NEGS Newsletter – Week 10, 1st April


NEGS Newsletter – Week 10, 1st April
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NEGS Newsletter
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Term 1 Week 10 - Wednesday 1st April 2015
From The Principal
Mr Clive Logan
permanently. After numerous tests, X-rays, and MRI scans, when
my consultant uttered the words, “I am sorry, there is nothing we
can do for you,” I felt such a huge, blind panic that I could literally
feel myself retreating inside of myself. That’s where I intended to
It isn’t hard to be invisible in a wheelchair. I felt like nobody saw
me anymore, but then I didn’t know who I wanted them to see. All
the words I thought defined me—like dog walker, runner and kick
boxer—no longer applied, and I didn’t know who I was.
I constantly questioned who I was; and what was the point of, well,
me? I missed the person I had been. The only time I came out of
living in the past, wishing I were still there, was to feel total blind
panic about the future and what would happen to me.
When Things Go Wrong:
You Can Thrive, Not Just Survive!
“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in
awareness.” ~James Thurber
Ever thought you had achieved everything you wanted to? Listen
to this story about Louise Jensen:
“My teens had passed in a blur of self-loathing regarding my
body. (Tape measure, thighs, and many tears; need I say more?) I
stumbled through my twenties not exactly sure what I wanted to
do, but never feeling quite good enough—for what, I didn’t know,
but surely I should have been better.
By my thirties, though, I had settled into a career of holistic
therapy and had three happy, healthy children, great friends, and
a beautiful house in a village environment. What could possibly go
wrong? Um, quite a lot. Somebody crashed into the back of my car,
and in seconds my seemingly perfect life unraveled.
Although I was in too much pain to stand or walk unaided, it
never actually crossed my mind that I could stay in that state
When I was at my lowest I came across the story of The Starfish
Thrower, which was a pivotal turning point for me. For those of
you who don’t know it, it goes like this: A boy is walking along the
beach when he stumbles across thousands of starfish that have
been washed up. He starts to pick them up and throw them back
in. A man approaches him and says, “Son, don’t bother. There are
too many. You won’t make a difference.” The boy picks up another,
throws it back in, and says, “I made a difference to that one.”
So, what can we learn from Louise, ‘When things go wrong’??
7 points:
Love yourself like you love others.
Think about how you talk to others and how you talk to yourself.
Give yourself a compliment. We all need to acknowledge that we
are amazing.
You can’t change things that have happened to you but you can choose the way you feel about them.
This lady spent hours and hours wishing her accident had never
happened, accepting that would never happen. We can spend
hours and hours using negative emotions wishing things that
happened to us had never happened, longing to be our former
self. Realizing I have a choice on how I feel about it is really
empowering. Yes, it is sad, but life goes on.
You really can survive anything. We are all stronger than we think.
Too many people say, “I could never cope in your situation.” The
truth is, you could. The human instinct is to survive, and we always
do. Things can only break you if you allow them to. We forget
sometimes we have a choice about how we feel. I can feel really
sad, but then we make the choice to change that. It’s not always
easy but with the right support, you can do it.
There is absolutely no point in worrying about the future.
We all can be in a constant, stomach-churning place of anxiety,
worrying about what is going to happen in the future. Truth is,
nobody ever really knows what the future holds. Think back to
situations you have fretted over. Did they actually happen? No,
probably not. We can’t predict forthcoming events, and it’s a
waste of energy to even try.
Don’t label things “good” or “bad.”
Although this lady’s accident seemed unfair and tragic at the time,
she grew so much as a person. She now has a new business and
she found love. Light always follows darkness. Trust me on that.
Stay in the present moment and live life fully.
You never know when, if, or how drastically things can change
in a heartbeat. Appreciate what you have right now. I never put
off things until the future anymore. Now is all we can guarantee.
Make use of every opportunity!
Life is an adventure. Don’t fear it; live it. Losing mobility was probably one of the worst things this lady
thought could ever happen, but it did, and you know what? She’s
okay. She is living her life and it’s awesome. Live yours too.
P&F Meeting
P&F AGM and Meeting at 6.00 pm
Monday 20th April
“Everyone is welcome”
Most Executive roles are accounted for by willing
participants, however, anyone who wishes to contribute is
Private Vehicle Conveyancing
Attention: New families to NEGS/St John’s
Junior School
coming events
To all our budding scientists in the
community. We invite you to join
Science staff from New England Girls'
School for a fun day of Science activities
designed to ignite and inspire a love of
Where: New England Girls' School
When: Friday 10th April 2015
Time: 9am - 3pm
Cost: $30 (includes morning tea,
lunch and four activities)
Age: Grades 4- 6
Hurry!! Limited places available. For more information or to make a booking, please email
Belinda Stone:
Private Vehicle Conveyancing (PVC) applications – day and
boarding students
PVC subsidy is available for eligible NSW school students,
where there is no public transport available for all or part of the
An example of this is if families live more than 1.6km from the
nearest transport pick up point. For further information re
eligibility please telephone the Ministry of Transport on 1800
010 123.
Please note: for families who are not registered, to be subsidised
for Semester 1 (Terms 1 and 2) the cut off date for applications is
the 12th June.
It is now possible to apply online at the following address:
If you are unable to apply online or have any questions, please
contact me. Helen Smith (
6774 8700
Claire Shaeffer
Claire Shaeffer, world-renowned
couture sewing expert, will be
visiting our shores in April 2015!
If you’re a keen sewing aficionado, you will
no doubt have heard of Claire and probably
have read/watched her wonderfully
detailed books and videos. Now there’s
an opportunity to meet Claire in person
and spend time learning about the couture
techniques she is famous for teaching as
well as hear about her wonderful research
trips to the top couture houses of the world!
Claire will be visiting NEGS for two one week
workshops in the April 2015 holidays. At the
conclusion of the workshops she has offered
to provide a day with Senior students
interested in Textiles.
When: Saturday 18th April 2015 - 9am
Where: NEGS Assembly Hall
Cost: $60 per student Who: Years 10 - 12
What to bring: morning tea, lunch,
notebook & pens.
RSVP: Monday 30th March 2015
Please make payment via direct credit to:
Community Mutual
Ref: your surname with the word Sew
BSB: 932 000 Account No: 697265
Account Name: NEGS Limited
For more information or to make a booking,
please email Stephanie Thomas:
Term One and Term Two Calendar Dates
TERM 1 10 weeks
TERM 2 9 weeks
Monday 26 January
Australia Day
Tuesday 27 January
2pm - Orientation Afternoon for New Students
5pm - Welcome BBQ Dinner for all current and new families - Library Lawns
Monday 20 April
Year 11 Parent/Teacher Interviews 2pm – Milburn Room
Boarders Return 8:30pm
Year 11 & 12 Design / Art Excursion
P&F Meeting, 7pm – WH Lee Room
P&F Meeting, 6pm – WH Lee Room
Tuesday 21 April
Term Two Classes commence
Wednesday 28 January Term One Classes Commence
Thursday 29 January
Combined Line Classes Commence
Saturday 25 April
Friday 30 January
Boarders Getaway
Wednesday 29 April
School Photos
Wednesday 11 February Year 7 Camp departs
Saturday 2 May
Scholarship Day
Friday 13 February
St John’s Swimming Carnival
Sunday 3 May
Year 9 Camp departs
Year 7 Camp returns
Tuesday 5 May
‘Narnia - The Musical’ matinee performance
Saturday 14 February
ODE Equestrian Centre
Thursday 7 May
‘Narnia - The Musical’
Thursday 19 February
PSSA Swimming Carnival
Friday 8 May
‘Narnia - The Musical’
Year 7, 11 & 12 School Vaccinations
Saturday 9 May
‘Narnia - The Musical’
Friday 20 February
Senior Swimming Carnival
Thursday 7 May
Year 7, 11 & 12 School Vaccinations
Sunday 22 February
‘The Idea of North’ in concert - 5:00pm
Friday 8 May
Year 9 Camp returns
Friday 27 February
NEGS Wellbeing Day
Tuesday 12 May
Year 12 Parent / Teacher Interviews 3:30pm – Upstairs in Library
Wednesday 13 May
Year 6 - 9 Socials - TBC
Thursday 14 May
Saturday 28 February Year 12 Formal
Friday 15 May
IGSSA Cross Country
Wednesday 4 March
Year 10 Music Workshop, NECOM
Tuesday 19 May
Armidale Eisteddfod commences
Thursday 5 March
HSC Music Workshop, NECOM
Wednesday 20 May
Big Science Competition Week
Friday 6 March
HSC Music Workshop, NECOM
Friday 29 May
North West Equestrian Expo (Coona)
Armidale Music Foundation – weekend
Thursday 4 June
St John’s Athletics Carnival
Monday 9 March
Encore Performances - Sydney
Friday 5 June
Buses depart from 7:30am
Friday 13 March
IGSSA Swimming Carnival
Monday 8 June
Public Holiday
Wednesday 18 March
St John’s Camp – Week
Tuesday 9 June
Confirmation Service
Tildesley Shield Competition
Thursday 11 June
Armidale Eisteddfod concludes
Friday 20 March
‘Bullying No Way’ Day
Friday 12 June
Senior School Athletics Carnival
Saturday 21 March
Harmony Day
Year 9 Parent/Teacher interviews 3:30pm Milburn Room
Monday 23 March
St John’s Interview week
Sunday 14 June
Armidale Eisteddfod Gala Concert
Wednesday 25 March
Year 12 Half Yearly Exams
Thursday 18 June
Year 8 Information Session 2pm
Wednesday 1 April
Senior School Cross Country
Year 7 Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30pm – Milburn Room
Year 8 Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30pm – Milburn Room
End Term Two
End Term One
Friday 19 June
Staff Day, no students
Thursday 2 April
Staff Day, no students
Friday 3 April
Good Friday
Monday 13 April
NSW Interschools High Performance Clinic at NEGS
Friday 17 April
TAS Rugby Camp
KYCK @ Mt Vic - Christian Studies Camp
Saturday 18 April
Claire Schaeffer workshop
Science New
Miss Belinda Stone
This term, students have been engaged in a range of activities in
Science. Year 7 have been learning all about working safely in the
laboratory. This will culminate in the acquisition of Bunsen burner
licences! They have also investigated the properties of matter
which I believe was very slimy!
Year 8 commenced their studies in Energy with an excursion to the
indoor rock climbing wall at UNE. We had many ‘high achievers’ as
they investigated the difference between gravitational potential
energy and kinetic energy. In Week 10 of this term, the girls will
be attending the Aboriginal Keeping Place here in Armidale. They
will participate in a range of activities as they investigate the use of
chemistry from an indigenous perspective. Their chemistry classes
have transformed into ‘Potion Classes’, with potions ranging from
witch’s brew, burning snake skin, firefly lure, catching the golden
snitch and eating snake fang powder (sherbet!!). The highlight may
have been the lemon sherbet ice-cream though!
Year 9 investigated the world of plate tectonics and made edible
earths. They have also recently been discovering all about the
universe and were enthralled by Stephen Hawking’s incredible
story as they watched ‘The Theory of Everything’. Of course, every
movie experience is enhanced by eating popcorn! Some very
interesting 2D aliens have also appeared in the laboratory after
an exercise on SETI, the US government’s program to find extraterrestrial intelligence.
This term Year 10 students have been studying elements of physics
- light, electromagnetic waves, motion, Newton’s Laws, gravity
and energy. Activities have included an analysis of the Melbourne
Cup, Adelaide 3 Day Event and equine high jumping to determine
speed, calculating our swimmer’s speeds from the swimming
carnival based on their times, remote controlled car races and
‘shocking’ fun with the Van de Graaf generator.
Next term the girls will participate in the much anticipated ‘Barbie
Bungee Challenge’. Some of the girls competed in the Highlands
Science & Engineering Challenge at the University of New England
and placed third. They undertook challenges such as constructing
earthquake proof towers, hovercrafts, catapults and bridges. All
of the girls have been working towards their Week 10 submission
of their Independent Research Projects, with many interesting
investigations to be presented.
This term, some Year 10 students also completed the first round of
the National Brain Bee challenge. If successful, they will be asked
to compete in the next stage of the competition.
Year 11 Biology went to Thalgarrah Environmental Education
Centre earlier in the term to complete their studies in ecology.
The highlight of the day was certainly a visit from ‘Yamba’ the
carpet python. This term, the girls also created picture books
about cell organelles, which they read to Year 3/4 students from
St John’s. Some of the girls even tried to smuggle themselves
back into primary school!
Year 12 Biology students are currently completing their HalfYearly Examinations after working hard to complete a unit on
evolution and genetics this term. Next term, they will focus on
health and disease.
In Science Club, the girls have been preparing entries for
the Eureka Science Prizes. They have to produce a short video to explain a scientific concept. They have also been designing
investigations for two competitions later in the year. They investigated sugar dust explosions (safely) and Bernoulli’s principle using
balloons and a large bag. It inflated with just one breath! They also competed in the BEBRAS Computational Thinking Challenge.
NEGS Agriculture
Mr Mark Fisher
Livestock Team
Some fantastic news from our Agricultural Sector with the announcement that
Maggie H came first out of 34 competitors in the U15 Paraders at this month’s
Toowoomba Royal. Pretty impressive especially given it was 40 degrees on the
More great news from Sydney Royal
Isobel Robertson, Year 10, Champion School Parader!
Katie Cannington 5th in her heat for F002 Paraders
3rd in the heavy weight school steer class and 6th in the heavy weight open
steer class.
Ms Kirrili Williams
Sydney Excursion
New Instruments for NEGS and St John’s Musicians
During March, Music students were offered the opportunity to travel to
Sydney to see and hear a variety of performances.
Following the success of our 120th Anniversary Concert with multi-ARIA
winning singers The Idea of North, we have purchased a number of
new instruments for our students. Two new digital pianos for the Music
classrooms have just been delivered, as well as some much-needed wind
instruments for the Stage 3 and Stage 4 Band programs.
Encore! 2015 at the Sydney Opera House is a selection of some of the
highest achieving HSC Music performances from 2014. As always, it was
an impressive display of a wide variety of musical achievement and the
girls found it inspiring, entertaining and thought-provoking.
The Australian String Quartet performed at the City Recital Hall, Angel
Place. As Year 12 have been studying the music of prominent Sydney
composer, Ross Edwards, we were excited to hear the world premiere
of his commemorative work Gallipoli, along with works by Haydn and
Shostakovich. The girls were very fortunate to have the unexpected
opportunity to meet Mr Edwards after the concert and talk about some of
his work.
Our girls meet Ross Edwards, one of Australia’s most prominent
contemporary composers, at Angel Place.
In a lighter context, we also attended a small, non-profit venue called
Humph Hall to see a highly entertaining cabaret show called Don’t
Mention the Wall! by Berlin musicians The Beez. Based around the
political and personal stories surrounding the fall of the Berlin Wall, the
show featured original material, rearrangements of German drinking
songs, David Bowie classics, Communist propaganda songs and at
least one polka. Filled with historical information, comedy and political
statement, the show offered our girls a lot to consider on many levels.
Of course, a trip to Sydney is never complete without some shopping and
cafe-hopping and when Pitt Street offered us the opportunity, we all took
it willingly.
The behaviour, enthusiasm
and helpfulness from our
girls during the three days
was observed by many and
made the trip a pleasure.
The generosity and
hospitality offered by the
Sakker family in providing
us with accommodation
was very much appreciated.
Izzy Watson (Year 12) and
Erin Gaff (Year 10), both
keen musicians, enjoy the
harbour before the Encore!
concert at the Sydney Opera
Sophie Watson, Laura Kater and Renee Collins (Year 11) try some of our
new instruments
The concert was a highlight of the school year in terms of entertainment
and celebrating with the wider community. The benefit our choristers
received from the choral workshop was substantial, and they were joined
by top singers from Duval High School and O’Connor Catholic College for
this exciting experience.
Year 10 singer Emily Sole was excited to meet and learn from the group.
“Hearing the The Idea of North was breathtaking! During the workshop
it was very fun and interesting listening to their advice on different
techniques which can be used in singing together as an ensemble,
using different sounds which can completely change a song, but at the
same time staying in unison and matching those around you. I’ve been
incredibly inspired by listening to the perfectly arranged a cappella songs
they performed at the concert, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to talk to
The group presented a varied program of originals and arrangements,
concluding with an innovative loop pedal arrangement of Joni Mitchell’s
Big Yellow Taxi and returning to the stage with Sinead O’Connor’s In This
Heart as an encore.
An unexpected highlight of the evening was hearing four NEGS choristers
join the performers for Keep My Supper Warm, an original by the group’s
bass, Andrew Piper. Year 11 Music scholar Laura Kater was excited to
participate in the concert. “It was a bit nerve-wracking singing with a
group who are so good at what they do but it was really good fun. They
listened to us during the sound check and it was great to see how a
professional performance is set up.”
Year 10 and HSC Workshop Days
Our senior elective musicians recently attended a series of Music
workshop days at NECOM. A very exciting inclusion was a series of
workshops by the prominent composer and conductor Paul Jarman. As all
our students had sung and studied works by Mr Jarman last year, this was
a great opportunity to find out more about his work. The students were
introduced to a lot of new and varied repertoire, had the opportunity to
perform for each other, gained insights and guidance on the composition
process. Mixing and working with Music students from other schools in
the region was also of great benefit to our students.
Narnia - The Musical
Please note the following rehearsal and performance dates. This schedule
has been given to all cast members.
Rehearsals (in addition to regular Friday 3:30-5:30pm):
Sophie Watson (Year 11), Laura Kater (Year 11), Izzy Watson (Year 12) and
Katrina Bean (Year 11) join Joy Hague (alto) and Sally Cameron (soprano)
on stage for an unexpected addition to our 120th Anniversary Concert
The Music Department offers its heartfelt thanks to Mrs Tina Watson
(whose fantastic cooking was the centre of the after-show supper),
Ms Kate Drayton (who spent many days assisting with set up and
organisation), Mr David Rose (who donated many hours for both
technical assistance and publicity) and Mr Jimmy Dent (who organised
and ran our drinks service).
Parent Liaison 2015 - Senior School
Year 7:
Michelle Bookallil:
Trudy Hancock:
Cindy Clonan:
Year 8:
Kate Blackmore -
Etoline Gailbraith –
Year 9:
Sally Strelitz -
Susie Redhead -
Sarah Edmonds -
Year 10:
Lisa Haynes -
Jenny Swan –
Year 11:
Tina Watson -
2nd Person – TBA (anyone interested please contact Tina)
Year 12:
Janet Carter -
Wednesday 01 April Monday 20 April (the day before school resumes)
Thursday 04 June
Monday 08 June (end of long weekend)
Tuesday 09 June
Periods 5, 6, 7
12:00- 5:00pm
Periods 6 and 7 (plus 3:30pm - 6:30pm)
4:00pm - 8:00pm
Performances (all cast called from 6:00pm):
Thursday 11 June Opening Night
Friday 12 JuneSecond Show
Saturday 13 JuneFinal Show
Sport News
Miss Laura Cambridge
Tildesley Tennis
The Tildesley Team travelled to Sydney in Week 8 to participate in the
Tildesley competition against the IGSSA schools. The team of Heidi
Powell, Alys Marshall, Emily Farrar, Lucinda Parry and Eliza White played
throughout the two day competition and gained some well earned
The second round of netball was under way in typical misty weather
on Saturday. All teams were able to play this weekend with no byes
scheduled. Three rounds will be played before holiday break where re
grading will take place. Rounds will resume the first Saturday back at
school at the end of Round 1. There will be no training in Week 10, but
training will resume in Week 1 of Term 2.
The results are as follows:
Singles Heidi Powell lost 3- 8
Doubles Emily Farrar And Alys Marshall lost 0-8
Doubles Lucinda Parry and Eliza White lost 4-8
Final point score as a team of 20.202
Overall Placing: 24th.
Congratulations girls! Thank you to the coach Justin Sherriff and the
parents who accompanied and cheered the team on in Sydney.
Coffs Ocean Swim
Results for the last two rounds:
NEGS 1 vs IMPIES 21-19
NEGS 1 vs PLC 1 9-30
NEGS 2 vs Court Jesters 44-15
NEGS 2 vs Ravens 34-20
NEGS 3 vs PLC 5 9-49
NEGS 3 vs Classics 8-60
On the 29th of March a group of nine NEGS girls and 51 TAS boys
travelled on a bus at five thirty to Coffs Harbour. The two kilometre swim
started at 9:30. 460 people lined up at the waters edge eager to begin.
Everyone finished the race from NEGS, in the top 250.
Lucy Fenwicke, Kitty McPhie, Olivia Fenwicke, Abbey Jackson, Tahlia
Paul, Mikaela Ball, Alicia Ball, Sophie Cockbain and Sarah Wyatt all were
pushed and enjoyed the experience. One of the highlights was being
able to do the jetty jump.
NEGS 4 vs Classics 15-28
Results Overall:
Olivia Fenwicke 37th (3rd in Age Group)
NEGS 6 vs PLC 8 29-2
Abbey Jackson 73th
Mikaela Ball 58th
Alicia Ball 135th
Lucy Fewicke 19th (1st in age group)
Kathleen McPhie 103rd
Sarah Wyatt 169th
Tahlia Paul 145th
Sophie Cockbain 229th
NEGS 4 vs PLC 5 22-31
NEGS 5 vs Evil Minions 36-13
NEGS 5 vs PLC 2 11-33
NEGS 6 Bye
Women’s hockey had their first round last weekend with the newly
formed team taking on Harlies in Div 2. A young team this year with many
players doubling up from the Under 16’s division the girls played hard to
only go down 1-0.
Training will continue on Monday in Week 10 as we will miss out on
training in Week 1 of Term 2. Under 16, 13, 11 and 9 competitions will
begin on the first Saturday back in Term 1. Draws will be released once
generated by Hockey New England.
Cross Country
The Senior School Cross Country will take place on the last day of school.
Results and IGSSA team selections will be announced at the beginning on
Term 2.