Vita - Florida State University
Vita - Florida State University
Curriculum Vitae Eric A. Coleman March 18, 2015 General Information University address: Political Science College of Social Sciences and Public Policy 543 Bellamy Building Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2230 Phone: 850-644-4540; Fax: 850-644-1367 E-mail address: Web site: Professional Preparation 2009 Ph.D., INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON. Major: Public Policy. Supervisor: Elinor Ostrom. 2004 M.S., UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY. Major: Economics. 2003 B.A., UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY. Major: Political Science and Economics. Nondegree Education and Training 2006 Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models Summer Institute. 2005 Inter-Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Program. Professional Experience 2009–present Assistant Professor, Political Science, Florida State University. Vita for Eric A. Coleman Honors, Awards, and Prizes Erasmus Mundus Visiting Professor, International Master of Science in Rural Development (2014). ($9,500). University Teaching Award, Florida State University (2013). ($2,000). Fellowship(s) Lone Mountain Fellowship, Property and Enviornment Research Center (2011). Indiana University, Virgil T. DeVault Graduate Fellowship (2009). PERC Summer Graduate Fellowship (2007). Current Membership in Professional Organizations Experiments in Governance and Politics (membership by invitation) Midwest Political Science Association Teaching Courses Taught Public Affairs Living-Learning Community Colloquium (ISS1921) Public Policy: Institutions and Processes (PUP5005) Introduction to Public Policy (PUP3002) Policy Implementation and Evaluation (PUP5006) Environmental Politics and Policy (PUP4203) Comparative Public Policy (PUP5015) Directed Individual Study (POS4905) Public Policy Analysis (PUP4008) Directed Individual Study (POS5909) Selected Topics (CPO5934) Doctoral Committee Member Croom, T. M., graduate. (2014). Martin, J. R., graduate. (2013). Rogers, J. D., graduate. (2013). Liebertz, S. S., doctoral candidate. Mewhirter, J. M., doctoral candidate. Shamaileh, M. A., doctoral candidate. Schindewolf, J., doctoral student. [Department of Urban and Regional Planning] Page 2 Vita for Eric A. Coleman Bachelor's Committee Chair Clark, V., student. Bachelor's Committee Member Gray, R., graduate. (2012). Research and Original Creative Work Publications Refereed Journal Articles Mewhirter, J., & Coleman, E. (submitted). The Perverse Effect of Democratic Institutions on International Public Good Agreements. Global Enviornmental Politics. Manuscript submitted for publication, 39 pages. Coleman, E. (in press). Common Property in the Trust Game: Experimental Evidence from Bulgaria. Journal of Theoretical Politics. Coleman, E., & Mwangi, E. (in press). Conflict, Cooperation, and Institutional Change on the Commons. American Journal of Political Science, 12 pages. Severson, A., & Coleman, E. (in press). Framing the Climate: Science, Religion, Economics, and the Public Opinion of Climate Change. Social Science Quarterly, 36 pages. Coleman, E. (2014). Behavioral Determinants of Citizen Involvement: Evidence from Natural Resource Decentralization Policy. Public Administration Review, 74, 642-654. Coleman, E., & Liebertz, S. (2014). Property Rights and Forest Commons. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 33, 649-668. Coleman, E., & Mwangi, E. (2013). Women's participation in forest management: A cross-country analysis. Global Environmental Change, 23, 193-205. Blanco, E., Claudia-Lopez, M., & Coleman, E. A. (2012). An Experimental Study for Environmental Fundraising in Mallorca, Spain. Research in Experimental Economics, 14, 181-213. Blanco, E., Claudia-Lopez, M., & Coleman, E. A. (2012). Voting for Environmental Donations: Experimental Evidence from Majorca, Spain. Ecological Economics, 75(March), 52-60. Page 3 Vita for Eric A. Coleman Coleman, E. A., Fischer, B., & Kershaw, J. (2012). Using Stocking Guides to Take Stock of Forest Institutions. Society and Natural Resources, 25(2), 209-215. Coleman, E. A., & Fleischman, F. (2012). Comparing Forest Decentralization and Local Institutional Change in Bolivia, Kenya, Mexico and Uganda. World Development, 40(4), 836-2012. Coleman, E. A. (2011). Common Property Rights, Adaptive Capacity, and Response to Forest Disturbance. Global Environmental Change, 21(3), 855-865. Basurto, X., & Coleman, E. A. (2010). Institutional and Ecological Interplay for Successful Self-governance of Community-based Fisheries. Ecological Economics, 69(5), 1094-1103. Coleman, E. A. (2009). A Comparison of Demand-Side Water Management Strategies Using Disaggregate Data. Public Works Management & Policy, 13(3), 215-223. Coleman, E. A. (2009). Institutional Factors Affecting Biophysical Outcomes in Forest Management. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 28(1), 122-146. Coleman, E. A., & Steed, B. (2009). Monitoring and Sanctioning in the Commons: An Application to Forestry. Ecological Economics, 68(7), 2106-2113. Cox, J. C., Ostrom, E., Walker, J. M., Castillo, J., Coleman, E. A., Holahan, R., Schoon, M., & Steed, M. (2009). Trust in Private and Common Property Experiments. Southern Economic Journal, 75(4), 957-975. Invited Book Chapters Coleman, E. A., & Ostrom, E. (2011). Experimental Contributions to Collective Action Theory. In J.N. Druckman, D.P. Green, J.H. Kuklinski, & A. Lupia (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science (pp. 339-352). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. Invited Reviews Coleman, E. (2009). Book Review of "Donoghue, E.M. and V.E. Sturtevant (eds.) 2008. Forest Community Connections: Implications for Research, Management, and Governance". International Journal of the Commons, 3, 158-159. Page 4 Vita for Eric A. Coleman Presentations Invited Keynote and Plenary Presentations at Conferences Coleman, E. A. (presented 2010, June). Implications of External Validity for Research on Polycentric and Complex Adaptive Systems. Keynote presentation at IAMO Forum 2010: Institutions in Transition: Challenges for New Modes of Governance, IAMO, Halle, Germany. (International) Coleman, E. A. (presented 2008, October). A Forest by Any Other Name: Analyzing Institutions beyond Formal Designation. Keynote presentation at the meeting of Taiwan Forestry Bureau/National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taipae, Taiwan. (International) Nonrefereed Presentations at Conferences Coleman, E. (presented 2014). Institutional development on the commons. Presentation at the meeting of Midwest Political Sciene Association. (Regional) Coleman, E. (presented 2014). Institutional development on the commons. Presentation at Workshop on the Workshop 5, Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, IN. (Regional) Coleman, E., & Lopez, M. C. (presented 2013). Reconstructing Cooperation from Civil Conflict. Presentation at the meeting of Social Dilemmas Conference, California Institute of Technology. (National) Coleman, E., & Severson, A. (presented 2013). Framing the Climate: Science, Religion, Economics, and the Public Opinion of Climate Change. Presentation at the meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (Regional) Coleman, E. A., & Mewirther, J. (presented 2012). A Heterogeneous Latent Class Model of International Environmental Regime Effectiveness. Presentation at the meeting of American Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. (National) Coleman, E. A., & Mewirther, J. (presented 2012). A Heterogeneous Latent Class Model of International Environmental Regime Effectiveness. Presentation at the meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (Regional) Coleman, E. A. (presented 2011). Common Property Rights, Adaptive Capacity, and Response to Forest Disturbance. Presentation at the meeting of International Association for the Study of Common Property, Hyderabad, India. (International) Page 5 Vita for Eric A. Coleman Coleman, E. A., & Mwangi, E. (presented 2011). Mitigating the Tragedy of the Anti-Commons: Institutions and Resource Access after Rangeland Privatization in Kenya's Maasailand. Presentation at the meeting of International Association for the Study of Common Property, Hyderabad, India. (International) Coleman, E. A., & Lopez, Maria-Claudia. (presented 2010). Reconstructing Cooperation from Civil Conflict: Experimental Evidence from Colombian Development Policy. Presentation at the meeting of American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. (National) Coleman, E. A., & Lopez, Maria-Claudia. (presented 2010). Reconstructing Cooperation from Civil Conflict: Experimental Evidence from Colombian Development Policy. Presentation at the meeting of Experiments in Governance and Politics, Dublin, Ireland. (International) Coleman, E. A. (presented 2009). Common Property Rights, Adaptive Capacity, and Response to Forest Disturbance. Presentation at the meeting of Initiative on Climate Adaptation Research and Understanding through the Social Sciences, Urbana-Champaign, IL. (National) Coleman, E. A., & Lopez, Maria-Claudia. (presented 2009). Reconstructing Cooperation from Civil Conflict: Experimental Evidence from Colombian Development Policy. Presentation at Workshop on the Workshop 4, Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, IN. (Local) Coleman, E. A., & Ostrom, E. (presented 2009). Experimental Contributions to Collective Action Theory. Presentation at the meeting of Handbook of Experimental Political Science, Evanston, IL. (National) Coleman, E. A. (presented 2008). The Institutional Foundations of Trust: Experimental Evidence from Bulgaria. Presentation at the meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (Regional) Coleman, E. A. (presented 2008). The Institutional Foundations of Trust: Experimental Evidence from Bulgaria. Presentation at the meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (Regional) Coleman, E. A. (presented 2008). The Institutional Foundations of Trust: Experimental Evidence from Bulgaria. Presentation at Graduate Student Conference on Experiments in Interactive Decision Making, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. (National) Coleman, E. A., & Steed, B. (presented 2008). Monitoring and Sanctioning in the Commons: An Application to Forestry. Presentation at the meeting of International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, VT. (International) Page 6 Vita for Eric A. Coleman Coleman, E. A., & Steed, B. (presented 2008). Monitoring and Sanctioning in the Commons: An Application to Forestry. Presentation at the meeting of American Political Science Associaiton, Chicago, IL. (National) Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work Coleman, E. (2015, January). Stakeholder Participation in Natural Resource Management. Delivered at 3ie, London, UK. (International) Coleman, E. (2014, July). Institutional Collective Action and Local Forest Commons. Delivered at Humboldt University of Berlin, Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems, Berlin, Germany. (International) Coleman, E. (2014, March). Linking household benefits to biophysical properties in the study of forest commons. Delivered at Sentinel Landscapes Data Analysis Workshop, Sponsored by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and held at the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica. (International) Coleman, E. (2013, October). Recent Developments in IFRI Research. Delivered at SESYNC Venture meeting: IFRI Research on Forest Social Ecological Systems for Actionable Science, Annapolis, MD. (National) Coleman, E. (2013, February). Property Rights and Inequality on the Commons. Delivered at University of Michigan, College of Natural Resrouces. (Local) Coleman, E. (2012, November). Conflict, Cooperation, and Institutional Change on the Commons. Delivered at University of California, Davis, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Davis, California. (Local) Coleman, E. A. (2012, April). Property Rights and Common-Pool Resources: Comparative Evidence from Bolivia, Kenya, Mexico and Uganda. Delivered at International Forestry Resources and Institutions: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Palo Alto, CA. (International) Coleman, E. A. (2007, October). An Introduction to Game Theoretic Field Experiments. Delivered at Sofia Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia, Bulgaria. (International) Contracts and Grants Contracts and Grants Funded Coleman, E. (2014–2015). Gender and Benefit Sharing in Community Forestry. Funded by Center for International Forestry Research. Total award $22,500. Page 7 Vita for Eric A. Coleman Coleman, E. A. (2011–2011). Florida State University Faculty Research Library Materials Grants. Funded by Florida State University. Total award $4,500. Coleman, E. A. (2011–2011). Travel grant to attend International Association for the Study of Common Property Hyderabad, India. Funded by The Center for International Forestry Research and the International Forestry Resources and Institutions. Total award $3,000. Coleman, E. (2010–2011). First Year Assistant Professor Award. Funded by Florida State University. Total award $17,000. Coleman, E. (2010–2011). A Cross-Country Analysis of Gender, Participation, and Forestry. Funded by Center for International Forestry Research. Total award $15,000. Coleman, E. A. (2007–2007). Political Science Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Funded by National Science Foundation. Total award $11,999. Contracts and Grants Pending Isaac, Robert M (Co-PI), Reenock, Christopher (Co-PI), Coleman, Eric A (PI), Goerg, Sebastian Jakob (Co-PI), & Boosey, Luke Anthony (Co-PI). (Jul 2014). FSU proposal to Establish a USDA Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri-Environmental Policy Research. Submitted to United States Department of Agriculture. Service Florida State University FSU Department Service Member, Undergraduate affairs committee for the Department of Political Science (2009–present). Member, Assistant Professor of Political Science search committee (2013). Member, Assistant Professor of Political Science search committee (2011). Member, Executive Committee, Department of Political Science (2010–2011). FSU Institute or Center Service Executive committee member, Center for the Study of Democratic Performance (2010–present). Page 8 Vita for Eric A. Coleman The Profession Guest Editing for Refereed Journals Wilson, R., & Coleman, E. (Eds.). (2014). Special Issue on the Contributions of Elinor Ostrom [Special Issue]. Journal of Theoretical Politics. Guest Reviewer for Refereed Journals American Political Scince Review (2012–present). Ecology and Society (2011–present). Enviornmental Conservation (2011–present). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2011–present). Journal of Politics (2011–present). Publius (2011–present). American Journal of Political Scince (2010–present). Ecological Economics (2010–present). Global Enviornmental Change (2010–present). International Forestry Review (2010–present). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2010–present). Rationality and Society (2010–present). Society and Natural Resources (2010–present). American Journal of Agriculture Economics (2009–present). International Journal of the Commons (2009–present). Reviewer or Panelist for Grant Applications National Science Foundation (2013–present). Page 9 Vita for Eric A. Coleman Service to Professional Associations Environmental Politics and Policy Section Organizer, Midwest Political Science Association (2014–2015). Selection Committee Member, Award for best paper in Comparative Public Policy, American Political Science Association (2014). Service to Other Universities Dissertation Committee Member, Jens Rommel, Humboldt University, Berlin (2014–present). Dissertation Committee Member, Graham Epstein, Indiana University (2014–present). Page 10