March/April -


March/April -
The Summit Observer March/April 2015
A volunteer effort of the Summit Observer Committee
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
March 12 – Board Meeting – Note the change of date
March 14 – St. Patrick’s Day Dance
April 1 - 2nd quarter maintenance due
April 3 – Passover Dinner at Café
April 5 – Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
April 19 – Bye Bye Birdie BBQ
April 23 – Board Meeting
Turtle Nesting Seasons Starts Sunday,
March 1 and runs until October 31
From the President – Dr. Jeff Spiro
Many of us have valuable ‘stuff’ in our units
that, if rational thought existed, we would dispose of.
This is especially true now, as some of us begin our
spring cleaning. The problem is, even if we just want
to throw it away, it won’t fit down our trash chutes.
Rest easy because we have a solution to your
dilemma. As mentioned in last month’s Observer, we
have a dumpster that will accommodate your ‘no
longer needed’ household junk. (It is not intended for
construction debris.) It will be available to owners
on Friday March 13 and Monday March 16, from
10:00 am to noon.
At a recent meeting with city officials, we were
informed that the plans to add roundabouts on
Hollywood Blvd will NOT happen. Also, we learned
that A1A from Hollywood Blvd to Garfield Street, for
the most part will remain as a 5-lane road, but with
some sections dropping down to 4 lanes. Then the
road will change from 5 to 4 to 3 lanes, up to
Sheridan. This is NOT a final decision, but rather their
current thinking
Make Sure Your Unit is Converted to Fiber
If you only have TV service with OpticalTel
you do not have to do anything.
Anyone with internet or telephone service from
OpticalTel should now have had wires run into their
unit for those services. For only a limited time,
OpticalTel will continue to:
 do this wiring for free
 maintain old modem based internet and telephone
Therefore, if you are not sure that your unit is
done, call them now at 855.303.4237.
The Telecom Committee will be developing a
survey to find out how the new service is working for
us. But, as always, if you have any question, concerns
or problems, call OpticalTel directly.
Call 911 and then either front desk or garage security to
coordinate support. Garage 954.923-6641
North 954.925-3336 South 954.925-1270
The Summit Observer
Hollywood can now fine for bright lights seen from
the beach.
Such lights might interfere with successful turtle
nesting. Help our turtles & avoid
fine by:
 Leaving balcony light off, and
 Covering windows or leaving
all light fixtures near windows
Pick up one of the removable
3”x4” turtle nesting stickers
available in the office or
mailrooms that you can put over
your balcony light switch as a
We continue to send our staff
to the beach at night to check
how we are doing. They are
sending warnings to residents who have bright lights
that can be seen from the beach. We are also working
with the City of Hollywood and various vendors to find
a longer term solution. For example, we are looking at
whether modifying balcony fixtures and window tinting
are acceptable to Hollywood. In the meantime, we all
have to be extra careful.
A great way to find videos about our turtles and
the turtle lighting issue is to search with “Google”
using terms like: sea turtle nesting lighting YouTube.
Also watch for a new FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) page on about turtles and
“Sink or Swim:
Sea-Level Rise in
Broward County”
Sign up for the
March 20 noon talk
at Anne Kolb
Nature Center
about Broward County’s plans to deal with this new
reality call 954.357.5161. This does affect us since the
Summit is just a few feet above sea level. This talk is
part of the excellent “Lunch-and-Learn” series.
Please send articles, ideas or feedback to or office’s Observer mailbox.
Join the Observer Committee to support the Observer, & miniObserver.
Advertise at the Summit:
March/April 2015
page 1
Board term ends 15-1/2015 16-1/2016
President: Dr. Jeff Spiro16 Vice-President: Armando Sera16
Treasurer: Mary Ann Reisler16 Secretary: Steven Naron16
Ruben Alonso17, Vito Barone17, William Share17,
Sam Slep17, Henry Tishman17
Committee Chairs
Telecom: Greg Taffet
Observer: Steven Naron
Landscaping: Laura Naron
Public Safety: Pearl Milestone
Social Committee: Mary Ann Reisler Libraries: Shirley Ginter
Grandma’s Closet & Office Volunteers: Susan Spiro
Valentine’s Day at Rocco’s - Mary Ann Reisler
The Summit Oscars – Mary Ann Reisler
Oscar night at Rocco’s was a great success.
There were “Oscar Specials” and a specialty pizza for
each of the nominated films. It was very creative and
one pizza was more delicious than the next. It is
wonderful to have a place to be able to share these
special events and have great food and company. We
know the staff was a bit tired after such a long week,
but hope they enjoyed themselves as well.
Valentine’s Day left nothing
to be desired at Rocco’s. We
were 74 strong and feasted on
Lobster, Prime Rib, Seafood
Pasta, and Snapper livornese,
but only after we stuffed
ourselves on crab cakes,
mussels marinara, zuppa de
clams, antipasto and breads
with great toppings.
The room was
decorated with
balloons and
candy and hearts
and felt very
“lovely” !
the weather was
If anyone reading this has not participated in any
events lately, be sure to join your fellow “Summiteers”
. We are friendly, inclusive and always happy to meet
new people that have moved into our wonderful
See you at Rocco’s at the Summit!
not very
cooperative with
regard to our
dancing. But there
were about 20 hale
and hearty people
that braved the
weather. We didn’t want to leave our resident D J ,
Lou Yeager , out there to chill on his own !! Thanks,
Lou , for keeping us moving and happy.
The wine and conversation flowed and we ended
with wonderful cannoli, cheese cake,
chocolate cake , and, of course , hand dipped
chocolate strawberries.
Thank you to Guy and his terrific staff for a
wonderful Valentine’s Night Party.
The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
page 2
Another Great Talk at the Summit
The Social Committee Events Schedule
This issue of the Observer is full of reports on
successful Social Committee events. SAVE THE
DATES for the following events. All events are open to
all residents. Some require reservations, so watch the
miniObserver and other postings.
We have recently been selling out most of our
activities, so get your reservations in early.
 March 1 - Dancing Under the Stars
 March 10 10:30am - Social Committee Meeting 3rd floor north card room
A very proud Carol and Stan Scheinberg and
 March 14 - St Patrick’s Day Party at Café
family after a facinating and very well received talk in
 April 3 - Passover Dinner at Café
the south lounge, by their daughter, Karen Andrews.
She spoke about progress in health care in Israel and  April 5 - Children’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt &
Games on pool deck - Bring children and
the Hadassah Hospital. Karen, who is a PhD nurse
teacher and researcher, has been bringing innovative
 April 7 - Social Committee Meeting – north card
new patient care practices to Israel.
If you think you have a talk of common interest
 April 19 - Bye Bye Birdie BBQ & Dancing
to our community please contact the office or We can provide facilities
Bring your suggestions to our Social Committee
and advertising.
Meetings (March 10 and April 7) so that we can add
your ideas to this list.
See the articles in this Observer about Social
Treasurer’s Report -- Mary Ann Reisler
events in the last month:
The following is the December and January
 Dancing Under the Stars
Financial Report as presented at the February 19th
 Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance
Board of Director’s Meeting.
 The Oscars
At end of month ($000s) December January
Operating Accounts
Operating Accounts Insurance 98
Restricted Reserve
Security Deposits
Special Assessments
Total Cash
Our 90 day delinquencies are $89,000 of which
only $9,000 are not at the Attorney. The other $80,000
at the attorney represents only four units.
Quarterly payments are due April 1.
If you have any questions or comments please
submit them to the office and I will address them in the
next Observer
Enjoy our beautiful winter weather!!
The Summit is not a
hotel. Here is a
quotation in the
December 2014 issue
of the condo
magazine, the South
Florida Cooperator
The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
page 3
The March 1st Dancing Under the Starts
Reminders about Living at the Summit
Rocco’s at the
Summit catered the
March 1 Dancing
under the Stars.
They had vegetable,
chicken and steak
kabobs that were
beautiful, delicious
and easy to serve. 75
people were served
in less than 20 minutes. With this food, perfect
weather, and the new dance floor lights on the west
side of the café, we had another great party.
We have had a lot of new people at the Summit
this winter. Here are some reminders for them (and
the rest of us.) Remember that owners are both legally
and financially responsible that their guests, renters,
contractors, etc. know and follow the rules of the
Summit. From time to time we will be also posting
these reminders at the Summit.
 Lost a FOB? Have the office turn it off. Don’t let
the wrong person into the Summit. You could be
 Pets are not allowed at the Summit. Exceptions
can be made for service animals for residents and
guests, but we need paperwork in the office before
they arrive. Owners are responsible for service
animals that cause damage or bothersome noise
or smells, or who are allowed to leave droppings
on Summit property. The ‘no animal’ requirement
is in our original documents and is not something
the board can change.
 Units can only be rented once a year.
Paperwork must be approved by office before a
move. Those renting a
unit must be interviewed.
 Do not pick flowers in
common areas. They
are for all our COMMON
 Drive carefully in garage. Obey all speed, stop
and ramp directional signs. LIGHTS ON in garage!
We have lots of garage pedestrians and we do
have video cameras and give out violations
 Eating on pool deck: Eat only under a Café
canopy. The east and west side of Café are
reserved for Café’s food when it is open. Behind
the grills can be used otherwise. No glass is
allowed on pool deck. If we are not going to use a
grill reservation, we need to cancel it an hour
ahead to avoid losing our grill deposit.
 Emergency Keys: Up-to-date copies of keys of
units and A/C closets must be in the office. They
may be used only for lockouts with permission of
the official resident, not on say so of guests. The
keys can never be borrowed since they cannot
leave Security’s possession.
 Dry off before entering building from the pool
deck: Wet floors are a slipping danger.
 Car repairs and maintenance cannot be done
in the garage.
-------------“My husband paints and I cook, then we try to
guess what he painted and what I cooked.”
-------------------------“Inflation is creeping up, Yesterday, I ordered a $25
steak in a restaurant and told them to put it on my
American Express card – and it fit.” – Don Reber
The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
page 4
Working with Other Condos
Having Fun While Doing Good
In the last few years the Summit has become a
thought leader among large mature condos in the
area. About every quarter a “Board Roundtable” is
held, sometimes at the Summit, where similar condos
share ideas, problems and solutions. These meetings
have helped us learn from other condos. We discuss
lessons learned on issues such as the 40-year
inspection, the dunes, turtle lighting ordinance, A1A,
finances, energy efficiency, etc. This was started by
our president, Dr. Jeff Spiro, about four years ago.
The picture above is from a meeting on February
28, in our newly refreshed north lounge. In attendance
was the Hollywood mayor, CRA director, city lawyer,
new homeless cordinator, our city council member,
our county council member and the police major
responsible for our area. We greatly appreciate their
attendance and attention to the interests of local
condos. This was a serious working meeting. They
were asked tough questions about our local concerns.
The answers we received were, for the most part,
useful in furthering the Summit’s and other local
condo’s interests.
Looking for a Long Road Trip into Space?
Over the
last few
years, The
center has
improved with enhanced displays of the Saturn rocket,
the Atlantis shuttle, launch site tours, museums and
new IMAX movies. If you have not been there
recently, it is worth the
four hour drive. You will
want to give yourself a
whole day. Of course that
also puts you relatively
near Orlando, where we
hear there are a few
things to do.
The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
A table full of Summiteers went to a fund raiser
for the Hollywood Women’s Club at Gino’s Market at
5729 Johnson Street. What a great place with
beautiful food! Here we are watching a demostration
of cheese making. Beside the food provided by
Gino’s, several wine vendors provided a free flow of
tastings. The Social Committee is checking out
whether we can have a Summit event at Gino’s.
Games People Play at the Summit
Try out
our game
rooms on the
3rd floor in each
tower. Please
note that the
little boy was
actually being
watched, and was more facinated by the old manual
games than the video game on the wall Maybe there
is hope for the new generation.
Celebrating Our Volunteers
Here are some who made the 33rd Anniversary
celebration that came off so wonderfully. We held a
to help
how we
make the
next big
successful. A number of the attendees thanked our
president, Dr. Jeff Spiro, for leading the charge and
pulling it together with only a three week lead time.
Contributions from vendors meant that the entire
event ended up adding to our treasury. The extra
special effort by our staff and Rocco’s meant the
facilities were always ready for the next event.
page 5
Our Bushel of Amenities
Getting Home from FLL
A resident dropped in the Observer mailbox an
advertisement for one of the big beautiful new local
(and extremely expensive) condos. The ad listed the
condo’s amenities. The attached note from an owner
said, “we also have ‘exceptional amenities’”. That was
a great vote of confidence, but can we continue to be
competitive with the best of the new condos?
In the last few years, we have taken advantage
of the renovation of the building and property to fix,
improve and add amenities, including the new weight
gym, outside sports facilities, theatre, beach bins, and
more. We should not stand still. The necessary fixing
of the pool deck gives us another chance to do more
than just fix what we already have. If you have ideas
Now there is a dedicated south exit onto Route
join the “Pool Deck Committee #2” that is looking into
1 from the Ft.Lauderdale/Hollywood Airport. It is an
improving the function and features of our 2 ¼ acre
improvement over the temporary solution of a U-Turn
pool deck. Sign up in the office.
on Route 1, but not nearly as convenient as our old
exit ramp. We understand that the exit is supposed to
Calling All Committee Chairs
get improved signage, landscaping and lighting.
We are now asking all committee chairs to
Please be extra careful in the meantime.
announce their meetings in the miniObserver. They
need to get this information to us before Friday noon, Our Busy Theatre
the week before their meeting. Leave the information
We now have almost 100 seats with decent
in the Observer mailbox in the office or (we prefer)
views because of our two 120” screens. But despite
send it to Committee
this, almost every seat was filled for every movie in
meetings should be announced to allow the most
February. We continue to make small improvements
participation possible.
to the setup and sound. Join us Tuesday at 7:30pm in
Also, please send a note to the Observer so
the south lounge for movie and popcorn.
everyone can know what your committee is doing.
The Summit’s History
As you send it in, we keep adding historical
material to .
We received a
1975 article
about the Ed
Naus the owner
of the trailer park
on the land that
became the
Summit. Do you
have early
material we could
add? Please
send it to the
Observer mailbox in the Office or To see this collection
go to
--------Marriage is nature’s way of keeping people from
fighting with strangers.
------------The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
A free Summit cap
to whoever names
all of the kids in this
picture taken on
our tennis courts
about 25 years
page 6
Orchid Season Has Begun – Celestine Taffet
Show Business at the Summit
February 26, Ken
Lonergan, performed to a
capacity crowd in a
wonderful show
produced by Barbara
Jaffe. The show
was sold out a
week before the
doors opened and
the audience was
not disappointed!
The south lounge
was set up with
wonderful stage
settings, an oldfashioned spot
light,, costumes,
and perfect sound,
so you could feel
Broadway. Kenny’s
personality and
talent brought the crowd back to memories of a
number of important musicals and musical artists.
Do you know anyone who can bring this level
of entertainment to the Summit? We have the
facilities and an appreciative audience. If you have an
idea, send a note to,
leave a message in the Social Committee’s mail folder
in the office, or come to the next Social Committee
The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
As you walk the grounds
of the Summit, please look for
orchids blooming in the trees.
The two trees by the beach gate
have many orchids, but there
are other trees throughout the
property that have also given
orchids a home. Some orchids
have started blooming, while
others will hopefully bloom in the
coming months. Please look and
admire the orchids, but do not
pick the flowers. We have lost a few orchids in the
past due to people who
want to take the
beautiful orchid flowers
or the whole orchid
plants to their
apartments. The
Committee takes care
of the orchids
throughout the year so
that everyone can enjoy
page 7
Remember to put all your
stored items inside the
storage bins. Every unit has
one storage bin assigned to
it. Any questions? Contact
the office.
Our Community Center
OpticalTel Improving Common Areas Wiring
OpticalTel waited until residents were largely
wired to focus on our common areas. They have now
moved our common areas to fiber, including our
various internet hotspots, the security and office
internet and our aerobic gym TVs. They are going to
be providing us with enhanced Wi-Fi on the pool deck
and connections for TVs that will provide digital
signage in several new common area locations. These
changes are either improving service or saving us
money (or both.)
Both libraries
now have wired
Ethernet (not Wi-Fi)
to complement the
Wi-Fi hotspots
already in the card
rooms and near the Café. Bring you Ethernet cable
and appropriate devices such as PCs. The table and
chairs provide a convenient place to work. But, these
are libraries, so please … no talking and use
headphones if you must listen to your computers.
To complement the Summit’s facilities and
activities, next door we have more of each at our
community center/library. Take a look at the “Around
Hollywood” bulletin boards in the mailrooms, or better From the Editor – Steve Naron
yet, just visit the center. They have classes, talks,
While those up north continue to suffer through
exercise programs, computer courses, excursions and
a terrible winter, ours seems to be over with weather
more. The library has computers and internet.
in the 80 o‘s (and no snow days.) This is a reminder
that over the next couple of months our ‘snowbirds’
Here is an
will be leaving us. When you leave please keep
example of
informed about happenings at the Summit by reading
some of
the Observer which you can always get on
their If you have a working email on file in
activities on
the office we will be sending you periodic updates.
just one day
Owners who are still here should attend the
at the
board meetings. All residents should participate fully in
our community with the Social Committee activities.
We are going to reestablish our Tuesday, pre-movie
BYOB outside the Café. Come and meet your
Also there is a nice playground between us
neighbors and make new friends. The Summit is much
and the center for our little visitors.
more than a building. Take advantage of it.
As the winter ends, the Observer goes on an
Preparing for the Summit’s Future
every other month schedule. Our next issue comes
“The Future of Community Associations” will
out in May. But do not wait to send your event
be taught by Bill and Susan Raphan, Thursday, March information (future or past), articles and pictures. We
19, 2015, 1 PM at our next door community center.
can share appropriate information in the posted and eTopics will include addressing Automobile Charging
mailed miniObserver and our website.
Stations, Segway and other motorized vehicles usage,
All articles, event info, photos and ads must arrive
'e'-smoking, use of drones, and many other soon to
before April 28 to make it into the May Observer.
come changes in the way we look at our properties.
Depending on the nature of information you send, we
To reserve a space, email your name and building to
will try to place announcements in appropriate places:
The Observer, the monthly calendar, the posted weekly
-----------calendar, or on Announcements of a
Driving tip: If you rear-end a car on the freeway, your
commercial nature should be included in ads.
first move should be to hang up the phone.
Information on advertising options is available at
– Tom Adams or in the office.
-------------The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
page 8
Summit Reference Material
We need your help in keeping this material up-to-date. Please send corrections to
Much more information and forms are available at See the office with questions.
Some of Summit's Resources (open 24 hours)
Stuff You Need to Know
Summit Office - 1st floor north tower, M-F 9-5 except
holidays, 954.925-3337 to deal with issues such as:
parking, accounts, moving, work in your unit, bicycle
room permits & fobs, freight elevator reservations and
any Summit "how to" question. Fax 954.925-0123.
Front desks -- Visitors, packages, and lost & found are
handled by front desk security - north tower 954.9253336 or south tower 954.925-1270.
In case of emergency call 911 & then building security
(either front desk) or garage 954.923-6641.
Keys for your unit & A/C closet should be in office
for emergencies.
Café (pool deck) – Open Wed-Sun.8:30-8:00 &
Tue.8:30-4:00, Closed Monday. Visit or call
954.921.4737 for preorder, takeout or catering.
See menu at ,
Observer, & MiniObserver -- Send
info to For commercial
messages see
Police & Fire (non-emergency) 954.967-4357
OpticalTel – 855.303.4237 -- Cable TV, internet,
AT&T 866.620-6000 – telephone, internet
FPL 954.581-5668 – electricity,
Independent maintenance firms: Service America
800.884.3500, Total 954.454.6801
Independent real estate office next to south lobby,
Your Account
Owners can review their account at
At this site owners can also see Summit's legal and
financial reports including minutes of past board
\meetings under "My Community" and "Forms and
Questions on account call (954)378-1099, visit office or
Payments can be made by mail using your coupons, by
check at office or at
Quarterly Maintenance payments due January 1, April
1, July 1, October 1
TV service and access to the pool deck, gyms, game
rooms, bike rooms, and fence gates are not available to
residents in units with over 90 day late payments.
The Summit Association
The Summit has a board of nine directors with 2year overlapping terms. The directors and their terms are
shown in the box on page 2.
Owners should try to attend as many board
meetings as possible.
For information about living in a condo, the Summit
and the laws and rules we operate under see
The Summit Observer
March/April 2015
Swimming pools -- no lifeguards, join group water
exercise in west pool M-F 8-9
 Tennis courts - in back, pick up team Daily 8am
 Cardio & Weight Gyms --3rd floor both towers. Please
practice posted gym etiquette rules.
 Men's shower/sauna next to cardio gyms.
 Women's shower/sauna next to weight gyms.
 Shuffleboard -- SE corner of property, equipment at
front desk, pick up team M/W/F 1:30-3:30,
 Card rooms in each tower (3rd floor)
 Internet hotspots - North & South Towers’ east Card
rooms & near Café (all provided by OpticalTel). See
Internet on Also try next door public
library 1301 S. Ocean Drive (M-F 10-6)
 Libraries - 2nd floor both towers. Take or leave books.
 Game rooms - 3rd floor both towers, including video
game consoles, supplies at front desk
 Billiard rooms -- 2nd floor both towers, equipment at
front desks
 Ping-Pong -- 3rd floor game room north tower,
equipment at front desk
 Putting green, 1/2 basketball court, bocce ball
court, horseshoe pit & golf pitching net – on beach
side of towers. Supplies for basketball, bocce and
horseshoe at south front desk
 Soda vending machines – on 1st floor garage next to
tower entrances in both towers
 Storage Bins – each apartment has one assigned
storage bin
 Bike Storage- 3rd floor garage, get necessary
registration in office, use beach elevator to reach
Broadwalk, bicycles must be walked on property
 Daytime (only) bike rack – NE corner of property for
use 6am to 10pm only. Bikes will be removed and
stored by our Security staff after 10pm.
Term of annual rentals (except parking) end Nov.30.
Subject to availability, see office, check required to reserve
 Garage Parking Spaces
 Beach Bins – garage 1st floor both east corners
 A-Closets - one on most floors
 Kayak Storage -- garage 3rd floor NE corner
Outside the Summit
See our “Around Hollywood” bulletin board in mailrooms.
Visit front desk of next door Community Center for
numerous brochures and calendars of local activities
See local links on &
Beach Conditions 954.921.3334 updated after 9am
Suggested Hollywood clubs:
 Service club: Hollywood Rotary Club,, 954.921.4500
 Public speaking club: Gelfand Good Morning
Toastmasters Club,
page 9
Office: 954.925.3337 9-5 M-F
In case of emergency call 911 first
then Security at:
North Lobby: 954.925.3336,
South Lobby: 954.925.1270, or
Garage: 954.923.6641
The Summit Café
The Summit Towers
March, 2015
As of March 6, 2015
Send your event info to
10 Landscaping Com.
2 Café closed
9:30 Exercise Class
8 Daylight Savings
10 Landscaping Com.
9 Café closed
9:30 Exercise Class
10 Landscaping Com.
16 Café closed
9:30 Exercise Class
10:30 Yoga
7 Bingo
7:30 movie & popcorn
10 Landscaping Com.
23 Café closed
9:30 Exercise Class
10:30 Yoga
10 Landscaping Com.
30 Café closed
9:30 Exercise Class
10:30 Yoga
9:30 Exercise Class
9:30 & 10:30
Women’s Bocce
10:30 Zumba $4
7:30 Tech Help
9:30 Exercise Class
9:30 Exercise Class
9:30 & 10:30 Women’s
10:30 Zumba $4
7:30 Tech Help
9:30 Exercise Class
9:30/10:30 Women’s
10:30 Zumba $4
7:30 Tech Help
7 Board Meeting
9:30 Exercise Class
9:30 Exercise Class
10:30 Zumba $4
7:30 movie & popcorn
9:30 Exercise Class
9:30 & 10:30 Women’s
10:30 Zumba $4
7:30 Tech Help
9:30 Exercise Class
10:30 Zumba $4
7:30 movie & popcorn
Committee Chairs: Let us know about meetings in time to get them in the miniObserv er
Snow Birds: Make sure you arrange for an apartment watcher before you leave.
Register them in office, so that they can be quickly contacted in case of an issue with
your unit.
7:30 movie & popcorn
11 Social Committee
7:30 movie & popcorn
The Summit Observer
Wednesday to Sunday 8:30am-8:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am-4:00pm, closed Monday
Call 954.921.4737 or visit café for
preorder, takeout & catering
Menu at
Internet hotspot “Summit Pool”
March/April 2015
page 10