2pp Programme ???-??? 2014


2pp Programme ???-??? 2014
Programme April-May 2015
Transport charge 9.1c per km for this programme
There are some gaps in the programme for the next two months, so if you can lead a trip contact
Chris Louth on 547 6628 or email c.louth@clear.net.nz
3rd-6th April Mt Rintoul Travers Fit $14
Phone Kate Krawczyk 544 7764
Day 1: Walk in to Mid Wairoa Hut via the Left Branch Wairoa River.
Day 2: Climb up past Bushy Top, Tarn Hut, Bishops Cap and Purple Top to Rintoul Hut.
Day 3: Traverse the two peaks of Mt Rintoul and follow the ridges over Old Man to Slaty Hut.
Day 4: Continue mostly on ridges to Starveall Hut then descend down to the Hackett.
Tents will need to be carried and will be dependent on water being available at ridge huts.
Topo50 Maps BR25,26, BQ26.
11th-12th April Lake Camp, Cobb Valley Medium (scale 2.9) $24
Phone Mark Graesser 545 6282
From Trilobite road end 10 km easy walking to Tent Camp, then climb 340 m over 1 km through bush to
Lake Camp (1270 m) on SE side of the valley. Optional climb of Mt Prospect, 1700 m. As the name of the
lake indicates, bring tents. Topo50 Maps: BP23, BP24.
13th April Freehouse Pub
Phone Kate Krawczyk 544 7764
Come along to the Freehouse at 95 Collingwood Street in Nelson from 7pm onwards to catch up with club
members and talk about your travels and upcoming trips. Bring along maps and ideas so that we can fill the
programme for the next couple of months.
25th-27th April Fenella Hut Medium $24
Phone Chris Louth 547 6628
Anzac Day long weekend
Saturday: Drive to Cobb and walk in to Fenella. Dip in the nearby tarn to cool off.
Sunday: Day walk over Mt Kakapo to Lonely Lake for some, or local area if others prefer something easier.
Monday: There will be time to head over to Round Lake or climb Xenicus before walking out.
Topo50 Maps BP23, 24.
4th May Club Night
Monday. 7.30pm, Nelson Intermediate School, Tipahi Street. Gold coin.
Guest Speakers: Tristan and Anja Rawlence
"Study of the Elusive Rock Wren, Garibaldi Range, Kahurangi National Park"
DoC are funding a study of the Rock Wren in the wilderness section of Kahurangi National Park. This area
has no huts or tracks. Come along and listen to the work being done and see a spectacular portion of
Kahurangi that few trampers ever venture in to.
10th May Mt Stokes Medium (scale 2.5) $28
Phone Lawrie Halkett 544 4096
Sunday. Access is via Linkwater onto Kenepuru and Titirangi Roads. The track climbs up to the Okoha
Saddle then steeply to the summit of Mt Stokes (1203m) for panoramic views over the outer Sounds.
There will also be an overnight option – details to follow.
24th May Parapara Peak Hard (scale 4.0) $22
Phone Chris Louth 547 6628
From Ward-Holmes Road, 11km north of Takaka, climb a steep, rugged track to the summit of Mt Parapara
(1249m) for great views over Golden Bay.
No calls will be returned to cellphones so leave a landline number or email address on answering
Check website for updates and additions to this programme
Nelson Tramping Club
PO Box 1238, Nelson
Website: www.nelsontrampingclub.org.nz
Check the club website for updates to this programme, private trips, rules for club trips and other useful
info and links. We are always on the look-out for new trips and trip leaders. Contact Chris Louth 547 6628.
Trip classifications:
A composite scale of Distance, Climb, Quality of track and Overnight pack measure trip difficulty. Snow
skills and equipment required are an extra consideration and to further identify this added difficulty the
word “snow’ will be included in the trip description. This Scale defines the category of each trip as follows:
• Easy - scale 1.0 to 1.9
• Medium - scale 2.0 to 2.9
• Fit - scale 3.0 to 3.9
• Hard - scale 4.0 upwards.
Further information is given in the trip description, and when in doubt you should talk to the trip leader.
Personal Responsibility:
Those on club trips may look to the trip leaders for guidance and are expected to normally accept their
directions but each person on the trip is responsible for their own decisions on the risks they are prepared
to take and must be confident they have the fitness and level of skills required to cope with those risks.