the RFP for Rebranding and Marketing Services


the RFP for Rebranding and Marketing Services
Request for Proposals
Newark 3.0 Campaign
111 Mulberry Street
Market Street Suite LL
Newark, NJ 07102
Request for Proposals
NEWARK Rebranded Campaign
RFP# 20150327-KS
The City of Newark is embarking on telling its own story. For too long, Newark has allowed the negative
attributes of our community to outweigh the positive. The almost unrelenting media attention on crime
and violence in Newark has overshadowed the greatness that can be found in our City. As Mayor Baraka
stated in his State of the City address, it is time for Newark 3.0.
Newark CEDC is requesting proposals for the Newark “rebranded” campaign. This campaign is designed
to positively promote and uplift the city. It will highlight Newark’s greatest assets--its diverse culture,
people, places, and opportunities--whether it’s the CEO of a major corporation downtown or the small
business owner uptown. The campaign embraces the importance of pride, culture, diversity and the
uniqueness of Newark. Under Mayor Baraka’s leadership, Newark will be a city of hope, pride and
infinite possibilities. When the question arises, what city is the next big thing? The answer will inevitably
be, “Newark 3.0.”
Founded in 2007, and restructured in 2014, Newark Community Economic Development Corporation
(Newark CEDC) is the primary economic development catalyst for Newark, the State of New Jersey’s
largest city. It is organized to retain, attract and grow businesses; enhance small and minority business
capacity; and spur real estate development throughout the City’s 23 diverse neighborhoods. As a
business development company whose sole client is the City of Newark, we collaborate with the Newark
Department of Economic & Housing Development to initiate and execute economic development
activities to produce and sustain economic growth, generate jobs, and create wealth for the citizens of
This project will focus its work and efforts on marketing Newark in a positive light and on a national
This project has the goal of empowering the City of Newark as an entity that projects an image of
quality, competency, and professionalism, while more clearly representing the purpose and mission of
the organization. The brand, and associated Newark marketing program, must incorporate a national,
and even a global, impact. Newark CEDC and the City of Newark expect that the development and
implementation of the marketing program will:
a. Engage Critical Stakeholders. The selected agency will create and facilitate the rebranded Newark
and engage all relevant groups/target markets/stakeholders in the brand development process. A
Request for Proposals
NEWARK Rebranded Campaign
RFP# 20150327-KS
discussion of tools and methods to be used should be included. Relevant groups include, but are
not limited to:
City of Newark Department of Economic and Housing Development Leadership
Community Leaders
Newark business leadership by sector
Local, regional, and national philanthropic leadership
b. Develop a new brand for the City of Newark - The selected agency will develop a brand that
will clearly illustrate the identity of the organization; promotes the City of Newark; and
promotes the organization’s and City’s vision, mission, and values.
c. Organizing community meetings to promote the selected campaign/brand.
d. Raise awareness of the organization’s service and increase penetration into state, regional,
national, and global markets - After developing the brand, the agency will make
recommendations on how to challenge stereotypes, engage customers, and raise awareness
within target markets.
e. Develop a supporting graphics package and collateral materials for the new brand
Develop a social media strategy
g. Identify vehicles for marketing, advertisement, and outreach
h. Implementation strategies – Recommend strategy options for implementation of the
rebranding campaign that permits flexibility for the targeted audience and ensures the integrity
of the campaign. Additionally, the implementation strategy should include
consideration/proposals for an ongoing campaign. This includes a commitment to provide the
City of Newark with a platform to increase positive notoriety--locally, statewide, and nationally.
All proposals must be received in their entirety on or before 5:00 pm on Monday, April 27,
2015. Digital PDF copies should be submitted electronically to:
Digital PDF copies may also be delivered in person or via mail on a flash drive to:
Newark CEDC
ATTN: Kevin Seawright
RFP# 20150327-KS
111 Mulberry Street , Market Street Suite LL
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Request for Proposals
NEWARK Rebranded Campaign
RFP# 20150327-KS
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their proposal, however submitted, is received on time
and at the location specified. At a minimum, each respondent shall submit the following information:
a. Company Background Information, including:
Years in business
Company history
Company structure; number of employees
Composition of project team, including names and expertise
The approximate percentage of agency resources that will be put toward the project
Names of businesses that you may contract for this project and services offered by each
7. Additional in-house services firm offers beyond the scope of this project
8. References
9. Contact information
10. Proposal must be signed by an authorized official for the submitting agency
b. Related Experience, including:
1. Professional services similar to those requested by the RFP
2. Economic Development Agencies or Authorities, Non-Profit Organizations, Political Campaigns,
or Advocacy Organizations.
3. Marketing for or to for-profit businesses, business groups, developers, investors and/or
philanthropic organizations.
c. Work Plan. Describe the technical approach recommended to accomplish the required work.
Describe the makeup of the team, and the time that Newark CEDC staff will need to dedicate to the
project. Include tasks, methodologies, and a description of the client/stakeholder involvement in
the process.
d. Timeline. Provide a project schedule with key meetings and deliverables noted. Newark CEDC
desires the selected agency to begin immediately following the award of the contract, to build on
the momentum that has been created to date.
e. Fees. Provide a fixed fee quotation for the services outlined in the workplan. Proposed fees should
include hourly rates, a not-to-exceed amount, and costs for reimbursable expenses. If any
additional services are proposed, they should be clearly identified. Please include a separate rate
sheet that would be used for contracting additional services or meetings.
Deliverables. Provide a detailed list of work products that will be developed as a result of the
rebranding and integrated marketing program.
Request for Proposals
NEWARK Rebranded Campaign
RFP# 20150327-KS
Issuance of this RFP does not commit Newark CEDC to award a contract or to pay costs incurred
in the preparation of proposals responding to the RFP.
Newark CEDC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and re-advertise.
Newark CEDC may reject any or all of the submissions as it deems in its best interest.
Newark CEDC reserves the right to waive any irregularities or technicalities when it deems the
public interest will be served.
The successful firm must enter into a contract with Newark CEDC, which specifies requirements
for indemnification, insurance, and other applicable policies.
Proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee. Each proposal will be reviewed and
evaluated based on the following:
Thoroughness and clarity of proposal
Agency experience with similar work
Personnel experience with this proposed project
Agency’s reputation for quality; integrity; meeting budgetary constraints; and meeting project
Responsiveness to client
Proposed budget and timeline
Knowledge of the economic development field and best practices
Understanding of the economic development strengths and challenges of the City of Newark
The most qualified agencies will be short-listed for interviews to be held in Newark, New Jersey as
soon after the proposal deadline--on or around May 4, 2015, by the three-person selection
committee. The purpose of the interviews is to compare the agencies’ different approaches to the
development of the plan, as well as their understanding of the project. It is essential that the
agency’s personnel be assigned to the work, as well as key representatives be present at the
The top-ranked agency shall be selected based on the merits of the proposal and/or interview. The
final selection will be made by the President & CEO of Newark CEDC. The selected agency and Newark
CEDC representatives will negotiate a contract, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The dates
shown in this Evaluation section, in the Schedules section, and below and throughout this RFP are
subject to change by Newark CEDC at its sole discretion.
Proposers may submit questions and/or requests for further information no later than 5pm on April 13,
2015. Questions and/or requests for further information should be directed to Shonda Smith via email
at . All email correspondence must include the RFP number in the subject
Request for Proposals
NEWARK Rebranded Campaign
RFP# 20150327-KS
H. SCHEDULE – (All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time.)
RFP distribution:
March 27, 2015
Proposals due:
April 27, 2015 - 5:00pm
Presentation to selection committee:
On/ Around May 4, 2015
Company Selection:
May 8, 2015
Project Start:
May 11, 2015