Curriculum Vitae: Paul Rogé, PhD


Curriculum Vitae: Paul Rogé, PhD
Paul Rogé, PhD
Michigan State University
1405 S Harrison Rd, Rm 218
East Lansing, MI 48823
(831) 818-4769
See pages 3 – 5 for the 24 publications and presentations that I authored and am drafting.
Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 2013
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM)
Guiding Professor: Miguel A. Altieri
Dissertation Title: Rainfed Agriculture and Climatic Variability in Oaxaca, Mexico (link)
My dissertation documented adaptation of rainfed agroecosystems to climatic variability in the semiarid, subtropical highlands of Southern Mexico. Participatory research with a farmer-led association,
el Centro de Desarrollo Integral Campesino de la Mixteca Alta (CEDICAM), evaluated the ability of their
farms to cope with climatic variability. These activities supported CEDICAM’s farmer field school program.
During this time, I lived with agropastoralists and participated in many of their daily activities.
Bachelors in Science, UC Berkeley, 2004
Conservation and Resource Studies, emphasis in Sustainable Agriculture and minor in Forestry
Funding, Grants, and Awards
2014 – present Gates Foundation Scoping Grant
2012 US Fellow – LASPAU Climate Change Professional Fellows Program
2011 – 2012 ESPM Division of Organisms and the Environment Grant
2011 UC Berkeley Graduate Division Summer Grant
2011 Edward H. and Rosamond B. Spicer Travel Award - SfAA
2010 – 2011 Fulbright-Garcia Robles Scholar
2010 – 2011 Sigmund Martin Heller Traveling Fellowship
2010 UC MEXUS Small Grant
2008 – 2010 EPA Strategic Agricultural Initiative/Food Quality Protection Act Grant
Current Position
2014 – present Research Associate, Michigan State University. Agroecological research for the
project, Perennial Grain Crops for African Smallholder Farming Systems led by Dr. Sieglinde Snapp.
I conducted semi-structured interviews with farmers in Mali and Malawi to understand the
perennial attributes of their farming systems. This research supports initial plant breeding
research by the Land Institute and ICRISAT - Mali to develop perennial sorghum, as well as
over 15 years of projects to promote the adoption of perennial pigeon pea in Malawi.
Curriculum Vitae: Paul Rogé, PhD
Field Experience
2006-2007 Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Project Manager. Agriculture and LandBased Training Association (ALBA), Salinas, CA. I managed an organic vegetable and fruit
demonstration farm that served as a learning resource for aspiring farmers in the Agriculture
and Land-Based Training Association’s (ALBA) educational programs.
2005-2006 Activism in agroecology and sustainable rural development in Latin America. Member for two years with the Nucleus for Agrarian Reform Carlos Marighella at the State University of
Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Supporter of the Landless Worker’s Movement (MST). Intern
by correspondence for Food First! and Global Exchange in Bolivia and Brazil.
2005 As an intern with Global Exchange and the Bolivian Secretary of Tourism – Los Yungas,
Bolivia, I conducted a participatory community assessment of agro- and eco-tourism potential.
2001-2004 Coordinator, Berkeley Worms, Berkeley, CA. A student-run composting collective
that provided organic waste management services to the UC Berkeley campus community.
Berkeley Worms was my training ground for collective organizing. During my three-year engagement with Berkeley Worms, I learned important skills, such as consensus decision making,
public speaking, listening to different perspectives, and sharing leadership roles. I also learned
to successfully negotiate contracts and manage project operations.
2003 As an undergraduate, I participated in the Consortium on Agroecology and Sustainable Rural
Development (CASRD) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Brazil. I studied
agronomy, worked for one-month periods on two farms: a biodynamic dairy called Estância Demétria in Botucatu, São Paulo and a family dairy in Saudades, Santa Catarina. I also
apprenticed with UFSC’s Composting Program.
2014-2015 Visiting lecturer, Michigan State University. CSS 431 International Agricultural Systems
reviewed world food production capacities related to soil, genetic and climatic resources.
2013 Head Graduate Instructor, UC Berkeley. ESPM 117 Urban Agriculture and Food Justice
examined urban food production from a social-ecological perspective, highlighting the individual initiatives and societal forces driving food production in cities. I was responsible for
creating original course content.
2013 Lecturer and Coordinator, UC Berkeley. Urban Agroecology Short Course, June 24-28 was
a short course aimed at bridging UC Berkeley research on urban agriculture and community
activism in the East Bay.
2013 Graduate Instructor, UC Berkeley. ESPM C183/EEP C183 Forest Ecosystem Management
was a capstone course for forestry majors that taught quantitative and qualitative tools for
forest management and planning to meet multiple objectives.
2010 Graduate Instructor, UC Berkeley. ESPM 151 Society Culture and Environment studied
feminist, post-colonial, and indigenous critiques of science and technology.
2010 Coordinator, UC Berkeley. ESPM 298 Complex Systems and Sustainability Analysis was a
seminar that I organized for leading international researchers on sustainability analysis, complexity theory, and environmental problem solving.
Curriculum Vitae: Paul Rogé, PhD
2009 Graduate Instructor, UC Berkeley. ESPM 117 Urban Agriculture and Food Justice. Examines urban food production from a social-ecological perspective, highlighting the individual
initiatives and societal forces driving food production in cities.
2006-2007 Workshop Coordinator. Small Farmer Education Program (PEPA). Agriculture and
Land-Based Training Association (ALBA), Salinas, CA. I offered bilingual ecological horticulture workshops and field days for aspiring farmers.
2010 Supervisor for undergraduate researchers, UC Berkeley. ESPM 199 Summer and Spring
Supervised Field Study and Research in Agroecology
2010-11 External advisor for Mexican and Chilean students conducting individual research in
Oaxaca, Mexico.
Society Membership
Association of American Geographers
Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology (SOCLA)
Red Iboamericana de Agroecología para el Desarrollo de Sistemas Agrícolas Resilientes al
Cambio Climático (REDAGRES)
Additional Skills and Interests
Fluency in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Proficiency in scientific computing and geographic information systems.
1. Rogé, Paul and Marta Astier. Submitted. “Changes in climate, crops, and tradition: Cajete
maize and the rainfed farming systems of Oaxaca, Mexico.” Human Ecology.
2. Kane, Daniel, Rogé, Paul, and Sieglinde Snapp. Draft. “Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic
modeling of the perennial grains literature.” Agricultural Systems.
3. Rogé, Paul, Daniel Kane, and Sieglinde Snapp. Draft. “Bibliographic network mapping of
the strong and weak perennial visions.” Agricultural Systems.
4. Rogé, Paul and Sieglinde Snapp. Draft. “Alternative visions for the future of African farming
systems: the case for perennial grains.” Agriculture and Human Values.
Refereed research papers
1. Rogé, Paul, Andrew R. Friedman, Marta Astier, and Miguel A. Altieri. 2014. “Farmer strategies for dealing with climatic variability: A case study from the Mixteca Alta Region of
Oaxaca, Mexico.” Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38 (7): 786–811. doi:10 . 1080 /
Curriculum Vitae: Paul Rogé, PhD
Book chapters
1. Rogé, Paul and Marta Astier. 2013. “Previniéndose para le cambio climático: una metodología
participativa” [in Spanish]. Chap. 9 in Agroecología y Resiliencia Socioecológica: adaptándose al
cambio climático, edited by Clara Nicholls, Leonardo Ríos, and Miguel Altieri, 124–148. Medellín, Colombia: REDAGRES.
2. Altieri, Miguel, and P. Rogé. 2009. “The Ecological Role and Enhancement of Biodiversity
in Agroecosystems: Livelihoods and Agroecology in Comparative Perspective.” In Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets, edited by Stewart Lotkie and David Carpenter, 15–32. London:
PhD dissertation
1. Rogé, Paul Sébastien B. 2013. “Rainfed agriculture and climatic variability in Oaxaca, Mexico.” PhD Dissertation, University of California - Berkeley.
1. Rogé, Paul. 2013. Citizen Science Review: A report prepared for Professor Eric Biber and the California Ocean Science Trust. A Literature Review. Berkeley: California Ocean Science Trust.
. 2012c. Metodología del Taller de la Parcela Feliz [in Spanish]. A Methodological Report.
Red Iboamericana de Agroecología para el Desarrollo de Sistemas Agrícolas Resilientes al
Cambio Climático (REDAGRES), April 11.
. 2012d. Reporte para TechnoServe sobre la Mitigación del Cambio Climático: Un enfoque
Agroecológico [in Spanish]. A Report of Agroecological Recommendations. Guatemala: TechnoServe – Guatemala, March 5.
Conference symposia
1. Rogé, Paul. 2015. “Network analysis of literature on perennial grains.” In Annual Meeting.
Association of American Geographers, April 25.
. 2012a. “El Cambio Climático y Agroecología” [in Spanish]. In Special Invitation,
edited by Carmen Foncea. Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala, March 16.
. 2012b. “Experiencias con Adaptación al Cambio Climático” [in Spanish]. In Simposio
Internacional de Agroecología, Cambio Climático y Resiliencia, edited by Clara Nicholls. Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín, Colombia, March 16.
. 2011a. “A Methodology for the Participatory Evaluation of Biophysical Resilience to
Climatic Variability: The Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico.” In Third Latin American Congress
of Agroecology, edited by Marta Astier. Morelos, Mexico, August 19.
. 2011b. “Agroecology, Indicators, and Farmer Participation in Sustainable Rural Development.” In Symposium of the Academy of Neotropic Biodiversity, edited by Elvira Duran
Medina. Oaxaca, Mexico, November 4.
Curriculum Vitae: Paul Rogé, PhD
6. Rogé, Paul, Miguel Altieri, Marta Astier, Phil Dahl-Bredine, and Aida Carmen Ríos. 2011.
“Changes in Sowing: Cajete maize and Climate Change.” In Third Latin American Congress of
Agroecology, edited by Paul Rogé. Morelos, Mexico, August 19.
7. Rogé, Paul and Shoshana Perrey. 2011. “Selecting for Climatic Variability: Seed Conservation for Rainfed Agriculture in Mexico.” In Society for Applied Anthropology (SFAA) Annual
Conference, edited by Steve Brush. Seattle, WA, March 30.
Conference posters
1. Friedman, Andrew R., Rogé, Paul, Marta Astier, and Miguel A. Altieri. 2015. “Farmer strategies for dealing with climatic variability: A case study from the Mixteca Alta Region of
Oaxaca, Mexico.” In Annual Meeting. Association of American Geographers, April 27.
2. Rogé, Paul, CEDICAM, Andrew R. Friedman, Marta Astier, and Miguel A. Altieri. 2013.
“Farmer responses to climatic variability in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico: Water, Climate, and Society: Challenges and Strategies in a Rapidly Changing World.” In Philomathia
Symposium, edited by Verna Bowie.
3. Ríos, Aída C, Silvia V Ruíz, Marta Astier, Jesús Léon Santos, Miguel Altieri, P Rogé, Francisco Mora, and Mayra Gavito. 2012. “Productividad y Resiliencia en Sistemas Agrícolas
Tradicionales en la Mixteca Alta Oaxaqueña” [in Spanish]. In III Coloquio Internacional en
Geografía Ambiental, edited by Jean Francois Mas. Morelia, Michoacán, México, March 24.
4. Friedman, Andrew R, P. Rogé, Marta Astier, and John Chiang. 2011. “Local Climate Variability and Rainfed Maize Agriculture in Highland Oaxaca, Mexico.” In Regional Integration of
Climate Science, Information and Capacity Building with Regard to Climate Variability and Change
in The Americas, edited by J Marengo, S Chan Chou, I Camilloni, T Cavazos, and R Pulwarty.
Denver, CO, October 25.
5. Rogé, Paul, Andrew Friedman, Miguel Altieri, Marta Astier, Julio Sánchez Escudero, and
Jesús León Santos. 2009. “Adaptation of Traditional Agroecosystems to Climate Variability
in Oaxaca, Mexico.” In Brazilian Journal of Agroecology, edited by Santiago Sarandon. Curitiba,
Brazil, November 10.
6. Rogé, Paul, Lorena Vieli, Albie Miles, and Miguel Wilson Houston Altieri. 2009. “Effect of
Landscape Structure on Biological Control of Vineyard Pests in Northern California.” In
Brazilian Journal of Agroecology, edited by Santiago Sarandon. Curitiba, Brazil, November 10.
Last updated: June 5, 2015
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