News Letter - New Friends of Northern Kentucky
News Letter - New Friends of Northern Kentucky
MARCH 2015 NEWS AND NOTES OF NEW FRIENDS WWW.N EWF RIENDS NKY.ORG NEWFRIENDSNKY@GMAIL.COM Hello Ladies, March came in like a lion, so I’m hoping the second half of that saying comes true: that it will go out like a lamb! What a great way to start off the second half of the New Friends year—a fashion show from DressBarn with our friend, Paulina Huff, and New Friends members struttin’ their stuff in the new Spring fashions. Look around today; do you see any new faces? Make sure they’re “New Friends” of yours before you leave. Sharon New Friends Board 2014-2015 President: Sharon Minton 817-0161 1st Vice President: Darlene Long 586-2446 Membership Chair: Debi Tierney 918-1377 2nd Vice President: Karen Martin 689-7243 Charity: Sandy McCrocklin 586-0638 Treasurer: Janet Wadsworth 746-3684 Publications: Ginger Novak 578-0860 Recording Secretary: Lynn Stockholm 468-8427 Historian: Mary Ann Jacobs 384-8042 Friendship Secretary: Kit LeRoux 442-5807 Head Caller: Karen Thibodaux 647-1359 586-9535 Webmaster and Advisory Committee: Connie Painter: Sharon Woford: 647-2417 Barb Rosen: Standing Committee: E-mail Contact: Maya Lavens 431-5005 525-6688 April Charity of the Month: Alzheimer's Association of Greater Cincinnati Founded in 1979,The Alzheimer's Association of Greater Cincinnati serves as a primary source of information, education, and support for more than 44,000 people affected by Alzheimer's disease or related dementias in 27 counties of Southern Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana. The majority of its services are free of charge. The Alzheimer’s Association is not associated with United Way and relies heavily on generous donations from individuals and corporations to fund their work. They are currently conducting a nationwide campaign to raise money for research to help eradicate this disease—the most expensive disease in our country today. *You can help them help others by bringing a generous financial donation to our April meeting. * *Remember to make your checks out to Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Cincinnati.* Luncheon and Meeting: April 1 $18.00 Twin Oaks Golf and Plantation Club 450 E. 43rd, Latonia, 41015 Plan to arrive between 10:30 and 10:45. Remember: Our host restaurants request that we do not arrive earlier. The staff is prepared to serve us only during the reserved time. It makes it so easy if you write a check! Contact for R.S.V.P. changes: Menu: Endless Salad Bar Pork Loin with Dressing~Salmon with Teriyaki Sauce Twice-Baked Potatoes Seasoned Mixed Vegetables Warm Rolls with Butter Egg-Shaped Decorated Cookies Coffee, Tea, and Soft Drinks Directions: 1-275 to exit #79 (Taylor Mill Road). Turn left at the top of the exit. Go down Hill on Route 16, turn right onto 40th Street (ba Value City). Follow 40th until it dead-ends at the fork in the road. Turn right, then immediately turn left onto 43rd Street. Club entrance is at the end of the street. In the event you wish to change information you gave your caller, please call Janet Wadsworth at 746-3684. NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON March 22. Leave a message if no one answers. If you neglect to inform Janet that you won’t be coming, you will be charged for your lunch. The club is required to pay for the lunches we reserve, and we have no choice but to pass that cost along to you. Mail $18.00 to Janet Wadsworth at 7053 Running Fox Court, Florence KY 41042. Janet must receive a check from non-members by the above date in Page 2 March Birthdays PROGRAMS INFORMATION Patti Hastings 4 Nancy Goodall 8 Debi Tierney 9 LaVeeda Allen 11 Pam Lewis 12 Kay McAlonan 13 Joan Ludnmann 15 Marianne Horgan16 Mary Ann Thistleton Marianne Barone Joan McAlonan Maureen Davern Rita Eilers Maureen Rich Karen Thibodaux 16 18 18 24 25 27 27 TODAY: Please welcome our favorite style show coordinator, Paulina Huff as she brings us the newest Spring ideas from Dress Barn! APRIL: “Springtime in Boone County” presented by another friend of our club, Briget Striker, from the Boone County Library. Because of unsafe driving conditions on Feb. 16, the New Friends Board did not meet to discuss the budget which was to be presented to the membership today. Fingers are crossed that we will get this task accomplished in March! Correspondence Sympathy The family of longtime member, Louise Feeny. Carol Billington, who lost her son-in-law recently. Do you know of a New Friend who could use a special note? Call our Friendship Secretary, Kit LeRoux at442-5807 May you have… Enough happiness to keep you sweet. Enough trials to keep you strong. Enough sorrow to keep you human. Enough hope to keep you happy. Enough failure to keep you humble. Enough success to keep you eager. Enough friends to give you comfort. Enough wealth to meet your needs. Enough enthusiasm to look forward. Enough faith to banish depression. Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday. Happy birthday to you, Kay McAlonan, as you turn 100! Grab a pen—we have some additions to our directory! NEW MEMBER: NEW ADDRESS: Jan Bowling Sandy McCrocklin, David 871 Mt. Zion Road 1001 Woodsedge Drive Florence KY 41042 Erlanger, KY 41018 283-2607, cell 462-2607 January 7
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