Whitepaper Template


Whitepaper Template
Nokia Telco Cloud Management
Automated, time-saving management of
telco clouds
Executive Summary
Nokia Telco Cloud Management uses state-of-the-art technologies to enable
operators to transparently manage the telco cloud.
The telco cloud is set to help operators address the major challenges they face today, such as
rapid data growth and unpredictable demand. It also promises to reduce the costs of delivering
each bit of data, and enables operators to more easily create competitive differentiation to
sustain top-line growth.
One of the main reasons for operators to move to the telco cloud is the greater business agility
it brings. They can achieve shorter innovation cycles to deploy new services more quickly and
generate revenue with minimal delay.
With the telco cloud, the resources needed for new functions can be made available within
minutes instead of the months it can take conventionally. Automation allows operators to
quickly deploy and test new services, and remove them straight away if they do not succeed in
the market - all at minimal cost.
Capital costs are reduced because hardware can be shared between different virtualized
network functions instead of needing dedicated hardware for each service. Meanwhile,
operational costs are reduced by the unified infrastructure and increased automation.
Layered architecture with clear roles
Nokia Telco Cloud Management takes advantage of the open ecosystem to create best-of-breed
solutions to meet the different customer needs. It uses a modular, layered architecture based
on the ETSI reference model.
The solution comprises three main entities – Nokia Cloud Network Director, Nokia Cloud
Application Manager and Nokia NetAct™.
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Nokia Cloud Network Director
Nokia Cloud Network Director automatically deploys, configures, optimizes, scales and repairs
network services to simplify the implementation of network services like VoLTE.
Complying with the ETSI NFV Orchestration specification, the solution uses open interfaces
for easy integration with VNF managers from multiple vendors. It can also be integrated with
existing operations and business support systems (OSS/BSSs). Apart from standard features
such as network service lifecycle management, monitoring and scaling, Cloud Network Director
offers value addition by supporting automated disaster recovery management solution and
predictive planning support with simulation tools. Automated 3GPP application interface
configuration of participating network functions of a service (VNFs and/or PNFs) is unique to
Nokia’s solution. Cloud Netowrk Director is capable of orchestrating network services in a hybrid
cloud of VMware and OpenStack.
The key characteristics of Nokia Cloud Network Director:
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Whereas Nokia Cloud Network Director looks after the lifecycle management and scaling of
network services, Nokia Cloud Application Manager handles the lifecycle management and
scaling of individual VNFs.
Nokia Cloud Application Manager
Nokia Cloud Application Manager features go beyond conventional cloud management tasks.
It focuses on cloud application management operations automation on top of Infrastructure-asa-Service (IaaS) private Telco & IT clouds in a cloud agnostic manner.
With automation at its core, Cloud Application Manager boosts operational efficiency and
drastically shortens the time, from days to minutes, to install and commission Telco and IT
Cloud applications. This enables new services to be ramped up or down rapidly with minimal
cost. The solution supports multiple cloud stacks to minimize cloud platform supplier costs
and eliminate the risk of vendor lock-in.
Cloud Application Manager’s architecture meets Nokia’s security practices to support Telco and
IT cloud application security. Automation combined with advanced IaaS service monitoring
provides a firm foundation for end-user Service Level Agreement (SLA) assurance, helping to
avoid SLA penalties and complying with emerging regulatory requirements.
Nokia NetAct
Nokia NetAct is the first major virtualized OSS on the market. It manages both traditional and
virtualized network functions in the Telco Cloud.
The system takes events and counters from Cloud Application Manager and combines them with
information from the virtual infrastructure. This provides NetAct with a complete view of both
the operational status of the network element as well the underlying virtualized infrastructure.
A single way to manage both virtual and traditional networks eliminates the need for additional
training to use tools dedicated to VNFs. NetAct’s northbound interfaces are the same for VNFs
and for physical network functions, avoiding the need to integrate new tools into the operator’s
umbrella management system.
NetAct supports a smooth migration of network infrastructure to telco cloud based virtual
network functions, without causing operational interruptions.
In addition, NetAct offers specific advanced management functions, for example, NetAct
Advanced Configurator for umbrella level configuration management and NetAct Advanced
Monitor for umbrella level fault management.
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To enable smooth migration to the telco cloud, Nokia offers a full range of services ranging from
business consulting, migrating existing applications, dimensioning and planning to optimizing
and maintaining clouds.
Nokia Telco Cloud Management benefits at-a-glance
Nokia Telco #Cloud Management accelerates time to market and reduces the cost
of failure http://nokia.ly/1EjG65x #bssoss #NetworksPerform
Nokia Telco #Cloud Management matches new business models for efficiency
http://nokia.ly/1vEssEo #bssoss #NetworksPerform
Nokia Telco #Cloud Management meets the need for business agility
http://nokia.ly/1zKkOti #bssoss #NetworksPerform
• Scales capacity to match actual demand
• Maximizes return on investment through operational efficiency
• Meets SLA requirements
• Provides access and network security
• Manages the network transformation from traditional to virtualized with hybrid network
management capabilities
• Supports industry-leading clouds to meet operator preferences and avoid vendor lock-in
• Highly automated provisioning and elasticity for low cost network and service operations.
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trade names of their respective owners.
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Product code C401-01169-ES-201502-1-EN
© Nokia Solutions and Networks 2015