Christian Leadership in the Workplace
Christian Leadership in the Workplace
“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavour? ... You are the light of the world – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden...” (Matthew 5: 13-16) Christian Leadership in the Workplace LOCATION INTRODUCTION MAIN SPEAKER & PANELISTS What is Christian leadership in the workplace? Main Speaker: Judith Fanaken BScN, MN/MBA(c) • It is multidimensional and complex, but it does not have to be complicated Judith is a Clinical Manager at The Hospital for Sick Children. During her near 13 years at SickKids, she has taken on a variety of roles, including charge nurse for 8 years and surgical manager for 3 years. Judith is also an integral leader within NCFC. She has been with the organization since 2006, serving as the National Chair for 5 years before her current position as NCFC President. Panelists from various healthcare settings: • Acute Care • Community Health • Nurse Practitioner • Management • It is creating a biblical model for successful stewardship and Godly leadership • It is a higher calling where you lead from the front and not the back • It is motivating and inspiring others through a culture of service Date: Saturday, June 6, 2015 Venue: Queen of the Apostles Renewal Centre 1617 Blythe Road Mississauga, ON L5H 2C3 Time: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Registration & Networking:9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Cost: Early Bird Registration: $45 Registration after May 1 : $55 Student and Retirees: $40 Includes snacks and lunch st Registration closes: May 31, 2015 OBJECTIVES • Understanding Servant leadership through the life of Jesus the good shepherd (John 10:11) • Influencing practice: incorporating skills into everyday practice - following the examples and teaching Jesus and the disciples (Colossians 3: 23-24) • Empowering others: through Godly leadership (1 Peter 5: 1-3) Register online at: or send a cheque to the registrar: Fronica Yiu 38 Clydesdale Road Markham, ON L3R 3S9 A certificate of attendance will be provided Please indicate if you have any dietary restrictions Carpooling can be arranged upon request