Pilotage - é¢ç²å¤§å¸
Pilotage - é¢ç²å¤§å¸
逢甲大學飛航實務概論 基礎航行學 中華航空航務處A330機隊 地面學科教師 吳宗翰 Ryan 2015 04/08 1 About My Self Department of Electrical Engineer, NTU 2002.09~2006.06 Graduate Institute of Photonics and 2006.09~2008.06 Optoelectronics, NTU Patent Engineer, FT Attorneys at Law 2009.09~2010.12 Cadet Pilot, China Airlines 2011.01~2012.12 A330 First Officer, Flight Operation 2012.12~ Div. Ground Training Instructor, Flight Operation Div. 2013.08~ 2 Outline Basic Knowledge Pilotage and Dead Reckoning Instrument Navigation Summary 3 Why We Need Know about Navigation? 4 Navigation Introduction Q NAVIS: ship AGERE: to direct or move Q Navigation means finding your way Q Navigation is the art and science of getting from point "A" to point "B" in the least possible time without losing your way 5 Basic Knowledge Q Know about your planet ü Its not a sphere ü Four seasons Q How to locate your position ü Lattitude and Longitude ü The equator is an imaginary circle equidistant from the poles of the Earth 6 Lattitude and Longitude Q Circles parallel to the equator (lines running east and west) are parallels of latitude. They are used to measure degrees of latitude north (N) or south (S) of the equator. Q The angular distance from the equator to the pole is one-fourth of a circle or 90° 7 Lattitude and Longitude Q Greenwich, England, is used as the zero line from which measurements are made in degrees east (E) and west (W) to 180° 8 Time Zones Q The meridians are also useful for designating time zones Q Since the day is divided into 24 hours, the Earth revolves at the rate of 15º an hour. Q The standard practice is to establish a time zone for each 15º of longitude. This makes a difference of exactly 1 hour between each zone. 9 Zulu TIme Q ZULU tome • Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) or Zulu time • UTC is the time at the 0° line of longit ude which passes t hrough Greenwich, England. All of the time zones around the world are based on this reference. 10 Zulu TIme Q ZULU tome • Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) or Zulu time • UTC is the time at the 0° line of longit ude which passes t hrough Greenwich, England. All of the time zones around the world are based on this reference. 11 MEASUREMENT OF DIRECTION Q By using the meridians, direction from one point to another can be measured in degrees, in a clockwise direction from true north. Q To indicate a course to be followed in flight, draw a line on the chart from the point of departure to the destination and measure the angle which this line forms with a meridian 12 Runway Direction RCTP/TPE 108' A 20-9 27 MAR 15 ATIS Ground 121.8 2 1 71 118.7 71 4 121-13.3 703 121-13.1 121-13.2 701A 702A 702B 703A 703B 703C 71 5 701 702 121-15 BUSINESS AVIATION APRON PARKING BAY COORDINATES BAY NO. COORDINATES 701/A N25 04.1 E121 13.0 702 thru 703C N25 04.1 E121 13.1 711 N25 04.3 E121 13.3 712 thru 715 N25 04.2 E121 13.2 FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE CHART 20-9B/C BUSINESS AVIATION APRON 25-06 ND ND Restricted view from control tower, use caution while operating in the following areas: - Taxiways EC & WC - Parking bays A1, B1, C10, 501 to 508 N9 NC Runway 23R/23L right traffic pattern. N8 NC N7 L 05053^ 25-04 TERMINAL 1 Control Tower Q3 245' S9 S8 S7 TERMINAL 2 WC Q1 R4 S6 S5 S 7' 6 4 , 12 m 00 38 HS3 165' FIRE STATION S R 230' Q2 Q 225' TERMINAL S Q WC NP S10 177' Q4 ARP NN N2 N1 N2 BUSINESS AVIATION APRON EC 163' NP NC N1 Elev 95' N7 3^ 23 N4 N6 EC NP L 23 8' 0 0 , 12 N5 FIRE STATION CARGO APRON HS2 VOR N6 Elev 62' N10 N12 Intersection take-off from Taxiways N2, N9, N10, N12, S2, S3, S8, S9 may be initiated by tower controllers, or requested by pilots. m 60 36 NC N11 3^ 23 N13 HS1 25-05 R 23 CARGO APRON Elev 73' 04^W 71 3 71 121-13.0 Tower 121.7 121-14 N1 25-04.2 25-04.1 -TAOYUAN INTL *TAIPEI Delivery 127.6 25-04.3 TAIPEI, TAIWAN JEPPESEN Apt Elev N25 04.8 E121 13.9 S4 25-04 S R3 R2 S3 R1 S2 S1 13 Elev 106' 05 Effect of Wind Q The airplane will fly faster with a tailwind or slower with a headwind, or to drift right or left with a crosswind. 14 Jet Stream Q A high-velocity narrow stream of winds, usually found near the upper limit of the troposphere, which flows generally from west to east 15 Definitions Q COURSE is the intended path of an airplane over the ground; or the direction of a line drawn on a chart. (Desired Course) Q HEADING is the direction in which the nose of the airplane points during flight. Q TRACK is the actual path made over the ground in flight. (If proper correction has been made for the wind, track and course will be identical.) Q DRIFT ANGLE is the angle between heading and track. 16 How to Compensate Wind Effect Q WIND CORRECTION ANGLE is correction applied to the course to establish a heading so that track will coincide with course. Q True course correct for the wind = True heading Q TC – WCA = TH 17 EFFECT OF WIND TO A/S Q Assuming no correction is made for wind effect, if the airplane is heading eastward at 120 knots, and the air mass moving southward at 20 knots Q In this situation, the A/S remains 120 knots, but the G/S which is computed by the time required to fly between two points of a known distance apart is not 120 knots. Q The G/S can be determined by constructing a wind triangle. 18 The Wind Triangle or Vector Analysis Q The wind triangle is a graphic explanation of the effect of wind upon flight. Groundspeed, heading, and time for any flight can be determined by using the wind triangle. 19 The Wind Triangle or Vector Analysis Example : Flight from E to P at A/S of 120 kias, TC = 090º wind from 045º. Find : G/S, TH and WCA 20 The Wind Triangle or Vector Analysis Finding True heading (TH) by direct measurement 21 The Wind Triangle or Vector Analysis Finding True heading (TH) by the wind correction angle (WCA) If the wind blows from the right of true course, the angle will be added; if from the left, it will be subtracted. ( -L +R WCA ) 22 Variation Q Because courses are measured in reference to true north, but these courses are maintained by reference to the compass which points to magnetic north. Q So the true direction must be converted into magnetic direction for the purpose of flight. 23 Variation Q The angular difference between true north and magnetic north from any given position on the earth’s surface is Variation. Q You can find the actual value of the variation angle on the chart. It is marked by a dashed magenta line. 24 Isogonic and Agonic Line • The amount and the direction of variation, which change slightly from time to time, are shown on most aeronautical charts as broken magenta lines, called isogonic lines(等磁偏線), which connect points of equal magnetic variation. • The line connecting points at which there is no variation between true north and magnetic north is the agonic line(無偏線). 25 Effect of Variation on the compass 26 Deviation Q Compass deviation is unique to each individual airplane and is the result of compass interference caused by metals and electrons in the vicinity of the wet compass. Q Magnetic heading correct for Deviation = Compass Heading Q A compass deviation card is located very near the wet compass so that pilots may correct their magnetic heading for that error. 27 Deviation The deviation card will typically read something like this: Using this example, to fly a magnetic heading of 301 degrees, we would need to fly a compass heading of 304 degrees. 28 True and Magnetic Values Q Course and Heading Course is always the line draw on the chart. Heading is always a direction measured relative to the longitudinal axis of the air plane. Q True course correct for the wind = True heading Q Magnetic course correct for the wind = Magnetic heading 29 What’s Your Heading 30 Let’s Take a Break 31 Equipment Q Visual flight rule • Map • Compass • Clock and computer Q Instrument flight rule • VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) • Nondirectional radio beacon (NDB) • Distance measuring equipment (DME) 32 Pilotage and Dead Reckoning Q The two most fundamental methods of finding your way in an airplane are Pilotage(領航) and Dead Reckoning(推測飛 行). Q These two methods normally are used together, each acting as a cross-check of the other. 33 Pilotage Q Is the identification of present position and direction of flight by seeing features on the ground. Q Pilotage is mainly used by pilots of small, low speed aircraft who compare symbols on aeronautical charts with surface features on the ground in order to navigate. 34 Pilotage disadvantages Q Poor visibility caused by inclement weather can prevent a pilot from seeing the needed landmarks and cause the pilot to become disoriented and navigate off course. Q A lack of landmarks when flying over the more remote areas can also cause a pilot to get lost. 35 Q Using pilotage for navigation can be as easy as following a highway or a railroad. 36 Pilotage 37 Three basic tasks of pilotage navigation are Create a course Fly on course Make position check 38 Pilotage procedures Q before take-off, pilot will making pre-flight planning by drawing a line on the aeronautical map to indicate the desired course. Q Then notes various landmarks , such as highways , railroad tracks, rivers , bridges. Q As the pilot flies over each of landmark , he will checks it off on the chart or map. Q If the plane does not pass directly over the landmark, he will know that he has to correct the course. 39 Aeronautical map Q https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/aeronav/ digital_products/aero_guide/media/ Chart_Users_Guide_12thEd.pdf 40 Pilotage Things To Consider Q Line of Position (LOP) • LOP is the simple concept that the airplane is locate somewhere along a specific line. • LOP doesn’t establish the exact position, but rather a line of possible positions. • The intersection of two different LOP is a FIX 41 Pilotage Things To Consider Q Line of Position I just crossed fix 3. Fix 1 A Fix 2 Fix 3 B I am someplace between point A and B. 42 Pilotage Things To Consider Q Course Considerations B A 43 Pilotage Things To Consider Q Checkpoints B A 44 Checkpoints Note Q The checkpoints selected should be prominent features common to the area of the flight. Q Choose checkpoints that can be readily identified by other features such as roads, rivers, railroad tracks, lakes, and power lines. Q If possible, select features that will make useful boundaries or brackets on each side of the course, such as highways, rivers, railroads, and mountains. 45 Pilotage Tip Q Never place complete reliance on any single checkpoint. Choose ample checkpoints. If one is missed, look for the next one while maintaining the heading. Q If confused, hold the heading. If a turn is made away from the heading, it will be easy to become lost. Q Aeronautical charts display the best information available at the time of printing, but a pilot should be cautious for new structures or changes that have occurred since the chart was printed. 46 Dead reckoning (DR) Q DR is the navigation procedure to plot and fly a course based solely on mathematical calculations . Q "You're Dead if you don't Reckon properly." 47 Dead reckoning Q DR is the process of estimating your position by advancing a known position using course, speed, time and distance to be traveled. Q In other words figuring out where you will be at a certain time if you hold the speed, time and course you plan to travel. 48 Dead reckoning Procedures 1. Open air navigation chart and select departure airport and destination airport. 2. Draw a straight line from the center of the runway symbol at the departure airport to the destination airport. Avoid Prohibit and Restrict Area and note others special used airspace. 3. Find the nearest north-south running tick marked line. This is a line of longitude. 4. Measure the angle between the north-south line of longitude and the direction of flight. This angle is called the TRUE COURSE (TC). 49 Dead reckoning Procedure 5. Measure distance by using distance bar on the map. Or using minutes and second scale on latitude (1 minute of latitude = one nautical mile) 6. Mark distance along course line. 7. Mark any check point with circle. 8. Mark alternate airfield with triangle. 9. Note safety height along the routes. 10. Draw Information boxes and fill in necessary data. 50 Map Preparation Q TURNING POINT 40 30 20 Q INFORMATION BLOCK Magnetic Heading 10 350 0:45 3500 Estimate Time Interval Safety Height (RED) 22 23 Calculated Fuel Remaining Actual Fuel Remaining 51 Magnetic Heading Estimate Time Interval Safety Height Calculated Fuel Remaining Actual Fuel Remaining 10 5 52 ATA ETA Magnetic Heading 15 ATA ETA Estimate Time Interval Safety Height 10 Calculated Fuel Remaining 5 Actual Fuel Remaining Check Point ATA ETA 10 Magnetic Heading Estimate Time Interval Safety Height Calculated Fuel Remaining Actual Fuel Remaining 5 53 Dead reckoning Procedure 6. Collect other necessary data such as wind & temperature forecast 7. Begin transferring data to the navigation log (Nav. Log). 54 NAVIGATION LOG VTBT D Ko Lan VTBU D a. Under "Check Points" list the departure airport first followed by the next checkpoints until destination airport on the last line. b. Under "Course" write the symbol D which means we are flying directly. 55 NAVIGATION LOG VTBT D Ko Lan VTBU D 090 15 100 1500 27 090 15 100 1500 27 c. Place cruise altitude in the altitude block. d. Place forecast wind in the wind dir./vel. block and place forecast temp. e. Write the TAS in the next block. 56 NAVIGATION LOG VTBT D Ko Lan VTBU f. D 090 15 206 198 100 1500 27 -8 090 15 137 131 100 1500 27 -6 In the top block under the symbol "TC" write in the true course which measured on the chart. g. Calculate TH or WCA using wind triangle (vector analysis) method. 57 NAVIGATION LOG VTBT D Ko Lan VTBU D 090 15 206 198 196 197 100 1500 27 -8 -2 1 090 15 137 131 129 100 130 1500 27 1 -6 -2 X X X X h. Get Compass Heading (CH) by correcting True Heading (TH) with Var & Dev i. Insert Distance (Dist) and calculate Est. Ground Speed (GS), Estimate Time Enroute (ETE) and Estimate Time Arrival (ETA) 58 VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Q “ o m n i - ” m e a n s a l l , a n d a n omnidirectional range is a VHF radio transmitting ground station that projects straight line courses (radials) from the station in all directions Q The course or radials projected from the station are referenced to magnetic north 59 VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) 60 VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) 61 Nondirectional Radio Beacon (NDB) Q The signals follow the curvature of the Earth; therefore, if the aircraft is within the range of the station, the signals can be received regardless of altitude Q Lowfrequency signals are very susceptible to electrical disturbances, such as lightning 62 Nondirectional Radio Beacon (NDB) Q The signals follow the curvature of the Earth; therefore, if the aircraft is within the range of the station, the signals can be received regardless of altitude Q Lowfrequency signals are very susceptible to electrical disturbances, such as lightning 63 Nondirectional Radio Beacon (NDB) 64 Summary Q Basic Knowledge Q Pilotage Q DR Q Instrument Flight 65 The End 66
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