Grand Master Communication (4/2015)


Grand Master Communication (4/2015)
809 East 42nd Place (Prince Hall Way) ~ Chicago, ILL. 60653-2900
773-373-2725 ~ FAX 773– 624-6031
Office of the Grand Master
April 1, 2015
To Right Worshipful Dwayne A. Smith, Deputy Grand Master, All Elected and Appointed Grand Lodge Officers,
All Past Grand Masters, All Elected Grand Officers, All Elected Heads of House, All Past Masters, All Worshipful
Masters, Wardens, Brethren and to All Persons about the globe who hold allegiance to the Most Worshipful Prince
Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, State of Illinois and Its Jurisdiction,
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it
under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before
men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5: 14-16.
As we begin to enter into spring and leave the cold, brutal, and harsh winter months behind us, it is only natural
to rejoice in the renewal of life. A fresh start and a new beginning is in order and we must remain, and continue to
be, the light of the known world. We are the many facets of light that shine so brightly that our good works cannot
be hidden. Our light may flicker but it will not go out.
Our Mid-Year Session was harmonious, peaceful, productive and professional, which permitted Brotherly Love
and clear minds to prevail, as it should be. The morning agenda consisted of meetings with the District Deputies,
workshops for lodge Secretary’s and Treasurer’s and basic knowledge workshops for the Craft. The afternoon
session was open to the entire Prince Hall Family to hear a request from the Bud Billiken Parade Committee that
Prince Hall Masons and Eastern Stars become marshals at the world famous parade. Contact RW Barlow (309-2427188) or AGM Stephanie Atwood (773-458-6569) for details to volunteer.
The Benevolent Fund Committee gave their mission statement and request for assistance and volunteers. The
very successful and highly respected Bogus/Clandestine Masonry Committee held another outstanding symposium
to close out the afternoon session. The Committee is now in the process of assisting and educating other jurisdictions
with their Bogus Symposiums.
The Annual Mid-Year Meeting was officially opened by the Grand Master and reports were given by the Grand
Secretary, the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Auditors. After minimal questions and satisfactory answers from
those elected officers, the Grand Master began his report. Copies of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) group
exempt denial letter and of the Illinois Prince Hall, LLC information letter were given to all members present. The
Grand Master reported on the ruling by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to remove all of our subordinate lodges
from a group exemption status for failing to file a 990 form for three consecutive years. The Grand Lodge is working
on a protocol to bring all subordinate lodges back into a group exempt status. An amendment to the law may be
required. More information will be forthcoming. Complete disclosure regarding the Illinois Prince Hall LLC was
given which included the purpose of the Illinois LLC, property details, projected expenses and income and its
business and financial relationship with the Grand Lodge. All questions were answered honestly and completely.
Donations are still being accepted for the purchase of more property.
Our new Constitution and By-Laws Books have arrived and most lodges have already purchased the required
number of five (5) new books. They are good looking and sturdy books that will last a long while but most
importantly they contain all the new laws passed, amendments that were not previously included and corrections
from many, many years of just reprinting. Most Deputies have purchased their new books and those that haven’t
are not permitted to make “Official Lodge Visits.” If your lodge is not visited please contact the Grand Master
The Grand Master’s Mid-West Conference Report contained the jurisdictions work in physical health, the work
of our charity committees, the Illinois Prince Hall LLC, expanding the student education avenue, the blueprint for
the Bogus/Clandestine Masonry Symposium and the lack of support of the Prince Hall Stamp from supposedly
Prince Hall Grand Lodges. The report was well received and duly noted.
Mr. Michael Brown and Col. Eugene Scott, of the Chicago Defender Charities, will speak April 13, 2015, at
7:30 pm, at the Grand East and again on April 15, 2015 at 7:00 pm, also at the Grand East, regarding Prince Hall
Masons and Eastern Stars becoming marshals for the Bud Billiken Parade.
All Chairmen of Grand Lodge Committees and Programs MUST submit a budget for the Masonic Year of 20152016 to the Grand Treasurer no later than June 1, 2015, if you wish your committee or program to be included in
the budget. There will be NO exceptions.
The United Supreme Council AASR will be holding its Annual Session May 21 thru May 26, 2015, at the
Chicago Marriott Hotel, 540 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. There will be boat rides, shopping trips, casino
trips, golf, local musical entertainment, meetings at the Grand East and of course, eating locally. Also, John Jones
Lodge #7 is planning a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the new found grave of Brother John Jones. We are the “Host
Jurisdiction,” therefore, let us be “Gracious Host.”
Tickets for the Grand Lodge’s Mega Raffle will be available for purchase beginning May 1, 2015 from the
Assistant Secretary of each respective District. Tickets are $10.00 each with 3 chances to win up to $9,000.00.
There will be a prize for the male, female, lodge and chapter that sells the most tickets. There will be NO
dispensations given for any raffles after April 30, 2015. There will be no raffles held until after Unification.
Lodge Secretaries, the Grand Lodge needs your immediate and accurate assistance in updating its database. Visit
the website, go to the History section, click Worshipful Masters Database and view the information. If there are any
corrections or additions email them to as soon as possible.
The Grand Lodge Community Service Tee Shirts are available on our website,, for a mere
$20.00 and can be worn to any community service or other event. The Tee Shirts will be delivered to the Grand
East prior to the American Cancer Society’s “Walk & Roll” event April 25, 2015. Visit the website to purchase your Tee Shirts and contact RW Barlow, 309-242-7188 regarding the American
Cancer Society “Walk & Roll.”
Fraternally Yours,
Millard V. Driskell
Grand Master