Level 1 Vault - NAWGJ Louisiana


Level 1 Vault - NAWGJ Louisiana
Level 1 Vault
Stretch Jump onto Raised Mat Surface (min. 16”) THEN
Start Value: 10.00
Handstand Fall to Straight Lying Position on the Back
Stretch Jump (5.00)
Kick to Handstand flat back (5.00) Landing/General
^.30 Fail to maintain Horiz running speed
to the board
^.30 Excessive forward lean of board upon
board contact
.30ea Additional jumps on Board
(double bouncing)
5.00 Running on board and stepping up on
the mat
^.50 Lack of height
^.50 Fail to maintain a stretched body
position during jump
^.50 Pike
^.50 Tuck
^.30 Arch
^.30 Incorrect arm & head alignment
^.20 Legs Separated
^.10 Incorrect foot form
^.50 Fail to land in demi-plie w/control
and proper body position
^.50 Lands feet hip width apart or closer
but never joins feet
.50 lands w/feet further than hip width
.10 Feet staggered
^.30 Dynamics
^.30 Incorrect Direction
^.20ea Fail to maintain arms next to ears
while reaching for the mat
^.10 Fail to use Levering action into the
.50ea Extra Kick up to Handstand
1.00 Fail to land in straight lying position on back
^.50 Bent Arms
^.30 Bent Legs
^.20 Legs Separated
^.10 Incorrect foot form
^.50 Incorrect alignment in HS
^.30 Showing shoulder angle less 180⁰
^.50 Pike
^.30 Arch
.10ea Additional hand placement
(taking steps on Hands)
* Min 16” mat up to 48”
* No repulsion required
NO DED. Run approach w/o touch board
(3 tries)
VOID Touch Spring board or mat w/o
Hands and step may be on mat or board
.50 Assistance on landing
1.00 Assistance during vault
Void Incorrect Vault
NO DED run approach w/o executing the vault (balk)
VOID Touching board or mat stack
Gymnast may step backward onto the board or remain on the mat prior to the kick up to HS, however the hands must be placed on the mat. Gymnast may step backwards on the mat to give
enough room for flat back.