FIT Applications Seeking Municipal Council
FIT Applications Seeking Municipal Council
omo Agenda Jtem __ lo ____ RlCH1\itOND HLLL 0 . : 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . • • • INCORPORATED 0 . 0 1873 0 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING March 31, 2014 SREIS.14.002 Environment & Infrastructure Services, Environment Services SUBJECT: Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Applications Seeking Municipal Council Support Resolutions (SREIS.14.002) · PURPOSE: To recommend a review process for providing MuniCipal Council Support Resolutions (MCSRs) to proponents seeking Feed-In Tariff (FIT) contracts with the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) in Richmond Hill. RECOMMENDATION(S): a) That C9uncil receive and endorse the Technical Review Criteria and Review Process for evaluating solar rooftop Feed-In Tariff Municipal Council Support Resolution applications as outlined in SREIS.14.002; b) That the proposed Feed-In Tariff rooftop solar Municipal Council Support Resolution application fee of $2,010, as outlined in SREIS.14.002, be approved; c) That Schedule "F" of the Tariff of Fees By-law #115-13 be amended to include the fees shown in Appendix 4 of SREIS.14.002, effective May 1, 2014; d) That the Mayor/Clerk be authorized to execute the Ontario Power Authority's prescribed Feed-In Tariff Municipal Council Support Resolution on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Environment and Infrastructure Services. Contact: George Flint, Manager of Air Quality & Waste Policy, Ext. 2455 Terry Ricketts, Director of Environment Services, Ext. 6504 ltalo Brutto, P. Eng., Commissioner of Environment & Infrastructure Services 225 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4 T 905 771 8800 u4/ ~a(lr[cdt!l!l.,- TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL - COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31 , 2014 Page 2 OF THE WHOLE MEETING BACKGROUND: The Ontario Power Authority's (OPA) Feed-In Tariff (FIT} Program The Ontario Power Authority developed the Feed-In Tariff program in 2009 in conjunction with the Green Energy and Green Economy Act 2009 to procure electricity generated from renewable energy sources (e.g. solar, wind , waterpower, etc. ). Under the FIT program, businesses and individuals can apply for a limited number of long-term FIT contracts whereby applicants install renewable energy projects and sell generated electricity back to the OPA at an attractive rate. Rooftop solar photovo ltaic panels make up 95% of installed FIT projects. These projects are typically located on the rooftops of schools, institutions, and large commercial or industrial buildings. Response to the FIT program has been significant. To help prioritize projects for review, the OPA has established a priority points system (Appendix 1). The maximum number of points an application can receive is ten, of which two points can be received through a Municipal Council Support Resolution (MCSR). The OPA provides a prescribed MCSR form (Appendix 2), which is not subject to amendment or alternation by local councils. When municipalities provide applicants with MCSRs, they indicate their "support for the construction and operation" of these FIT projects. Since renewable energy projects are not subject to the Planning Act, there is no opportunity for municipal review beyond the Building Code. The OPA allows municipalities to develop additional criteria to address local concerns before providing MCSRs. Local concerns include such things as ice sheeting, reflective angle, and fire hazard protection. Many Ontario municipalities have established review processes to address these concerns. It should be noted that applicants are able to secure a FIT contract even if their projects are not supported by the municipality by obtaining priority points in other areas. To date, four FIT projects have been approved by the OPA in Richmond Hill: York Catholic District School Board St. Theresa of Lisieux York Catholic District School Board Father Henri Nouwen Metis Nation of Ontario: BrightRoof Solar LP 2344215 Ontario Inc: 135 W Beaver Creek Rd Applications to the FIT program are generally accepted twice a year during short windows of time announced by the OPA. During the last application window, the OPA announced on October 4, 2013 that applications would be accepted from November 4, 2013 to December 13, 2013. This quick timeline made it difficu lt for applicants to assemble project packages, approach their local municipality and obtain MCSRs by the TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMM ITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 3 OF THE WHOLE MEETING December 13, 2013 deadline. As a result , a number of municipalities have developed review processes to help meet these short timelines. The next application window is expected to be in summer of 2014 (dates are yet to be announced) and is anticipated to open as early as June. Present Status In 2012, Town staff received multiple requests to provide FIT MCSRs. During the last OPA window in 2013, three applicants took their requests directly to Committee of the Whole on November 18, 2013. Council directed staff to provide input on a process to evaluate requests for FIT MCSRs and report back in March 2014 (Appendix 3). In response to Council's request, staff completed a benchmarking and consultation exercise to: (1) establish FIT MCSR technical review criteria (2) establish a FIT MCSR review process (3) establish a net-neutral application fee FIT MCSR Technical Review Criteria Town staff benchmarked the review criteria of 13 municipalities having FIT MCSR review processes and examined local concerns and needs. The following is a list of concerns and associated criteria developed to mitigate potential impacts: Risks • Reflectivity of solar panels can present potential dangers to drivers or pilots. Criteria: The Town will require rooftop solar panels to be non-reflective. • Ice sheeting from roof top solar panels can present potential danger to pedestrian safety. Criteria: A four metre set back of solar panels from roof line or edge is required. • Roof top solar panels can create hazards for Fire Services accessing roof tops. Criteria: A Fire & Safety Signage Plan identifying the location of signage to be installed at the front of the building indicating presence of Roof Top Solar PV panel equipment and shut off valve locations is required. Appearance • Visibility of the panels for pedestrians from street view may be undesirable. Criteria: Solar panels require a four metre set back from the roof edge and may be not higher than three metres from the top of the roof. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 4 Heritage Rooftop solar PV panels on designated heritage buildings my affect the key heritage attributes. Criteria: Applicant will be required to confirm if building is a heritage structure and apply for permit if required. Environment • Impact to the natural environment was identified based on the potential desire to remove trees to prevent shading of solar PV panels. Criteria: A Tree Declaration or Tree Impact Study is required to protect mature, vulnerable and/or rare tree species. FIT MCSR Review Process Recommendation Staff have developed an application and guide for proponents seeking MCSRs to obtain priority points for FIT submissions to the OPA (see attached Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Municipal Council Support Resolution Guide & Application , Appendix 4). The appli cation provides the information required to evaluate the submission for compliance with the above listed FIT MSCR technical review criteria. Applicants pursuing MCSRs will be required to complete the FIT MCSR application and submit the required documentation (stamped by a professional engineer or architect where applicable) as outlined in the application guide. This submission will be reviewed for completeness and then assessed for eligibility based on compliance with the above FIT MSCR technical review criteria. Additional review criteria may be considered to assess eligibility should unforeseen circumstances arise. Successful applications will be forwarded to the Commissioner of Environment & Infrastructure Services fo r MCSR recommendation similar to other agreements brought before Council. The Mayor and Clerk will be authorized to execute the MCSR for projects recommended by the Commissioner of Environment & Infrastructure Services and will sign the resolution form. The signed resolution will then be provided to the applicant for submission to the OPA. Two approaches have been considered for review of the applications: Option A: Consultant-led approach (recommended) With this approach, Town staff would receive the FIT application and forward the package (as received) to the Town's retained consultant. The consultant would review TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SREIS. 14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 5 the application for completeness and assess the application for compliance with the FIT MCSR technical review criteria. A professional engineer would certify that the project has or has not met the technical review criteria. Projects that comply with the MCSR technical review criteria will be eligible for MCSR recommendation by Town staff. This approach is anticipated to be cost-neutral on a per-application basis, as described in the Financial Implications section below Option 8: In-house approach This approach would involve staff completing the review process in-house. Applications would first be reviewed for completeness by Environment Services staff. Once complete, the application would be reviewed for compliance with FIT MCSR technical review criteria by the Town's Development Application Review Committee. Should the Committee conclude that the application complies with the Town's FIT MCSR technical review criteria, the application would be deemed eligible for MCSR recommendation by Town staff. This approach would require an additional resource to process applications and is unlikely to result in a cost-neutral situation (income available to offset personnel costs would depend on the number of applications received each year). Option Comparison Option A allows the Town to access the resources of consultant organizations at any time throughout the year; regardless of when OPA application windows open or how many applications the Town receives. It also allows the applicant flexibility as the consultant will accept and process applications both before and during the OPA application window. Finally, it allows for a cost-neutral scenario based on a perapplication cost to the Town and corresponding fee . Option B is less desirable as OPA application windows are announced with minimal notice, making it impractical to recruit the additional resources required to process applications for only short periods of time. To offset longer-term resource commitments, a number of applications would be required each year. Further, this approach puts pressure on the Town's Development Application Review Committee by competing with existing priorities, particularly if a large number of applications are received . Finally, it allows less flexibility for the applicant since the Town would require the FIT MCSR applications in advance of the OPA window to allow sufficient processing time by the Development Application Review Committee. Based on the above considerations, the recommended approach for reviewing FIT MCSR applications is Option A, the consultant-led review process. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 6 OF THE WHOLE MEETING FINANCIAL/STAFFING/OTHER IMPLICATIONS: FIT MCSR Application Fees Municipalities that provide project-specific MCSRs typically require application fees which range from $30- $2,500 per application. The fees are based on the requirements of the various review processes, which in some cases are consistent with minor site plan amendment application and processing fees. The recommended FIT MCSR application fee for the Town of Richmond Hill is $2,010 + HST (based on Option A, the consultant-led approach). This fee will cover the perapplication cost of the consultant as well as Town staff time associated with processing the application. The fee is intended to create a cost-neutral process. As such, it is projected that there will be no additional financial implications in excess of those covered by the FIT MC~-·· -..~ application fee. This fee will be reviewed and adjusted if necessary following the next:.~;, _, · • _ ~~ OPA submission window. ~:-: ~ "';.> ~;..\ ~ RELATIONSHIP TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: Support for FIT projects is consistent with several of the Town's Strategic Plan goals, including: • • Wise Management of Resources: Plan for and promote energy efficient buildings and renewable energy, and Better Choice in Richmond Hill: Better understand and support the requirements of businesses. By providing a MCSR to individuals and businesses wishing to invest in FIT projects in Richmond Hill, the Town can improve consideration of these projects by the OPA, increasing the likelihood of successful contracts and local renewable energy projects. CONCLUSION: Richmond Hill has the opportunity to support local renewable energy projects under the FIT program by providing priority points through MCSRs that will improve consideration of these projects by the OPA. Participation in this program shows the Town 's commitment to exploring and encouraging all forms of renewable energy. 1; , I ~:-/ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL - COMMITTEE SREIS. 14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31 , 2014 Page 7 OF THE WHOLE MEETING Based on the benchmarking of other municipalities and a review of local concerns, staff recommend the FIT MCSR technical review criteria and application review process as outlined in staff report SREIS .14.002. This process allows the Town to assess projects seeking FIT priority points against technical review criteria established to address local concerns. The consultant-led approach provides a flexible process to review FIT applications in a timely manner without competing with existing Town priorities. The fee of $2 ,010 is anticipated to provide a cost-neutral process for FIT MCSRs and therefore have no additional financial implications. As the OPA's FIT program continues to evolve, there may be a need to modify the Towns review criteria, review process and/or application fee. If necessary, staff will report back with further recommendations as the FIT program matures. List of Appendices Appendix 1: OPA FIT PRIORITY POINTS TABLE Appendix 2 : OPA PERSCRIBED CASE-BY-CASE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION FORM Appendix 3 : MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 18, 2013 COW Appendix 4: FIT MCSR APPLICATION GUIDE AND APPLICATION FORM TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 8 OF THE WHOLE MEETING APPENDIX 1 OPA FIT PRIORITY POINTS TABLE CATEGORY PRIORITY POINTS Comm unity Partici pati on Proj ect; OR Aboriginal Participation Project; OR Municipal or Pu blic Sect or Entity Participat ion Project 3 Municipal Coun cil Support 2 Aboriginal Support 2 Municipal Sit e Host or Public Sector Entity Site Host 2 System Benefit 1 u~4 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 9 OF THE WHOLE MEETING APPENDIX 2 OPA PERSCRIBED CASE-BY-CASE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION FORM TEMPLATE : MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION (Section S.l(g)(i) of the FIT Rules, Version 3.0) Resolution NO: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ OPARP/ f-FIT-012r2 Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ [WHEREAS] capit alized terms not defined herein have t he meanings ascribed to them in the FIT Rules, Version 3.0. [AND WHEREAS] _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ (the "Applicant") proposes to construct and operate a (the " Project") on - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - (the "Lands") in - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - under th e Province's FIT Program; [AND WHEREAS] th e Applicant has req uested t hat Council of indicat e by resolution Council's support for t he const ruct ion and operation of the Project on the Property; [AND WHEREAS], pursuant to t he FIT Rules, Version 3.0, Applications whose Project s receive t he form al support of Local Municipalit ies will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in t he Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior t o ot her Persons apply ing for FIT Contracts; (NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT]: Council of the-- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - supports th e constru cti on and operati on of t he Project on th e Lands. This resolut ion's so le pur pose is t o ena ble t he Ap plicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to t he Applicat ion or Project or any ot her purpose. Title: Title: (signature lines for elected representatives.) FIT reference num ber : (The reference number must be inserted by the Applicant in order far the resolution t o comply w ith the FIT rules, even wh ere Local Municipal letterhead is used. Th is is not to be inserted by the Local Mun icipality.) UJJ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31 , 2014 Page 10 OF THE WHOLE MEETING APPENDIX 3 MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 18, 2013 COW November 18, 2013 CW#18-13 Page 6 For consideration by Council on November 25, 2013 DELEGATIONS Ed Moscovici, Mann Engineering Ltd., provided an overview of the request for support of two (2) applications under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 1230 Reid Street and 77 West Beaver Creek Road, and advised that applications whose projects receive the support of municipal council are awarded priority points under the program. 7. Correspondence from John Wong, Mann Engineering Ltd., dated November 4, regarding a request for support of two {2) applications under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 1230 Reid Street and 77 West Beaver Creek Road Moved by: Councillor Beros a) That the correspondence from John Wong, Mann Engineering Ltd., dated November 4, regarding a request for support of two (2) applications under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 1230 Reid Street and 77 West Beaver Creek Road be received; b) That the request be referred back to staff for their input and for their consideration whether it be carried out by in-house staff or consultants, with a report to come back to Committee of the Whole by the end of March 2014. Carried Unanimously Steven Schafer, AMP Solar Group Inc., made a powerpoint presentation to provide an overview of the Ontario Power Authority application process for the Feed-in Tariff program (FIT Program) and the request for support of two (2) applications at 61 Brockdale Avenue (Father Frederick McGinn Catholic Elementary School) and 121 Rollinghill Road (St. Marguerite d'Youville Catholic Elementary School. 8. Correspondence from Adam Nutson, AMP Solar Group Inc., dated October 23, 2013, regarding a request for support of two (2) applications under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 61 Brockdale Avenue (Father Frederick McGinn Catholic Elementary School) and 121 Rollinghill Road (St. Marguerite d 'Youville Catholic Elementary School) Moved by: Councillor Beros TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SREIS. 14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 11 MEETING a) That the correspondence frorp Adam Nutson, AMP Solar Group Inc., dated October 23, 2013, regarding a request for support of two (2) applications under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 61 Brockdale Avenue (Father Frederick McGinn Catholic Elementary School) and 121 Rollinghill Road (St. Marguerite d'Youville Catholic Elementary School be received; (continued) For consideration by Council on November 25, 2013 November 18, 2013 CW#18-13 Page 7 b) That the request be referred back to staff for their input and for their consideration whether it be carried out by in-house staff or consultants, with a report to come back to Committee of the Whole by the end of March 2014. Carried Unanimously Ana Zotovic, Ontario Solar Provider Inc., addressed Committee regarding a request for support of an application under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 650 Edward Avenue. 9. Correspondence from Ana Zotovic, Ontario Solar Provider Inc., dated November 6, 2013, regarding a request for support of an application under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 650 Edward Avenue Moved by: Councillor Beres a) That the correspondence from Ana Zotovic, Ontario Solar Provider Inc., dated November 6, 2013, regarding a request for support of an application under the Ontario Power Authority FIT Program at 650 Edward Avenue be received; b) That the request be referred back to staff for their input and for their consideration whether it be carried out by in-house staff or consultants, with a report to come back to Committee of the Whole by the end of March 2014. Carried Unanimously JJ/ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 12 APPENDIX 4 FIT MCS R APPLICATION GUIDE AND APPLICATION FORM Feed In Tariff (FIT) MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION GUIDE & APPLICATION MATERIALS ATTACHED: 1. General Informatio n 2. Documentation Req uirements & Application 3. Fees ,LLUZ&&U&&ZUMUUU &&W&W&&&&&SSS!&LE&W&&&W&S&&&W&L&&LWW&&&&&SWMS&L!&&&&L& TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS. 14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31 , 2014 Page 13 1. OF THE WHOLE MEETING GENERAL INFORMATON ~ Applicants are encouraged to review the most up to date FIT rules posted on prior to application submission in order to clarify any changes to the requirements for Municipal Council Support Resolutions. Applicants should review the Town's FIT Municipal Council Support Resolution Guide & Application document in its entirety prior to submitti ng an application. Completed applications should be submitted to: Town Clerk's Office Town of Richmond Hill 225 East Beaver Creek Road, Ground Floor Richmond Hill, ON l4B 3P4 2. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS & APPLICATION FIT projects requesting Municipal Council Support Resolutions must submit an application form and all supporting documents to the Town for review. In order to avoid processing delays, please ensure that: • you have read this guide and understand the requirements for submission; • all the information provided on the submitted drawings is adequate and complete. Incomplete applications submitted during the application w indow will be given 3 business days to provide missing information; • all measurements on submitted plans are required to be in METRIC; • all submitted plans are folded to either letter size (i.e. 8.5 by 11 inches) or legal size (i.e. 8.5 by 14 inches) with title block showing. It should be noted that UNFOLDED PLANS Will NOT BE PROCESSED . Supporting documentation includes: a. LOCATION MAP OF PROJECT A location map shall be prepared by an architect, engineer or qualified draftsperson and depict the following: • Key map; • North arrow and bar scale (preferred scales: 1:100, 1:200, 1:300, 1:400, 1:500 in METRIC); • A legible chart on the plan summarizing the total property area & total building area. • Municipal Address; • property lines; • existing landscaped areas identifying tree locations. b. ELEVATION DRAWING The elevation drawing shall be prepared and stamped by an architect or engineer and as a minimum the following information and standard notions shall depict the following: • all dimensions shall be shown in METRIC; • drawings of building and proposed rooftop solar PV panel(s) elevations; • proposed height of rooftop solar PV panel(s) (in meters); • rooftop mechanical ventilation screening design for Commercial and Industrial buildings; TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 14 • OF THE WHOLE MEETING geodetic elevations for those projects subject to the Buttonville Airport Zoning Regulations as identified in the "Toronto/Buttonville Airport Zoning Regulations of the Aeronautics Act". c. LABELS FOR SOLAR PV PANELS Label should include clear information on all hazard risks associated with the panels and be CSA approved. d. SOLAR PANEL SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS The specifications should: • include all manufacturers' specifications, • confirm panels are non-reflective through the use of at least one anti-reflective layer, and • meet the height criteria. e. PLAN OF THE ROOFTOP The diagram shall be prepared and stamped by an architect or engineer and shall clearly depict the existing building and proposed location of the rooftop solar PV panel(s): • the location, size and use of all existing buildings and structures; • the location and percentage of the rooftop covered by the proposed rooftop solar PV panel(s) with dimensions; • proposed setbacks from roof line and/or edge (solar panel set back of 4 m from edge of roof and 3 m height limit). f. FIRE & SAFETY SIGNAGE PLAN The fire & safety signage plan shall be prepared by an architect, engineer or qualified draftsperson and depict the location of all proposed signage to be installed at the front of the building indicating the presence of rooftop solar PV equipment identified on the Fire & Safety Plan. This will include: • • g. A sign/symbol on the front of the building that states it ha s Solar Panel Roofs (this could be a small sign with a picture of a solar system) Detailed description/drawings showing the fire department where the shutoffs are located . TREE DECLARATION OR TREE IMPACT STUDY {IF REQUIRED) Either a Tree Declaration or Tree Impact Study, prepared by an ISA certified arborist, is required. • A Tree Declaration should state that no trees either on or off site will affect or will be affected by the proposed FIT project. • u6u If trees are affected, a Tree Impact Study should outline what trees both on and off site will affect or will be affected by the proposal and what the implications are for the tree(s). It should look at the solar azimuth, proximity of trees to the proposed FIT project, their existing shadow effect, potential growth capacity and rate of growth related to solar azimuth, tree species and current condition. It should consider the growth of the tree(s) over a period of 10 years. If trees will be affected by the proposal an application for a Permit to Injure or Destroy the tree(s) should be made simultaneous to applying for the associated buildiflg permit. Granting of Permit to Injure or Destroy the tree(s) is not guaranteed. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 15 h. OF THE WHOLE MEETING HERITAGE PERMIT (IF REQUIRED) Prior to the submission of a FIT MCSR application to the Town, the Applicant shall be required to co ntact the Town's Heritage Coordinator/Urban Design Planner at (905)771-8910 in order t o determine if the project building is a heritage structure and apply for a permit if necessary. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: Applicants are advised that should an application receive Municipal Council Support Resolution and approval from OPA, the applicant will need to obtain a building permit from the Town. Details on the building permit process, application and fees can be found here: http://www. ri .asp?pageid=building permits 0 o Solicitor o Contractor o Other J6 l TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 16 OF THE WHOLE MEETING APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Plans & Documents ' Check plans submitted with application. Include Reference # and Date of Plan or Drawing. Document Required Plan/Ref# & Date Document Required D Location Map of Project D Elevation Drawing 0 Plan of the Rooftop 0 Fire & Safety Signage Plan D Labels for Solar PV Panels 0 Solar Panel System Specifications 0 Tree Declarati on OR Tree Impact Study (if required) 0 Heritage Permit (if required) Plan/Ref # & Date Review Checklist Check to ensure that the above documents address the following questions: y Does the Solar Panel Installation exceed a maximum height dimension of 3 meters above the top of the roof? 0 0 Is the project subject to the Buttonville Airport Zoning regulations? 0 0 If yes, are geodetic elevations provided? N 0 0 Are the Solar PV Panels Non-Reflective? If yes, are technical specifications detailed in the solar panel system specifications? 0 0 Does the Plan of the Rooftop show the area to be occupied by the Solar PV Panels? 0 0 Does the Diagram Plan of the Rooftop identify a minimum 4 meter setback from the roof line or edge? 0 0 Does the proposed Rooftop Site have existing rooftop occupancy (e.g. terraces, gardens, green roofs, etc)? Does the Fire & Safety Signage Plan identify the location of signage to be installed at the front of the building indicating the presence of Rooftop Solar PV equipment? Are all Solar Panels labeled according to Richmond Hill Fire & Safety requirements? 0 0 0 0 0 0 Are there any adjacent trees that will affect or be affected by the Solar PV equipment? 0 0 If trees will affect or be affected by the Solar PV equipment is a Tree Declaration OR Tree Impact Study (if required) included? Was Town staff contacted to determine if the proposed Project is on a designated Heritage structure or a Heritage Structure identified as havinq •cultural heritage value or interest' as per the Ontario Heritaqe Act in the Town of Richmond Hill? 0 0 0 0 Office Use Only CLERK TELLER 0 STAMP ATE RECEIVE Submit two complete copies of this application and requ ired documentation (photocopies permitted) to the Town Clerk's Office between 8:30am - 4:30pm, no ] to 225 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill later than [ Ontario, L48 3P4 Questions may be directed to: Environmen t Services Tel. (905) 771-8800 or Email: [ ] Applicant Name (Print): Applicant Signature: .. Th1s appllcat1on IS for Mun1c1pal Council Support Resolution ONLY. Approved applications will still be required to obtain a building permit and pay the associated building permit fees. A successful FIT MCSR application is in no way an approval under the building code. 3. FEES All applications for FIT Mun icipal Council Support Reso lution are subject to an application fee in acco rdance with by-law no.l lS-13 (non-refundable). All cheques to be made payable to the "Town of Richmond Hill". u6L TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL- COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING SREIS.14.002 Date of Meeting: March 31, 2014 Page 17 FIT MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION APPLICATION FEE Addendum to the Tariff of Fees By-Law FIT MCSR Processing Fee FIT MCSR Completeness Review Fee FIT MCSR Technical Review Fee TOTAL FIT MCSR Application Fee FIT MCSR Technical Review Resubmission Fee* • • • • • $200.00 $1,250.00 HST (Y/N) y y y $2,010.00 y $625.00 y $560.00 Fees are for FIT Municipal Council Support Resolution application ONLY. Completeness Review Fee allows for one review and minor modifications. Incomplete applications that require significant modification or additional requests for information will be charged an additional Completeness Review Fee of $200. Technical Review Fee covers the cost of an initial technical review and up to one additional technical review (allowing for onere-submission of required documentation). Approved applications will still be required to obtain a building permit and pay the associated building permit fees. *Applications that require subsequent resubmissions beyond the initial technical review and first resubmission will be charged an additional Technical Review Resubmission Fee of $625 per resubmission. ubJ
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