HTBackup -‐ Essbase and Planning Hot Backup


HTBackup -‐ Essbase and Planning Hot Backup
 HTBackup Data Security Services HTBackup -­‐ Essbase and Planning Hot Backup KEY B ENEFITS •
Time Savings: HTBackup once configured, will perform all the hot backups automatically, freeing your administrators to perform other day-­‐
to-­‐day tasks. •
Stay Online: more application stops, archive or No maintenance mode to backup your Essbase and Planning applications. Users can perform their daily tasks such as run calculations, business rules, input data and others while your backup is taken. •
Essbase Performance: HTBackup was designed in a way that backups will not impact your cubes performance ESSENTIALS •
Backup more often •
Reduces backup windows to 0 Ideal for protecting your Hyperion financial applications Secure backup Works on both, BSO and ASO Works on any Essbase and Planning version Companies are moving to next-­‐generation backup and recovery as a result of exponential data growth, regulatory compliance, increased service-­‐level agreements and shrinking backup windows. The IT team faces additional challenges brought on by growing finance functions and their needs to reliable and high available data. THE PROBLEM Imagine your Finance team is working hard to get your quarter-­‐end closed, have all the data into Hyperion and have it all calculated as well as have the Financial Reports printed out and the system suddenly stops working. You call your IT department to get more information on what is happening and you hear: “I’m sorry but your Essbase/Planning application is facing issues and we will have to restore the data from the last backup we have” (which is usually 1 day old or more and it take hours to be restore!). Or even worse, imagine that someone in your team runs a calculation that shouldn’t be executed at that time and your Planning & Budgeting data is all wrong or a calculation is not well designed and miscalculate all your Forecast. You would have to call your IT and ask them to restore the data backup, which could take hours. How would you face this situation, having to let your team know that they might have lost an entire day or week of work and will have to re-­‐do it again? THE BASIC SOLUTION The only technique that Oracle provides, forces you to stop your Essbase/Planning application in order to take good backups of the data, or it forces you to put your application into “Archive Mode”. Either way, your application is not going to be available for use during backup, your Finance team will not be able to input their data, will not be able to run their Calculations and Business Rules and so on and because of that, you can’t backup your data often. Specially for environments that are heavily used or operated by finance teams in different time-­‐zones, having the Hyperion applications stopped for hours could heavily impact performance and Financial Closures due dates when one of these basic solutions are used. HTBase Technology and Security 140 Yonge St Toronto – ON Canada CHALLENGES These are some of the current challenges companies that uses Hyperion Essbase and are facing: Planning •
of data protection Lack Business still impacted by failures and times for IT tasks down •
No major improvements in performance when regular techniques are used •
Time-­‐to-­‐recover becomes prohibitive •
Backups performance with less frequency Administrator’s time spent on non-­‐
value add backup/restore tasks Now the real challenge is: Have you tried to tell your CFO that you Hyperion Planning and Essbase have lost Financial Data because you don’t have a reliable Hyperion Backup tool and that his team will have to redo all the work? That’s the real challenge! OUR SOLUTION HTBase has introduced to the EPM market the first and only Hot Backup solution for your Hyperion Essbase and Planning applications. Through our solutions, your Finance department will no longer be impacted by IT tasks such as Data Backup. Since it runs on the background, your team will continue to work as usual, but now without the down times for the day-­‐to-­‐day IT activities. Out of that, when you have HTBase’s solution in place, you know that your data is being backed up every minute, so if anything goes wrong, your IT department can easily roll back the data from a minute ago and your team will continue to work without being impacted by issues related to the applications or infrastructure. Nowadays companies are realizing that they need to have their Financial Data protected since it’s crucial for business successes so don’t let your Business and Data run unprotected! Here is what your architecture will look like with HTBackup: Comparison between HTBackup and regular Essbase and Planning Backup on a Business User point of view: Web Sales i nquiry How to buy LET’S GET STARTED To learn more about solutions that deliver unmatched simplicity and value contact your HTBase representative or visit to jump-­‐start your strategy and savings today. Phone 696-­‐7857 +1 (866) Other contact information HTBase Technology and Security 140 Yonge St Toronto – ON Canada