary. Institutions using vendors will
sometimes inform us in advance of a change in vendor, but more often
the change is noticed when renewal slips come in from the vendors. A
second electronic notice is sent to personal members following the
annual meeting. Third (paper) notices to delinquent subscribers are
mailed out April 1st, with a May 31st deadline for receipt of dues.
These notices are sent out in two categories: personal memberships
and institutional subscriptions billed directly. Also announce/promote
MOUG membership in professional venues such as listservs around
Nov. 1 and at other strategic times early in the membership year.
Listservs to announce membership to include MOUG-L, MLA-L,
(2015): as electronic membership through Membee is implemented,
additional and more personalized electronic reminders may be added.
4. If no other person is assigned to handle the ballots, the chair of the
current Nominating Committee should submit a camera-ready ballot to
the Treasurer in electronic format (often this takes the form of a link to
a survey website). The Treasurer will then send the ballot (or link
thereto) electronically to members in good standing.
5. As soon as registration for the annual meeting is open
(November/December), a list of members in good standing should be
sent to the Continuing Education Coordinator (as registrar for the
annual meeting). He/she will check registrations against this list to see
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if the appropriate registration fee has been paid (i.e., member/nonmember), and will contact persons who register as members if their
registration has expired. The Treasurer should be contacted if a
question arises, in case the membership has subsequently been paid.
6. New members joining from January to August (this includes members
who are rejoining after a membership lapse of a year or more) are sent
copies of all newsletters and mailings distributed to date that year,
along with an explanatory welcome letter if appropriate. New
members joining in September or later (this includes members who are
rejoining after a membership lapse of a year or more) will be credited
with membership for the upcoming fiscal year, and will be sent the last
newsletter of the year gratis (to encourage attendance at the annual
meeting) along with a welcome letter. New members falling in the
former category will receive renewal notices on November 1st; those
in the latter category will not. Be sure to add new members to the
member database. (See Officer Forms.)
7. The Treasurer sends membership lists to the Newsletter Editor
approximately one month prior to the newsletter's publication, i.e.,
generally in May, August, and November. These deadlines are
flexible, and may be revised or adjusted as needed or desired. The
Newsletter Editor should communicate any changes to these deadlines
to the Treasurer well in advance of the time the mailing lists are
8. Back issues of newsletters will be kept for two years. Claims for past
newsletters will be honored for the current and previous year only;
copies of any earlier issues should simply be printed off from the
MOUG website by the claimants (the Treasurer should communicate
this policy to the claimant).
F. Member Database Maintenance
[Note (2015): With implementation of Membee for electronic membership
management, these practices are changing.]
1. Two separate databases are maintained by the MOUG Treasurer:
“personal members (File name = MOUGPersonalDatabase) and
“institutional subscribers” (File name = MOUG InstitutionalDatabase)
2. Databases should be updated as frequently as changes occur.
3. In both databases, when entering new members or subscribers:
a. Enter dues years as MM/DD/YY
b. Enter NAME and ADDRESS information in all caps
c. Enter DUES YEAR as YYYY
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d. HISTORY refers to the dates that the member/institution has
renewed and are entered YY noting gaps in renewals. For example,
02-05, 06e. Never send renewal notices to members that have a
“complimentary” subscription. Remind the newsletter editor to
send the newsletter to these subscribers and not filter the database
solely by DUES YEAR. (As an example, winners of MOUG’s
Distinguished Service Award have complimentary registration for
the MOUG meeting at which the award is presented, and thereafter
a lifetime complimentary membership to MOUG. You will
generally learn about winners when they are selected at Board
meetings, but the MOUG Chair may also remind you. See
Distinguished Service Award for more information.)
4. In the personal member database, enter new member information as
a. AADRI = first name
b. AADR1A = last name
c. AADR2, AADR3, and AADR4 should be entered in the order that
the member provided on the renewal for or new member form
d. SUBSCR_TYPE is always P
e. When entering a new member, add the word “new” and the date
(YY) in the KEYWORD field so new members for a particular
year can be identified to the MOUG Board. “NEW” status can be
removed after two years.
f. On the “Current” sheet in the spreadsheet, keep all member
information for the most recent two to three years. If a member has
not paid their dues for three years, move their entry the “Lapsed,
Cancelled” sheet. Do not remove their entry entirely from the
database as they may decide to renew their membership at a later
date. In addition, this information is important to MOUG’s history
and when determining if a member is truly “new” or their
membership has just lapsed for several years.
5. In the Institutional Subscriber database, enter new member
information as
a. PERS_INST is always 1
b. KEYWORD = name of business, university or organization
(sometimes a duplicate of ADDR1)
c. ADDR2, ADDR3, and ADDR4 should be entered in the order that
the institution provided on the new subscriber form or to the
d. SUBSCR_TYPE – name of vendor that is supplying the
subscription. “Direct” indicates that a vendor is not used and the
institution receives their newsletter directly.
e. CLAIMS = indicates newsletter issue numbers that the institution
has claimed (this is needed for reports to the MOUG Board).
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6. When a member, institution or organization renews, update the
appropriate database:
a. Verify and correct address, name, institution, and institutional
b. Enter date of the dues payment
c. Enter current DUES YEAR
7. Newsletter cancellations. The Newsletter cannot be cancelled during a
given subscription cycle. Institutions wishing to cancel newsletter
subscriptions may of course elect not to renew them. Cancellation
policies should be available to subscribers in membership application
forms, the newsletter, vendor renewal letters, and on the MOUG web
site. Vendors should be informed of any changes to the cancellation
G. Preparation for MOUG Board meetings
A laptop with the budget spreadsheet open and editable at the meeting can
facilitate discussion and help ensure more accurate budgeting.
All budget reports, including the five-year comparison grid (see iii and iv,
following), should be prepared and disseminated using a common
spreadsheet application such as MS Excel.
1. Summer MOUG Board meeting (usually in August). The following
information should be gathered and brought to the meeting. Distribute
copies via e-mail of anything you want other Board members to bring
with them:
a. Number of claims (Jan. 1 through the date of the meeting)
b. Number of individual members and institutional subscribers who
have paid dues for the current and immediate previous year
c. Budget proposal for upcoming year. (Budget line items from
board members may be requested by email in advance.)
d. Grid showing five-year comparison of actual-vs.-proposed budgets
e. Report on how the organization is doing for the current budget
f. Bank Balances
g. Copies of second quarter year-to-date financial reports
h. Other information as requested by MOUG Chair
i. MOUG check book or debit card for paying Board expenses
j. Report on interest from investment
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2. Winter MOUG Board meeting (usually in Feb., corresponds with
MLA meeting). The following information should be gathered and
brought to the meeting:
a. Financial reports for conference attendee’s packet, make enough
copies for all conference attendees
b. Number of claims (all from previous year, and current year-todate)
c. Number of individual members and institutional subscribers who
have paid their dues for the current year
d. Bank balances
e. Number of new members and new institutional subscribers
f. Approved budget (with updated forecast, as needed)
g. Other information as requested by MOUG Chair
h. MOUG check book or debit card for paying Board expenses
i. Report on interest from investment
Board travel expenses:
The Treasurer is responsible for reimbursing Board members for
Board-related travel according to current policy, and for keeping the
Board informed of the viability of current travel policy in relation to
the Group’s current finances. Details regarding reimbursement for
Board travel should be reviewed in the Policies & Procedures section
of this manual below, at Travel Expenses. Consult with the MOUG
Chair if you need to clarify what expenses are covered by the MOUG
H. Ballot Preparation and Handling
NOTE: regardless of whether paper or electronic ballots are used, the
Treasurer ensures that election candidates are members in good standing
by the time annual ballots are distributed.
If paper ballots are used instead of electronic ballots, the Treasurer prints
and distributes ballots (and corresponding biographical profiles and cover
letters supplied by the Chair of the Nominating Committee) for elections
of new Board members, and prepares, prints, distributes, receives and
counts ballots concerning amendments to the Bylaws. For instructions, see
the Ballot Procedures section, and section K, following, on good standing.
I. Training of new Treasurer
The incumbent Treasurer shall maintain a training manual for use when
training the new Treasurer-Elect/. The Treasurer will begin training the
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Treasurer-Elect in the Treasurer-Elect’s first year. The Treasurer will then
transition to being Past-Treasurer and serve as a resource for the new
J. General Notes
1. Member and institutional subscriber renewal forms and new member
forms should be kept for the current and previous year; older forms
can be discarded. (Note that renewals made electronically through
Membee are automatically maintained in the Membee database.)
These can be used to resolve membership questions, so should be
maintained and organized.
a. Due to its size, MOUG does not engage the services of an external
auditor. The Chair conducts review of bank statements via e-mail
and copies (see B.2 above). Treasurer’s backup files are not
consulted; however, transactions are relatively few and easily
identifiable from the statements.
b. Each year in which MOUG meets in conjunction with MLA,
immediately after all outstanding bills related to the MOUG
meeting have been paid (or by May 1, whichever is earlier), pay
the Music Library Association a $1,000 courtesy payment for
conference services. Make the check out to Music Library
Association, and send it to the following address: Music Library
Association, Inc., Business Office, 1600 Aspen Commons, Suite
100, Middleton, WI 53562. Include a memorandum stating what
the payment is for, being sure to include the date of the most recent
meeting. Notify the MOUG Chair and the MLA
Treasurer/Executive Secretary once payment has been made. Note:
The MLA Business Office will often combine the bills/receipts and
courtesy payment into one invoice for convenience.
2. When your term as MOUG Treasurer ends, forward all paperwork,
correspondence, bank statements, supplies, and any materials needed
to perform the duties of the position to the new Treasurer promptly.
K. “Good Standing”
Ongoing members who have paid their dues for the current fiscal year are
considered to be in good standing. Members who have not paid their dues
for that fiscal year shall not be considered to be in good standing. For
example, on December 31, 2008, an ongoing member who paid the
FY2008 dues is still in good standing, but will fall out of good standing on
January 1, 2009 if the FY2009 dues have not been received. If a member
is in arrears, delinquent, or lapsed, s/he is not in good standing, even
though the member’s name may be left on the roster for months, and even
if newsletters are optionally sent for up to a year afterward in hopes of
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keeping members in the fold (and also as a convenience to Board
A member is considered to be lapsed for a year or more if an entire fiscal
year has passed without renewal. For example, from June to December of
2008, if the last membership paid was for FY2007, the member is merely
delinquent for FY2008. As of January 1, 2009 if the last membership paid
is still FY2007, the membership is considered to be lapsed for a year or
New members joining in September through December are considered to
be members in good standing for the upcoming fiscal year. This includes
members reinstated after a year or more lapse. That means someone who
joins or rejoins MOUG in October 2008 will not be sent a ballot in
November 2008, since the membership does not take effect until January
2009. (While the Board may choose to extend voting privileges to this
group as a courtesy or redefine the definition of “good standing” for new
or reinstated members, it must be remembered that these are new members
who may not be fully informed about issues and candidates.)
L. Note on Dues Increases
After a dues increase (which can be enacted at any time by membership
ballot), be sure to contact the Vice Chair/Chair-Elect/Past Chair and have
him/her update all publicity documents, including the web pages, flier,
brochure, and ads. The Newsletter Editor should also be apprised. Indicate
when dues increases take effect, and for whom. N.B. Prior to the
beginning of the next fiscal year (and probably by November 1 at the
latest), all vendors should also be notified of the change in the subscription
rate, via a form (preferably created in MS-Word) sent as an attachment.
Below is an example of the text of a notice that was used in the summer of
2008 (a year in which the dues increased following a ballot measure):
Notice of Dues Increase:
The rates below are effective starting in the 2008 fiscal year. The new
rate applies to current members who renew in or after November 2007.
It also applies to individuals or institutions joining for the first time
after August 2007 or rejoining after a membership lapse of a year or
more; new and reinstated members will be credited with membership
for the upcoming fiscal year and receive the last newsletter of this year
gratis. Current members who send late renewals for the 2007 fiscal
year, and new or re-instated lapsed members who join before
September 2007, may pay the old 2007 rate: $15 individual and $20
institutional (North America), and $30 outside of North America; they
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will be sent 2008 renewal notices in November 2007. [New rates then
_____ $30.00 Personal (North America)
_____ $40.00 Institutional (North America)
_____ $45.00 Personal (outside North America)
_____ $50.00 Institutional (outside North America)
IV. Signatories to Financial Instruments
MOUG should never have only one Board member be signatory to any
financial or business instrument (e.g., bank accounts, certificate of deposits).
This would also be a wise practice to follow for other services (e.g., web
hosting). This helps protect the organization, and it allows MOUG to easily
retain (or regain) control of accounts, finances, or services in case an
individual does not or cannot give information or control to his or her
successor. Along these lines, MOUG should take care that signatories will
have some longevity on the Board. Specifically, MOUG should avoid locking
in any kind of CD or other fixed-term investments past the term of the current
Each new Treasurer should determine the requirements at the particular bank
chosen before opening any accounts, and before adding or removing
signatories. In recent years, all individuals who are currently on the
account have needed to be present at the bank to add or remove people
from accounts. Also, new signatories need to be present at the bank (with
the current signatories) in order to be added. This is best done when
everyone travels to the same city for one of the MOUG Board meetings.
When adding signatories to the account, take the MOUG business meeting
minutes that show that the new signatories have formally taken office.
Also take MOUG’s articles of incorporation. Each person may need least
two forms of ID (including a state-issued photo ID); a credit card might
suffice as one form of ID. (You may need driver’s license numbers, Social
Security numbers, etc.) Check with the bank well in advance about
requirements so everyone can bring what’s needed. Be sure to allow plenty of
time for resolving problems.
V. MOUG’s Incorporation and Non-Profit Status
A. Introduction
In December 2007, MOUG incorporated for the first time, in the state of
Ohio. MOUG’s Charter/Registration no. is 1747723 and the Ohio state
document number is 200736102296.
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(A copy of MOUG’s articles of incorporation can be found online at by using the
business name search. The MOUG Chair and Treasurer should also have
copies. See also for basic
information about non-profit organizations in Ohio.)
Incorporation provides the organization with an official address, and more
importantly, secures original incorporation papers. Without articles of
incorporation, and an official US postal address (e.g., MLA was originally
incorporated in the District of Columbia because all the original associated
business took place at the Library of Congress), MOUG’s (then) 501(c)(6)
status may have been in jeopardy, though having an assigned Federal
Employee Identification Number, or FEIN, is a hedge against such
concerns. Also, some banks request copies of an organization’s original
articles of incorporation, in addition to the organization’s FEIN.
Incorporation was also a necessary step for MOUG to pursue 501(c)(3) tax
status so that we could become an organization to which tax-deductible
charitable donations may be made.
Because of new banking regulations that were imposed over time
following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the new MOUG
Treasurer in 2007 had enormous difficulty opening a bank account in
Chicago on behalf of MOUG because MOUG lacked articles of
incorporation. For this reason alone, the Board has determined that
MOUG must remain officially incorporated somewhere in USA.
B. Further Details re: Incorporation
When incorporating in Ohio, the person designated by us as Statutory
Agent is the person who serves as the principal contact between MOUG
and the government of Ohio. MOUG established the OCLC Liaison as its
Statutory Agent, since that person is an employee of OCLC, Inc., and the
address may not change much; that was also the justification behind
incorporating in Ohio. If the Statutory Agent ever changes, MOUG is
required by Ohio law to notify the Secretary of State's office of the change
of name and address. There may be other legal requirements as well.
Three voting Board members also signed as the three required Initial
Directors, but no further responsibilities were identified for those
Disposition of documents: The original documents are archived in the
Music Library Association/MOUG archives at the University of
Maryland, College Park, and existing copies are transferred manually from
Chair to Chair and Treasurer to Treasurer.
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Renewal: Under current Ohio law (2008), one must pay a fee every five
(5) years to remain incorporated. MOUG must reincorporate before the
end of 2017.
To review the details of MOUG’s incorporation at the Ohio Secretary of
State’s website, follow the subsequent URL (valid July 2008) and enter
the charter number (1747723):
C. MOUG Board Responsibilities Associated with Non-Profit Status
MOUG Chair: With the Treasurer and OCLC Liaison, monitors MOUG
obligations associated with MOUG’s non-profit status. To maintain
MOUG's status as a nonprofit incorporation in the State of Ohio, annually
reviews the current situation regarding MOUG's 'Statutory Agent'
(currently OCLC Liaison Jay Weitz) according to requirements posted on
the Ohio Secretary of State's website. Changes in MOUG’s tax status (due
to changes in annual income; attainment of 501(c)(3) charitable
organization status; etc.) may also need to be reported in a given year.
OCLC Liaison (Statutory Agent): Serves as Statutory Agent (i.e., the
principal government contact) for MOUG as a non-profit corporation of
the state of Ohio. Works with the MOUG Chair to ensure that the state of
Ohio is notified of any contact information changes. Carries out other
duties as required of the Statutory Agent as they arise. May be listed as
the primary contact on the IRS e-Postcard (see “Treasurer” next) since the
address used as “corporation" in MOUG’s Articles of Incorporation is
Dublin, Ohio (or more specifically, Jay Weitz, MC 139, 6565 Kilgour
Place, Dublin, OH, 43017).
Treasurer: With Chair, monitors IRS requirements and changes for nonprofit organizations. Annually file an ePostcard or appropriate federal tax
return with the IRS (see more below).
Note: MOUG’s 501(c)(3) status may mean sales tax liability for products
sold by MOUG to Ohio residents. (Individual states and localities offer
nonprofits exemptions from taxes such as sales tax or property tax. Federal
tax-exempt status does not guarantee exemption from state and local taxes.
These exemptions generally have separate application processes and their
requirements may differ from the IRS requirements.)
VI. IRS Obligations
A. IRS e-Postcard (Form 990-N) and Federal Returns
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The Treasurer files an ePostcard with the IRS annually if MOUG’s annual
gross receipts are less than $50,000, and files the appropriate federal tax
return if annual gross receipts are equal to or greater than $50,000
regardless of whether MOUG is officially a non-profit in any state or
territory or not. In the ePostcard, the Treasurer should update all contact
Both the MOUG Chair and Treasurer (and perhaps the OCLC Liaison)
need to have the URL, login, and password for the ePostcard.
Filing thresholds: (viewed 2/5/2014)
(viewed 2/5/2014
As of 2014, the e-Postcard was filed by the Treasurer, with the OCLC
Liaison’s name and address on the card since the Articles of Incorporation
has OCLC’s address on it
Note: the IRS site says "gross receipts are the total amounts the
organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period,
without subtracting any costs or expenses" ( (viewed 2/5/2014). This includes
conference income/expenses, and not just operational income/expenses.
B. E-Postcard Information
[From the IRS to Treasurer]
The following is your e-Postcard login ID:
Login ID: 31095191701
Name: Nara Newcomer [or other Treasurers]
Login Type: Exempt Org
[MOUG Treasurer should share the password with the MOUG Chair.]
Submit the e-Postcard at this address:
C. Keeping Up with IRS Changes
The MOUG Chair and Treasurer (and ideally their successors in
“Vice/Elect” positions) should subscribe to appropriate listservs and
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consider reading up-to-date tutorials or attending virtual workshops for
non-profit organizations. Check the IRS web site (and don’t rely
exclusively on third-party books, guides, or peer organizations).
IRS email updates for non-exempts:,,id=154838,00.html
IRS workshops for exempt orgs:,,id=96083,00.html.
Web-based workshops:
Non-profit umbrella arts organizations may also have listservs or
web sites with information.
Caveats: IRS regulations do change, so the Chair and Treasurer (or a
designee) should peruse the IRS site (the section for exempt organizations)
annually; two sets of eyes are better. The IRS puts out user-friendly web
sites, but they can be out of date, or information can be buried. Check the
actual tax forms (even if MOUG does not have to file them) since the tax
forms in some respects are the final word on requirements and filing
thresholds. Do not assume the IRS will contact MOUG, that you will see
announcements in newspapers, or that IRS mailings will reach MOUG
D. Charitable Donations
MOUG is a 501(c)(3) organization (granted October 2012, retroactive to
application date of February 10, 2012). Donations are tax deductible per
501(c)(3) regulations. Prior to February 10, 2012, MOUG was a 501(c)(6)
The Treasurer provides an acknowledgement letter to each donor shortly
after the time of donation. At present, no cumulative letter is sent
annually, except at the request of the donor.
Treasurer-Elect/Past Treasurer
I. History
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The following paraphrases the cover memo that accompanied the ballot by
which the membership elected to create the new, non-voting position of
Treasurer-Elect/Past Treasurer in 2008.
Sections 1 and 4 were amended, and a new section (Section 5) added, to
Article IV of the MOUG Bylaws by ballot election in 2008. The amendments
extend the term of office of the MOUG Treasurer from two to four years by
creating a new office of Treasurer-Elect/Past Treasurer. The amendments are
supported by the MOUG Executive Board, following urgent recommendations
from then-Treasurer Deborah Morris (Roosevelt University) and her
predecessor, Holling Smith-Borne (Vanderbilt University). The
responsibilities of the office of Treasurer have grown exponentially over time,
becoming too difficult for one person to manage in only two years’ service,
and they would continue to grow with MOUG’s efforts to incorporate and
become a charitable, 501(c)(3) organization under the US Internal Revenue
Service code.
The MOUG Executive Board believed it necessary to make the TreasurerElect/Past-Treasurer position non-voting, recognizing that it is intended to
fulfill only the roles of trainee and trainer, respectively, and to avoid ties in
votes on matters coming before the Board.
As a practical matter, the amendments will be implemented by having
whoever is elected to serve as Treasurer in 2009 serve for a period of three
years, all of them as a voting member of the Board and as “full” Treasurer.
During that person’s third and final year of service (2011/2012), the first
Treasurer-Elect as described in the proposed amendments would be elected
and begin her/his service, training under the Treasurer and serving as a nonvoting member of the Executive Board. The normal four-year cycle as
described in the proposed amendments would pertain thereafter.
II. Responsibilities
The incumbent serves as Treasurer-Elect for one year before taking on the role
and full responsibilities of Treasurer. The Treasurer-Elect assists the Treasurer
with many aspects of the Treasurer position during this time, and as a non-voting
member of the Board, participates in general supervision of the organization’s
affairs. The training and tasks assigned to this Treasurer-Elect role might include,
but are not limited to the following:
Becoming familiar with 501(c)(3) organizations and their attendant rights and
Reading MOUG Handbook, particularly (but not limited to) Treasurer
Reading specific training matter for Treasurer
Learning Excel, Quicken or other financial software, and Membee
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Becoming familiar with using Membee to send notices and maintain
membership data
Assisting with the renewal and 2nd renewal mailings
Assisting with any bylaws revisions and/or elections
Reviewing bank statements and transactions, both in-print and online
Review past and current financial reports
Giving opinions on financial matters and other board topics
Working on special assignments such as researching new procedures
applicable to treasurer position
After training for a year, the Treasurer-Elect becomes the Treasurer and a voting
member of the Board for two years (see the Treasurer section for details).
During the fourth and final year of office, the position becomes Past Treasurer
and mentors and monitors the incoming Treasurer, who will be serving his/her
first year of full and voting responsibilities. The Past Treasurer serves as a nonvoting member of the Board, continues to participate in general supervision of the
organization’s affairs, and may have additional projects or duties assigned by the
Board or the MOUG Chair.
Continuing Education Coordinator (CEC)
I. Responsibilities
A. Serves as member of MOUG Executive Board.
B. Chairs the Program committee for the annual meeting.
C. Oversees the planning of the annual meeting.
D. Updates Handbook section as appropriate.
E. With other Board members, reviews NMPAC’s recommendations for
NMP membership in a timely manner; see NMPAC Membership for
F. May serve as a representative on planning committee for any joint
OLAC/MOUG meetings (these tend to occur every ca. 8-10 years) or
other jointly sponsored programs (i.e. co-sponsored MLA preconferences).
G. Act as a liaison to the Music Library Association’s (MLA’s) Educational
Outreach Program.
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II. Suggestions for Carrying Out Responsibilities
A. Annual Meeting
Maintain the Web site throughout the process. As the program
develops, work with the MOUG Web Keeper to keep the MOUG Web site
up-to-date with regard to meeting places, dates, arrangements, program
agenda, registration forms, etc.
One year or more before the meeting:
Approximately 13-14 months before the meeting to be planned (i.e., one
or two months before the current annual meeting), make arrangements for
a Program Committee for the annual meeting-after-next by soliciting
statements of interest (the process is described in detail below) from
MOUG members and forwarding them to the Chair, who will discuss the
applications with the Board and then officially appoint those individuals
who are approved:
 At about the same time that registration materials will be made
available (i.e. November) for the upcoming meeting, the CEC should
put out a call for “interested individuals” (avoiding the term
“volunteers,” which implies that all comers will be accepted). The call
should go out on e-mail discussion lists such as MOUG-L, MLA-L,
OLAC-List, OCLC-Cat, etc., for people who may wish to participate
in planning the meeting-after-next, e.g., the call would be put out in
November 2008 for the Program Committee for the 2010 meeting.
This announcement could also be linked from the MOUG website for
the period in question (ca. November-January; see below); the CEC
should contact the MOUG Web Keeper to ensure that this happens.
 The call should indicate that it is being addressed to MOUG members
in good standing or to people who are willing to join MOUG before
serving on the committee and will remain in good standing at least
through the meeting comprising the program they would be planning if
 The call should include i) the MOUG mission statement and
objectives, and ii) a link to the MOUG website for those who want
more information.
 The call should request that interested individuals submit a statement
of interest of “generally no more than 200 words,” stating what they
believe they would bring to the process of planning an annual meeting
of the Music OCLC Users Group.
 The call should state clearly that not all applicants may necessarily
be accepted and that all applications will be reviewed by the MOUG
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Statements of interest must be in writing (i.e., a phone call will not
suffice), and should be sent via e-mail or snail-mail to the CEC, who
will provide the necessary contact information in the announcement.
The Board will make its decisions by mid-January, at which time the
CEC will notify all applicants of the decisions; the Chair will follow
up with official letters of appointment as soon as possible thereafter.
A sample Call for Program Committee Members is in the Officer Forms.
11 months before the meeting:
If not meeting in conjunction with MLA:
1. Select a local arrangements chair in consultation with the MOUG
Board once the meeting site has been determined. Network offices can
often be helpful in finding a person in the area.
2. The local arrangements chair and/or Continuing Education
Coordinator should: a. Contact the sales office of the convention hotel
or person responsible for scheduling rooms at the meeting site, if not
meeting at a hotel. b. Arrange for a block of sleeping rooms. c.
Negotiate the price of sleeping rooms, how long rooms will held at
that price, etc. d. Contact local convention bureau. They can often
provide useful services. e. Contact hotel (or other meeting site) for
information (including prices) on catering for coffee breaks and
luncheons, AV equipment, etc. Find out how far in advance you will
need to reserve meeting rooms, order food, etc. Make friends with
these people. You will need their cooperation!
3. Prepare a preliminary budget in consultation with the Board and the
Treasurer. The MOUG Board may wish to set registration fees so that
the Coordinator has some idea of how much money there will be to
work with. MOUG meetings have averaged 75-100 registrants.
If meeting in conjunction with MLA:
1. The MLA Convention Manager should take care of #2 above. The
MLA Local Arrangements committee will often help with the MOUG
meeting as well. Contact the MLA Convention Manager and MLA
Program Chair for the next meeting during or soon after the current
meeting to verify deadlines and other important time sensitive dates.
The MLA Convention Manager can also assist in getting menu and
AV prices from the convention hotel. These prices are useful when
preparing the budget (needed for the summer or interim Board
2. Refer constantly to the MLA calendar for the upcoming year, which is
available on the MLA web page entitled “Administrative Structure,” at
3. Prepare a preliminary budget in consultation with the MOUG Board
and Treasurer. The Board may wish to set registration fees so that you
have some idea of how much money there will be to work with.
MOUG meetings have averaged 75-100 registrants, with a “typical”
year being ca. 85.
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10 months before the meeting:
1. Prepare a rough outline of program schedule, with input from the
Program Committee and share it with the MOUG Chair, who may then
ask you to share it with the entire Board. You should have at least the
major program topics in mind by this point. If the Program Committee
is not generating ideas at all, or there are other problems vis-à-vis
cooperation and participation, be sure to inform the MOUG Chair
early, in case s/he feels there is a need to become involved.
2. By this point, you and the rest of the Board may need to discuss
possible honoraria for non-MOUG member speakers who are being
considered for the program. (See Compensation and Honoraria below.)
(No offers should be made at this time; this is only when preliminary
discussions of the meeting budget should begin with the Board.
6 months before the meeting or by the summer MOUG Board meeting
(whichever is earlier):
1. Make final decisions on program topics; begin lining up speakers.
NOTE: MOUG occasionally pays honoraria or transportation costs for
speakers, and may or may not pay for their luncheon, breakfast or
other meeting-related meals, if there is one.
2. If not meeting in conjunction with MLA: Consult hotel about luncheon
menu, if there is to be a luncheon, or the menus for receptions and
breaks. You will need to present these menus to the Board for
discussion at the summer Board meeting. Include choices, prices, etc.
on the registration form if choices are to be offered. If meeting in
conjunction with MLA: contact the MLA Convention Manager about
getting menus from the hotel listing all catering prices, to present to
the Board at the summer meeting. In recent years, choices have not
been offered to the membership so such information has not been
required on the meeting registration form.
3. Finalize meeting room arrangements with hotel. NOTE: If meeting
with MLA, the MLA Convention Manager handles hotel room
4. Prepare and send press releases to national library media (Library
Journal, MLA Newsletter, OLAC Newsletter, etc.) and listservs
(MOUG-L, MLA-L, Autocat, OLAC-List, OCLC-Cat, etc.). Since
several journals have long publishing lead times, this information
should be sent as early as possible. (The OCLC Liaison takes care of
logon messages in WorldCat via Connexion.)
5. Coordinate with MOUG Newsletter editor on deadlines for registration
materials and preliminary program to be included in the newsletter.
This will usually need to be done at least 4-4 1/2 months before the
meeting date. You will also need to get some basic local information
from the Local Arrangements people (you may be able to link to
online information directly from MOUG website), and reservation
forms for the hotel (arrange with the MLA Convention Manager if
meeting with MLA). Also: see 9, following.
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6. Work with the MOUG Web Keeper to post program and registration
information to the MOUG Web site.
7. N.B. When meeting with MLA, be sure to be aware of the deadline
published annually in the MLA administrative calendar re: when
equipment requests are due to the MLA Convention Manager. (See It is usually in midAugust, which is typically 6 months before MOUG’s & MLA’s annual
meeting. It may be necessary to forward a request couched in terms of
what has been needed for the most recent meeting, with the caveat that
“this may change once our program has been finalized.”
8. Contact speakers about their AV needs. A form that they can send
back usually works, but be prepared to make follow-up phone calls as
well…the earlier, the better. NOTE: If meeting with MLA, the MLA
Convention Manager handles equipment needs. Regardless, it is a
good idea to send them a copy of the preliminary program and
registration materials as well, and to find out if there are any errors to
correct or titles to change. The MLA Convention Manager or Program
Chair may request that you coordinate equipment for MOUG and
funnel equipment requests to them.
9. Contact the MLA Treasurer/Executive Secretary and A-R Editions to
coordinate MOUG registration for both online and print materials
(camera ready copy must be sent to the MLA Treasurer/Executive
Secretary, online copy may be needed in advance of camera-ready
copy). The deadline for submission of this copy is also published in
the MLA calendar (see link in 7, preceding) and is generally sometime
in early-mid October.
10. Online and camera-copy versions of MOUG registration form and
preliminary program should be vetted by the Board prior to
11. When sending on camera-copy versions of MOUG registration form
and preliminary program to MLA Executive Secretary, send these
documents onto the MLA Conference web editor and MOUG Web
Keeper as well in order that the conference information can be posted
on those respective websites.
3-4 months before the meeting:
1. Arrange for whatever other publicity you can manage. The OCLC
Liaison is responsible for running a WorldCat logon message—please
ask him/her to have it run several times up until about 2 weeks before
the registration deadline. Mailings to libraries near the meeting
location, library schools, etc. might also be considered. Work with the
MOUG Web Keeper to update the MOUG Web site if anything has
2. Find out what the hotel’s billing policy is. You may need to have the
MOUG Treasurer fill out a form to arrange for credit. Communication
with the MLA Convention Manager is essential at this point.
3. OCLC has been providing the printed programs. You will need to get
the final program together to send to them about 6 weeks-2 months
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before the meeting. Include the precise, correct dates & location of the
meeting (hotel name, city, state), the name and employing institution
of each presenter, and the title of each presentation. Also include any
acknowledgments (work with the MOUG Chair on this), e.g., to
OCLC, the MLA Convention Managers (by name), to any institution
or individual who provided substantial meeting support such as
photocopying or staff time, etc.
ca. 2 months before the meeting:
1. By now, registrations should start coming in. (Registration deadline
should be 4-6 weeks before meeting or fall in-line with MLA
registration deadlines). You will need to keep track of forms, checks,
etc. In years where A-R Editions is providing online and print
registration, they will keep track of forms, monetary exchanges, etc.
You will want to get regularly updates from A-R Editions regarding
registration. Eventually you will need to be able to prepare a
registration list, receipts, forms for small group assignments, etc. Work
with the Treasurer to decide when to transfer registration checks to
him/her for depositing. (Some of this work will be performed on an
Access database; coordinate with the Treasurer.)
2. Also, as soon as registration for the annual meeting is open
(November/December), the Treasurer should send a list of members in
good standing). Check registrations against this list to see if the
appropriate registration fee has been paid (i.e., member/non-member),
and contact persons who registered as members if their registration
have in fact expired. (Do this well before the meeting since it may be
awkward resolving problems on site, and people may not have their
checkbooks with them.) The Treasurer should be contacted if a
question arises (e.g., the membership has subsequently been paid).
This is a good way of reducing the number of second notices that need
to be sent out.
3. Registration waivers. Note that this year's Distinguished Service
Award recipient, MOUG Board members and this year's recipient(s) of
the Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant are not required to pay registration
for the current year’s meeting. The same applies to any guest speaker
who is not a member of MOUG at the time s/he is invited to speak,
even if s/he joins MOUG subsequent to the invitation. Anyone
receiving a registration waiver should forgo online registration but
submit print registration form to the CEC. The CEC should keep track
of these individuals’ registration information. [See Ralph Papakhian
Travel Grant and MOUG Distinguished Service Award.]
4. Occasionally requests to “crash” sessions without registering for the
meeting are made. In an e-mail discussion on January 16, 2009, the
Board reached consensus that, generally, such requests should be
honored, especially those concerning the NACO-Music (NMP) session
and the Enhance session. These two sessions in particular are related
to MOUG but are not MOUG-exclusive, and because they are
cooperative programs in which MOUG has a strong interest that
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people join and become active, there seems to be little mileage in
refusing admission, especially when an individual has been so gracious
as to ask permission. Judgment should be applied to requests to attend
other MOUG sessions gratis, e.g., a request to attend “just the Tuesday
sessions” without registering should probably be run by the Board, but
any request to attend just one meeting session in which a person has a
particular interest may usually be regarded more liberally. Often these
requests come from someone who has arrived early in the week for
MLA but who hasn’t yet joined MOUG (for example, an MLA Board
member who is there for a meeting but who happens to be free for the
NMP session and who is thinking about joining NMP). The person
may even be a MOUG member who was unable to register this year
for financial or other reasons—and so on, and so forth.
5. Contact the OCLC Liaison to begin planning for registration folders,
handouts, etc. You may need to work with him/her to make
arrangements with the hotel to have materials shipped there in advance
(highly recommended). Most hotels will generally not allow shipments
for an event to be made more than a day or two prior to that event’s
scheduled start date—for most MLA meetings, that would be the
Saturday or Sunday prior to Monday of the meeting week. If meeting
in conjunction with MLA: the MLA Convention Manager will usually
have details about where/how to ship, and will generally be happy to
act as intermediary between MOUG and the hotel.
4-6 weeks before the meeting:
1. Once the registration deadline has passed, you can make final plans
with the hotel (usually via the MLA Convention Manager) for coffee,
etc. Depending on their policies, you may be able to hold off on final
meal counts until a week or so before the meeting to allow for the
inevitable late registrants.
2. Begin gathering and organizing materials for the registration packets.
You will need to get a Business Meeting agenda from the MOUG
Chair, make up a meeting evaluation form, prepare a registration list,
make name tags, receipts, signs for registration desk, etc. You may
also want to discuss how to handle photocopying of handouts for the
presenters. MOUG has traditionally paid for the photocopying of
handouts, if the person provides a receipt, but presenters should always
be asked to try and have their employing institution cover the cost if
possible. Check with the current MOUG Board members to gauge
scope and budget. Be sure to keep a supply kit containing a stapler,
staples, post-it notes, receipt books, magic markers, extra name tag
holders and possibly scissors and tape. The following “functions” are
included on name tags as appropriate:
• Chair
• Past Chair or Chair-elect (depending upon the rotation)
• Secretary/Newsletter Editor
• Treasurer
• Continuing Education Coordinator
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OCLC Liaison
First-Time Attendee
OLAC Liaison
Web Keeper
Ref. Services Committee Chair or Reference and Collections
Services Coordinator
• Program Committee
• Moderator
• Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant recipient(s)
Draft volunteers to help at the registration desk, or, better still,
delegate the entire task of drafting & scheduling volunteers to another
MOUG member (not necessarily someone on the Program
Committee). A notice in the MOUG Newsletter and on the MOUG
electronic discussion list may get you a few real volunteers. Your
“pinch hitter” should provide you with a schedule of volunteers once
all the slots have been filled. Try to have things set up so that you
won’t have to work at the desk yourself. You will need to be free to
take care of last-minute details at the meeting. Written instructions,
particularly with regard to fiscal record-keeping and safe handling of
cash and checks at the desk, should be prepared for distribution to the
volunteers. (For example, it will be important for them to know that all
the checks and cash must be kept together in one safe place, and a
roster maintained of who among the walk-ins paid which fees and for
what purposes: meeting registration, late fees, membership, etc.)
Check with your speakers/presenters. Make sure they are clear on the
meeting schedule, place, duplication and distribution of handouts, etc.,
and that all of their equipment needs are lined up. Consider asking
presenters if they are interested in having their slides and/or handouts
to the MOUG Web site in advance of the conference; if so, forward
these to the Web Keeper for posting.
Before making PowerPoints, handouts, and other meeting materials
available publicly on the web or other online distribution mechanisms,
ask presenters to certify these points in writing (email is fine):
a. presenter is legally and contractually allowed to post the content;
b. presenter consents to the posting and understands that content
will be available publicly on the MOUG (and possibly the MLA)
website; and
c. if the presenter is posting copyrighted material for which s/he is
not the copyright holder, the presenter must secure any rights or
provide an explanation for why s/he is allowed to post the content.
Speakers/presenters who are MOUG members must register for the
meeting and pay normal registration. Speakers who are not MOUG
members who are planning to attend the rest of the meeting’s sessions
do need to register; if they are just there to do a presentation and leave,
they do not need to register. In neither case should they pay the
registration fee. See also Compensation and Honoraria below. The
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issue of whether a MOUG non-member presenter who has not paid
registration is allowed to partake of the offerings at a reception or
other event is generally decided from one year to the next by the Chair
in consultation with you and/or the rest of the Board, and depends
largely on budget circumstances. In general, though, MOUG has been
fairly liberal about this, since we do not generally pay honoraria unless
asked to. (And then only to MOUG non-members; the Bylaws forbid
payment of honoraria to MOUG members who present.)
7. Be aware when meeting in conjunction with MLA that the Convention
Manager and Assistant Manager divide their duties, generally as
follows: The Convention Manager deals with: meeting room
assignments, AV needs/issues, and catering. The Assistant Convention
Manager handles MLA’s vendor/exhibitors (with which MOUG
sometimes has to interact in common areas), advertising in the MLA
program, and signage. Check with the Convention Manager when you
first make contact to ascertain that this traditional division of duties
still applies for the upcoming meeting.
8. MOUG signage at annual meetings from 2010 onward utilizes
permanent signs with inserts (indicating meeting rooms or directions)
appropriate to the meeting. Contact the person currently storing the
signage to have it shipped to the meeting. (If there is no packaging,
MOUG can order some for the person, or reimburse the person. See
the “At the Meeting” instructions for suggestions on purchasing
packaging if it is needed.) Fed Ex has reasonable ground shipping
prices. CEC ensures the packaging is retained when the signs arrive
(post a note: “retain box for MOUG”). At the end of the meeting, CEC
designates a local attendee to take the signs for the year (along with
the packaging), then ship them to the new meeting location just before
the next meeting.
9. Bring/create MOUG sign inserts to put on standardized signage
specific to the year’s meeting location.
Prior to the Meeting
1. Prepare meeting evaluation form on pale-green paper for inclusion in
the packets (there is already-existing template for this that your
predecessor should have on file)
2. Ask all presenters to prepare a concise statement for use when
introducing them to the audience.
3. Communicate to presenters precisely how much time they have to
speak, including time at the end of their session (generally no less than
10 minutes) for Q&A and stress to them politely that they should do
their best to stay within their allotted time. (You will need to serve as
“proctor” in this matter at the actual meeting sessions, and be prepared
to give a presenter a five-minute warning and then a final cutoff in
cases where the time is running out.)
4. Procure Name-badge insert refills and name badge holders; these may
be obtained cheaply at “big box” office stores if more are needed.
Keep receipts to give to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
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5. Transport meeting materials on the plane with you (not in your
checked bags, unless you have electronic backup of everything in your
carry-on), or ship them to the hotel in advance.
6. Registration materials to bring along
a. Receipts (printed from Access database)
b. Complete list of attendees (printed from Access database)
c. Be sure to note in the list of attendees (in a non-printing cell or
field) who has been given complimentary registration (e.g., all
Board members, MOUG non-member speakers/presenters, Web
Keeper, current DSA winner if any, etc.) N.B. You will need to be
sure to print name badges and prepare registration packets for all
“comped” registrants, as well as for those who have registered and
d. Extra registration forms (print out from MOUG Web site)
e. Blank name badges for walk-ins with MOUG logo (printed from
Access database)
f. Name badges for all advance registrants (printed from Access
g. Name badge holders
h. Receipt book, and anything else in manila folder with extraneous
conference materials
i. Envelopes for each attendee, to contain:
j. Printed receipt (unless registration and therefore receipts are
provided by A-R Editions)
k. Printed name-badge plate
l. **Note, put labels with people’s names on them on the envelope,
not the meeting folders
7. Ascertain if there are any MOUG registrants that will need ADA
accommodations or assistance—MOUG is legally obligated to provide
them at our expense when they are requested in advance.
8. According to the MLA Convention Manager, we can generally change
catering orders up to 72 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting,
though this may vary from hotel to hotel—check with the Convention
Manager to be sure. (Increases in food orders, naturally, are more
easily accommodated than decreases.)
9. When someone needs a receipt prior to arriving at the meeting
location, either fax it to them or have a dummy receipt for them at the
meeting placed in the manila envelope with their other conference
10. Frequently touch base with speakers/presenters prior to meeting.
11. Exchange cell phone numbers with presenters, session note takers, and
volunteers, and ask them to contact you if they will be delayed or
absent so you can make alternative arrangements.
During Board Meeting Prior to Beginning of MOUG
a. It is acceptable to not be present at various times during the Board
meeting because there may be many last minute details to work out
to make sure the meeting goes as smoothly as possible. The MLA
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Convention Manager will likely interrupt this meeting to ask for
your help to solve problems as they arise.
b. It is important to remember that decisions involving potential
increases to the meeting budget (such as increases in head counts
for receptions or other “food events”) are not up to you alone to
authorize—such decisions must be taken by the MOUG Chair,
who in turn should generally only authorize such changes in
consultation with the whole Board. Even if the MLA Convention
Manager is recommending such last-minute increases to you, do
not authorize them without consulting the Chair.
c. Leaving the Board meeting to make sure the registration desk gets
set up as smoothly as possible is also often necessary, especially if
you’ve delegated its organizing to someone else.
At the Meeting
1. Get in touch with the MLA Convention Manager (CM) shortly after
arriving at the site of the meeting
a. Make sure CM introduces you to important hotel staff, such as
event/room coordinator and head of catering. (Now is a good time
to discuss estimates for food events in relation to registration
numbers, remembering that no overages may be authorized
without discussion by the full Board.)
b. CM should give you preliminary receipts to show expenses as they
stand before the meeting
2. Things to include in your Board report immediately pre-meeting
a. Status of meeting planning
b. Food ordered
c. Any unexpected problems with the hotel
d. Share names of hotel contacts made since arriving at meeting site
e. Any last minute changes to program because of dropouts or
f. Registration issues, e.g., people asking to be allowed to pay the
early registration fee at the last minute because “their early
registration must have been lost in the mail.” (N.B. generally such
requests should not be honored, and this needs to be communicated
to all registration desk volunteers.)
g. Number of pre-registrants
3. Arrange with the MOUG Chair for packet stuffing with Board
members (or others) who arrive on-site early. (Traditionally, this has
happened early in the Board meeting, e.g., early Tuesday morning in a
meeting week where MOUG meets Tuesday & Wednesday. But it
needs to be made an “unofficial agenda item” at the Board meeting,
which is why you need to consult with the Chair.)
4. Arrange, usually with a local attendee, for shipping/storage of
permanent signage once meeting is over. Consider double boxing the
signs. MLA may have surplus sign packaging that you can claim at the
beginning of the meeting, since they don't re-use their signs.
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Otherwise, mirror boxes (ideally adjustable) work well. This vendor
sells an adjustable mirror box:
1-Piece Mirror
24 x 36 x 3-7/8
Box: $5.75
Shipping $19.00
Total $24.75
If this is your last year as CEC, be sure your successor knows who is
storing the signage.
5. Tag hotel staff on any last-minute equipment needs (and also work
with the MLA CM when necessary on such matters).
6. Things to mention in opening welcome to everyone at beginning of the
a. Any room changes
b. Remind people about next day’s schedule, and most importantly,
about the business meeting and importance of being there if
c. Thank the Program Committee for its hard work, and ask members
present in the room to stand
d. Mention that you’re looking for new members to be on the
Program Committee for next year (repeat this announcement
during your report at the business meeting)
e. Any kind of notable transitions in the organization, e.g., a change
in the designated OCLC representative for the public services side
in the “Ask MOUG” session
f. Indicate whether slides or handouts are or will be posted on
MOUG’s web site.
g. Any changes with catering arrangements or anything else that
deals with meeting-related changes at the last minute
h. Ask everyone please to fill in the evaluation forms in their
packets—hold one up so they can see what color of paper it is on.
Repeat this request during your report at the business meeting the
next day.
i. And of course, introduce opening session
After the Meeting
1. Write thank-you letters to presenters and speakers
2. Compile a brief, narrative summary of the evaluation forms to report
to the Board; keep a record of this summary to pass on to next year’s
Program Committee
3. Give registration forms and checks, Access document with complete
list of attendees (pre-registrants and onsite delineated) to Treasurer
4. Give call for new committee members at meeting, to be followed by
lunch together to discuss possibilities for next year’s meeting
5. The MLA Convention Manager (CM) will send you a breakdown of
MOUG-related hotel expenses, which you should review in
consultation with the Board and sign off on before the CM sends it on
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to the MLA Treasurer/Executive Secretary. The MLA T/Ex will then
send it to their business office (A-R Editions), who will finally send a
formal invoice to the MOUG Treasurer, who will pay the invoice after
all income from the meeting has been accounted for, i.e., after you
have turned over all the registration checks and accompanying Access
6. Send hard copy of the final list of attendees, including names of those
who registered on-site, to the Archive; also keep e-copy and backup
from at least the previous two meetings to forward to your successor
and for other use (e.g., by the Nominating Committee or any other
parties that may have legitimate questions about registration).
7. Follow up with the posting of any slides or handouts to the MOUG
web site. (See comments above about points to certify in advance.)
B. OLAC/MOUG Meetings
See also Joint meetings with Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC)
in the Chair’s section, above. See also responsibility F under the OLAC
Liaison’s section, which is also a responsibility of the CEC regarding such
joint meetings: OLAC Liaison.
C. Handbook
Review appropriate sections of Handbook prior to leaving office so that
changes can be incorporated by the time new officers assume office.
D. Liaison responsibility to MLA Educational Outreach Program.
1. When you receive questions about cataloging workshops from
individuals or organizations, refer them to the MLA/EOP website if
MOUG is not planning anything imminent that would satisfy their
needs (e.g., a cataloging workshop as part of a MOUG meeting or preconference). As of December 2010, the website is at:
2. Convey information to and from the MOUG Board in a timely manner
about all matters concerning the MLA/EOP.
A. Serves as ex-officio member of MOUG Executive Board.
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B. Attends all meetings held throughout the year as a member of the MOUG
Executive Board.
C. Presents a report at the annual meeting of “News From OCLC,” including
a copy of the text of the report in the registration packet. The liaison
likewise participates in and/or leads other sessions as requested; these
often include sessions on Enhance, “Ask MOUG,” and problem sharing.
D. Provides a “News From OCLC” article and a “Questions and Answers”
column for each MOUG Newsletter.
E. Serves as the OCLC contact person for questions and relaying music user
suggestions for improvements to and development of OCLC products and
F. Assists in the coordination of large projects such as the NACO-Music
Project, as necessary.
G. Helps coordinate any OCLC participation in the annual joint meetings of
MOUG and MLA or any separate meeting of MOUG, according to the
suggestions set out below.
H. Updates Handbook section as appropriate.
I. Serves as Statutory Agent (i.e., the principal state government contact) for
MOUG, a non-profit corporation in the state of Ohio; carries out related
duties. See MOUG’s Non-Profit Status for details.
Suggestions for Carrying Out Responsibilities
A. For a MOUG meeting held jointly with MLA, OLAC, or others at a
site away from OCLC. (Additional useful information may also be found
in the Continuing Education Coordinator’s section above at Annual
Meeting, and also at II, C in the Chair’s section at Joint meetings with
Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC).)
1. 3-4 months before meeting:
a. Coordinate advertising with Corporate Communications if
exhibiting at the meeting.
b. Double check on any agreements OCLC made to provide coffee
and pastries, etc.
c. Notify MOUG Continuing Education Coordinator of any
equipment (e.g. overhead, phone lines, etc.) needed for OCLC staff
2. 2 months before meeting:
a. Obtain meeting schedule, with room assignments, from MOUG
Continuing Education Coordinator.
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b. Consult with Branding and Creative Services on program brochure
text and design.
c. Order, via Events Coordinator, OCLC folders and appropriate user
documentation to be distributed at MOUG registration.
d. If exhibiting at the meeting, assist Events Coordinator by:
preparing a list of products to be demonstrated
ii. preparing a list of equipment needed
iii. preparing a list of user documentation to be shipped
assisting with choices of promotional items
e. Run logon greetings, “OCLC System News” items, and
appropriate discussion list announcements reminding users of
upcoming meeting during the period leading up to registration
deadline. (See Sample OCLC Logon Greeting, below.)
3. 1 week before meeting:
a. Continue to run reminders of upcoming meeting, as appropriate.
b. Make sure that OCLC folders and user documentation have been
shipped to conference hotel to the attention of MOUG/OCLC
4. After the meeting:
a. Take action on follow-ups from Executive Board meetings.
b. Record (and keep an ongoing record of, from year to year) the
number of attendees at the meeting. The current year’s information
is available from the Continuing Education Coordinator.
B. For a MOUG Meeting held at OCLC:
1. 6 months before meeting:
Confirm dates and reserve meeting, conference, and/or training rooms,
as needed. Additional meeting space may need to be confirmed upon
completion of the program.
2. 2 months before meeting:
a. Request any AV equipment that will be needed.
b. Circulate in-house memo to alert staff of meeting. Include tentative
3. 2 weeks to 1 month before meeting:
a. Notify Public Relations so that meeting can be placed on corporate
calendar. This will also assure a welcome sign in the Atrium on the
day(s) of the meeting.
b. Make tentative arrangements for OCLC sponsored dinner as
necessary. Prepare internal memo to invite OCLC staff.
4. 1 week before meeting:
a. Submit any catering requests for food service at desired times.
b. Notify cafeteria as to number of extra people going through the
lunch line.
c. Notify Front Desk of date(s) and location of meetings. Arrange for
visitor badges if necessary. Provide staff with program.
d. Inform Janitorial Services of which meeting rooms will be in use.
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5. Meeting day(s)
Return meeting room(s) to normal arrangement if necessary.
6. After the meeting:
a. Take action on follow-ups from Executive Board meetings.
b. Prepare reports on reactions to products demonstrated as
NACO-Music Project Coordinator
I. Responsibilities
A. Arranges for the participation of new NMP members:
1. Requests the creation of new MARC Organization Codes (via
Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of
2. Submits NACO Application Form (via the NACO Homepage)
3. Requests appropriate OCLC authorizations (via Luanne Goodson at
B. Trains and reviews new participants or arranges for training/review by
other independent members.
C. Serves as principal NMP contact with the LC designated NACO-Music
D. Serves as the NMP institutional representative to LC’s Cooperative
Cataloging Program.
1. Receives questions from NACO about headings created by NMP.
2. Relays questions from NMP to NACO.
3. May participate in PCC activities.
E. Serves on the NACO-Music Project Advisory Committee, ex-officio, and
advises NMPAC about NACO activities, NMP expansion opportunities,
F. Chairs the meeting of NMP participants at the annual MOUG meeting.
G. Updates this Handbook section as appropriate.
See NACO-Music Project Advisory Committee for additional information. Note
that NMP Coordinator is a member of that committee, but is not the chair.
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Suggestions for Carrying Out Responsibilities
A. Maintain regular e-mail and phone communication with the LC liaison.
B. Monitor appropriate e-mail listserv lists (COOPCAT, AUTOCAT,
NMP-L, etc.
C. Monitor correspondence from the LC Cooperative Cataloging Office.
D. Keep current with new developments in authority work (attend appropriate
MLA meetings, etc.)
E. Serve as list owner for NMP-L, which serves as a communication medium
for the project participants.
F. Keep the directory of NACO-Music participants up to date on the MOUG
Web site (
G. Prepare an agenda for the annual NMP participants’ meeting at the
MOUG annual meeting whenever there are current topics of interest
before the authorities community that relate to any aspect of the NMP’s
mission. (Often the meetings are informal information-sharing sessions,
but they have proven more productive and valuable to members when
some time at the beginning of the meeting is devoted to a structured
agenda.) At the meeting, send around a sign-up sheet for participants and
keep track of attendance informally; pass this information along to
NMPAC. Note that sometimes people who are not registered for MOUG
may “crash” the NMP sessions; the MOUG Board has decided that this is
OK because of the NMP’s semi-autonomous status and because it is a
cooperative program that we are trying to encourage people to join.
OLAC Liaison
This individual is appointed jointly by the chairs of OLAC and MOUG for a two
year term, which expires at ALA Annual in odd years, and is renewable.
I. Responsibilities
A. Attends MOUG meetings.
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B. Attends OLAC meetings (including OLAC Board meetings when invited;
invitations should be proactively sought, with assistance from the MOUG
Chair, when there are important issues to communicate from MOUG).
C. Gives verbal or written reports of OLAC activities at MOUG annual
business meetings; provides written reports to the MOUG Board and the
MOUG Newsletter as appropriate.
D. Advertises MOUG meetings, publications, etc. in OLAC Newsletter and
keeps a supply of MOUG fliers for OLAC members who request
information on MOUG.
E. Serves as contact between MOUG and OLAC regarding administrative
and organization matters.
F. Serves (sometimes along with the Continuing Education Coordinator) on
planning committees for joint OLAC/MOUG meetings. See also Joint
meetings with Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC) in the Chair’s
section, above, and communicates in a timely manner with the MOUG
Board all information pertinent to MOUG planning for joint meetings
(e.g., site selection, program content, registration fees, session scheduling,
etc.). N.B. An invitation from the OLAC Board for MOUG’s OLAC
Liaison to join the OLAC planning committee for the joint meeting should
first be sought by the MOUG Chair, as a matter of protocol.
Reference and Collection Services
Coordinator (RCSC)
Added to handbook January 2011.
This position replaces the chair of the Reference Services Committee.
The Reference and Collection Services Coordinator (RCSC) investigates
public and collection service issues related to OCLC products and services.
Such issues may be identified by either the RCSC or the Board, and the
investigations undertaken after consultation with it.
The RCSC has wide latitude in soliciting topics for investigation, as well as
input during any such investigations, from member or nonmember groups as
appropriate, using any appropriate means and media, including, but not
limited to, online or print questionnaires, listserv postings, Web sites, and the
MOUG Newsletter.
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In consultation with the Board, the RCSC creates task forces and identifies
members for them in order to conduct the aforementioned investigations.
Task force members may be chosen from outside of the MOUG membership
as the situation or the specific expertise of prospective members warrants.
The RCSC is authorized to communicate, on behalf of MOUG, with members
of OCLC in conducting the aforementioned investigations, and to promptly
inform the MOUG Board regarding such communications.
The RCSC reports the findings of investigations to the MOUG Board and
participates in disseminating them, using appropriate media, upon the advice
of the Board.
The RCSC is responsible for filing a written report with the MOUG Board
prior to each of its meetings detailing activities undertaken since the previous
report, and for delivering an oral report to the MOUG membership at the
MOUG annual meeting.
The RCSC serves as an ex-officio member of the Program Committee and is
encouraged to contribute programming suggestions, especially those relevant
to the activities undertaken by the RCSC, as appropriate.
Term of Appointment
The RCSC shall be appointed by the MOUG Chair to a two-year term, which
may be renewed at the mutual pleasure of the RCSC and the Board.
MOUG Web Keeper
The Web Keeper edits, maintains, and manages the MOUG Web site
( The Web Keeper is responsible to the MOUG
Board and works closely with all members of the Board.
I. Responsibilities
A. Update the MOUG web site in a regular and timely manner, both
independently and in coordination with MOUG Board members, so that
the site accurately represents MOUG.
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B. Maintain and revise the structure and appearance of the site to ensure that
the site is easy to navigate, inviting, and represents MOUG in a
professional manner.
C. [May] Help develop new content and uses for the site in coordination with
MOUG Board members or designees.
D. The individual works with the MOUG Treasurer and other MOUG Board
members to ensure continued access to MOUG’s web hosting service.
E. The individual submits bi-annual reports to the MOUG Board.
F. Some of the pages that must be kept current include the following:
1. Information about the forthcoming annual meeting, including the
preliminary program and registration information. (The Continuing
Education Coordinator should work with the Web Keeper on this.)
2. A current copy of MOUG’s Bylaws.
3. Ordering information for MOUG’s publications.
4. Three “Questions and Answers” columns from recent newsletter issues
(not including the current issue).
5. The current Executive Board roster.
6. A current membership form, with the current Treasurer’s address.
7. Older newsletters (see Secretary for more details)
8. Any other links relevant to music users of OCLC.
MOUG’s Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Past Chair serves as the Web Keeper’s
primary contact, but other officers may send the Web Keeper requests for
Web updates pertaining to their responsibilities.
Passwords and all access information must be shared with the current MOUG
Chair, as well as passed on to the incumbent’s successor at the end of her/his
Terms of Appointment
The Web Keeper serves for a one-year term, and reappointments occur by
mutual agreement between the office holder and the MOUG Board annually
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Other details regarding the appointment and administration of the Web Keeper
position are listed under the Chair’s section; see Web Keeper.
The 2010 call for Web Keeper nominations (including qualifications at that
time) is available in Officer Forms. The 2006 and 2010 call for nominations
can also be found on MLA-L.
Incidental out-of-pocket expenses occasionally incurred in the execution of
the position's responsibilities may be reimbursed by MOUG; the Web Keeper
should consult with the board before proceeding.
List Owner for MOUG-L
This person is the primary list owner of MOUG’s official e-mail discussion list,
Location of the List Owner and Listserv
The list owner does not necessarily need to be at the institution where the
listserv is located. Indeed, the listserv’s address should not change too
frequently; however, try to keep it at a location that has a MOUG member. If
the list must be moved, find a location with the familiar L-Soft brand from LSoft International, Inc. (, the company that holds the
copyright to the term “listserv” and that has become a de facto standard due to
its sheer omnipresence among familiar library e-mail discussion groups.
Appointment and Renewal
The listserv manager is appointed for a term of four years, generally from the
close of the MOUG annual business meeting until the close of the annual
business meeting four years from that date. There is little publicity about the
appointment—just about moving the list when it happens. The appointment
may be renewed following mutual agreement between the MOUG Board and
the list owner(s), every four years. There is no limit to the number of terms.
A brief charge will accompany the Chair’s letter of appointment or reappointment (see sample appointment letter), outlining basic responsibilities
of list maintenance and the need for regular communication with the Board.
This type of ongoing appointment is unique to the list owner among MOUG
offices, and is intended to provide for a stable address for the discussion list.
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The list owner will select a co-owner to whom responsibility for
troubleshooting and managing may be transferred in cases of the list owner's
unavailability; s/he may choose someone at her/his institution, or another
MOUG member who may be given access to the server. The MOUG Chair
should follow up with a letter of appointment as co-owner to that person,
whether or not s/he is a MOUG member.
List Owner Responsibilities
The list owner will ensure that the MOUG web site has up-to-date instructions
for subscribing, unsubscribing, and performing other list commands, and will
post appropriate descriptions, usage guidelines, and netiquette tips. Serve as
moderator as needed. Advertise the list once in a while in appropriate journals
and newsletters (exchange ads are always preferable to paid advertising—
consult with the Board as necessary before proceeding with any advertising
involving money). Maintain instructions on the MOUG web pages.
Occasionally ensure that the list is publicized in other appropriate discussion
lists (e.g. MLA-L, AUTOCAT, OCLC-Cat, OLAC-List, etc.), newsletters, or
other media.
MOUG Chair’s Responsibilities Regarding List Owner
A. Appoint list owner every four years or as needed
B. Thank the list owner annually at the business meeting
C. Ensure (as much as reasonably possible) a smooth, quick transition among
list owners when the responsibility requires transfer
D. Send a letter of appointment with a brief charge (see sample appointment
letter) for each of the list's new owners and the co-owner.
E. See also section II in the Chair’s section above, Committees &
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Handbook Revisions
Proposal and Approval of Handbook Revisions
Changes to this Handbook may be proposed by any member of the MOUG
Board at any time. All changes must be approved by a majority vote of the
Navigation Tip
Word’s Document Map (a.k.a. Navigation Pane on Macintosh and Word 2010)
lets you display a table of contents on the left side. There you can browse heading
chapters (including subdivisions); you can also right click to set the desired
heading levels (e.g., top level chapter headings or subheadings within). Find the
Document Map under the View menu (you can assign a keyboard shortcut).
Mechanical Issues
Headers 1-4 are applied to section headers. This allows MOUG Board
members to use the Document Map to more easily navigate the document.
Using headers allows you to link to other places in the document without
having to create bookmarks. They also allow you to automatically create and
update a table of contents (as a whole or one line at a time). They also allow
Handbook editors to quickly change formatting document wide.
When editing, don’t forget to fix hyperlinked cross references between major
related sections. (To add or edit links, select Hyperlink under the Insert menu
(or use control/command K), click Place in [this] Document (since references
are all in the document itself), then scroll up in the “Look in” window to find
and select the correct section heading. If you inserted bookmarks (and this
document does have bookmarks at strategic points) you can also click on
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“Bookmarks” under the Locate button. (Bookmarks are not recommended,
since they can easily get separated from the text to which they apply.)
To add page numbers to the table of contents, use the References Tab in Word,
click (it used to be the Insert Menu), select Cross Reference, then set it you can
select a heading but display the page number. Link to HEADINGS, not to
bookmarks, since bookmarks can become separated from their text. Be sure to
update page numbers when you add/delete pages. To do this, right click on the
page number and select Update Field in the resulting menu. If you select several
lines first, it will update all of the selected page numbers. Make sure numbers
really did update.
We’ve kept a wide left margin, so that someone viewing the Document Map
and viewing the document at 100% can see all of the text in the page without
scrolling left and right.
Archiving of Materials
Generally, current officers should have files from the previous officer and their
own files. Most earlier files should be sent to the Archives. Exceptions include
receipts. Receipts should be kept by the Treasurer for two years. After that time,
they can be forwarded to the Archives.
Each year following the annual meeting, the Continuing Ed. Coordinator should
send hard copy of the final list of attendees (including those who registered onsite) to the Archives.
Materials destined for the Archives should be sent directly to Vincent (“Vin”)
Novara at the following address. (Bonnie Jo Dopp was the original curator.)
Vincent Novara, Curator
MOUG Archives
Performing arts Library
2511 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-1630
(301) 405-9220
(Current as of April 2007.)
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The materials should be accompanied by the Transfer of Documents to the Music
OCLC Users Group Archives form. A copy of the form can be printed from
Materials destined for the Archives need not be weeded. Send everything.
Electronic mail correspondence and other documents may be submitted on handheld digital media (e.g., CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, diskette, etc.) but should also be
accompanied by a paper printout. The archivist and his or her staff will process
the collection.
Awards & Grants
MOUG Distinguished Service Award Guidelines
A. Introduction
The MOUG Distinguished Service Award recognizes and honors a librarian
who has made significant professional contributions to music users of OCLC.
The MOUG Executive Board selects a recipient based on nominations
received from the MOUG membership.
B. Eligibility
Eligibility for nomination is as follows:
Nominees must have made professional contributions which significantly
address the needs and concerns of music-oriented users of OCLC’s
products and services.
Nominees may be MOUG members, but membership in the organization
is not a requirement.
The nomination must be accompanied by a statement that provides supporting
evidence of the nominee’s qualifications.
C. Administration
The MOUG Distinguished Service Award shall be administered by the
Executive Board. Primary responsibilities are below (with instructions
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MOUG Vice-Chair solicits and receives nominations, and forwards them
to the board for discussion at its summer meeting.
MOUG Chair notifies recipient after the summer meeting and invites him
or her to the annual business meeting for the award presentation.
Treasurer updates database to ensure gratis registration and memberships.
Vice Chair has a plaque made for the MOUG business meeting.
Chair writes the award letter and distributes copies as detailed in F.4
Chair puts award in the business meeting agenda and presents the award.
[Optional: someone helps recipient ship the awards home as needed.]
Vice Chair writes and distributes press releases after the presentation, and
has the web keeper update the web site’s list of recipients.
The MOUG Chair also communicates with the Vice Chair/Chair Elect,
Past Chair and the Treasurer to ensure that all tasks relating to the award
are carried out in a timely manner.
Brief reminders relating to each year’s award (announcements, press releases,
preparing the plaque and letter of citation, etc.) are also outlined under
Officers and Appointees (Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Past-Chair).
D. Nominations
The MOUG Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Past Chair shall be responsible for
soliciting and receiving nominations.
Each year, put out a call for nominations for the MOUG Distinguished
Service Award (DSA) at least two months prior to a May 15th nomination
deadline (or later if approved by the Board—the deadline for receipt of
nominations should be at least a month before the summer Board
meeting), Typically the announcement is made very soon after the annual
meeting whenever MOUG meets in conjunction with MLA, which is often in
The call for nominations should be made on MOUG-L, MLA-L, and the
MOUG website. If possible, the call for nominations should also be included
in a MOUG Newsletter, but the publication schedule may not permit it.
A sample MOUG Distinguished Service Award (DSA) Call for Nominations
is in the Officer Forms. The MLA-L archives and the MLA or MOUG
Newsletters may also have more recent samples. (Be sure to update the names
of recent winners in the call for nominations.)
Nominations may be made by email; US Mail can also be optionally allowed.
The membership should be notified that nominations and statements must be
received or postmarked (if postal mail is allowed that year) no later than a
specified date agreed upon by the Board (see above). In 2010, the call said
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“nominations and accompanying statements should be sent to the email
address below and must be received no later than [xxx] date.
The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Past-Chair shall share each valid nomination via
e-mail with the Executive Board immediately upon its receipt; all nominations
shall be so shared with the Board as soon as possible following the postmark
deadline. All nominations are strictly confidential and are not to be
discussed or otherwise shared beyond the Board.
Immediately after the close of nominations, the MOUG Web Keeper should
be asked to remove the call from the MOUG website.
E. Selection and Notification
The Executive Board will select an award recipient at their summer Board
meeting. An award will not necessarily be made annually.
The Chair should notify the intended recipient of an impending award soon
after the meeting so the intended recipient can make travel arrangements to
attend the MOUG annual business meeting (or MOUG meeting in general),
The name of the intended recipient is confidential and generally not to be
discussed or shared beyond the Board or the recipient. However, some
exceptions may be necessary to facilitate arrangements, e.g., if the recipient
wishes to invite family or colleagues to the business meeting; parties should
be advised of the need to be discreet.
The MOUG Chair should also advise the intended recipient of what the
award includes (see below), and how to register gratis for the upcoming
F. Letter, Plaque, the Award, and Complimentary Status
1. What the recipient gets: the award recipient will receive the
aforementioned citation letter, an engraved plaque containing an
inscription recognizing his or her special contribution to the field,
complimentary registration for the MOUG meeting at which the award
is being presented, and a lifetime complimentary membership to
MOUG. The citation letter and engraved plaque should generally be
prepared at least one month prior to the meeting at which the award is
to be made.
2. Complimentary registration and membership: the Treasurer will
need to ensure that DSA winners are appropriately marked in the
membership database so the DSA winner receives complimentary
registration for the MOUG meeting at which the award is presented,
and a lifetime complimentary membership to MOUG. (See Treasurer:
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Membership Database Maintenance.) The Treasurer may also need to
remind the recipient how to register gratis for the meeting.
3. The plaque: The MOUG Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Past Chair shall be
responsible for getting the presentation plaque made and brought to the
MOUG annual business meeting for presentation. Care should be
taken to control expenses and to stay within the budget, e.g., the
plaque’s size and design should not vary too much in size from one
year to the next, though it should include standard data such as the
MOUG logo. An example of the layout is in the Officer Forms.
Shipping: If the recipient is not attending the meeting, the MOUG
Board may choose to send the plaque directly to the recipient either
before or after the meeting. If the recipient is in attendance, MOUG
has customarily offered to ship the plaque to the recipient’s home or
office at MOUG’s expense, or provide packing materials to the
recipient if requested. Shipping the plaque is the responsibility of the
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Past Chair.
4. The letter: the MOUG Chair shall write and sign the letter of
presentation and present the letter and plaque to the recipient at the
MOUG annual membership meeting. (Generally the award letter and
plaque wording are read aloud) The letter should occupy no more than
one 8.5 x 11” sheet of good-quality paper (e.g., faux parchment).
G. Press Release Announcing Winner
The Vice Chair should submit a press release to organs such as the MOUG
Newsletter, the MLA Newsletter, and to music-library related e-mail
discussion lists, including (but not limited to) the MOUG list, MLA-L, and
OCLC-Cat shortly after a meeting at which a DSA has been awarded, and post
it to the MOUG Web site. You may also wish to submit something to the
OLAC list and/or newsletter through the MOUG/OLAC representative.
It is a courtesy to send a copy to the award recipient and his or her
institutional colleagues/supervisors. For the press release, you can use the
original award letter, but in some cases you may want to use a different
narrative that is more oriented to people and agencies not necessarily familiar
with the operations of MOUG and its annual meetings.
Note: the deadline is very tight after the annual MOUG meeting, so either
write the press release in advance, or do it right after the meeting; appropriate
documentation may need to be sent immediately to the incoming ViceChair/Chair-Elect. The same goes for the press release calling for
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H. Web Site
The Vice Chair works with the Web Keeper to ensure that the new recipient is
added to the MOUG web site list of recipients after the meeting.
Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant Guidelines
A. Introduction
At its 2010 summer meeting, the MOUG Executive Board voted to establish a
travel grant in honor of Ralph Papakhian. The grant supports attendance at the
annual MOUG meeting and, in recognition of Ralph’s mentoring role in music
librarianship, is especially intended to support newer members of the
profession in both public and technical services. His work helped—and
continues to help—shape the OCLC products and services we use every day.
B. Award Benefits
The award offers to a first-time MOUG attendee free conference registration
for the MOUG annual meeting; free MOUG membership for the same
calendar year, including three issues of the MOUG Newsletter; and
reimbursement of up to $100 in associated expenses (travel, lodging, meals,
C. Eligibility
Preference will be given to applicants who are (1) students, paraprofessionals,
or professionals in the first five years of their professional careers; and (2)
who are likely to benefit from MOUG’s educational opportunities (i.e., those
who work with music materials in libraries or in library systems, whether they
are music specialists or generalists). Professional and workplace need,
financial need, past training and experience, demonstration of initiative, likely
further contributions to the profession, and comments from reference letters
are also considered. Applicants need not be members of MOUG. The MOUG
Board may also find it beneficial to make occasional awards to applicants who
are not new to the profession, but who have never fully explored (or been able
to explore) the benefits of MOUG.
D. Administration
The MOUG Board budgets for the award at its summer meeting. Generally, at
least one award should be budgeted annually, but if funding permits, more
awards can be budgeted. Also, the board may choose to increase the number
of awards if more donations are received during the year.
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The MOUG Vice Chair posts a call for applications to MLA-L, MOUG-L,
and appropriate newsletters no later than September 1; a reminder or two may
follow, midway through the application period, and 10 days to two weeks
prior to the deadline. The call should be removed from the web site after the
deadline. (See sample Call for Applications in the Officer Forms.)
Applications are to be due no later than October 1 and shall consist of a letter
that includes a rationale for attending the MOUG annual meeting, an
explanation of financial need, a brief vita, and the name of at least one person
who will submit a letter (also due no later than October 1) in support of the
application. All application materials shall be sent by e-mail, either as in-text
messages or as attachments in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format, to the MOUG Vice
Chair. Letters of support shall be sent directly by their authors, not by the
The Vice Chair forwards all applications to the MOUG Board no later than
October 5 and the Board makes its decision via email, conference call, or
other long-distance means. When possible, at least one award should be made
annually, but depending on applications and funding, an award will not
always necessarily be made annually. Applications are confidential and are
not to be discussed or otherwise shared beyond the Board. Any relatives of
Board members applying for the grant are evaluated according to the same
criteria as those applied to other candidates. Board members will recuse
themselves in situations in which relatives or domestic partners of theirs are
applicants for the grant.
The MOUG Chair notifies the grant applicants(s) of the outcomes by e-mail
no later than November 1 (so all parties can plan accordingly). The Chair
follows up with a formal letter for the recipient’s promotional or personal
records, and ensures the grant recipient is acknowledged at MOUG annual
meeting. The Continuing Education Coordinator works with the Chair to
ensure the recipient knows how to register for the meeting (since it is gratis)
and ensures the recipient is identified as a grant recipient on the name tag.
The Vice Chair sends a press release soon after the decision to organs such as
the MOUG Newsletter, the MLA Newsletter, and to music-library related email discussion lists, including (but not limited to) the MOUG list, MLA-L,
and OCLC-Cat and posts it to the MOUG Web site. (This is different from the
traditional DSA procedure; advance notice helps promote the meeting and
award, and helps the membership know how their donations are being used.)
Before posting announcements, the VC may wish to wait until recipients have
confirmed their intent to actually attend, since the award could be given to
someone else (or unused) if the grantee decides not to attend after all.
Award grantees request reimbursement in writing from the MOUG Treasurer
for travel, room and board after the meeting. Appropriate documentation is
required. (The Treasurer should work with the Chair to ensure that recipients
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know how to request reimbursement). Any violations of grant terms or
discovery of misrepresentation are handled by the MOUG Chair in
consultation with the board (e.g., award may be withdrawn or portions not
Case histories identifying names, addresses, manner of selection, and
relationship (if any) of awardees to any donors or Board members, as well as
the purpose and amount of each award, will be compiled and archived by the
Vice Chair.
Sections above for the Chair, Vice Chair, and CEC sections have some task
Best of MOUG
History and Purpose
The Best of MOUG (BoM) is a list of authorized headings for works by major
composers and ultimately derived from the NACO-Music Project. Its first edition
appeared in 1987, with seven further and expanded editions appearing through
2008. It seeks to provide catalogers and cataloging/technical services staff with an
easy means of ensuring and enhancing authority control in their local catalogs.
A Note on Copyright
BofM is a collection of facts and data, which by themselves are not subject to
copyright. A work requires some minimum originality to be eligible for copyright
protection; effort and expenditure of resources are not protected by copyright. (In
other words, copyright protects expression, not labor. It protects ideas, not facts.)
It all comes down to originality—the selection of the data, presentation, style,
commentary, etc. Something as obvious as alphabetical or numerical order would
probably not be considered to have a creative component. BofM has minimal or
no narrative. Does the selection of data and arrangement have enough creativity to
warrant copyright protection? (Novelty is not required.) MOUG cannot stop
others from using the data that were collected . . . only the presentation.
As MOUG proceeds with future editions of BofM, it should consider whether
there are issues with reproducing OCLC's proprietary data, since parts of the data
owe their origin to OCLC. Here are sample court cases to help illustrate:
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The big Supreme Court case was Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural
Telephone Service Co., 499 U.S. 340 (1991)[1], in which Feist copied
information from Rural's telephone listings to include in its own, after
Rural refused to license the information. The court ruled that information
in Rural's phone directory was not copyrightable, so no infringement
existed. (The original phone book was only in alphabetical order—no real
creativity there—and was produced as a requirement of law and made
available free to the public . . . not that this latter part made it "public
domain"; that's a separate issue.)
In another example, publisher Thomson West claimed copyright on its
repackaging (e.g., page numbering) of the U.S. law, which is in public
domain. The claim was defeated in 1997; basic presentation was found to
be uncreative and therefore not copyrightable. (Matthew Bender v. West
Publishing Co. (158 F.3d 674) [2].)
At this writing (January 2011) there have been no known disputes over BofM.
Rights were not formally conferred one way or another in previous editions.
However, MOUG and future compiler(s) of BofM (9th edition and following)
should establish in writing who the copyright holder is (MOUG or the compiler),
then outline any rights to be transferred, exclusively or nonexclusively. If there is
no copyright—if BofM is a mere collection of facts—then is it suggested that
MOUG outline MOUG’s intended use of the BofM in the compiler’s appointment
letter, and even consider getting written confirmation of understanding from the
compiler. (At the very least this should be done since 501(c)(3) paperwork asks if
the organization holds any copyrights. Also, it is conceivable that an individual
who spends dozens or hundreds of hours compiling data—even if on behalf of an
organization—might feel that s/he should hold some rights or control the work.
Again, there have been no known concerns or disputes to date.) MOUG should
also work with the MOUG/OCLC Liaison to ensure that OCLC does not have any
Board Meetings
Attendance Expectations
MOUG officers are expected to attend all meetings of the MOUG Board during
their term of office.
The MOUG Board generally meets as follows:
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1. During the MOUG Annual meeting (which generally takes place in
conjunction with the MLA annual meeting, in February or March), usually
with one Board session before and one after the main MOUG meeting. The
second session traditionally includes retiring, continuing, and newly elected
officers; the newly elected officers will begin their terms of office officially at
the end of that meeting.
2. At a separate meeting during the summer. These are scheduled at a mutually
convenient time, usually over a weekend. Location is chosen with travel costs
and convenience in mind.
Travel Expenses
See also Board meeting travel expenses in the Treasurer’s section.
See also Budgeting/Reimbursements for OCLC Global and Regional
Council Meetings.
MOUG will reimburse Board members for meeting travel expenses, when
possible. This is subject to availability of funds. MOUG Board members should
make a reasonable effort to keep travel costs low and may be asked to submit
estimates to the Treasurer and/or Board before the next budget setting cycle or
before finalizing travel plans. While incoming Board members, at the discretion
of the Chair, may be invited to sit in on Board meetings as silent observers before
formally taking office at the end of the annual business meeting for MOUG
members, those incoming Board members will not be eligible for travel or
lodging reimbursements until the next full set of meetings in the summertime.
General Guidelines for Reimbursement
Board members should make every effort to have as many of their travel costs as
possible covered by their employing institutions prior to traveling. Board
members must supply receipts for transportation and hotel accommodations,
either personal vehicle license numbers with actual odometer readings showing
MOUG travel minus any intervening personal travel or mileage computed via
online tools such as Google Maps in order to be reimbursed. Reimbursements
should be made in a timely manner once requests have been received together
with all supporting documentation, but such requests should be paid after all
invoices for conference expenses (particularly the bill from the MLA business
office) have been received and you have determined that sufficient funds are still
available to reimburse Board members.
MOUG will reimburse round trip costs for travel to the Annual meeting and the
summer Board meeting. Booking air travel well in advance and staying over a
Saturday night help keep the costs of airfare down. In the case of special
“companion” fare deals shared with a non-Board member, the total cost of the two
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tickets should be submitted; MOUG will reimburse 50% of the 2-ticket cost. Auto
travel will be reimbursed at a per-mile rate based on the current IRS figure. If auto
travel exceeds the cost of airfare, MOUG will only reimburse up to the cost of
airfare. Incidental costs of travel, such as tolls, parking, shuttle transportation, etc.
are also reimbursed, within reason.
A Board member may wish to combine travel to a Board meeting with vacation
travel. In this case, the reimbursement should be based on basic round trip cost
(airfare, mileage, or whatever) from home to the location of the meeting,
excluding any side trips, etc. Include a written explanation of anything unusual
when submitting receipts or mileage figures to the Treasurer. Special situations
not covered by these guidelines are reimbursed at the discretion of the Treasurer,
who will consult in each case prior to travel (and before making non-refundable
travel/lodging arrangements) with the rest of the Board.
MOUG will reimburse Board members for one night’s hotel cost at the Annual
meeting. Generally this is the "extra night" required for Board members beyond
the MLA meeting and beyond what most other MOUG members would have to
pay for in order to attend the entire meeting, but it can be used for any MOUG
night. The Continuing Education Coordinator may be reimbursed for an
additional night if an early arrival is needed for final meeting arrangements.
Others may request reimbursement for an additional night if the added cost is
more than offset by a savings in transportation costs made by traveling earlier.
Reimbursement will be given for up to two nights’ hotel cost at the summer Board
meeting, or at a joint MOUG/Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC) meeting (in
lieu of a summer Board meeting). Reimbursements include taxes but exclude
incidentals such as room service, phone calls on the hotel phone for which there
are charges, pay-per-view movies, etc.
Board members are encouraged to share rooms when possible to keep costs down.
If rooms are shared at the annual meeting with non-Board members, the MOUG
Board reimbursement will be the appropriate fraction of the total.
MOUG does not reimburse food costs associated with attendance at Board
meetings. However, one group breakfast, lunch, or dinner is often part of the
meeting schedule, and is paid for by MOUG. Outgoing Board members’ meals
are covered only if they are continuing to perform some work in their formal
Board capacities (e.g.—and this is a common occurrence in recent years--a
Secretary who takes minutes and continues to serve as Parliamentarian at a
breakfast meeting immediately after his or her term has officially ended, but
before his/her successor has learned the duties of the position).
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An exception to the “no reimbursement for food” policy occurs whenever the
entire Board is booked (e.g., for a summer meeting) into a bed & breakfast, B&B
inn, or similar accommodation, where breakfast for each guest is typically
included in the lodging fee. Such an arrangement has been typical of summer
meetings held in Columbus, OH, in recent years. The cost for such
accommodations has not only been competitive with but superior to nearby hotels,
though of course the Board must remain vigilant about cost-vs.-convenience and
efficiency at all times.
Registration for the MOUG Annual meeting is free to Board members (finances
permitting) but registration forms should be submitted promptly anyway. It
should not be assumed that registration for joint MOUG/OLAC meetings will be
free. Clarify this well in advance with appropriate OLAC personnel, before
conference budgets are set. See the Chair’s section, Joint meetings with Online
Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC), for more information.
Reimbursement will not include such items as personal phone charges.
Receipts for expenses and mileage figures should be submitted to the Treasurer,
along with any written explanations that may be necessary, as soon as possible
after the meeting. Consult with the Treasurer about any specific forms. The
Treasurer is not required to make reimbursement for any Board member’s travel
expenses until after all other meeting-related invoices have been turned in to
her/him (e.g., the invoice from MLA’s business office for hotel-related expenses),
and s/he has established that funds for Board travel are in fact available. See also
Board meeting travel expenses, in the Treasurer’s section. MOUG Board
members pay annual dues.
For training purposes, the Board will see fit to approve and cover the expenses of
an extra day’s stay at the summer Board meeting for the Treasurer and TreasurerElect during the latter’s first year in office. If this arrangement is not possible, the
Board will fund their meeting at an alternate venue and/or time.
Distinguished Service Award recipients. All Distinguished Service Award
recipients receive lifetime free MOUG memberships including newsletters.
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Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant recipients. All Ralph Papakhian Travel Grant
recipients receive one-year MOUG memberships including newsletters.
OCLC: Copies of each new newsletter should be sent to the OCLC Library in
Dublin, Ohio, as well as to OCLC Public Relations.
Regional Library Consortia: The Secretary/Newsletter Editor may, at his/her
discretion, send complimentary copies.
Note that MOUG does not sell copies of its newsletters.
Compensation and Honoraria
MOUG Officers
MOUG officers receive no compensation for their services. Article II, Section 5
of the Bylaws allows for the compensation of services provided by MOUG
employees (i.e., Board members), but the need to contract such services has never
occurred. Should such a need for such compensated services arise, they should be
negotiated and approved in advance by Board vote, with written documentation of
the terms of the service/compensation and the correspondence of compensation to
the fair market value of the service. Additionally, members of the Board shall
recuse themselves in cases of conflict of interest.
Some expenses incurred by officers in the execution of their duties may be
covered or reimbursed by the organization to the extent that they conform with
the categories of “nontaxable fringe benefits” as defined in IRS Publication 15 (as
of January 2012 available at See in
particular the section on Travel Expenses in this Handbook.
Program Presenters
Members’ registration fees are not waived.
Members’ travel costs are not reimbursed.
Members do not receive honoraria.
Speakers who are not MOUG members who are planning to attend the rest
of the meeting’s sessions do need to register; if they are just there to do a
presentation and leave, they do not need to register. In neither case should
they pay the registration fee. Non-members’ travel costs and/or honoraria
are considered on a case-by-case basis by the MOUG Executive Board. In
deciding whether to reimburse a non-member speaker’s travel costs or pay
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an honorarium, both the Board and the speaker should keep in mind that
honoraria are taxable income, whereas travel reimbursements usually are
not. Honoraria, if paid, should be modest and in line with what other
organizations of comparable size pay for similar services; in the past,
honoraria have usually amounted to $100 and have never exceeded $200.
Additionally, the Board may have to file a 1099-MISC with the IRS if it
makes more substantial honorarium payments to a given individual in a
given year (currently the reporting requirement begins at $600; as of
January 2012 the relevant information is available at
5. The need for honoraria needs to be an early part of planning for the annual
meeting budget. The CEC should see also 10 months before the meeting;
the Chair should see also II, C, Meetings, 3 at Summer Board meeting. In
case of events with separate registrations (i.e. workshops on specific
topics) reimbursement and/or compensation for presenters may be
possible. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the MOUG
Executive Board. All honorarium agreements must be approved in
advance by Board vote, with the terms of the honorarium documented in
6. Honoraria are considered to be meeting-related (as opposed to operational)
expenses in MOUG’s annual budget process.
MOUG Web Keeper and DSA winners
These members do not receive honoraria as such; however:
 the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) winners do not pay annual
meeting registration for the one meeting at which their award is made.
 DSA winners also never again pay annual dues following receipt of their
award, because by winning the Award they have become de facto life
members of MOUG.
Compensation of Services Provided by Independent Contractors
MOUG has never engaged the services of a non-employee independent
contractor, but should such a need arise, such services shall be negotiated and
approved in the same way officer compensation (see above) is to be negotiated
and approved.
OCLC Global and Regional Councils
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OCLC Global and Regional Councils are administrative entities; the
degree to which their meetings deal with matters of interest to MOUG
varies. MOUG does not have an official representative at the Council
meetings. It has been allowed to send an observer. If an elected officer or a
designee is not available to attend, there may be a MOUG member in the
Columbus, Ohio vicinity (or whatever city where meetings may be held)
who would be interested in attending. Communication with OLAC can
also help to share information for meetings missed. If circumstances
permit and the topic(s) before Council are particularly germane to
MOUG’s mission and objectives—especially in the short term—an
observer may be sent more than once a year, but every effort should be
made to spend as little beyond the budget line as possible, e.g.,
occasionally in the past, MOUG Board members’ employing institutions
have been willing to pay for their travel to Members Council.
See the Chair’s section for specific responsibilities.
The meeting observer should prepare a written report (brief or long)
for the MOUG Board and should be prepared to discuss points if
asked. S/he is not expected to give an oral report at the annual business
meeting (unless some circumstance suggests it).
The report may be published in the MOUG newsletter in complete or
abridged form, or as a summary in a Chair’s column. The attendee
should be aware of this before the meeting.
For more information about the Councils, see the following:
OCLC Global and Regional Councils
Includes calendar of events, agendas, minutes, reports, etc.
Global and Regional Councils on WebJunction
Has planning documents (e.g., minutes, governance transition
procedures, Regional Council frameworks, etc), Members Council
history, and mechanisms for communicating with GC.
OCLC Listserv, e.g., OCLC Cooperative eNews
Announces upcoming ARC meetings (but necessarily GC). The
listservs are also a good way to keep up with OCLC in general.
Meeting Contact Information
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As of 2010, MOUG’s contact at OCLC regarding registration for Global
Council meetings was Suzanne Lauer, Program Specialist, Global &
Regional councils, (614) 764-6163, (800) 848-5878,
MOUG’s contact regarding the Americas Regional Council was Patrick
Wilkinson (U. Wisconsin, Oshkosh):, (920) 4242147.
There is a budget line for the Chair or Vice-Chair (or other designee) to
attend once a year if possible. In past years, the following has been
reimbursed to the attendee by MOUG (keeping in mind the general
principles articulated under Board Meetings: Travel Expenses):
Transportation (e.g., airfare, train, mileages, plus ground travel,
parking, tolls, etc. necessary to attend the meeting).
Lodging at some conveniently located but modest accommodation.
Work with the Global Council program specialist to receive and send
in registration information.
OCLC and the Councils do not (and did not) cover travel and lodging for
the MOUG observer. (OCLC or Council does cover costs for formal
delegates; this is apparent in the registration forms.) The OCLC Program
Specialist may be able to assist in making arrangements if necessary. Meals
were often included as part of the events, and sometimes the hotel includes
free breakfast.
MOUG Representation at Non-MOUG
The Executive Board may elect to send a MOUG representative to make presentations at
meetings of other organizations under exceptional and compelling circumstances, and in
particular in order to promote MOUG and its services. Such organizations shall not have
had a historical relationship (e.g., via appointed liaisons) with MOUG, and specifically
exclude annual meetings of MLA and meetings of OLAC. The Board shall reimburse
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reasonable meeting-related expenses, and report instances of such representation to the
Program Committee
To prepare in detail the program of activities for the forthcoming annual meeting.
(see also One year or more before the meeting in the Continuing Education
Coordinator’s section, above)
1. The Program Committee shall consist of no fewer than three members,
plus the Continuing Education Coordinator and the Chair of the Reference
and Collection Services Coordinator. The Continuing Education
Coordinator is the Chair of the Program Committee.
2. Members are appointed by the MOUG Chair, in consultation with the
Continuing Education Coordinator.
3. The Continuing Education Coordinator will post a call for volunteers
approximately 13-14 months before the meeting to be planned (i.e., a
month or two before the current year’s annual meeting); this call will
include a request that interested parties submit a brief “statement of
interest” outlining why they are interested in serving and what they could
bring to the Committee. See the sample Call for Program Committee
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NACO-Music Project Advisory
Committee (NMPAC)
Under the direction of the MOUG Executive Board, the NMPAC, also known as
the NMP Advisory Committee will perform the following duties:
1. Supervise all internal activities of the NACO-Music Project, including
workflow, quality control in general, and training, in cooperation with the
appropriate representatives at LC and OCLC,. Develop written procedures
and documentation as needed. (Note: this charge EXCLUDES supervision
of the content and quality control of individual authority records, which
are monitored solely by the NMP Coordinator and his/her designee(s), in
cooperation with LC.)
2. Monitor and make recommendations to the MOUG Board regarding
broader aspects of NMP, including the selection of future NMP
coordinators, future expansion of the project, and possibilities for outside
3. Maintain channels of communication with other appropriate groups, such
as the MLA BCC Authority Control Subcommittee and the LITA
Authority Control Interest Group.
4. Publicize NMP through the MOUG Newsletter, MCB, reports at NACO
meetings at ALA, MLA-List, etc.
5. The NMP Advisory Committee will meet during the annual MOUG
6. Prepare a concise annual report on the committee’s activities and submit
in writing by the NMPAC Chair to the MOUG Chair prior to MOUG’s
annual meeting. It can then be presented orally to the MOUG Executive
Board (if requested by either the Board or the NMPAC Chair), and should
be presented orally to the MOUG membership at the annual business
meeting. In addition, an interim written report should also be submitted
before the Board’s summer meeting (held sometime in July through
September). Deadlines for submission of the written reports will be
specified and communicated by the MOUG Chair, but in any case will not
be less than seven business days prior to each Board meeting.
See also details about the NMP Coordinator’s responsibilities and suggestions for
carrying out responsibilities.
NMPAC Membership
The NMP Advisory Committee Membership consists of five members, appointed
by the MOUG Chair and subject to the approval of the MOUG Board. Non-voting
members are the NMP Coordinator and an LC representative. Voting members
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include two at-large members with staggered four-year terms, and a MOUG
Board representative.
In consultation with the MOUG Board, the MOUG Chair will select one
incumbent member of the committee other than the NMP Coordinator to serve as
committee chair.
As of 2011, the current NMPAC members and their ends of terms are listed at the
NMP web page (, under the
Directory of NACO-Music Project Participants link.
NMP Operations
Process for Adding Members to NMP
1. Applications are accepted continuously. Interested librarians obtain the
application form from the NMP Web site.
2. The applicant completes the application, which pertains to both the
individual cataloger and the institution. It requires a month-long study to
determine approximately how many headings the participant could expect
to encounter in a month that would need authority records.
3. Completed applications are submitted to the NMPAC Chair, either by
email or by postal mail.
4. The NMPAC reviews the applications and recommends new participants
to the Board. Board approval is required before new participants are
accepted into the program.
Expectations: MOUG Board members generally should respond within
one calendar week when asked to review a NACO-Music membership
application. MOUG Board members report their opinions to the MOUG
Chair, who in turn responds with the group findings to the Chair of the
NMPAC within said week.
A note about the Board’s role: NMPAC members are chosen for their
experience in authority work (with the possible exception of the
committee member from the MOUG Board, who may or may not be, at
any given time); MOUG Board members are elected on an entirely
different basis. At this writing the NACO-Music Project is a cooperative
project of MOUG and the Library of Congress, and it has no independent
life of its own. Board approval of applicants is a formality that helps
maintain ties and program awareness, but it really has little to do with the
process or the results. Nonetheless, the Board would have the ability to
delay an appointment if someone reasonably and justifiably perceived that
there might be problems at an institution or with qualifications.
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History of MOUG involvement with the NMP
(e-mail from Neil Hughes to MOUG Board, March 2008)
The NMP is an authorized funnel project for music-related authority
records of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging, Name-Authority
Cooperative Program. It merely resides "at" MOUG. Think of MOUG
as a virtual room in which the NMP meets, providing a support
structure for it. The question of why the NMP is formally affiliated
with MOUG was posed ca. 2006 by former NMPAC Chair Nancy
Lorimer (Stanford University), who felt that it might be better served
by an affiliation with MLA’s Bibliographic Control Committee
(BCC). The Board asked for clarification from NMP Coordinator
Ralph Papakhian (Indiana University), who reminded us that the
NACO program wants funnel projects to have such a base of
operations, either at an institution, or, even better, within the formal
framework of a professional association with a real interest. The
NACO-A/V project, for example, resides with OLAC. MOUG's real
interest is the quality of music-related headings in the WorldCat
In any case, Papakhian felt that there was no compelling reason to
move the NMP to another organization, especially since by that
point, all NMP participants were contributing via OCLC & WorldCat,
and MOUG is highly focused on that, much more so than MLA/BCC.
5. The NMPAC Chair will be responsible for sending a welcome letter to
new participants. This letter will include reference to the NMP Web site,
mention of NMP-L, an outline of events from admission to the
achievement of independence, reference to the section of the NMP Web
site that outlines what documentation is required, and information on how
to obtain any needed documentation. A sample NMP Welcome Letter is in
the Officer Forms.
New NMP members who do not already have an NUC symbol specific to
the music library or music collection are assigned one rather than using the
NUC symbol for the parent institution. This is necessary for the review
procedures in place having to do with system authorization, and for
statistical record keeping. NMP Coordinator requests the symbol from LC.
6. In order to expedite further expansion, the NMPAC welcomes into NMP
the music catalogers at newly-trained NACO institutions. We request,
however, that they complete the questionnaire and month-long study for
informational purposes, be reviewed by NMP reviewers, and be tested by
NMP in order to become independent.
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NMP Representation at ALA
NMPAC may recommend to the MOUG Board an NMP participant to represent
NMP at relevant ALA meetings. This recommendation should be made by
MOUG’s annual meeting for ALA’s annual meeting and by the summer/fall
Board meeting for ALA’s midwinter meeting. As full funding from MOUG is
unlikely to be available, the representative recommended might ideally be
someone who is already planning to attend ALA. Financial support may be
provided when approved by the Board in advance (see Budget Process,
Budget Process
NMPAC will submit an annual budget request (if any) to the Treasurer by two
weeks prior to the summer/fall Board meeting. Requests for funding may include
such items as travel for the representative(s) attending ALA (especially LC
representatives), duplication and mailing of training materials, and travel and
lodging costs incurred during training. [N.B., August 2008: Travel funding has
not been pursued by any NMPAC Chair in recent years, and has not been a factor
in MOUG’s operations budget. Nevertheless, the Board felt it should remain as an
option for consideration when finances permit.]
Nominating Committee:
Committee Member Guidelines
Selection of Candidates
The call for volunteers to run for office should be posted to the MOUG electronic
discussion list, on the MOUG Web site, and to other appropriate professional
discussion lists immediately after the Committee’s charge has been received from
the MOUG Chair. A sample Call for Nominations is in the Officer Forms. This
should occur in May of the year before those to be elected take office. The
deadline specified in the call should be approximately four weeks after the call is
sent out, and there should be at least one reminder posted to the same discussion
lists as those receiving the initial call. If only one reminder is done, it should be
posted at least two weeks prior to the deadline. While the call for nominations is
to be made by the chair of the Nominating Committee, after approval of the
wording by the MOUG Chair and/or Board, the MOUG Chair has formal and
final responsibility for seeing that this is carried out. See Nominating Committee:
MOUG Chair Guidelines: Announcements.
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After the initial call for volunteers to run for office has been posted (see above):
1. The MOUG Board representative on the Committee should assist the
Committee chair to ensure that all proper protocols are being followed,
deadlines are being met, etc., and that the same information is imparted to
each potential nominee being contacted. The Board member serving on
the Nominating Committee should keep the Board informed as candidates
are selected to allow Board members the opportunity to voice concerns
early in the process, before potential candidates are contacted.
2. If there are not enough nominations to support a qualified slate, the
committee should begin selecting potential candidates from the
membership. Note that all candidates must be personal members of
MOUG by the date which the ballot is submitted. (See Good Standing
under the Treasurer’s section above.)
3. If a member of the committee is selected to run for office (this situation
should be avoided but is not prohibited), then that committee member
should not be involved in counting ballots.
4. Committee members should agree upon candidates to be contacted, then
begin contacting potential candidates as soon as they are identified, with
the goal of presenting a slate of candidates agreeing to run and approved
by the Nominating Committee no later than two weeks before the Summer
Board Meeting. All members of the committee should participate in
contacting potential candidates. The committee should agree upon the
slate to be submitted.
5. Unopposed candidates: The committee may decide that the ballot should
contain a single candidate running unopposed for an office. If this occurs,
a space for a write-in candidate should be provided on the ballot. Having
unopposed candidates for both offices should be avoided, if possible.
6. The Nominating Committee Chair shall inform the MOUG Chair of the
proposed final slate of candidates prior to the Board’s interim/summer
meeting, according to the deadline provided by the MOUG Chair in the
Committee’s charge. The slate should include brief justifications for each
candidate, including each candidates’ years of MOUG membership,
current eligibility to run, recent MOUG meeting attendance, reasons for
nominating this candidate, evidence suggesting fitness for the position,
etc.; this need not be as detailed as the biographical information that will
be on the ballot. The Nominating Committee Chair must receive verbal
approval from the MOUG Board that the slate was accepted and only then
submit ballot information to the Treasurer. The entire Executive Board
should approve the slate.
7. Committee members should request that nominees send a letter of
acceptance and brief biographical material to the Nominating Committee
Chair. See Officer Forms for specific information to request.
8. The Nominating Committee Chair should submit the letters of acceptance
from each candidate to the MOUG Chair before the ballots are distributed.
9. If the Nominating Committee identifies potential candidates for future
elections, it is the responsibility of the MOUG Board representative on the
Committee shall communicate those names to the Board so that the
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following year’s Chair can pass them along to the following year’s
Nominating Committee.
Information for Potential Candidates
Potential candidates should be supplied with the following information (from the
MOUG Handbook and other official sources such as e-mails from the MOUG
Chair, etc.):
1. Eligibility requirements (membership must be current before the ballot is
2. Nomination, slate, and ballot procedures (e.g., that nomination does not
guarantee a place on the final slate).
3. General expectations of all Board members (including meeting attendance
and reimbursement of expenses).
4. The deadline for receipt of ballots, which shall also be the date on which
they are officially counted. Potential candidates need to know this when
they may have other professional opportunities they may wish to pursue;
when they have personal circumstances that could make running for office
a problem unless they may know the results by thus-&-such date; etc.
5. Information pertaining to the duties of the specific office for which they
are running.
6. A copy of the relevant office’s section from the MOUG Handbook and the
section on travel reimbursements.
Potential candidates should also be encouraged to contact the current holder of the
MOUG office to find out more details about the duties.
See the Ballot Procedures section for instructions on
1. preparing candidate information for the election ballot;
2. counting of ballots; and
3. notification of results.
Disposition of Documents
All members of Nominating Committee should submit documents, including email correspondence, relating to their participation to the member of the
Committee who serves as MOUG Board representative. The MOUG Board
representative on the Committee will sort these, eliminate duplicates, and forward
all documents to the MOUG Archive.
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Nominating Committee:
MOUG Chair Guidelines
Selection of Members
The Bylaws require that the Nominating Committee be appointed at least six
months before the annual meeting at which the Committee’s elected candidates
are announced. Traditionally, Committee appointments have been made
immediately after the preceding annual meeting—about eleven months in advance
of the announcement of results. More recently, appointments have been made
immediately before the preceding annual meeting—about thirteen months in
advance of the announcement of results–in order to facilitate recruitment of
candidates during the annual meeting for the upcoming ballot.
The committee will normally consist of three persons: one current Board member
other than the Chair (recently this has been the Vice-Chair or Past Chair), and two
other at-large MOUG members. (2008: in the recent past, one of these two other
members has been a previous MOUG Board member, but it was decided at the
September 2008 Board meeting that this requirement was too restrictive. The
Board nevertheless recognizes the wisdom of including at least one at-large
MOUG member who has some “deep” experience with MOUG, i.e., five to ten
years’experience including, where possible, service on a MOUG committee or
task force of some kind.) The committee may be larger than three but should not
be smaller. It is recommended that the “deep experience” member serve as Chair
of the Nominating Committee.
Appointment Letters
Send a letter of appointment to each committee member. With each letter, include
the charge for the committee, as follows:
The MOUG Nominating Committee is charged with
providing a slate of candidates (ideally two for each office),
receiving Board approval of the slate,
Preparing the ballot, complete with brief biographical information of the
candidates, and submitting it, along with a specified deadline for receipt
by the Nominating Committee chair, to the MOUG Treasurer (or, in the
case of online ballots not administered by the Treasurer, the MOUG
member charged with administering the ballot) by the specified deadline
(see example at: Sample Ballot),
receiving and counting the ballots (or certifying the results of electronic
balloting), and
announcing the results to the current MOUG Chair.
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The appointment letter should include the following:
 The deadline by which the committee’s work should be finished. Refer to
the Bylaws provision that the proposed slate of candidates be sent to the
board at least three months before the annual meeting, but in practice the
deadline should be typically a week prior to the Board’s interim/summer
meeting. Indicate what needs to be in the justification for the slate (e.g.,
each candidates’ years of MOUG membership, current eligibility to run,
recent meeting attendance, reasons for nominating this candidate, evidence
suggesting fitness for the position, etc.).
 The form and format in which the ballot information should be submitted
to the Treasurer (or, in the case of online voting not administered by the
Treasurer, the MOUG member designated with administering the
election). Before writing these letters, contact the MOUG
Treasurer/designee to establish the date by which the information is
needed and the format in which it is desired. (See also Ballot Preparation
and Handling in the Treasurer’s section.)
 The deadline for notifying the MOUG Board of the election results.
Other documentation: Also ensure that committee members have or have access
to copies of
the Nominating Committee Guidelines: Committee Members and Ballot
the MOUG Handbook and current MOUG Bylaws (available from the
MOUG Web site)
the latest list of current MOUG members
recent MOUG meeting attendance lists
Prior to the Election
As soon as the Nominating Committee has been formed, ensure that the
Nominating Committee Chair posts a call for volunteers to run for office,
which should be posted to the MOUG electronic discussion list, on the
MOUG Web site, and to other appropriate professional discussion lists. The
wording of this announcement should be reviewed by the MOUG Chair
before it is posted. A sample call for volunteers is available in the Officer
Forms. A reminder to the membership of the deadline for the call for
volunteers should also be posted to said lists at least two weeks prior to the
deadline. Be sure that the announcement includes the statement that, to be
eligible, one must be a member of MOUG in good standing at the time the
ballot is distributed. (See Good Standing under the Treasurer’s section of the
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This announcement should include summaries of the offices that are coming
open. Mention the names and institutions of the current Nominating
Committee members. Suggest that those interested in running for office
contact current officers for further information.
After the Election
The Nominating Committee Chair will report the official results to the MOUG
Chair, including the total number of ballots cast (valid + invalid), and the total
number of valid ballots cast for each candidate. Reasons for invalidating
ballots should be summarized in the report. Any particular problems or issues
that arose during the election should also be included in this summary report
(whether they were communicated to the MOUG Chair earlier or not).
The MOUG Chair will normally notify winners of the election as soon as
results are available. Unsuccessful candidates should also be notified. In
exceptional circumstances, the task of notification may be delegated to the
Chair of the Nominating Committee.
If possible, all candidates should be notified by telephone. This call should be
followed with official notification letters (from the MOUG Chair) as soon as
Remind the Treasurer to ensure that candidates are members in good standing
by the time the ballots go out.
The MOUG Chair will announce election winners at the annual Business
meeting and should also acknowledge the Nominating Committee and the
other candidates. (At the business meeting, the MOUG Chair does not report
the number of valid ballots cast for each candidate.)
Ballot Procedures
These procedures apply to any kind of membership vote (e.g., changes to the
Bylaws, new Board member elections). For additional information about
nominations and elections, see Nominating Committee: Committee Member
Guidelines and Nominating Committee: MOUG Chair Guidelines. The MOUG
Board may designate a MOUG member other than the Treasurer to administer the
ballot. In the following instructions, “Ballot Administrator” refers to either such a
designee or the Treasurer, as appropriate to the particular election. (In the
February 2015 revision of the Handbook, the section on Procedures for Paper
Voting was removed. Should we need to return to a paper procedure, the section
can be found in the April 2014 revision found on the Officer Page.)
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Procedures for Online Voting
A. Preparing Candidate Information for Election Ballots
1. The Chair of the Nominating Committee should edit (in consultation
with the MOUG Chair), then submit the final, proofed ballot
containing all candidate information to the Ballot Administrator by the
specified deadline (sometime prior to November 1).
2. The Chair of the Nominating Committee compiles the biographical
data portion of the ballot from information supplied to the Nominating
Committee during the nomination process. Required categories of
biographical information needed for the ballot are detailed in the
Officer Forms. Biographical information should appear on the ballot
under each candidate’s name in the prescribed order, to ensure that
biographical information for all candidates follows a similar format
that facilitates easy comparison by the MOUG membership.
3. Information should be submitted to the Ballot Administrator
B. Preparation of the Ballot (Board Elections or Bylaws Changes)
The actual ballot (a sample ballot is included in Officer Forms), prepared
by the Chair of the Nominating Committee if it is for an officer election,
and by the Treasurer if it is for a Bylaws amendment, should contain the
following information:
options for members to select the candidates/items of their choice
deadline for submission
special voting instructions, if necessary (e.g. “vote for only one
candidate for each office”)
The Ballot Administrator may also prepare an optional cover letter text
reiterating these details and further greeting the membership and
explaining the purpose of the vote. This will appear on an introductory
screen before the ballot proper. A sample ballot cover letter is available in
the Officer Forms.
The Ballot Administrator should submit a copy of the ballot, the
biographical statements (if applicable), and cover letter (if applicable) to
the MOUG Chair for review and final approval before the first day of
C. Sending the Ballots to MOUG Members
The Ballot Administrator distributes the ballots by the deadline specified
by the MOUG Board, usually at the beginning of November. Note that
according to the MOUG Bylaws, ballots for Board member elections shall
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be distributed no less than two months before the Annual Meeting. The
Bylaws do not specify any deadlines for votes to change the Bylaws.
Ballots should be sent only to individual (not institutional) MOUG
members who are in good standing at the times the ballots are sent. This
means ballots are not sent to those who became members or restored their
good standing after the ballots are mailed. If a member falls out of good
standing after the ballots are mailed, that member may still vote. As an
example, ballots sent on November 1, 2007 would only be sent to
members who have paid their FY2007 dues. New or reinstated members
whose memberships do not take effect until FY2008 would not get a
ballot, nor would members who are in arrears or delinquent.
If ballots are erroneously sent to members who are not after all in good
standing, those individuals would generally still be able to vote.
D. Handling of Ballots
1. After the deadline for submission has passed, the Ballot Administrator
should collect the results and forward them to the Chair of the
Nominating Committee for verification. This should occur no later
than one week after the submission deadline.
2. All results should be retained until the Board gives to the Ballot
Administrator or the Nominating Committee chair, depending on
which kind of election was most recently held, to destroy them. This
action need not wait for a face-to-face Board meeting, but should take
place sometime after the Business Meeting at which the results are
announced, to allow time for any possible objections.
3. A majority of the voting members of the Executive Board shall resolve
a tied vote (this is specified in the Bylaws).
E. Notification of Results
1. Officer Elections
a. The Nominating Committee Chair or Ballot Administrator will
notify the MOUG Chair of the election results as soon as possible
after the deadline for submission of ballots, typically by early
December at the latest, but in any event no later than one week
prior to the beginning of the Annual Meeting at which the results
will be shared with the membership. The earlier the MOUG Chair
can notify candidates with the results, the better, because
candidates may need to respond to offers of other professional
service opportunities with other groups or organizations and they
should not be kept waiting. Precise vote counts (total number of
ballots submitted, total number of votes for each candidate, total
number of abstentions) should be included in the report to the
MOUG Chair.
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b. The MOUG Chair will normally notify winners of the election as
soon as results are available. Unsuccessful candidates should also
be notified. In exceptional circumstances, the task of notification
may be delegated to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. If
possible, all candidates should be notified by telephone. This call
should be followed with official notification letters (from the
MOUG Chair) as soon as possible.
c. The MOUG Chair will announce election results at the annual
MOUG Business meeting. (More details for the MOUG Chair are
under Nominating Committee: MOUG Chair Guidelines.)
2. Bylaws Changes
a. For changes to the Bylaws, the Ballot Administrator will notify the
MOUG Chair of the election results as soon as possible after the
deadline for submission of ballots, preferably within two weeks but
in any event no later than one month after the deadline.
b. The MOUG Chair will announce election results at the annual
MOUG Business meeting, or earlier (using other media) as deemed
Reference Services Committee
This committee is not active as of FY2010–2011. It has been replaced by a
Reference and Collection Services Coordinator who oversees tasks forces that
carry out duties similar to those outlined below. The Reference Services
Committee description is retained below in case it is reinstated at a later date.
To evaluate, review, and promote new or changing OCLC Reference Products for
the membership of MOUG;
To serve in an advisory capacity to OCLC regarding the suggestion of
improvements, etc. to the products;
To share information regarding all aspects of the products to the membership via
the MOUG Newsletter and annual meetings;
To monitor other reference products and services as they compare to OCLC
reference products;
To encourage membership and involvement of music reference specialists in
MOUG to reflect the changing “face” of OCLC as it continues to move forward in
the reference product arena; and
To encourage an increased dialogue between catalog and reference specialists.
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1. Chair, appointed by the MOUG Chair from among the members of the
RSC for a two-year term. This individual will also serve as an ex-officio
member of the Program Committee
2. 5-6 MOUG members appointed by the MOUG Chair, in consultation with
the RSC Chair
A concise annual report on the committee’s activities should be prepared and
submitted in writing by the Reference Services Committee Chair to the MOUG
Chair prior to MOUG’s annual meeting, presented orally to the MOUG Executive
Board (if requested by either the Board or the RefComm Chair), then presented
orally to the MOUG membership at the annual business meeting. In addition, an
interim written report should also be submitted before the Board’s summer
meeting (held sometime in July through September). Deadlines for submission of
the written reports will be specified and communicated by the MOUG Chair, but
in any case will not be less than seven business days prior to each Board meeting.
Refund Policy (Meeting Registration)
Policy Stated on Registration Form
The declaration of an event as an emergency situation is made at the discretion of
the MOUG Chair (generally in consultation with the board). Examples might be
weather that prevented the registrant from reaching the meeting site or the
registrant suffering from the sudden onset of a serious illness. However, refunds
may also be appropriate in other circumstances (e.g., malfunctioning or confusing
online forms that result in accidental meeting registration). Refunds will generally
be made after the conference.
Registration fees will typically be easier to refund if no meal is included or if final
headcounts have not yet been sent to the caterer.
Registration fees for workshops may also be more difficult to refund.
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The following organizations recorded the following policies on their registration
MLA: Registration fees will be refunded only in emergency situations and
with the approval of the Convention Manager. Refunds cannot be given
for banquet tickets or other ordered items, except in the case of tours
canceled for insufficient registration.
MLA-Midwest: Nothing on form.
OLAC: No refunds will be made for no shows.
ALA-Annual: Refund requests subject to a service charge. No refunds
after [2 weeks prior to the meeting].
Kentucky Library Association: All refund requests must be submitted in
writing by [20 days prior to the meeting] and will be assessed a service
charge. Refunds will be mailed after the Conference.
MOUG Handbook Jan. 1990,
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