May / June Newsletter


May / June Newsletter
 May / June Newsletter In This Issue
People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the su
but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a
Elisabeth Kubler­Ross
Dear Readers,
I just recently learned about TED Talks. TED Talks are little presentations tha
can watch online for free. There are TED Talks on almost every subject you
imagine. But what sets TED Talks apart is that the big ideas are wrapped u
personal stories and they're mostly from people you have never heard of b
And it is these stories that have captured the imaginations of tens of million
viewers around the world.
The following TED Talks link has interviews with 6 highly creative people wh
their innovative ideas and insights and how they have overcome obstacle
my readers will enjoy and be inspired by these interviews.
If you don't already know about it, a fabulous basketry conference is com
Summer and you still have time to register if you act soon! Sponsored by t
National Basketry Organization, The Tradition and Innovation VIII Conferen
held at Macalester College in St Paul, Minnesota from July 14­19. And it's also an opportunity for NBO members to have their work exhibited
juried show. So if you would like to have your art shown but don't want to g
the process of jurying, this is a wonderful opportunity to have your work pro
exhibited. Here's more information on the show:
NBO members will be able to show their work at the conference in an ope
exhibition. It is hoped that this exhibition, "More to Consider I", will become
feature at future conferences.
The exhibition is intended to encourage, inspire and connect. There is no j
jury, and no awards. We hope you will choose to take part in what is sure t
exciting and fun look at the diverse work of our members from across the c
an NBO member you are invited to participate.
There are two ways to get your work to the show. Those attending the con
are asked to bring their work with them. If you are not coming to the confe
and you would like to participate, please find an NBO member who is willi
hand deliver your piece. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to h
shipping or to help you make these arrangements.
Of course, there are "rules," but not many. You can find the details about
participating on our website in the Events section. We do ask that anyone
contribute a piece, whether attending the conference or not, pre­register
The deadline for pre­registration is June 30, 2015. The form is available for
downloading and printing on NBO's website in the events section.­content/uploads/2015/04/More­to­Consid
For more information or answers to questions, please email,
or phone 617­863­0366. At the conference, in addition to an exciting line­up of workshops, there w
opening celebration with keynote speaker Janet Koplos, author/critic/hist
will speak on "Why Baskets Matter", an award ceremony for the 2015 Lifeti
Achievement Award Winners, several panel discussions, a gala and auctio
reception at The Grand Hand Gallery to view the All Things Considered VII
(I have one piece in the show), in addition to a variety of activities on Satu
including an optional tour of craft locations in the Twin Cities.
The conference is a benefit of NBO membership and will not be open to th
If you'd like more conference information or want to join NBO, see Membership also includes emailed newslette
beautiful published quarterly magazine. This conference is a wonderful op
to learn new basketry techniques, connect with other basketmakers and s
very important organization.
I'll be teaching at the Pacific Northwest Art School on Whidbey Island, Wa
from October 23­25. The workshop is held in the picturesque town of Coup
In this 3­day workshop I will be
individualizing my instruction to e
student's skill level and interest, so
is appropriate for both beginners
experienced basketmakers. Stud
learn how to create beautiful an
expressive coiled baskets. After
how to start a basket around a
stone and weaving so stitches lin
both sides of the vessel, then ma
techniques will be covered such as contemporary sculptural work, fancy s
making handles and lids, mastering shaping, starting a basket around any
holes such as costume jewelry or walnut slices and much, much more! This
opportunity to explore YOUR interests and passion in coiling. $425 plus $52
fee. click here for more information
I hope to see some of my readers there! Wishing my readers a wonderful Summer.
June 13 and 14, 2015
19th Annual Inter­Tribal PowWow­me
Events include Blessing of the Arena, Gourd Dancing, Grand Entry, Inter­Tr
Dancing, Contest Dancing
May 2, 2015
Golden Triangle Arts and Craft Beer Festival
Art, kids games, food truck vendors, craft beer garden and live entertainm
Featuring 17 San Diego County craft breweries and wineries. Proceeds be
humanitarian programs supported by the La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary
June 20 & 21, 2015
"29th Annual La Jolla Festival of the Arts"
In addition to fine art, enjoy food and music in a relaxed open space envi
at UCSD. This event is a fundraiser for the Kiwanis. One hundred percent o
proceeds will be given to over 30 San Diego programs that empower loca
wounded warriors to live beyond their disability. Some of the programs inc
adaptive snow skiing, karate, wheelchair road racing, camping, horsebac
art, educational programs and more.
May 9, 2015
Butterfly Festival!
The Butterfly Festival celebrates the return of butterfly season and the re­o
the Dorcas E. Utter Memorial Butterfly Pavilion at The Water Conservation G
Cuyamaca College. An exciting program of activities will engage all ages
these amazing insects, highlighting the important role that butterflies play
ecosystem, and how visitors can attract and support butterflies in their hom
gardens. LOS ANGELES
June 5­7, 2015
"30th Annual Contemporary Crafts Market"
Pasadena Convention Center This is a really fabulous juried
sure to tantalize the senses! Admission fee, limited free passes on­line.
June 26 through Sunday, August 30, 2015
10 a.m.­10 p.m. daily
Sawdust Art Festival's 49th Annual Summer Show
The Sawdust Festival will feature the fine art and craft of over 200 Laguna
artists. This show has been going on since 1966! Media include hand­blow
fused glass, painting, jewelry, surf art, ceramics, clothing, textiles, wood an
sculpture, scrimshaw, photography, and much more. Check out the webs
more information and entertainment schedule.
June 6
"21st Annual Studio Arts Festival"
The Irvine Fine Arts Center hosts this art festival which showcases more tha
Southern California artists and their original works of art, including ceramic
sculpture, jewelry, painting, photography, textiles and glass.
May 23 ­ September 7, 2015
"Quilt National '15"
The 19th international juried competition for new, innovative quilts will be h
Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio (USA). Following its debut in Athens, the Q
National exhibition breaks up into traveling exhibits that circulate from coa
through December 2015.
In this introductory class students will start a p
basket around a polished stone cabochon. Th
stitch is taught with a unique method that line
stitches on both sides of the basket, making th
attractive on the inside as well as the outside.
also learn how to shape their basket and how
down and finish the final coil. The coiling meth
later be used to weave other plant materials
sweetgrass, palm inflorescence and leaves fro
variety of common plants.
Repeat students are invited to attend to learn
advanced techniques as time permits. Instructional fees vary according to
San Diego Community College
June 13 * 9:30 ­ 3:30
San Diego Community College
July 18 * 9:30 ­ 3:30
The home workshops are kept small to provide a generous amount of indi
instruction tailored to each student's skill level and interest such as: Learnin
coil a basket, or for more experienced students, shaping of vessels, novel s
as walnut slices or other objects with holes, fancy stitches (wheat stitch, dia
stitch, fern stitch, inserting beads between coils using the mariposa stitch)
teneriffe, lidded vessels, sculptural techniques, and much more!
Both beginning and experienced basket weavers are welcome. Show 'n Share is a fun part of the workshop, so please bring any baskets yo
made to share with the group.
Since enrollment is kept small, early registration is recommended. Email Na to verify there's an opening, then send a check w
specifying which class date you want to attend. Students are welcome to
own materials (pine needles must be washed and dried) or a started bask
supplies are always available for purchase in class. Classes at Nadine's home
Encinitas, CA
To enroll (760) 944­9369 2015
* May 16
* June 6
* July 11
* August 8 10 am ­ 4 pm * $50.00 Basket Kits (optional) $32.00
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Nadine Spier | 1042 N El Camino Real B184 | Encinitas | CA | 92024