eli̇f hocaoğlu çeti̇nsoy


eli̇f hocaoğlu çeti̇nsoy
Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Advanced Robotic Department,
Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova, Italy
E-mail: elifhocaoglu@sabanciuniv.edu
Tele-impedance control, design of hand prosthesis and variable stiffness
actuators, sEMG based interface, physical human-machine interaction,
design of data acquisition device for sEMG signals, feature extraction and
classification problems, embedded system design.
2008 Spring  2014 Summer Ph.D., Mechatronics Engineering
Sabancı University - Istanbul, Turkey
Dissertation: Design and Tele-Impedance Control of a Variable Stiffness
Transradial Hand Prosthesis
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Volkan Patoğlu
 A variable stiffness transradial hand prosthesis is designed and
implemented. The transradial hand prosthesis features a low cost,
robust, adaptive, customizable and lightweight design.
 The tele-impedance control of the variable stiffness transradial hand
prosthesis is performed through a natural human-machine interface
based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signals. This interface
enables the amputee to modulate the impedance of the prosthetic
limb naturally and automatically to properly match the requirements
of the task at hand and regulate the position of the hand prosthesis
 A set of healthy human subject experiments is designed and
conducted to investigate the efficacy of user modulated stiffness in
increasing performance of amputees while performing tasks.
2005 Spring  2008 Fall M.Sc., Mechatronics Engineering
Sabancı University - Istanbul, Turkey
Thesis: Data Acquisition and Feature Extraction for Classification of
Prehensile sEMG Signals for Control of a Multifunctional Prosthetic Hand
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Kemalettin Erbatur
 Designed and fabricated an sEMG Data Acquisition Device
which provides high SNR measurements
 Designed and conducted human subject experiments to evaluate
performance of the sEMG Data Acquisition Device analyzing the
measured sEMG data under classification algorithms.
 Implemented various category of feature extraction approaches
for sEMG Signals, i.e., Temporal Approaches, Spectral
Approaches (Time Domain, Frequency Domain, Time-Frequency
Domain, and Multiresolution Analysis)
 Conducted pattern classification algorithms for the sEMG data
(Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machine
(SVM) Algorithms)
2005  2000 B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering
Yıldız Technical University - Istanbul / Turkey
Thesis: PLC based control of a Pressure Test Device
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2005 Ranked second in the Department of Mechanical Engineering graduating
class of 2005, Yıldız Technical University (GPA:3,66/4)
2005 Awarded honors certificate for completing Bachelors of Science in
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2003 Qualified for double major undergraduate program with Economics in
Yıldız Technical University
2005-2008 Awarded by academic merit based Yousef Jameel Scholarship
Received project scholarship
Sabancı University Full Scholarship for Graduate Education
TUBITAK Project Scholarship for Graduate Education
Travel Scholarships from TUBITAK for ROBIO 2012, Guangzhou, China
Travel Scholarships from TUBITAK for TOK 2012, Niğde, Turkey
2008 Spring  present
Research Assistant
Human Machine Interaction Laboratory at Sabancı University
Design & Fabrication
 Designed variable stiffness transradial hand prosthesis.
 Implemented low-cost, lightweight, dexterous finger design.
 Designed variable stiffness actuator mechanism to be integrated in the
transradial hand prosthesis.
 Designed and implemented sEMG data acquisition device.
 Designed human reflex identification experiment setup.
 Introduced and implemented tele-impedance control such that stiffness
modulation takes place naturally and automatically without requiring
amputees' attention and diminishing their functional capability, while
position of the prosthesis is regulated intentionally.
 Implemented impedance/admittance control to represent various
environmental conditions during the human subject experiments.
Human Machine Interface
 Designed natural human machine interface through sEMG signals such
that the position of the hand prosthesis is regulated intentionally by the
amputee through the estimated position of chest and shoulder muscles,
extracted from sEMG signals of the trapezius and pectoralis major
muscles and impedance of the hand is modulated through the
impedance measurements of the biceps and triceps antagonistic muscle
 Executed sEMG signals as a performance metric to evaluate the finger
exoskeleton under various conditions.
 Executed sEMG signals to emphasize and validate the estimated
intention levels of subjects through EEG signals based on the
performed task.
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Human Subject Experiments
 Designed experiments to identify human reflex parameters under
varying environmental conditions.
 Designed task activities to evaluate the subject's performance during
the real-time experiments.
 Designed and performed human-subject experiments to observe
subject’s behavior under different environmental conditions provided
by the virtual and physical experimental setup. Analyzed results using
statistical analysis tools (ttest, ANOVA).
 Designed and performed virtual reality simulations to define various
categories of tasks to subject during the human subject experiments.
TUBITAK 1002 -Researcher
 Completed all research studies proposed in the application of
TUBITAK 1002 Grant, titled as "Performance Comparison of Feature
Extraction Methods to be used in Prehensile sEMG Signals for Control
of a Multifunctional Prosthetic Hand" (2009-2011).
2005 Spring  2008 Fall
Research Assistant
Mechatronics Research Laboratory at Sabancı University
Design of sEMG Data
Acquisition Device
 Designed and implemented sEMG data acquisition (DAQ) device with
high signal to noise ratio (SNR) to be used in the further studies of
hand prosthesis. It can be customized based on the size of the hand
prosthesis to embed DAQ inside the prosthetic limb.
Feature Extraction and
Classification Problems
 Implemented various feature extraction methods in time, frequency
and time-frequency domain to extract the best feature of sEMG signals
representing hand motions responsible for different grasping types.
 Implemented classification algorithms, SVM and ANN, to
functionalize hand prosthesis with four different types of finger
2005  2012 Teaching Assistant
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Sabancı University
ME 407 – Embedded Systems
ME 411 – Mechanical System Design
ME 301 – Mechanical Systems I
ME 312 – Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms
ENS 203 – Circuits I
ENS 204 – Mechanics
MATH 101 – Calculus I
08/ 2004  09/ 2004
Intern at Beko Elektronik
Studied Pneumatic and Automation Systems
07/ 2004  08/ 2004
Intern at Mercedes Benz
Studied Automation - Automobile Industry and Business Organization
09/ 2003
Intern at Emek Çelik Döküm San. ve Tic. Ltd.
Studied Manufacturing (Moulding and Casting)
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08/ 2003
Intern at NOVA Group
Studied Manufacturing (Welding)
06/ 2003  08/ 2003
Intern at Ford Otosan
Studied CAD and Manufacturing
2010 Fall
EE 683  Optimal Control
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Volkan Patoğlu
 Optimal Feedback Control of Biomechanical Systems
2010 Fall
CS 512  Machine Learning
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Berrin Yanıkoğlu
 Feature Extraction and Classification of sEMG Signals
2009 Fall MAT 516  Biomaterials Science and Biocompatibility
Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Alpay Taralp
 Carbon Nanotubes as a Biomaterial & Their Applications on Neurons
2009 Fall MAT 521  Tribology
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. F. Mahmut Akşit
 Grasp Analysis and Contact Model of Fingers
2009 Fall EE521 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Volkan Patoğlu
 Mechanical Design of Prosthetic Hand Based on Grasping Capability
2009 Spring
EE528  Nonlinear Systems
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Kemalettin Erbatur
 Comparison of Control Methods with respect to their derivation
principles, performance, disturbance rejection properties, performance
under modeling uncertainties, smoothness of control signals and
computational effectiveness.
2008 Fall EE561 DSP Design and Implementation
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Onat
 FIR- IIR Filter and FFT Implementation Using C31 Processori
 Interrupt Driven Input & Output FIR Implementation and Real Time
FFT Implementation Using TMS320 C6711
2007 Spring EE 563  Digital Image Processing
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Müjdat Çetin
 Image Enhancement on Mammography
2007 Spring EE 621  Sliding Mode Control
Lecturer: Prof. Asif Sabanovic
 Hybrid Position & Force Control of Planar Elbow Manipulator on
Vertical Plane
2006 Fall EE 524  Digital Control Systems
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Kemalettin Erbatur
 Implementation of Servo Motor Control with dSpace1103 (PID,
observer design and state feedback design)
 Position and Velocity Control of SCARA Robot in real time experiment
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2006 Fall EE 573  Biomedical Instrumentation
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Bozkurt
 Simulation of Hodgkin-Huxley Equations for Cell Action Potentials /
Characterization of an Ag-AgCl ECG Electrode / Characterization of
Homebrew Instrumentation Amplifier / An Optical Isolation Amplifier
2006 Spring EE 520  Advanced Robotics
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Kemalettin Erbatur
 Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of a Seven DoF Arm
2006 Spring
EE 525  Real Time System Design
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Onat
 Gain Adaptation of Networked DC Motor Controllers Based on QOS
[15] Hocaoglu, E.; and Patoglu, V.," Human Based Impedance Control Improves
the Capability of Hand Prosthesis ", International Journal of Robotic
Research, 2015. (Manuscript is ready)
[14] Hocaoglu, E.; and Patoglu, V.," Variable Stiffness Transradial Hand
Prosthesis – Part II: Tele-Impedance Control", IEEE/ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics, 2014. (Manuscript is ready, to be submitted in April 2015)
[13] Hocaoglu, E.; and Patoglu, V.," Variable Stiffness Transradial Hand
Prosthesis – Part I: Design", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,
2014. (Manuscript is ready, to be submitted in April, 2015)
[12] Ertas, I. H.; Hocaoglu, E.; and Patoglu, V., "AssistOn-Finger: An UnderActuated Finger Exoskeleton for Robot-Assisted Tendon Therapy", Robotica,
Cambridge Journal, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 1363-1382, 2014.
[11] Hocaoglu, E.; Design and Tele-Impedance Control of a Variable Stiffness
Transradial Hand Prosthesis, Ph.D. Dissertation, Sabancı University, Istanbul,
TURKEY, 2014.
[10] Hocaoglu, E.; "Data Acquisition and Feature Extraction for Classification of
Prehensile sEMG Signals for Control of a Multifunctional Prosthetic Hand",
M.Sc. Thesis, Sabancı University, Istanbul, TURKEY, 2008.
[9] Koyas, E.; Hocaoglu, E.; Cetin, M.; Patoglu, V., "Detection of task difficulty
from intention level information in the EEG features," Signal Processing and
Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp.1873-1876, April 2014.
[8] Koyas, E.; Hocaoglu, E.; Patoglu, V.; Cetin, M., "Detection of intention level
in response to task difficulty from EEG signals",IEEE International Workshop
on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP),pp.1-6, 22-25 Sept.2013.
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[7] Hocaoglu, E.; Patoglu, V., "Tele-impedance control of a variable stiffness
prosthetic hand," 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp.1576-1582, 11-14 Dec. 2012.
[6] Ertas, IH.; Hocaoglu, E.; Barkana, D.E.; Patoglu, V., "Finger exoskeleton for
treatment of tendon injuries," IEEE International Conference on
Rehabilitation Robotics, 2009. ICORR 2009. , pp.194-201, 23-26 June 2009.
[5] Hocaoglu, E.; and Patoglu, V., "Dirsek Altı El Protezlerinin Tasarımı ve
Uzaktan Empedans Kontrolü", In Türkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı
(TORK) 2014, Ankara: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 2014.
[4] Hocaoglu, E.; and Patoglu, V., "Değişken Esnekliğe Sahip Eyleyici Kontrollü
Uyarlanabilir El Protezi Tasarımı", In Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi
(TOK 2013), Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi, 2013.
[3] Hocaoglu, E.; and Patoglu, V., "Degisken Esneklige Sahip El Protezlerinin
Uzaktan Empedans Kontrolu ", In Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi (TOK
2012), Niğde: Niğde Üniversitesi , 2012.
[2] Hocaoglu, E., "Çok Fonksiyonlu Protez Ellerde Kullanılmak Üzere yEMG
Sinyalinden Öznitelik Çıkarma Metotlarının Yapay Sinir Ağı ve Destek
Vektör Makinesi Algoritmalarına Göre Karşılaştırılması", In Otomatik Kontrol
Ulusal Toplantisi (TOK 2011), İzmir,Türkiye: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2011.
[1] Hocaoglu, E., "Çok Fonksiyonlu Protez Ellerde Kullanılmak Üzere yEMG
Sinyalinden Öznitelik Çıkarma Metotlarının Performanslarına Göre
Karşılaştırılması", In Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi (TOK 2008) ,
Istanbul: Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, pp. 436-441, 2008.
SAPHARI Natural Machine Motion Initiative (NMMI) Winter School,
Rome, Italy, February, 2015.
IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2015
Cambridge Journals - Robotica, 2013
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015
IEEE/ASME International Conference on
Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2014
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA), 2013
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IEEE Member (2013-present)
IEEE RAS Membership
Yildiz Technical University, 16/01/2015
Design and Tele-Impedance Control of a Variable Stiffness Transradial
Hand Prosthesis
Dogus University, 21/11/2013
Biyomimetik Teknolojisinin Ürünü: El Protezleri
Proficient (used on a daily basis for projects)
Matlab, SolidWorks, Quanser Real time Tools, Altium, Eagle, 3D Lightyear
Competent (moderate-sized scripts and semester or longer projects)
C++, L T X, SPSS, Autolev, AutoCAD
Basic (small programs and scripts)
Mathematica, MAPLE, C, C#, TOMLAB, Assembly, SolidCAM
Operating Systems and Misc.
Windows, MS Office, Adobe Suite, Linux
Turkish (Native), English (Advanced), French (Basic), Italian (Basic)
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Volkan Patoğlu
Associate Professor
Mechatronics Engineering
Sabancı University - İstanbul, Turkey
E-mail: vpatoglu@sabanciuniv.edu
Phone: +90-216-483-9604
Müjdat Çetin
Associate Professor
Electronics Engineering
Sabancı University - İstanbul, Turkey
E-mail: mcetin@sabanciuniv.edu
Phone: +90-216-483-9594
Mahmut F. Akşit
Associate Professor
Mechatronics Engineering
Sabancı University - Istanbul, Turkey
E-mail: aksit@sabanciuniv.edu
Phone: +90-216-483-9598
Duygun Erol Barkana
Associate Professor
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Yeditepe University - İstanbul, Turkey
E-mail: duygunerol@yeditepe.edu.tr
Phone: +90-216-578-1741
Güllü Kızıltaş
Associate Professor
Mechatronics Engineering
Sabancı University - Istanbul, Turkey
E-mail: gkiziltas@sabanciuniv.edu
Phone: +90-216-483-9584
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