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Klimov A., Grigorenko A., Efimov A., Sidorenko M.,Soloviev A., Tolkunov B., Evstigneev N., Ryabkov O.
Limited Liability Company ”New Inflow”
Artificial stable microwave (MW) plasmoid was obtained and studied by Kapitsa P. in swirl gas flow at the first time [1].
Physical properties of a longitudinal heterogeneous plasmoid (plasma formation with erosive nano-clusters) created by capacity
coupled high-frequency (HF) discharge in high-speed swirl flow have been studied in our works in details. This work is continuation of previous ones [2] – [4] and others. It was obtained that there is extra power release in heterogeneous plasmoid created
by combined discharge. The measured COP in this plasmoid was about 2 ÷ 10. We suppose that this extra power release in
heterogeneous plasmoid is connected with LENR. The obtained experimental results (COP, optical spectra, soft X-ray spectra,
chemical composition of dusty particles) prove our suggestion.
Figure 6: High-Speed Video Frames of Heterogeneous Plasmoid.
Main Ideas. Our approach to LENR.
X-Radiation from Heterogeneous Plasmoid
• Heterogeneous vortex plasmoid (plasma+ metal nano-clusters) [Klimov A.]
• Resonance between plasma electron matter waves and nano-cluster diameter (or surface plasmon- EM wave
resonance). [Klimov A., Magnitskii N.]
• Creation of low momentum neutron-like particles . [Magnitskii N.]
• Interaction of low momentum neutron-like particle flux with condensed matter. [Evstigneev N.]
Experimental set up: Plasmoid Vortex Reactors
Main Tasks of this work are the followings:
1. Creation of plasmoid vortex reactor (PVR) with high value of COP.
2. Creation of theoretical physical model of LENR in PVR.
Characteristics and parameters of PVR:
1. Mean extra power output 1 ÷ 10 kW
4. Mass gas flow < 10 G/s
2. COP= 2 ÷ 10
5. Combined discharge HF+DC
3. Testing gas mixture H2O : Ar
6. Mean power input 0.1 ÷ 1 kW
Spectrometer X-123SDD records soft X radiation (0.1 ÷ 30 keV) in heterogeneous plasmoid. X-receiver is arranged at different cross sections of PVR testing section and cross sections behind nozzle at L = 1 ÷ 100 cm
from it.
• Heterogeneous plasmoid behind PVR nozzle is γ-radioactive. Soft X-radiation 100 ÷ 10000 eV from this
plasmoid. X-radiation decrement is very small (radiation intensity decrease is about 20% at L = 100 cm).
• The main pike E1 = 1.3 keV in X-spectrum is closed to quantum energy of Kα1 aluminum line EAl =
1.487 keV and Kα1 magnesium line EM g = 1.254 keV.
• Additional pikes are located at range up to 10 keV. The pike E2 = 4 ÷ 4.6 keV corresponds to sum of resonant
T i, V, Cr lines.
• It is revealed that maximal value of COP is realized at maximal X - radiation from plasmoid namely.
Measurements of X-Radiation from Heterogeneous Plasmoid in PVR
Figure 7: X- Radiation from Heterogeneous Plasma Figure 8: Spatial Evolution of X - Spectra from Hetin PVR. The combined discharge (DC+HF), a mean power - erogeneous Plasma in PVR.
500W, the hot electrode cathode.
Transmutation of Chemical Elements in Heterogeneous Plasmoid
Figure 1: Underwater PWR colorimetry and PWR coaxial gas flow.1 - Tesla HF generator; 2 - swirl generator; 3 - anode;
4 - nozzle-cathode; 5 - ejector; 6 - flow meter.
Heterogeneous Metal Nano-Cluster Plasmoid In Swirl Flow
There is chemical element transmutation in heterogeneous plasmoid. Results obtained by optical spectroscopy,
ion mass spectroscopy, X – spectroscopy and α – spectroscopy prove our suggestion about transmutation.
Typical results on chemical element transmutation are shown in the figures. These results are obtained by ion
mass spectroscopy. Note that dusty particle composition is the following: N i ∼ 15%, Si ∼ 50%, F e ∼ 9%,
Cu ∼ 5%. Remember that initial composition of N i-electrode is the following: N i − 99.99%.
There is also considerable composition change of exposed electrode surface also. The concentrations of the following chemical elements N a, Al, Cu, Cr, M n, M g, Si, F e are increased considerably on the electrode surface.
Si N i F e C Al Cu Co K M g
Atom, % 50 14.7 8.9 8.8 6.2 5.1 1.8 1.3 0.4
Mol, % 31 19.2 10.9 2.3 4.7 7.2 2.4 1.1 0.2
Table 1: Dusty particle composition in PVR.
Figure 9: Ion mass spectrometry of N i-electrodes. Initial elec- Ion Mass spectroscopy analysis. N i-electrodes
trode; activated electrode (surface); exposed electrode (under surface).
Figure 2: Combined Discharge: HFD+ PRD. Gas mix- Figure 3: PVR. Mixture H2O : Ar = 4 : 1. K ≥ 10
ture Ar : H2O = 10 : 1. Axial velocity Vx is closed tangential
velocity Vt: Vx ∼ Vt ∼ 30 m/s, Pst ∼ 1.5 Bar. 1 - swirl generator;
2 - water steam injector; 3 - erosive metal clusters; 4 - cathode.
Optical Spectrum of Heterogeneous Plasmoid
Swirl flow. Tangential velocity Vt ∼ Vz ∼ 30m/s.
Te ∼ 6000 − 7000 K;TR ∼ 2300 K; T b ∼ 2000 K.
Te >> Tb, TR
Main Results
1. Parameters of the heterogeneous non-equilibrium plasma are measured in the experimental set up PVR.
An electronic temperature estimated by processing of the optical spectra is about Te ∼ 6000 ÷ 7000K.
Planks temperature estimated by the continuous cluster spectrum is about Tb ∼ 2000K. A rotational
temperature estimated by the molecular band of AlO is about TR 2300K (aluminum electrodes are used
in the experiment). So, it is revealed that there is non-equilibrium heterogeneous plasma in the swirl
flow: Te >> Tb, TR. According our opinion LERN in nano-cluster plasmoid may be connected with
extra energy release in the PVR.
2. It is revealed that the heterogeneous non-equilibrium plasmoid is an intensive source of soft X - radiation of 1 ÷ 10 keV quantum energy.
3. There is transmutation of chemical elements in heterogeneous nano-cluster plasmoid. This conclusion
is proved by different diagnostic methods, namely: optic spectroscopy, ion mass spectroscopy, X - radiation spectroscopy, α - spectroscopy.
4. COP = 2 ÷ 10 is measured in PVR. Estimation of specific energy of ”N i − H fuel” is about 1KeV/atom.
[1] Kapitsa P., ”Free plasma filament in high frequency field at high pressure”, Zhur. Exp. Teoret. Fiz. vol. 57, no. 6, pp.18011866,
[2] Klimov A., ”Vortex Plasmoids Created by High-Frequency Discharges”, Atmosphere and Ionosphere: Dynamics, Processes,
Monitoring, Springer, Berlin, pp.251-273, 2012.
Figure 4: Non-stable plasmoid.
Figure 5: Stable plasmoid → total H2 absorption.
[3] Klimov A., Evstigneev N., Moralev I., et.al., Vortex Control by Combined Electric Discharge Plasma, AIAA Paper 2013-1046,
51th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, Texas, 2013, P.15
[4] Klimov A., Calorimetric Measurements in Vortex, Proc. 12th Conf. CNTCE, M. 2005, p.246
Nano-Cluster Metal-Hydrogen Fuel
Specific heat power of ”nano-cluster fuel”.
Metal Flow Rate in PVR: δM ' 10−3g/s ⇒ δN ' 1019atoms/s.
Extra power output in PVR: δP ' 3kW .
Specific heat power of ”nano-cluster fuel”: Q = δP/δN = 103eV /atom .
[5] Patent application RU (11) 2014111562, accepted.
This work is supported by limited liability company New Inflow. We thank Mr. V. Avdeychik, Mr. O. Grebenkin,
prof. F. Zaitsev, prof. N. Magnitskii, for interest to this Work and fruitful discussions.