Dear Hospitality Partner:
Dear Hospitality Partner:
HORIZONS INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC. Presents BAHAMAS International Franchise & Entrepreneurial Summit & Trade Show Friday, April 24th & Saturday, April 25th, 2015 The 5 Minute Elevator Pitch WIN $$$$ 1000 Cash Give-A-Way $$$$$ Plus 10 Hours of Technical Services to help start your Business We are pleased to invite you to the Bahamas International Franchise & Entrepreneurial Summit & Trade Show which will be held Friday, April 24th & Saturday, April 25st, 2015. The theme is “This event is presented by Horizons International Group, and the National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators & Developers (NABHOOD). It is supported by the International Franchise Association (IFA), Bahamas Chamber of Commerce, United States Embassy Nassau, Inter-American Development Bank, Nassau Airport Development Company, HVS Caribbean and Entrepreneur Venture Fund Ltd. Entrepreneurs and anyone interested in franchising are encouraged to register for the workshops and exhibits on Saturday, April 25th. There will be a private networking reception on Friday, April 24th. We will schedule pre-screened one-on-one meetings with franchisors for potential franchisees on Friday, April 24th. If you are interested in a franchise concept, please advise us by email and we will schedule a meeting for you. Workshops will introduce you to the value and economics of franchising & entrepreneurship. You will hear from international franchise experts, entrepreneurs and business owners. Franchising & entrepreneurship has become the dominant method for the creation of wealth through small business ownership. Once known for restaurants, today franchising is used by over 85 industries including a wide range of consumer and business to business services, retail, hospitality, health, recreation and many more. These workshops will explain how to turn your business into a successful franchise. Franchising will give your business a better chance of success and bring global recognition. The Bahamas welcomes over 5 million visitors a year with a growing consumer population that is becoming more brand conscious. There are many international concepts that can work in The Bahamas and opportunities to expand and develop local business beyond the islands. Entrepreneurship is more than simply “starting a business.” The definition of entrepreneurship is a process through which individuals identify opportunities, allocate resources and create value. This creation of value is often through the identification of unmet needs or through the identification of opportunities for change. To attend the Summit & Exhibition, please register on-line or download the registration form and return to If you have any questions, please email Shirley Gleman at or call 242-225-9416 or 954792-2579 as space is limited. 4th ANNUAL BAHAMAS INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE & ENTREPRENEURIAL SUMMIT & TRADE SHOW Friday, April 24 - 25, 2015 SUMMIT REGISTRATION FORM REGISTRATION FORMS ONLINE: Last Name_____________________________________________ First ________________________________________________ Job Title_________________________________________________________________________First Time Attendee [ ] Yes [ ] No Company/Association___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________City Business Phone ( ) __________________ Fax ( State ) ____________________ Cell Phone: ( Zip _______Country__________ ) ______________________________ E-Mail_________________________________________ Web Site: _________________________________________________________ Company Type: (check all that apply) [ ] 01 Entrepreneur [ ] 06 Bank/Financial Institution [ ] 02 Developer [ ] 07 Financial Advisory [ ] 03 Ownership Group [ ] 08 Law Firm [ ] 04 Investor [ ] 09 Hotel Chain/Company [ ] 05 Potential Owner [ ] 10 Management Company [ ] 11 Construction/Building/Engineering [ ] 12 Architecture/Design/Planning [ ] 13 FF&E/Purchasing Company [ ] 14 Franchisor [ ] 15 Franchise Broker Early Registration* [ ] Full Registration * $125 [ ] Saturday Registration Only (Workshops & Expo) $75 *Full registration fee includes all scheduled events, reception, private meetings, workshops & Expo EXHIBITOR FEES (Table Top) Saturday [ ] Company [ ] 16 Consultant [ ] 17 Ad Agency/PR [ ] 18 Media [ ] 19 Food Distributer [ ] 20 Other __________ On-Site Registration* $150 $100 $ 999 EXHIBITOR FEES (Table Top) + MATCHMAKING [ ] Company $1999 (***Includes appointments with at least 3 pre-screened potential franchisees***) . All material must be shipped directly to the hotel 2 weeks in advance Local transportation or other services will require an additional fee to the provider of service Matchmaking & Private Scheduled Meetings: Friday, April 24, 2015 (10:00am - 4:00pm) Exhibit Hours: Saturday, April 25, 2015 (10:00am - 2:00pm) Exhibitor Package includes: 6 foot draped table, 2 Registration, Official Program Listing Space will be assigned upon Registration. All requests for additional items must be submitted in writing and may be subject to additional charges. Credit Card Payments may be sent by fax to 954-337-2877 [ ] American Express [ ] Master Card [ ] Visa [ ] Debit Card [ ] Cash Account Number ____________________________________ Card ID #____________ Expiration Date _____________________ Name of Cardholder: Last Name ____________________________________ First _______________________________________ Card Billing Address: Street____________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State __________ Zip ______________ SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________________ Payment: Registration $________+ Exhibit Fee $________ + Matchmaking $__________ = Total $______________ Check payable in U.S. funds: HORIZONS INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC. 3520 W. Broward Blvd., Suite 119, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Tel: (954) 792-2579 Fax: (954) 337-2877 E-Mail: CANCELLATION/REFUNDS: Cancellation received in writing by April 6, 2015 is refundable less $50 per person processing fee. Cancellation received after April 6, 2015 is non-refundable; however, for an additional fee of $50 substitutions are permitted. All requests must be in writing. HORIZONS reserves the right to qualify all registrants & allow or prohibit anyone from attending this event.
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