brochure - New British Union


brochure - New British Union
New British Union - Where We Stand
New British Union is loyal to Crown and Country. Our watchword is "Britain First" and
we are determined to build a Nation worthy of Patriots. Therefore we stand for
revolutionary changes in Government, in economics and in life itself.
New British Union stands for Action in Government which Parliamentary obstruction
prevents. New British Union will give Government power to act and then to carry out
the will of the people. Government will depend on the vote of the people and will be
responsible to the whole Nation.
Our Blackshirt men and women unite in voluntary discipline to serve their country
because only a creed which puts country before self can save our Nation and our
people. Because New British Union is a Movement of National revival we have no
foreign models as we believe that "Britain Awake" can surpass them all. Our iron
creed of New Fascism is the universal creed of the 21st century, but in each country it
has a policy, method, and character suited to that country and no other because it is a
national and not an international creed.
The flash of action in the circle of union is the symbol of the New British Union.
National Action can only come from National Union that ends party warfare.
New British Union will solve the problem of unemployment and poverty by the
establishment of the Corporate State. This new organisation will increase production
and will provide industry with a market for greater output in the greater purchasing
power of the British people. This will be done by National Corporations, controlled by
representatives of employers, workers and consumers operating under New British
Union Government elected by the whole Nation and responsible for securing a fair
division of the proceeds of expanded industry.
The Nation will lay down the limits within which industry may function, and these
limits will be the welfare of the people as a whole. Private enterprise must enrich the
Country as well as the individual. Trade Unions and employers alike must serve the
Nation and not the faction, and in so doing must serve their own best interests. British
work will be kept for British workers free from Alien under-cutting and immigrant jobseekers.
The Corporations will create a larger Home Market by raising wages and salaries over
the whole field of industry as science and organisation increase the power to produce.
Thus New Fascism will overcome the problem of men and machines being unemployed
while millions require the goods they can produce. A high standard of life will be built
by the Corporations free from wage-cutting and cheap labour at home or abroad. That
higher standard of life will provide the Home Market, which industry now lacks. Thus
the people will consume what the people produce. Employment will be provided for all
by the demand of an increased Home Market. A British Fascist Government will invest
in real scientific medical research which does not involve testing on animals, to find a
cure for the scourges of cancer, mental illness and heart disease. Britons will be
educated to drink and smoke less and we will combat the criminal trade in deadly
illegal drugs such as heroin. The National Health Service will be staffed by British
doctors and nurses. New British Union Government will finance a British Space
Exploration Programme of the future. The abolition of income tax and its replacement
by a fairer tax on luxury goods, second homes, second cars and so on.
Immigration into Britain will be strictly controlled and those immigrants who are workshy, involved in crime, anti-social behaviour and support for terrorism will be deported
in double-quick time. We have no wish to persecute those of whatever race or religion
who are law-abiding, hard-working and who contribute to Britain's economy.
Regaining control of our borders will reduce racism and violence and so restore
"Britain for the British", "British Jobs for British Workers" and "British Houses for
British People".
New British Union will build a self-contained, self-sufficient British Nation and a New
Fascist Commonwealth of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, insulated from the
international struggle for markets which brings wage-cutting and wars. We will
consider joining a New European Union of Fascist Nations to replace the corrupt and
financial democratic EU. Within this block we can produce all the goods, food-stuffs
and raw materials we require, and build a standard of life so high that the people can
consume the goods which modern industry can produce. To maintain that standard we
will exclude the cheap, foreign goods which displace British labour and reduce wages.
To build a self-contained Fascist Britain with the motto "Mind Britain's Business" is the
only way to avoid foreign entanglements and foreign War.
Our manufacturing industry will find a greater market within this New Fascist
Civilisation in return for the increased amount of raw materials which we shall buy
from the New British Union of Nations and Europe. Our Fascist Trade Motto is; "Britain
buys from those who buy from Britain." The exclusion of foreign goods from Asia and
the removal of tariffs against Britain will restore our export trade to prosperity.
Foreign food-stuffs will be excluded and replaced by British products. As a result of
this Economic Nationalism we will increase Home production and find employment for
Britons on the land. Their good wages will purchase British goods and an increased
Home Market will take the place of the foreign markets we are losing to China and
India today. The Land must be used in the interest of the Nation. Those who develop
their land in the British interest will be assisted by National Credit and freed from
burdens. The Land of Britain will neither be the playground of the few nor the spoil of
the speculator. We will enact an exclusion zone around British waters reserved
exclusively for British ships and fishing boats, crewed by British seamen and
International Financiers in the City of London will no longer be permitted to use the
credit of Britain to damage this country in the interests of Alien usury and foreign
investments. British credit will be used for British industry and the money system will
serve British Producers and Consumers instead of Financiers and Gamblers. The
misuse of British credit will become a criminal offence.
New British Union is a leadership of the people along the path of action they desire.
We offer new leadership not dictatorship in the old sense which was against the will of
the people, but dictatorship in the modern sense under New British Union Government
will be the will of the people expressed through the Government they have elected.
The declared will of a freed people will replace the present tyranny of the vested
interests and Alien minorities who are elected by none and responsible to none. The
will of the people will be expressed in elections and referendums at regular intervals
and will be carried into effect by a Government given the power to act. So action will
replace talk and "Britain again will dare to be Great."
1. The establishment by legal and constitutional methods during a General Election of
a British Fascist Government of National Unity. The use of national referenda to reflect
the declared will of the British people.
2. The building of a Corporate State in Britain composed of corporations of workers,
employers and consumers all running British industry harmoniously in the national
interest, instead of sectional vested interests. Higher wages, lower prices, increased
pensions and equal pay for women. ‘Make Money the Servant and Not the Master of
the People’.
3. Put Britain First in a United European Family of Nations. We stand for European
spiritual unity so that Europe stands as one, in face of common enemies. The holding
of a referendum to let the British people to decide whether they wish Britain to remain
a member of the European Union.
4. An end to mass immigration to protect British worker’s jobs, housing, education,
health services and social welfare. The promotion of realism, love and concern for
British and European Civilisation not race hatred.
5. To encourage consumers to Buy British goods and foodstuffs, to save jobs and to
support Britain’s economy.
6. The restoration of law and order and tougher sentences for serious criminal
7. The conservation of our green and pleasant countryside with heavy fines for
pollution and litter, and a ban on overbuilding on green belt land. Support for organic
farming, small traditional family farms and higher standards of animal welfare.
8. The strengthening of Britain’s national defences and armed forces, with a British
nuclear deterrent independent of NATO.
9. A Foreign Policy of putting British national interests first, an end to interference in
the internal affairs of countries overseas and the promotion of World Peace.
10. Civil and Religious Liberty for all.
The ideals of fascism
Fascism is a word that has been corrupted by history over and over again to the point
that no one really knows what they are talking about when they say Fascist. Fascism
came to prominence in the 20th century in Europe, starting out its rise in Italy where
fascist ideals were laid down under centuries of the Roman Empire and conquest. True
fascist ideals and policies are and always will be focused around the State with
everyone under its banner contributing to the strength and glory of the Nation state,
all members who respect their roles within the fascist state and carry them out will
succeed, not only for themselves but for the state and in turn for their country and it
honour. A true fascist state resolves economic and social malaise through pride in
national affairs. From this are drawn individual and national strength and purity, on all
levels, be they economic, moral or military. It must be remembered that a true fascist
state also strives for class collaboration along all levels no matter how poor or how
rich therefore class becomes secondary to the state. Fascists also strive for people to
contribute to individual constructive roles within the state and these along with the
coming together of class and state are treated with respect and encouragement.
Fascism has and always will continue to endorse an economy of private and public
enterprise under the umbrella of state-control with a particular attention to national
production, this corporatism will strengthen the state allowing individuals to be
enterprising and at the same time allowing the public sector to do its job without
worry of cut backs and short falls. Fascism has always looked to be a generator of
wealth and creation and has always been the progenitor of bottom up when it comes
to the economy. A re-generated Fascist State promotes economic modernism with
technology and science leading the way and providing cutting edge ideas and
knowledge to empower the state and the people it is within this new modern financial
economic power house that private enterprise may flourish and allow the financial
markets to work in harmony with national objectives.
The ideals of fascism and the nation state as being prominent above all else help to
raise the moral and physical standards throughout all walks of life; this enables
discipline and good health for all within the state. Let us not forget that that Fascism
teaches us that individuals cannot be strong if the nation is not strong itself. It is
when the nation is not strong and those that dwell within its boards that deviant or
unnatural behaviour is common place and such weakness drags down a healthy and
proud State and fosters in a Laissez-faire attitude to healthcare and to health in
general. In a true fascist state all races are accepted this has always been the case
with fascism and must never be forgotten, because derivatives of fascism, such as
National Socialism, have a doctrine of genetic purity of races and they are driven by
the purity of race and this does not and never has applied to fascism. I started this
article sighting the founder of fascism as Italy and of course the Great Benito
Mussolini is the father of modern Fascism so it is to that state, that we must look for
an example when discussing the issue of race. Let us then consider the founding
nation of Fascism. In Italy the great majority of the years of fascist rule all races living
in the country were welcome and many of these peoples were members of the fascist
It must be remembered that the ideal fascist state embraces all who believe in and
work for the nation and for fascism no matter their race, for we are not National
Socialists we are Fascist and although Fascism and National Socialism are both antidemocratic they are will always remain separate and distinct belief systems, Fascism
being centred around the State, while National Socialism is continually being
concerned with race. Those attempting to merge the two no matter who they are or
how honest their intentions are not being honest with themselves or the people they
are trying to convert.
With that in mind it must be clear to everyone reading this that the Fascist State helps
each comrade develop respect for their fellow comrades be they neighbour, colleague,
brother-at-arms or the man in the street. Respect through discipline for without that,
there is chaos; respect for obedience to society and the good moral structure of it;
respect that there is no waste through capitalist over-indulgence and profiteering;
respect because there is law, order and a military force that knows that they are there
to serve the state.
If you will indulge me for a while I would like to end this article with a brief extract
written in 1932, by the father of modern fascism, Mussolini, which exemplifies the
true fascist ideals: “The Fascist State, the highest and most powerful form of
personality, is a force, but a spiritual force, which takes over all the forms of the moral
and intellectual life of man. It is the form, the inner standard and the discipline of the
whole person; it saturates the will as well as the intelligence. Its principle, the central
inspiration of the human personality living in the civil community, pierces into the
depths and makes its home in the heart of the man of action as well as of the thinker,
of the artist as well as of the scientist; it is the soul of the soul. Fascism, in short, is
not only the giver of laws and the founder of institutions, but the educator and
promoter of spiritual life. It wants to remake, not the forms of human life, but its
content, man, character, faith. And to this end it requires discipline and authority that
can enter into the spirits of men and there govern unopposed. Its sign, therefore, is
the Fasces, the symbol of unity, of strength and justice.”
William Mitford
NBU Education Officer
Constitution – New British Union
Chapter 1
(a) The name of this organisation is “New British Union”.
(b) The Party’s policy shall be determined by the principles and guidelines laid down
by the Directorship team and properly constituted Annual General Meeting (the
(c) Policy decisions taken at the Conference shall be binding unless revoked or
amended by subsequent Conferences.
The party hierarchy will be structured as follows:
(a) Members
(b) Division Officers
(c) District Officers
(d) National Officers
(e) Directorship team
(f) Leader
2.1 Details of Structure
(a) Membership shall be open to all those over the age of 16 and resident in The
United Kingdom of Great Britain irrespective of sex, class or creed.
(b) All members are subject to the Code of Conduct (Annex A).
(c) The safe keeping of Party membership lists will be the responsibility of all Officers.
The Leader and National Officers are empowered to refuse any individual membership
application deemed not to be in the interests of the party.
(d) Members should reflect and promote the true values of Oswald Mosley and the
British Union with truth, justice and integrity in all their endeavours.
2.2 Local Structures
(a) A “Unit” is an organisation of members within a “Division” where there exists a
suitable candidate to fulfil the role of local “Unit” Officer”.
(b) A “Division” is an organisation of members within a town where there exists a
suitable candidate to fulfil the role of local “Divisional Officer”.
(c) A “District” is an organisation of “Divisions” within a County where there exists a
suitable candidate to fulfil the role “District Officer”.
(d) All Divisions of the Party shall be run by “Officers” appointed by National/District
(c) National and District Officers are appointed/removed by the Leadership
2.3 National Structures
(a) The “Directorship team” is tasked with the direction of the Party and running all its
affairs. Its members shall consist of:
- Leader*
- Secretary
- National Officers representative/Treasurer*
- England National Officer
- Wales National Officer
- Scotland National Officer
- Ireland National Officer
- Nominations Officer/Policy Officer
- Head of security
* As registered officially with the Electoral Commission.
(b) All appointed National/District Officers can appoint new Division/Unit officials at
any time with the approval of the Leader.
(c) Appointed Officers may appoint or remove Division/Unit officers as they see fit for
the benefit of the Party, subject to the approval of the Leader
2.4 Party Officials
All Party officials and staff must be Party members. The Leader must ratify all such
2.5 The National Directorship team
The National Directorship Team (NDT) will consist of Leader, Secretary, National
Officers representative. treasurer, nominations, Policy, four National and security
The Leaders position on the NDT is in perpetuity and not subject to procedure.
The National Directorship Team’s task will be to act as a forum to address complaints,
grievances, to suggest ideas and to generally express the will of the organisation to
the Leader.
2.6 The Leader
The Leader of the Party is entrusted with guiding the political direction of the
movement in its day-to-day interactions with the public, media etc all with the aim of
increasing support.
2.7 Bank Account
An account in the name New British Union will be held. This will have two signatories,
withdraws etc. will require one signature only.
Changes to this Constitution may only be made by the National Directorship team at
All Party officials must bring breaches of the Code of Conduct to the attention of
Directorship team within two weeks of the breach occurring. All Division Officers have
the right to remove individuals that may bring New British Union into disrepute.
2.1 All Members and Party officials are obligated to treat all other Members and Party
officials with due courtesy and respect, even in the event of disagreement on
fundamental issues. All Members agree to abide by decision of the NDT.
2.2 All Members are under an obligation to always act in a way that will not bring the
party into disrepute. When attending meetings or Party functions uniform or a smart
business dress code always applies.
2.3 All Members are obligated to raise concerns on any aspect of Party activity or
behaviour in the correct hierarchal channels, either to local Officers, the NDT or the
Leader where there exists a suitable candidate to fulfil the role of local “Divisional
Officer” in that order.
2.4 The distribution, by any electronic or printed means, of dissatisfaction, allegations
of any sort, true or false, outside of the official channels, is expressly forbidden. No
material, which brings the party into disrepute, shall be distributed via any of these
2.5 All Party officials are entrusted with access to confidential information and any
unauthorised distribution of such material is an offence. The data protection laws
should be strictly adhered to at all times. Any breach may result in action being taken
by the authorities and the Party against those responsible with restitution and
damages sought in the case of any actions which are proven to have been in breach of
the Data Protection Act and/or has harmed or put our members, donors or supporters
at risk or has interfered with their privacy.
In my mind the ancient Romans were the greatest race of which the world has ever
boasted. Everything they preached they practiced. they never asked anyone to do a
thing they would not do themselves. it was their civilising of the world which brought
them into contact with less worthy races from whom they contracted habits which
induced their ruin. The reward of their elevating the whole human race was that they
fell by it.
The Romans of whom I speak did not constitute the whole Latin race. They were only
a section of it. they were a portion in whom a sense of responsibility and of the
majesty of each individual soul was dominant. They saw that for a man to perfect his
soul he must devote it to the service, not merely of others, but of future generations.
The pioneers who built Rome were numerically few, but all the same they visualised
clearly the mighty nation they were to become.
To be a Roman was not such a matter of where a man was born as of his attitude of
mind. You could be a perfect Roman citizen though you came from Gaul or Danube,
but if your spirit was not great and strong and your mind not broad and imperial in its
outlook, then, though you were born in the Capitol and your father was Consul,
nothing could make you a Roman.
The Romans were a class of enlightened and selfless thinkers, and their nationality in
the territorial sense did not matter. They took for their emblems an eagle to represent
the height of their aspirations, and the rods bound round the axe in token of how it
should fare with him who proved unworthy of those aspirations. NBU have adopted
those symbols along with the Flash and Circle of British Fascism, nothing to do with
racial nationalism, Nazism or national socialism. British Fascism has its own history, its
own heroes, its own policies and its own future.
Gary Raikes
Party Leader
Due to the growth of our movement the Leadership Team has been re-designated The
fascist council of ten.
The following officers have a seat on the council.
John Ryan - Head of security
Richard Payne - National Nominations Officer
Alek Sire - Homeland security Officer
Jack Jones - Head of NBU Youth
Chris Bacon - National Overseas Officer
David Foster - District Officer London
Clive Jones - National Officer England
Andrew Ferguson - National Officer Scotland
vacant - National Officer Wales
vacant - National Officer Ireland
Department of Homeland Security
Commanding Officer: Alek Sire
Welcome to the Department of Homeland
Security. Our function is to Protect, Serve,
and Enforce the laws of the United
Kingdom formed through Government.
Our department strives to ensure that the
UK gets a fair deal within the global arena
and that our homeland is secure. DOHS
is formed on the basis of our Four-PointPlan, covering Immigration, Security
Services, Counter-Terrorism, and Drug
Policies. The United Kingdom's security is
overseen by DOHS, and continues to
provide information and advice to our
Political Party.
The Department of Homeland Security
has four key divisions overseen by the
Commanding Officer, Alek Sire:
Immigration Assessment Board IAB
Security Service Agency SSA
Counter-Terrorism Unit CTU
Drug Agency Unit DAU
If you have the skills and the time,
we want to speak with you...
Head of Immigration
Head of Security Service Agency
Head of Counter-Terrorism Unit
Head of Drug Agency Unit
DOHS Policy Writer
DOHS Secretary
Are you in the Cambridge area?
If you live in, or near to Cambridge we
would like to speak with you.
We seek dedicated people to join the
Department of Homeland Security for
campaign programmes, awareness
strategy, and general administration.
Contact Alek if you feel you have the skills
and energy to be part of the DOHS
The Department of Homeland Security operates to 'mirror' that of the Home Office in
the United Kingdom. When the New British Union succeeds to become Government,
that's when positive change will be implemented. The DOHS continues to review
current affairs and implement policy for change into its structure. We have made great
steps to help Britain, to help Britain be strong again. Here's a quick view of change:
Immigration Assessment Board
1. To establish an Immigration Assessment Board to review all UK applicants
2. To ensure that those seeking access to Britain have:
a) the financial means to support themselves
b) that a British sponsor is provided (either work-based or personal)
c) a National medical insurance. This insurance will be issued by the UK only
d) Proof of housing will be required prior to entry to the UK, there will be no
social housing for Non-British Citizens, those wishing to remain in the UK
must prove that they have secured their own accommodation
e) There will be no recourse to public funds until a two-year threshold has
been reached, and that the migrant workers can demonstrate that they
have paid taxes for the last two years with no break in payments of tax
f) those applying to stay in the UK for longer than three months must
undertake a 'Patriot course' and there will be an exam applied in the
British Language only
g) there will be no more printing of government stationery into
foreign languages. Our message is simple, if you plan to stay in
Britain, you must be able to read, write, and speak English
Security Service Agency
1. The police and army shall be integrated and re-named SSA
(Security Service Agency). We shall see our great soldiers working
alongside our great Police officers. As one unit, and one voice, the
SSA will show a greater presence on our streets, within our
community and re-assure the public that they are safe, that
Britain will protect you and your family
Counter-Terrorism Unit
1. Our Counter-Terrorism Unit will have the powers
to remove illegal immigrants and those whom break our laws
within a 48 hour period. There will be no more lengthy stays
for people in immigration centres, nor the right of appeal which
would mean a lengthy stay
2. All terrorists currently being held in UK prisons shall be removed
from the UK and deported back to their own countries with a
permanent ban for re-entry in the UK. There should be no reason
why Britain should pay to keep foreign nationals whom have been
convicted of terrorism in our prisons
Drug Agency Unit
1. There will be the formation of a Drug Agency DA, to review
and amend all drug policies for Britain. There will be no more
clinical trials on animals.
2. All animals currently held in research laboratories will be removed
never to be repeated in our history, ever again
3. The introduction of complimentary therapy and treatments through
our National Health Service.
Alek Sire
Homeland Security
Commanding Officer
Membership is free, unlike all other political movements we are not after your hard
earned cash! We want your support and help in spreading the truth and giving hope to
our people. Send your name, district and email address to our membership Officer to receive regular updates and members monthly
Where we may differ on questions of mere party politics none can deny that today
hundreds of thousands of our fellow countrymen are denied the necessities of life,
while literally millions are denied the amenities. We can also agree that responsibility
for this rests with those who slavishly abide by a system, which by virtue of existing
conditions must be condemned as both incompetent and corrupt.
Who among us contemplating the ever-growing army of immigrants coming to Britain
can but agree that the old order must go, and that nothing short of a revolutionary
change is needed to give the people the country they demand. It is merely when we
approach the method and nature of the change that we find ourselves in opposing
camps. Yet the very fact of the existence of opposing camps serves to perpetuate the
evils we desire to abolish and it is only by fostering division and hatred among the
people that the system we all know to be rotten thrives.
Our core aims are the same but due to disunity can never be realised. The old
‘nationalist’ parties have had their day destroyed by infighting along with a lack of
both discipline and loyalty, banished to the very fringe of the political world. Forming
new parties is not the answer; it is the whole system that has to be challenged and
changed, and to do that we must build a movement to take our message to the
That movement is New British Union, disciplined, organised, dedicated, a movement
that understands the meaning of loyalty and honour, a movement that will succeed.
Gary Raikes