Schedule - NADAC Australia


Schedule - NADAC Australia
Hosted by Paws to Consider
Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre
Indoor Arena No 2
(surface is a mixture of sand and wood shavings)
Thursday 15 October 2015 - Sunday 18 October 2015
International Guest Judge – Jim Nally (USA)
ENTRIES CLOSE 8:00 PM, Tuesday, 1 September 2015
All entries are via online form which will be available on the calendar page of
All enquiries should be sent to Shirlene at
Confirmations will be emailed to the address provided on your entry form
Trial Chairperson
Trial Secretary
Chief Course Builder
Chief Ring Steward
Wendy Napier
0413 332817
Shirlene Clark 0413 332817
Australian NADAC Judges
Shirlene Clark
Closing Date: No entries will be accepted after Tuesday 8.00pm 1 Sep 2015.
Cheques should be made payable to “Paws to Consider” and mailed to 12 Wellman Street, Box Hill South
Vic 3128. Entry Confirmations will be sent after closing date to the email address you provide.
Ring Size: 80x160 feet
Check and Measure in will be at 11.45am on Thursday 15 October and at 7.45am on Friday 16 October,
Saturday 17 October and Sunday 18 October 2015. Dogs Jumping 4, 8,12 and 16 inches (excepting 20 or
20 + Vet dogs jumping 16 inches and any dog entered into Skilled Category) must be measured if they have
not supplied a copy of a height card with their entry form.
There will be a judge available to measure for NADAC height cards.
Briefing will begin at 12.00 noon on Thursday 15 October 2015 and at 8.00am on Friday 16 October,
Saturday 17 October and Sunday 18 October 2015
Course Walk throughs will commence after briefing
IMPORTANT. Please check your dog's NADAC registration number on your trial confirmation as soon as
you receive it; also, please check the copy of the results posted at the trial. You should report any errors to
the Trial Secretary immediately.
NADAC records trial results as they are submitted by the host clubs/groups. The individual trial results
submitted by the club are uploaded to the within two weeks after the NADAC
office receives them from the club. Please accept the responsibility to review those results, and check that
your registration number and qualifying points, as reported by the club, are correct. You can join the
Forum by going to and submitting your request. If you find an error in the
reporting of your dog’s qualifying points or registration number, please contact the host club.
The host club is responsible for correcting any errors and informing NADAC.
Levels. Points earned at a higher level of a class, prior to the completion of the lower level title, will not be
recorded by NADAC for future use. If a dog earns points in a level of a class that they are not eligible to title
in, those points will not be added to the dog's records.
There are 2 entry options – Nationals Challenge Entry which makes you eligible for Challenge Champion
Awards OR General Entry which makes you ineligible for Challenge Champion Awards
Junior Handlers have the same 2 entry options at a discounted fee.
If you have multiple dogs and you enter one as a Nationals Challenge Entry and the other(s) as General
Entry then the Challenge entry dogs runs count towards reducing your per family entry fee for your
General Entries.
Traditional Classes $204.00 (17 runs over 3 days – 18 runs if you make the Regular Agility Final round)
Extreme Games Challenge Classes (all 6 runs on the Thursday – 7 if you make the EGC final) - $72.00
Traditional and Extreme Games Challenge Champion package (ie enter Challenge Champion for both EGC
and Traditional Classes) - $270.00
All teams entered as National Challenge Entry exhibitors are eligible for Challenge Champion Awards.
Per FAMILY Fees: Take the total number of runs all members of your family are entering (family must be
registered at the same address) for both extreme games and traditional classes and calculate your per run
entry fee as per the following;
1-9 runs = $13.00 per run
10-19runs = $12.50 per run
20 or more runs = $12.00 per run
For example: You have one dog and have entered 3 runs on each of the 4 days for a total of 12 runs. Your
husband has entered two dogs each for 1 run on each of the 4 days for a total of 8 runs. You add 12 runs
and 8 runs to reach a total of 20 runs. Therefore your entry fee is $240.00
All teams entered as General Entry exhibitors are not eligible for Challenge Champion Awards.
Junior Handler Entry Fees
Nationals Challenge Entry (eligible for Highest in Trial Awards):
Traditional Classes (all 17 runs) = $184.00
Extreme Games Challenge Classes (all 6 runs) = $65.00
Traditional and Extreme Games Challenge Package (ie Challenge Champion in both Traditional
and Extreme Games Challenge) = $243.00
General Entry (ineligible for Highest in Trial Awards): $11.50 per run
Please note that junior handler runs still contribute to the “families” total number of runs in determining
the per run fee for “General entry” of other family members.
WPNEC charges a facility fee for all dogs entered into the trial. This is $16.00 PER DOG irrespective of
whether the dog is entered 1, 2, 3 or 4 days. The facility fee covers power, water and amenities. This fee
is payable for all dogs entered and is in addition to your entry fee.
General Entry (Traditional classes):
All dogs registered with NADAC with a valid registration number are eligible for general entry to the
Nationals. There are no qualification requirements and all levels of Handlers and Dogs are welcome.
Dogs entered as “General Entry” shall not be eligible for Challenge Champion (Highest in Trial Awards).
General Entry (Extreme Games Challenge classes):
All dogs registered with NADAC with a valid registration number are eligible for general entry to the
Extreme Games Challenge Trial at the Nationals. There are no qualification requirements and all levels of
Handlers and Dogs are welcome.
Dogs entered as “General Entry” shall not be eligible for Challenge Champion (Highest in Trial Awards).
Nationals Challenge Entry (Traditional classes):
Dog must be eligible for Elite Level in Regular Agility plus one other traditional NADAC Class (ie they must
have a minimum of 30 points in Open level for Regular Agility and 30 points at an Open level of any of the
other classes, Chances, Jumpers, Hoopers, Touch N Go, Tunnelers and Weavers)
The dog must have earnt a minimum of 200 Qualifying Points (at any level) between 1 August 2014 – 31
July 2015
The dog must have attended a minimum of 10 Trial days between 1 August 2014 – 31 July 2015
Dogs entered as “National Challenge Entry” shall be eligible for Challenge Champion Awards.
Scoring for Challenge Champion will be on a time plus faults basis.
Nationals Challenge Entry (Extreme Games Challenge classes):
The team must have earnt a minimum of 80 qualifying points (at any EGC level) between 1 August 2014 –
31 July 2015 OR must have attended a minimum of 5 EGC trial days.
Dogs entered as “National Challenge Entry” shall be eligible for Challenge Champion Awards.
The courses at this event may be longer than the average weekend trial with the possibility of more
contact and weave performances required. Challenge Entry in particular is geared towards highlighting the
gifted dog/handler teams. The teams who can show both mental and physical stamina with consistent
performances will have the opportunity to shine. General entry allows those who don’t reach the eligibility
criteria for Challenge Entry to still enter the Nationals and enjoy the atmosphere and fun of the whole
Dogs entered into the Challenge Entry (For both Traditional and Extreme Games Classes) will run on
Challenge Courses (ie no separate Elite, Open or Novice level course – one level only – a level equivalent to
Elite level) and will be scored on a time plus fault basis. All faults shall have the same value as any other
NADAC trial.
Bonus boxes/lines may be offered on some courses. Handlers can earn extra Challenge points via these
bonus opportunities.
Challenge Entry exhibitors will be scored and placed separate from General Entry exhibitors (ie if you are
entered in Challenge then you may not earn a placing in General and vice versa).
Qualifying points will be determined after the event based upon your per run results and recorded
appropriately (ie they will be recorded at the highest level for your dog in relation to their basic title for
that class – if you have 30 points in Novice then the points will be recorded as Open level – if you have 30
points in Open they will be recorder as Elite level)
Dogs entered as General Entry for both Traditional and Extreme Games Classes at Elite Level will run on
the same course as the Challenge Entry exhibitors but will not have bonus point challenges. Dogs entered
as General Entry for both Traditional and Extreme Games Classes at Open and Novice level will run on the
same courses which will be equivalent to Open level Challenges. (ie courses will remain unchanged
between Open and Novice level.).
General Entry Novice level dogs will have Open level times applied and will be grouped with General Entry
Open level dogs for placements.
General Entry Open level dogs running will have Open level times applied and will be placed with General
Entry Novice Level dogs.
General Entry Elite level dogs will have Elite level times applied and will be grouped with Elite level dogs for
Elite Qualifying runs will be recorded as Elite level points.
Qualifying runs for Open level dogs will be recorded as Open level points.
Qualifying runs for Novice level dogs will be recorded as Open level points providing the dog already has 30
points at a Novice level for that class. If a Novice level dog does not have 30 points at a Novice level for
that class then their points for that run will be recorded as Novice level points.
On Sunday,the overall Extreme Games Challenge Australian Champion will be awarded to the winning dog
and handler team. The winner will be determined by who earns the overall highest total of all EGC points
across all EGC classes. (including the final).
On Sunday, the overall Australian Nationals Challenge Champion will be awarded to the dog and handler
team in the following standard division heights (providing there are enough entries in each height.
Insufficient entries number will mean bigger grouping eg 12 inches could be combined with the 8 and 4
• 20 and 16 inches combined
• 12 inches
• 8 and 4 inches combined
Points for Australian Nationals Challenge Champion will have been accumulated from points earned from
all classes over the event (including the Regular Agility finals round). Veteran and Jr Handlers may jump at
their lower height but they will be scored with their Standard Division jump height. The same handler
must handle the dog in all rounds in order to be eligible for overall cumulative awards. Proficient and
Skilled categories will be combined. If entry numbers allow then extra splits may be allowed (eg splitting
20 and 16 inches, splitting 8 and 4 inches or adding further splits for veteran and junior handlers.
On Sunday, The Spirit of NADAC Australia Award will be presented:
This Award will be presented by the officiating Judge to a handler and dog team who in the opinion of the
Judge epitomises the spirit of NADAC Teamwork. The recipient will have displayed great sportsmanship
and endeavour. This Award will only be presented if the Judge can identify an appropriate recipient.
Individual and Club Sponsored Awards:
Individuals and Clubs may provide and sponsor awards. Check the Australian NADAC forum for details.
Exhibitors will be able to sign up for a sponsored award via a link which will be provided on the NADAC
Australia forum from September 1st 2015
The running order will be determined by the NADAC Officials, Trial organisers and or the
officiating Judge. This is a listing of classes not a running order.
Thursday 15th October
Extreme Gamblers Round 1
Extreme Gamblers Round 2
Extreme Hoopers Round 1
Extreme Hoopers Round 2
Extreme Barrel Racing Round 1
Extreme Barrel Racing Round 2
Combo Class Final – Top scoring teams from each height group will earn a place in the final
Friday 16th October
Regular Round 1
Regular Round 2
Touch N Go Round 1
Touch N Go Round 2
Jumpers Round 1
Jumpers Round 2
Saturday 17th October
Regular Agility Round 3
Regular Agility Round 4
Weavers Round 1
Weavers Round 2
Tunnelers Round 1
Tunnelers Round 2
Sunday 18th October
Hoopers Round 1
Hoopers Round 2
Chances Round 1
Chances Round 2
Regular Agility Round 5
Regular Agility Finals (only Challenge Entry finalists will run this round – Top scoring teams from each
height grouping will earn a place in the final)
Placements will be awarded for 1st to 4th places for each jump height in each Extreme Games Challenge
Class for Elite and Pre-Elite level.
Placements will be awarded for 1st to 4th places for each jump height in each Extreme Games Challenge
Class for Elite and Pre-Elite Level
Placements will be awarded for 1st to 4th places for each jump height in each Titling Class (Regular Agility,
Jumpers, Weavers, Touch N Go,Tunnelers and Hoopers). Please note there are no placements given in
Skilled and Proficient Category will be combined for placements.
Placements will be awarded for 1st to 4th places for each jump height in each Titling Class (Regular Agility,
Jumpers, Weavers, Touch N Go, Tunnelers and Hoopers). Please note there are no placements given in
Skilled and Proficient Category will be combined for placements.
Exhibitors, through submission of entry, acknowledge that they are knowledgeable of NADAC rules and
regulations, and agree to abide by all rules in effect at the time of this trial. The Show Committee
reserves the right to refuse any entry and anyone who is not currently in good standing with NADAC will
not be allowed entry into the trial.
**Dog(s) must be registered and have a valid registration number before entries will be accepted.
A copy of the current Exhibitors Handbook may be downloaded free from the NADAC web site:
THE MANAGEMENT will not be responsible for the loss or damage to any dog exhibited, or for the
possessions of any exhibitor whether the result was by accident or any other cause. It is distinctly
understood that every dog at this event is in the care and custody and control of his/her owner or handler
during the entire time the dog is on the show premises. Any exhibitor whose dogs and/or children create
unnecessary disturbances or repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may, at the discretion of
the Show Committee be asked to leave the show site. In such case, no refund of fees paid will be made.
The person who signs this agreement represents that he/she is authorized to enter into this agreement on
behalf of both exhibitor and the owner of entered dog. In consideration of acceptance of this entry:
As used here NADAC means North American Dog Agility Council and NADAC Australian Division, its
members, officers, directors, employees, show chairs, show committees and agents.
Exhibitor/owner, agree to abide by the rules and regulations of NADAC and any other rules and
regulations appearing in the premium for this event.
Exhibitor/owner certify that the entered dog is not a hazard to persons, dogs or property.
Exhibitor/owner acknowledge all hazards presented by the event and the event premises, including
but not limited to, the condition of the floors, stairways, halls, lighting, security measures or lack of,
electrical appliances, fitting, show rings, parking areas and the presence of unfamiliar animals and people;
exhibitor and owner assume the risk of any harm arising from these.
Exhibitor/owner release NADAC (Including NADAC officers directors, employees and members),
NADAC Australian Division, Paws to Consider, Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre and the Local City
Council and will defend them and hold them harmless from all present and future loss, injury, damage,
claims, demands and liabilities involving the entered dog, the event or event premises. Without limiting
the generality of the foregoing hold harmless provisions, exhibitor/owner hereby specifically assume sole
responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss
and expenses (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the
aforementioned parties for damages because of bodily injuries, including death, at any time in
consequence of my (our) participation in this event, howsoever such injury or death may be caused and
whether or not the same may have been caused or may have been aleged to have been caused by
negligence of the forementioned parties or any of their employees or agents or any other persons.
In consideration of the acceptance of the entry, I/we certify that I/we have knowledge of, and are familiar
with, and agree to abide by, the rules and Regulations of NADAC in effect at the time of this trial, and by
any additional rules and regulations as approved by NADAC for this trial. I/we certify that the dog entered
is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. I/We further agree to be bound by the "Agreement" as stated
above and will include this signed agreement with my entry form and payment.
ONLINE ENTRY can be submitted via the NADAC Australia website calendar page (trial listings) here is a link
Your entry will not be processed unless payment is received. There is a payment plan option (please refer
to the online entry form for details)
All dogs must be on leash when not competing in the ring. Dogs may not be left tethered and
unattended on Trial grounds
Any dog which has been determined as aggressive shall be excused from the competition.
Squeaky toys are not permitted on the trial site unless they have been desqueaked!
Crating is permitted in the arena in the designated area as long as dogs are quiet and do not engage in
persistent barking. Crating is also permitted outside along the side of the arena building or at the rear
of the arena (away from the exhibitor entrance corridor.
No entry fee will be refunded if the trial cannot open or be completed by reasons of riots, civil
disturbances, fire an act of God, public emergency, and act of public enemy, or any other cause beyond
the control of the organizing committee.
Cheques not honoured by the bank does not constitute a valid entry fee. There will be a $30 service
charge for bank returned cheques..
All handlers should be ringside 10 minutes prior to their course being opened for walking. Once the
class is running dogs and handler should be ringside ready to run in a timely manner. Failure to be
present may result in ineligibility to run.
No Alcoholic Beverages are allowed on the show site.
There will be no refunds for entries in the event a dog and/or handler are dismissed from competition
regardless of the reason for such dismissal.
A withdrawal from the competition up to the entry closing date due to injury and/or illness and/or a
bitch coming into season will be eligible for a 100% refund of the total entry fee paid. After the closing
date but prior to October 1, a withdrawal from the competition due to an injury and/or illness and/or a
bitch coming into season will be eligible for a 50% of the total entry fee paid. A veterinarian's notice of
injury or illness will be required for a refund. No refunds will be given after October 1 2014.
All exhibitors agree to assist with the running of the trial. A Job Roster will be emailed prior to the
event and will be posted at the trial site.
Having fun and displaying good sportsmanship is wholeheartedly encouraged.
Powered and unpowered sites are available at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre and can be
booked via WPNEC’S online booking service You will require a credit card to
use the online booking service.
WPNEC also has listed two companies who provide caravan hire;
May West - 03 9369 3300
Bay City - 03 5250 2595
The centre is located 20 km from Melbourne within the Werribee Park precinct. The centre occupies an
area of some 27 hectares and is bounded by K Road to the east, farm land to the north, the Werribee
Park Zoo to the North and west and the Werribee Park Mansion and the Werribee Park Golf Club to the
From Melbourne travel west bound over the Westgate bridge towards Altona. Continue on the Princess
Freeway westbound to Altona North. Take the Duncans Road, Werribee South exit ramp. Turn right into
Duncans Road. Then turn a sharp left into K Road Werribee South. Proceed to 170 K Road, Werribee
South where you will find the entrance to the Equestrian Centre. It is well signposted.
All information in relation to the Australian NADAC Nationals throughout the year will be made available
on the Australian NADAC Forum. Information such as Nationals T-shirts, running orders, show instructions,
catering during the Nationals, the Awards dinner, crating information etc…
Please make sure you stay informed by joining the forum and
logging on frequently.
Good Luck and have fun at the 2015 Australian NADAC Nationals!