Getting pulled over was quite educational


Getting pulled over was quite educational
March 24, 2015
Our 21st Year of Publishing
(979) 849-5407
© 2015
Birds of Prey
Getting pulled
over was quite
New car inspection
law confuses officer
By John Toth
Editor and Publisher
I was driving on Highway 35
from Angleton to Pearland when
a police car pulled up behind me.
I drive the speed limit, signal
all the turns
and lane
and overall,
I am a pretty
boring driver.
But this
RAMBLINGS police car
was hanging
around. Maybe he saw me go
over the white line as I was getting some coordinates set in my
GPS. It’s harder to do that when
the car is moving. I should have
stopped, but it froze, and I had
to reset it, or I would’ve missed a
right turn. It is hard to find.
Maybe he thought that I was
drunk and was checking me out.
(Continued on Page 12)
Brazosport Regional opens
new Family Medicine Center
See Page 5
Angleton’s gigantic garage
sale at rec center Saturday
See Page 6
FBC in Brazoria plans its
Passion Play April 2-5
See Page 8
Like us on Facebook
Quintana Beach County Park is delighted and excited to be hosting the EarthQuest Birds of Prey Educational Program at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April
4. This is the same program that is held each year at Migration Celebration. Visitors will get a very close and personal look at some beautiful and
regal birds. Due to the nature of the show featuring free-flying birds, please arrive early so that everyone may be seated before the program begins.
This is a free event; however, donations to the EarthQuest organization are welcome and appreciated. For more information, contact Quintana
Beach County Park at (979) 233-1461. Look inside this issue for more Parks Department news and happenings.
Freeport’s Joy Ride this weekend
The annual Joy Ride at Freeport Municipal Park, which features classic
cars in mint condition, will be held Saturday and Sunday, March 28-29.
It is a free family friendly event, where adults and youngsters will enjoy
seeing vehicles from yesteryear polished to perfection.
Named after founder Joy Williams, it’s a must for car buffs to attend,
or for those who own such vehicles, to display their pride and joy. Please
see ad inside for more information. There also will be a hospitality meal,
Friday, March 27, at the park pavilion for show car owners and a fellowship event on Saturday, March 28, where there will be a live band.
Who won the Supercross tickets?
We were going to select at random
four readers who entered out Supercross Ticket Give-Away Contest, but
instead we chose five.
The Supercross ticket winners of
the Club Level North seats are:
Masyn Monroe of Angleton; Evaristo Reyes of Alvin; Joe Polasek of
Freeport; Jennifer Lonaker of Clute;
and Dawn Davis of Angleton. The tickets have been mailed to the addresses
on the submitted entry forms.
Thank you to the many readers
who entered the contest. If you didn’t
win, there will be more opportunities,
including a chance to win tickets soon
to Schlitterbahn in Galveston, our most
popular contest.
Page 2 THE BULLETIN March 24, 2015
(979) 849-5407
Four Brazoria County companies receive safety award
a crane to lift him up to his girlfriend’s bedroom window so he could
propose to her in the central Dutch town of Usselstein. But the crane fell
over and destroyed the house. She said “yes” anyway.
wielding a tree limb, tried to rob a man on the street in Peoria, Ill. The
would-be victim refused to cooperate and walked away.
200-mile run between Fort Providence and Yellowknife in the Northwest
Territories of Canada, happened upon a herd of bison being attacked by
three wolves just off the side of the icy road. Upon seeing the cab, the
wolves broke off the attack and ran away.
police emergency number in Middletown, Conn., to complain that his wife
was talking too much.
the fact that police were in the Wal-Mart in Manchester, Ky., as part of a
community outreach program to help disadvantaged children with their
Christmas shopping, a woman and her son were arrested because they
chose that particular time to go on a shoplifting spree.
THIS LOOKS LIKE THE BEGINNING OF A BEAUTIFUL RELATIONSHIP: A court in Inverclyde, Scotland, ordered a restraining order against
a violent drug addict to keep him away from his girlfriend after he was
accused of assaulting her and engaging in threatening behavior. But the
court agreed to lift the order at her request so they could get married.
FEELING A LITTLE DAMP, WERE WE? A mother and daughter
fraudulently used a man’s credit card to purchase items which they had
shipped to their home in Silver Lake, Wash. After the scam was discovered, the police went there to arrest them for identity theft. The mother
answered the door, and the daughter was found hiding in a clothes dryer.
victim in Schenectady, N.Y., threw a beer bottle at a police car so he
would be taken to jail, where he would seek retribution on his niece’s
killer. But, after he was charged, somebody bailed him out.
18-year-old man was arrested for stealing the Christmas displays from
dozens of his neighbor’s yards in Colorado Springs, and using them to
decorate his own lawn. His wife, who is 42, said her husband would go
out for a walk at 2 or 3 in the morning, and the next day “there was just
more stuff in the yard. I didn’t know exactly where it all came from.”
DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? A Russian man, who was being questioned by police in Eastbourne, England, because they suspected him of
drunk driving, told them he is Vladimir Putin’s cousin and a member of
the Russian mafia, implying he would have them killed if they didn’t let
him go. They arrested him.
Why not try advertising in The Bulletin? If you are running
ads somewhere else, you are paying more. You have nothing
to lose and perhaps a lot to gain. Call (979) 849-5407 today to
place an ad and save. Then enjoy the results.
Texas Mutual Insurance Company announced that four employers in Brazoria County have been
awarded the company’s top honor
for workplace safety.
Texas Mutual, the state’s leading
provider of workers’ compensa-
tion insurance, recognized these
companies for their dedication to
workplace safety.
Honorees from Brazoria County
• Hawkins Lease Service Inc.
• Kay Services Inc.
UDOC members attend Bay City convention
• Marquis Construction Services
• T&L Lease Services Ltd.
To qualify for this honor, a
company must demonstrate its
commitment to workplace safety by
implementing an exemplary safety
program and controlling workers’
compensation losses.
This year, Texas Mutual distributed 200 safety awards to policyholders throughout the state who
have exemplary safety records and
exceptional safety programs.
Local Work!
A group from the Lamar Fontaine Chapter #33 of the United Daughters of
the Confederacy attend the District V Convention at the Bay City Country
Club. From left to right: Judy Barnard, Pam Massingill, Dona Hatthorn,
Shirley Walcik, Betty Crosby, Brandi Crosby Guerra, Joy Murphree,
Tissie Schwebel, Alice Royalty, and Jimmie Bennett.
Home Daily, Benefits! CDL-A,
1yr exp, Great Driving record.
281-693-4587 or 888-215-4285
John and Sharon
Toth, Owners and
Since July 4, 1994
THE BULLETIN is distributed each Tuesday by J&S
Communications, Inc.. E-mail
letters and press releases
Faxed or mailed
announcements are no
longer accepted. For
advertising information, call
(979) 849-5407. Advertising
and news release deadline is
5 p.m.Tuesday.
Our 21st year of publishing! (979) 849-5407 March 24, 2015 THE BULLETIN Page 3
Strange but True
Surviving speed bumps
Q. How fast can you hit a speed
bump and survive?
A. Speed bumps are designed
to slow people down, with a 5 mph
hit resulting in a gentle bounce, 20
mph delivering a sizeable jolt, says
former NASA roboticist Randall
Munroe in “What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical
Questions.” As medical journals
attest, people are occasionally
injured, especially if “in a hard seat
in the back of a bus on a poorly
maintained road.”
Two things generally protect car
occupants: the tires and the suspension. “No matter how fast you
hit a speed bump, unless the bump
is large enough to hit the frame of
the car, enough of the jolt will be
absorbed by these two systems so
that you probably won’t be hurt.”
Yet absorbing such shock may
well explode the tires or do other
The typical sedan has a top
speed of about 130 mph, enough
for a typical 3-4 inch bump to cause
the driver to lose control and crash.
A quite different scenario involves a
car going so fast it starts to generate lift, which can rapidly become
substantial. “Among NASCAR fans,
there’s frequently talk of a 200-mph
liftoff speed if the car starts to spin,”
followed by a spectacular backflip.
Look out!
“The bottom line is that in the
range of 150-300 mph, a typical
sedan would lift off the ground,
tumble and crash... before you
even hit the bump. If you kept the
car from taking off, the force of the
wind at those speeds would strip
away the hood, side panels and
windows. At higher speeds, the car
itself would be disassembled and
might even burn up like a spacecraft
re-entering the atmosphere.”
The bathroom app
Q. How smart can a smartphone
get when you take it into the loo?
A. When you’re wearing a device
like Google Glass, that’s fine for
you but not in a public loo when the
Glass catches strangers on camera
in private moments they’d rather
keep private, reports “New Scientist”
magazine. Enter a team from the
University of North Carolina that
taught smartphones to detect automatically when the user had entered
a restroom. “The phone’s microphone searches for sounds that
are similar to other bathrooms, like
echoes from tiled floors, and shuts
down the device’s picture or video
apps.” This research was presented
at the International Symposium on
By Bill Sones
and Rich Sones, Ph.D.
Wearable Computers in Seattle in
October 2014.
Now isn’t that a “loo-loo” of a
What’s in a word?
Q. For you wise old linguistic
owls, would you rather be “resuscitated” or “exsuscitated,” “omniscient” or “nescient”?
A. The commonly used “resuscitate” means to “bring someone back
from death,” while its less dramatic
relative “exsuscitate” means only
to “wake from sleep” -- at least it
used to mean this before falling
into disuse, reports “Mental Floss”
magazine. “Omniscient” means
“all-knowing,” which of course is
what you want instead of “nescient,”
or “not knowing.” For yet another
set of flip-side words, consider
“exhaust, which means to “draw out
of”; and “inhaust,” meaning “draw
into,” which “exhausted its usefulness and became obsolete.”
Utterly lost in translation are the
following English words, which must
be used wisely when going abroad:
“’He’ means ‘she’ in Hebrew, ‘barn’
means ‘children’ in Swedish, ‘pee’
means ‘blood’ in Korean, ‘gift’
means ‘poison’ in German and ‘killing’ means ‘kitten’ in Danish.”
You can also reach us at:
Surveilance is everywhere now.
March 24, 2015
(979) 849-5407
Alamo spurs Texans to revive monument faded by neglect
Bloomberg News (TNS)
SAN ANTONIO — Limestone is
missing from the facade, tree roots
push up through sidewalks and
windowsills are rotting on the only
building generations of Texans have
been told never to forget.
“We want people to think about
the Alamo again,” Rebecca Bridges
Dinnin, its director, said in her San
Antonio office, sitting beneath the
red, white and green flag of the
Texas Revolution.
While Texans are no strangers to
tattered public works, with billions of
dollars needed for roads, parks and
state buildings, the Alamo’s decay
is goading business leaders and
public officials to act. They’re seek-
ing millions to revive the fort, which
has been the state’s symbolic heart
since a bloody 1836 defeat there
rallied Texans to wrest independence from Mexico.
On March 12, Texas fired the
Daughters of the Republic of Texas,
a private organization that has
managed the site, after waning
gift-shop sales and allegations of
mismanagement. State Sen. Jose
Menendez, a San Antonio Democrat, wants to ask voters to approve
spending as much as $250 million
to restore the complex. A new
endowment board, which includes
billionaire Red McCombs, met this
month to consider ways to boost
fundraising for the Lone Star State’s
most famous monument.
Local DAR sponsors Texas Independence Day
ACC Community
Band Spring Concert
set for March 29
The Alvin Community College
Wind Ensemble and Community
Band will perform its Spring Concert
on Sunday, March 29.
Band members will play a variety
of selections including traditional
and contemporary band music.
Songs will include Burn, Irish
Tune from County Derry and
Shepherds Hey by composer Percy
Grainger. The concert will end with
a medley of popular songs by the
Eagles as well as a piece entitled
More Cowbell, which includes four
pop classics featuring the cowbell.
The Community Band has been
celebrating its 20th anniversary this
year and is made up of musicians
throughout the region.
The concert will start at 3:30 p.m.
in the ACC Theatre. It is free and
open to the public.
For more information
call (281) 756-3588 or visit
The Cradle of Texas Daughters of the Republic of Texas was a sponsor
for the Texas Independence Day event held March 2 at the Stephen F.
Austin Statue in Angleton. They served punch and cake to over 200
attendees. From left: Carolyn Joachim, Alvin, Pearlie Cooper, Alvin,
Bartlett Ramsey, Angleton, and Margaret Norman, Angleton (979) 849-5407 March 24, 2015 THE BULLETIN Page 5
Brazosport Regional opens third New primary care doctor joins Brazosport Community
Brazosport Regional Health
She treats a variety of illnesses and
Practitioner Deby Crook at the third
location for Family Medicine Center System
is happy to welcome Dr.
emphasizes preventive care to keep
location of the Brazosport Regional
Brazosport Regional Health System has opened the third location of its
Family Medicine Center. The new Family Medicine Center is located at 210
Lake Road, Suite 300, in Lake Jackson.
Brazosport Regional has been working hard to fill the void of primary
care in the area. In 2010, the hospital opened its first Family Medicine
Center in Brazoria, located at 1525 N. Brooks St. The Brazoria Family
Medicine Center now houses Dr. Richard Erickson. Dr. Erickson previously
provided primary care in Sweeny and in Galveston.
In late 2011, Brazosport Regional opened a second primary care facility
in Lake Jackson, located at 208 Oak Drive South, Suite 200. Dr. Roland
Prezas, Dr. Srijaya Bandi, and Family Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Kucera,
provide care at that location.
Now on its third location, Brazosport Regional was excited to open its
doors to many more community members in need of a family doctor. The
third location staffs Dr. Na Vang, Dr. Karen Millender, and Family Nurse
Practitioner Debra Crook. Both locations in Lake Jackson offer 4,500
square feet of modern space encompassing numerous exam rooms.
For an appointment with the providers at the Family Medicine Center on
Lake Road, please call (979) 285-9455. For more information about the trio
of Family Medicine Centers, visit
Karen Millender to their growing
team of family practitioners. Dr.
Millender will provide primary care
services at the Brazosport Regional
Family Medicine Center at 210 Lake
Road, Suite 300, in Lake Jackson.
After graduating from medical
school at Tulane University School
of Medicine in New Orleans, La.
and completed her residency at
University of Mississippi Medical
Center in Jackson, Miss. Before
joining Brazosport Regional, Dr.
Millender provided care at Visiting
Physicians Association in Houston
and Franklin Primary Care Center in
Mobile, Ala.
Dr. Millender focuses on primary
care for ages 5 and older and is
dedicated to quality healthcare of
each and every one of her patients.
the patient healthy by promoting
good life choices.
The addition of Dr. Millender will
continue to help meet the demand
for primary care in the area.
Dr. Millender will work alongside
Dr. Na Vang and Family Nurse
Family Medicine Center.
Dr. Millender is accepting new
patients. To make an appointment,
please call (979) 285-9455.
For more information about the
Family Medicine Center, please visit
Page 6 THE BULLETIN March 24, 2015
(979) 849-5407
Angleton holds Easter Eggs-travaganza
We are so EGGS-cited, and we just can’t hide it!
Kids, grab your Easter basket and a flashlight and join us for our Annual
Easter Eggs-travaganza, April 2, at Freedom Park, across and behind Angleton Junior High.
The Easter Bunny will arrive at 6 p.m., so parents bring your camera.
Egg Hunts are FREE and open to ages 14 and under. We encourage fair
play and friendliness, so please hunt nicely - it’s the right thing to do.
7:30 pm - Age 0-4 & Special Needs: Not-quite dark for our younger hunters; only one (1) parent is allowed in the hunt area to assist. Parent must
stay with child at all times.
8 p.m. - Ages 5-6: Flashlight parent assisted hunt. Ages 5 years and older.
One parent will be allowed in the hunt area but must stay by the fence.
8:30 pm - Age 7-14: Flashlights - children only hunt. No parents will be
allowed in the hunt area.
You won’t want to miss this, so join in on the fun. Stay and watch “The
Lego Movie” when the hunt is done.
Angleton Rec plans Awesome Stuff Sale
The Angleton Parks and Recreation will host their Annual “Awesome Stuff
Sale,” March 28, from 8 a.m. – noon at the Angleton Recreation Center. This
year there’s more than 30 vendors selling household items, knick knacks,
toys, baked goods, and more.
Did you know?
• Australia has over 10,000 beaches – You could visit a new beach everyday for over 27 years.
• An artificial Christmas tree would have to be reused for more than 20
years to be “greener” than buying a fresh-cut tree annually.
• Candy Crush has more active monthly players than the entire population
of Canada. (979) 849-5407 March 24, 2015 THE BULLETIN Page 7
Nevada lawmaker wants sick pets to be able to use pot
Los Angeles Times (TNS)
Look for us on
CARSON CITY, Nev. — So your
dog is literally on its last legs. The
end is near, and Fido has stopped
eating. You want to bring an end to
his pain.
What to do? Under a bill proposed this week in Nevada, you can
get him medical marijuana.
Legislation introduced in the state
Senate would allow pets to use pot
under a veterinarian’s supervision.
Democratic Sen. Tick Segerblom,
the sponsor of SB 372, says there
are guidelines, even for Fido: Officials would be able to issue a pet
medical marijuana card only if the
animal’s owner is a Nevada resident
and a vet certifies the creature has
an illness that might be helped by
marijuana. And the illness need not
be fatal.
Segerblom told the Los Angeles
Times that the idea isn’t as farfetched as it might seem.
“People these days believe that
marijuana can cure everything
under the sun,” he said, “from the
inability to eat if you’re terminally
ill to problems with your nervous
system. So if your dog has a nerve
disease or uncontrollable tremors,
this might be able to help it.”
Page 8 THE BULLETIN March 24, 2015 (979) 849-5407
Honda Power Equipment’s Grand Opening Texas spring wildflower season expected to be bountiful
While cool weather is delaying
the wildflower season in parts of
Texas, most areas should have
great blooms, and some areas
already have a great show started
for spring.
“We’re on track for a great year
based on the soaking rains that
have occurred in many places
every two to four weeks,” said Dr.
Mark Simmons, a restoration ecolo-
Shown at the grand opening and ribbon cutting of the Lake Jackson
business is: Lindsey Denson, marketing director of the Angleton
Chamber; Beth Journeay, CEO, Angleton Chamber; Rod Hall, owner;
Sandra Shaw, Brazosport Chamber CEO, and husband Wayne Shaw.
gist and program director at The
University of Texas at Austin’s Lady
Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
“I suspect early spring bloomers
like Texas bluebonnets and pink
evening primrose are going to be
Fall and winter moisture are
important as many popular wildflowers — including Texas bluebonnets,
Indian blanket and Texas star—get
a jumpstart on spring growth by
germinating during the winter
and establishing themselves as
These low clusters of leaves
help the plants retain heat in the
winter and prep to grow rapidly
once temperatures climb.
Temperature swings since
January shouldn’t hamper the show
much, Simmons said.
Angleton Chamber Surprise Patrol
thanks member businesses
The Angleton Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and staff recently
visited Altus Emergency Center in Lake Jackson as part of The
Chamber’s Surprise Patrol visits to recognize the business and staff.
Owners and staff of RP & WM (Retirement Planning & Wealth Management)
were visited at their downtown Lake Jackson location by the Angleton
Chamber Surprise Patrol to thank them for their involvement.
Colley Refrigeration in Clute was one of the businesses visited as part
of the Surprise Patrol program to let the owner and staff know their
membership in the Angleton Chamber of Commerce is appreciated.
(979) 849-5407 March 24, 2015 THE BULLETIN Page 9
Page 10 THE BULLETIN March 24, 2015 (979) 849-5407
Commissioners Court
Boat Ramp
sNine County Parks.
sA group campground with airconditioned dormitories, cabins, lake
& bayou fishing, swimming pool &
wooded trails.
sTwo full-service RV campgrounds
with air-conditioned cabins, lighted
fishing areas, covered pavilions,
playground on the coast.
s23 miles of sandy beaches.
s20 public boat ramps.
sHistorical homes.
sCoastal ecology center.
sBird watching.
sShelling (peak season Dec.-Feb.)
sYear-round Adventure Programs.
sYear-round special events.
Administrative offices
313 W. Mulberry
Angleton, TX. 77515
(979) 864-1541
Brazoria County Parks Director
Bryan Frazier
Board of Park Commissioners
Chairman: Meta Kirby
Vice ChairmanL Paul Wofford, Jr.
Secretary: Joyce Peltier
Commissioners: Dorman Davidson, Rex Lloyd, Rebecca Golden,
Alvie Merrill
Platinum ($2,000)
BASF Corporation
Dow Chemical Company
Freeport LNG
Gold ($1,500)
Warehouse Associates (Pirates Alley
Café, Ocean Village Hotel, Beach
House Associates)
Silver ($1,000)
Meyerland Custom Home Renovation LLC
Bronze ($500)
DM Petroleum Operations
DSM Nutritional Products Inc.
Kids Way Clinic, Lake Jackson
Town of Quintana
We also thank the many volunteers who help
clean the beaches, stake out trees and sand
fencing, lend a hand with programs, and add so
much to the county’s parks and to our communities. To become a sponsor, or to volunteer in our
programs, call (979) 864-1541, or email jamesg
First-graders learn real-world geometry
Despite recent setbacks brought on by Mother Nature, the Hanson Park
boat ramp project continues to edge forward. Brazoria County Commissioners voted on March 10 to accept a bid for boat ramp construction from Shirley and Sons Construction Company of Cleveland. According to the court’s
agenda for that day, the Shirley and Sons bid was the only one submitted
which met the county’s specifications for the project.
Timeframes for the work are entirely dependent upon weather and ground
conditions. Shirley and Sons will construct bulkhead areas, excavate the
rampway, and pour the ramp itself. When this portion of the project is
completed, county crews will return to the site to complete an all-weather
roadway, build docks and walkways, and install lights and signage.
When completed, the boat ramp at Hanson Park will provide the only
public access to the San Bernard River within the county above FM 521.
Beach House
Commissioners Court voted on March 10 to accept the donation of
a beach house inside Quintana Beach County Park. The property was
donated to the department, through Commissioners Court, by Freeport LNG.
The two-bedroom raised structure is slated to become park rental property
following renovation. Final approval of the donation is contingent upon
acceptance by the District Attorney’s Office.
Beach house donated to county by Freeport LNG.
Volunteers needed for Adopt-ABeach Spring Clean-Up April 18
Spring is here! The annual Adopt-A-Beach Spring Beach Clean-up is Saturday, April 18. Volunteers are needed at Surfside and Quintana beaches to
help prepare for summer tourists and to improve the health of our beaches.
Check-in and registration locations are at Stahlman Park and Quintana
Beach County Park. Dress for the weather and bring along drinking water.
All ages are welcome and needed. Disposable gloves and trash bags are
provided. Please remember to return your inventory sheets to the registration area. A light lunch will be provided to the volunteers at both locations.
Parks employee James Glover visits first-graders at Manvel’s Duke
Elementary to discuss geometry in the real world. The program uses
classroom lessons to explore familiar applications, such as camp
site layout and designing common camping equipment. The students
were very bright and full of surprises.
Schedule of events
Saturday, April 4, 2-4 p.m.: Easter Egg Hunt at San Luis Pass County
Park. Candy and prizes provided. Registered campers only; for information
or reservations, call (979) 233-6026.
Saturday, April 18: Texas Adopt-A-Beach Spring Clean-Up. Volunteers
gather at 9 a.m. in Surfside and Quintana for a general beach clean-up.
Dress for the weather and bring along some water. Supplies provided;
lunch afterward. For more information, contact James at (979) 864-1541
(Surfside) or Patty at (979) 233-1461 (Quintana).
Thursday, May 14-17: Fifth Annual Fishing Tournament at San Luis
Pass County Park. Starts at noon on Thursday and runs through 9 a.m. on
Sunday. Registered campers only; for information or reservations, call (979)
Sunday, May 24: Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy free chili cheese dogs,
washer tournament, limbo, and more fun at San Luis Pass County Park.
Registered campers only; for information or reservations, call (979) 2336026.
Monday-Thursday, June 29-July 2, 9 a.m. - noon: Nature Camp at
Camp Mohawk County Park. Outdoor nature-related programming with the
Brazoria County Master Naturalists. Ages 7-12. $30 per camper; limited
space available. Pre-registration required. For information, or to register,
call (979) 864-1541, or e-mail
Saturday, July 4: Happy Independence Day! Enjoy free chili cheese
dogs, washer tournament, limbo, and more fun at San Luis Pass County
Park. Registered campers only; for information or reservations, call (979)
Saturday, Aug. 1: KidsFest at Bates Park, Angleton. Rack up on school
supplies and fun at this FREE back-to-school program for children ages 311. Hours are 9 a.m. - noon. For more information, call the Brazoria County
Parks Dept. at (979) 864-1541.
Sunday, Sept. 6 - Happy Labor Day! Enjoy free chili cheese dogs,
washer tournament, limbo, and more fun at San Luis Pass County Park.
Registered campers only; for information or reservations, call (979) 2336026.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 1-3 p.m. - Basic Field Archery at Resoft County
Park. Learn the basics of field archery with instructor Olan Steve. Equipment provided. To pre-register, call (281) 581-2319.
(979) 849-5407 March 24, 2015 THE BULLETIN Page 11
Texas Independence Day at S.F.A. statue draws a crowd
A crowd of more than 200
gathered around the giant statue of
Stephen F. Austin west of Angleton
on March 2 to celebrate Texas
Independence Day.
Area home school students and
fourth-graders from Angleton’s
Westside Elementary were treated
to storytellers, old-timey music,
rope making, arms of the period,
and cake as volunteers held the
second annual event at the park.
Prior to the celebration, Commissioners Court signed a
proclamation hearlding the 179th
anniversary of the signing of the
Texas Declaration of Independence.
Roughly 40 volunteers from
several local heritage groups and
organizations staffed booths, provided demonstrations, and served
refreshments to the children and
adult visitors.
Brazoria County is the location
of the first successful colonization
effort in Mexican Texas and played
a vital role in the development of
the state as we know it today.
During the 1836 revolution,
the first hostile shots were fired,
the enemy commander was held
prisoner, and signing of the final
treaty ending the war all took place
in Brazoria County.
Page 12 THE BULLETIN March 24, 2015 (979) 849-5407
Getting pulled over in Pearland was quite educational
(Continued from Page 1)
Go ahead, run my license plate. It’s
completely clean.
The officer then pulled up next to
me. I was going 45 in a 45, so he
was looking for something else. In
front of me, cars were doing 50+,
and he didn’t care.
Then the lights came on. I was
curious to see what the heck was
the reason.
Nobody likes being pulled over.
It’s one of those situations when
the cops are making sure that they
stay safe and also do their jobs,
and the driver being stopped knows
there is a very good chance that
this is going to be costly.
There were two officers in the
patrol car. One of them walked over
to my car. I got the insurance card,
proof of inspection and license
ready. I had to get the proof of
inspection because of this new law
that requires only the registration
sticker on the window.
But, I had everything in my hand,
ready to go.
“Do you know why I pulled you
over?” he asked. No. But I would
be really curious to find out, since
I thought I was doing everything
right, except for that line thing.
“Let me see your papers, and
then I’ll tell you,” he said.
I stuck everything out the
“You’re missing your inspection
sticker,” he said without looking at
or taking anything.
“Yes, sir,” I replied. I always
am polite as can be during one of
these stops. It helps to be polite.
Police officers have a hard, dangerous task, and I don’t want to make
it any harder. Plus, by being nice,
I have gotten out of tickets several
“There is a new law in Texas...,” I
replied, and was about to finish the
rest of the sentence.
He looked at the sticker again.
“You’re good to rock and roll,
sir,” the young officer replied. He
seemed a little embarrassed. “Have
a good evening.”
Well, it looks like this law change
is even confusing to some of our
law enforcement officials. It’s a
good thing that I kept all of those
inspection papers, like the lady at
the service station suggested.
When you get a car inspection,
keep those papers handy, just in
case. You never know when you’ll
need them during a traffic stop.
Plus, you’ll need to take it with you
to get your car registered.
Overall, a good traffic stop.
Polite cop, polite driver, great
outcome. I was glad to be able to
update the young officer on the law
As I continued my trip, I even
signaled when I changed lanes
from the shoulder to the right lane.
When there is a cop behind me, I
am on my best behavior.
My Answer
Encourage troubled sister to seek
strength from God
By Billy Graham
Tribune Media Services
Q: I wish I could help my sister.
Her husband just left her for
another woman, and it’s really
depressing her. I’ve tried to cheer
her up by saying it’s best since he
never treated her well, anyway, but
this hasn’t helped. What can I do?
- Mrs. M.S.
A: I’m thankful you want to help
your sister; I’m afraid some people
don’t want to get involved with
someone who’s hurting. Perhaps
we don’t know what to say, or
we’re afraid we’ll only make things
worse. But whatever our excuse,
the Bible tells us to “Carry each
other’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2).
What can you do? First, try to
understand what your sister is
going through. No, her marriage
hasn’t been very happy, but now
she’s facing the humility and pain
of rejection - which can be even
more devastating. She also may be
burdened with guilt, blaming herself
for what went wrong (even if she
shouldn’t). In addition, she probably
fears the loneliness, uncertainty and
financial burdens that come from
suddenly being alone.
Then learn to be a good listener.
It’s tempting to come up with
cliches or quick “solutions” to make
someone feel better, but (as you’ve
discovered) this seldom works. The
Bible says, “Everyone should be
quick to listen, slow to speak and
slow to become angry” (James 1:
Most of all, pray for her, and
encourage her to turn to God and
find her strength in Him. God knows
what she’s going through, and He
loves her and wants to help. And
He will, as she opens her heart to
Jesus Christ and trusts the future
into His care. In addition, many
churches today sponsor divorce
recovery workshops, and you might
help her find one in your area.
(Send your queries to “My Answer,” c/o Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C., 28201; call 1-(877) 2-GRAHAM, or visit
the Web site for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association:
Sponsors of this column (979) 849-5407 March 24, 2015 THE BULLETIN Page 13
Brazoria County Master Gardener Spring
Plant Sale set for Saturday, April 11
The 17th annual Brazoria County Master Gardeners’ Spring Plant Sale will
be Saturday, April 11, at the BEES Demonstration Gardens at 585 Hospital
Drive in Angleton.
The sale begins at 8 a.m. and ends at noon.
This year, the sale will feature perennial plants and shrubs, herbs and
vegetable plants cultivated by the Brazoria County Master Gardeners. Local
master gardeners will be on hand to answer your questions about plant care
and help you with your selection. Plan to spend some time walking through
the demonstration gardens to see many of the plants for sale growing in the
The Master Gardeners of Brazoria County are volunteers who work with
Texas AgriLife Extension to improve gardening skills throughout the community. We share our gardening knowledge through community service and
outreach, gardener training and educational programs.
Times are exciting for the Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association
(BCMGA). Since our first Master Gardener Training Class held in 1995, we
continue to grow stronger. Our Speakers Bureau offers gardening programs
to civic groups, garden clubs and the general public. We continue to develop
our Demonstration Gardens to share what we are learning with the community.
For more information, please call (979) 854-1558, extension 110.
History of the World
By Mark Andrews
Tribune Content Agency
March 23: ON THIS DATE in
1806, explorers Lewis and Clark
reached the Pacific coast during
their groundbreaking exploration
of the American West. In 1912, the
Dixie Cup was invented.
March 24: ON THIS DATE in
1898, the first sale of an automobile was recorded. In 1958, Elvis
Presley was inducted into the
March 25: ON THIS DATE in
1634, Lord Baltimore founded the
Catholic colony of Maryland. In
1970, Europe’s Concorde jetliner
made its first supersonic flight.
March 26: ON THIS DATE in
1913, Dayton, Ohio, was almost
destroyed when the Scioto, Miami
and Muskingum rivers reached
flood stage simultaneously. In
1979, the Camp David peace
treaty was signed by Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin and
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat at
the White House.
March 27: ON THIS DATE in
1794, President Washington and
Congress authorized formation of
the U.S. Navy. In 1977, 583 people
died in aviation’s worst accident
- a runway collision between two
Boeing 747 jetliners at Tenerife in
the Canary Islands.
March 28: ON THIS DATE
in 1939, the Spanish Civil War
ended as Madrid fell to the forces
of Francisco Franco. In 1979, the
United States’ worst commercial
nuclear accident occurred at the
Three Mile Island power plant in
March 29: ON THIS DATE in
1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
were convicted of conspiracy
to commit espionage. In 1971,
Army Lt. William L. Calley Jr. was
convicted of murdering at least 22
Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai
Answer to last week’s question: This week in 1969, Golda
Meir became Israel’s first female
prime minister.
This week’s question: In 1959,
the Dalai Lama fled the Tibet
region of China and was granted
political asylum in what country?
Spreading the word about your community events is as easy as 1,2 and 3
1) Write it all down in paragraph form in an email.
2) Attach photos.The higher the resolution, the better. We can reduce color to black and white, if needed.
3) Email it all to
Bulletin Crossword Puzzle of the Week
Solutions on the right side of this page
In memory of Greg Wilkinson
1 Bryn __ College
2 Reebok rival
3 Ham at a party, say
4 Tease
5 Norfolk, Va., campus
6 Phone in a play, e.g.
7 Uncommon
8 Privy to
9 Rover’s turf
10 Four-wheeler, briefly
11 Common allergen
12 See 66-Across
13 Sleep on it
18 __ Hashanah
19 “Othello” villain
24 Metal bearers
25 Big name in ATMs
26 Doc bloc
27 Sleep on it
28 Peach or plum
29 __-loading
30 Name on a historic bomber
31 Closer to being harvested
32 Little green men
36 “Cash __”: TV game show
37 Set of Web pages
38 Under
39 Scotch bottle datum
40 Soup veggie
41 Many AARP members: Abbr.
42 Loose
43 John of “Necessary Roughness”
44 Turbulence
45 52-Down victim
46 Computer input
47 Stone marker
50 Bit that can be split
51 Cantabria-born golfer, familiarly
52 Slayer of 45-Down
53 Till fill
55 Kappa preceder
56 Shrinking sea
58 Latin trio word
59 Worker at home
60 Haberdashery item
Complete the grid so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to
solve Sudoku, visit
Boggle Answers
Page 14 THE BULLETIN March 24, 2015 (979) 849-5407
43 Right
47 Theater sweepings
23 Dupes
48 Drops from the staff
26 One getting a share
1 Nature photographer’s lens
49 Like most pets
27 Rite
6 __ facie
50 Showy neckwear
33 North Carolina’s __ Banks
11 Dells, at times
54 Actress Carrere
34 “America” soloist in “West Side
14 Steer clear of
57 Write
15 Charged
61 End of a texter’s amusing com35 Hardy heroine
16 Impressed reaction
ment, perhaps
36 They may be dusted
17 Wright
62 Paramount output
37 Indication of freshness?
20 “Far out!”
63 Mazda two-seater
41 Weasel relative
21 Begins
64 Cornerstone abbr.
42 Feudal lord
22 Soothing application
65 Comets, long ago
66 With 12-Down, exile site (979) 849-5407 March 24, 2015 THE BULLETIN Page 15
Tribune Content Agency
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Tone
it down. You know that being assertive can sometimes be perceived
as being aggressive. In the week
ahead, soften your words more
than usual so you don’t appear
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The
turtle only makes progress when
he sticks his neck out. You might
find that taking risks appeals to you
in the week ahead. You’d be wise
to hold off until late in the week to
make major purchases.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Mul-
titasking requires an ambidextrous
brain. You’re very capable of juggling more than one task at a time.
This week, you may try to please
too many people too much of the
time. Take it easy!
CANCER (June 21-July 22): A
desire to receive recognition may
By Rick Brooks
By Ralph Dunagin and Dana Summers
By Russel Myers
By Fred Wagner
may need some minor tweaking in
light of recent changes.
21): The best helping hand you can
find is right at the end of your arm.
In the week ahead, use your keen
intellect to tackle complex problems
rather than relying on input from
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):
Sweeping changes at home or in
your career may put you on the
defensive this week. This creatively
and remember F. Scott Fitzgerald’s
comment: “The test of a first-rate
intelligence is the ability to hold two
opposing ideas in mind at the same
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):
The direction of your life could be in
the hands of others this week. Most
of those who enter your life now
are trustworthy. Excess enthusiasm
requires plenty of exercise, so find
appropriate outlets for your energy.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):
Use tactfulness and don’t take
sides. You may be walking a balance beam as the week unfolds.
You have both the good grace to
charm co-workers and the determination to take care of necessities.
Jumble Answers
Answer: The cameraman described his photo of the moonshiners as a -- “STILL” LIFE
B u l l e t i n H o ro s co p e
be reflected in the way you handle
money. During the week ahead,
you may be challenged to honor
commitments and to be seen as
entirely trustworthy.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): This is
one of those weeks when acting on
profound faith in your fellow man
will work to your advantage. Take
concrete steps and actively work
to reach your career goals. Be a
trusted confidante to your friends.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Maintaining a sense of formality
with others could be a good thing.
Tensions could be building under
the surface this week. Impulsive
purchases may eat up your walking
around cash.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You
may prefer to risk the unusual
rather than settle for the ordinary.
Harmless flirtations could be
misconstrued in the week ahead.
Keep your thoughts to yourself if
your money or a key relationship is
at stake.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
This week, your attention could
center on your public image. The
juggling act you perform to coordinate home and business matters
Page 16 THE BULLETIN March 24, 2015 (979) 849-5407