Sunday Bulletin - New Life Dresher Church


Sunday Bulletin - New Life Dresher Church
New Life Presbyterian Church
Serge Gibraltar Team Partnership
Alpha Pregnancy Services
Bethany Christian Services
Eastern PA Presbytery Church Planting
Presbyterian Church in America
Whosoever Gospel Mission (Resurrection Offering)
ESL (Resurrection Offering)
International Justice Mission (Resurrection Offering)
Hunting Park Christian Academy (Resurrection Offering)
Children’s Jubilee Fund (Resurrection Offering)
Medical Ministry Int’l (Resurrection Offering)
Kianga Kids (Resurrection Offering)
David and Debra Almack, Philadelphia, CLC Int’l
Eric and Karen Brauer, Europe, Serge
John and Sue Burch, Atlanta, Mission to the World
Robert and Lois Carr, Philadelphia, Mission to N. America
Tom and Jan Courtney, Europe, Solas
Richard and Robyn Crane, Florida, Mission to the World
Ellen Dykas, Philadelphia, Harvest USA
Jon and Tracy Eide, HMA, Mission to the World
Meredith and Sandy Elder, Philadelphia, Serge
John and Caroline Findley, Phila. Metro Church Planting
Jodee Fortner, Peru, Medical Mission Int’l—Canada
Dan and Gini Herron, Spain, Serge
Mike and Judy Hollenbach, Easton, Bridge Community
Andrew and Mary King, Penn State University, Intervarsity
Steve and Jessica Lutz, Penn State University, Converge
Jeff and Jodie McMullen, Philadelphia, Serge
Rose Marie Miller, England, Serge
Tom and Lisa Seelinger, North Carolina, MTW
David and Eowyn Stoddard, Berlin, Mission to the World
In addition, NLD maintains a presence in N. Africa
Dave Fischer
Rob Radcliff
Dave Frearson **
Paul Thress *
Brian Gill **
Ed Wright
Rich Knudsen
Randy Yardumian
Scott Lauer
Pam Baird
Donna McLaughlin **
Julie Courtney**
Janet Snyder *
Dyan Fischer
Maryanne Soper
Patti Kane
Kelly Yardumian
Ron Lutz, Pastor
Joshua Earman, Assistant Pastor
Anthony Gammage, Assistant Pastor
Women’s Ministries
Annie Notary, Coordinator
Children’s Ministries
Debbie Leonard, Director
Beth Anne Lesshafft, Assistant
Presbyterian Church of Dresher
Student Ministries
Todd Hill, Director
Jacob Lee, Assistant
May 17, 2015
Tim Gorbey, Coordinator
Joyce Johnson, Coordinator
Outreach Partner
Laurel Kehl
Michael Todd, Treasurer
Ward Shope, Church Administrator
Carol Rhodes, Secretary
Fae Hicks, Secretary
Andrew Bors, Communication Specialist
Prelude: Shout Hosanna
Call to Worship: Psalm 100
He Has Made Me Glad
Trading My Sorrows
Here Is Love—Grace Takes My Sin
Scripture Reading: Psalm 130
Dave Almack
Jeff Nitz
Sam Chez
Bill Parr
Joe Johnson
Don Beebe
Jeff McMullen
Meredith Elder *
Paul MacQueen
Keith Humphreys
Ward Shope *
Don Joos
Dave Solt
Justin King *
Keith Soper
Kevin Krasinski
Jim Baird
Jeff Stark
Currently on Sabbatical *
Currently on Extended Leave **
Church Office: 215-641-1100 Fax: 215-641-1107
New Life Church, 2015 S. Limekiln Pike, Dresher, PA 19025
New Life is a local church of the Presbyterian Church in America.
Song of Confession
I Shall Not Want
Assurance of Pardon: Psalm 32:5
Children Dismissed
Jesus Paid It All
Congregational Prayer
Missions Moment: Tim and Kate Gorbey
Sermon: “Forgiven and Forgiving“, Ron Lutz , preaching
General Offering
Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin
Please silence your cellular phones during the service.
New Life News
Forgiveness is hard. Why? When someone wrongs us we may want
them to experience the same pain we feel when hurt by them. To
forgive may seem like they are getting away with something. What
if you are the one who offends? Then you hope for forgiveness and
grace. This morning we continue to focus on what is traditionally
called "The Lord's Prayer" which Jesus taught his disciples to pray. In
the prayer, the line "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors",
teaching us our forgiveness of others is rooted in God's forgiveness
of us.
If you are visiting today we are glad you are here! Whether you
come with questions and curiosity about Christianity or are looking
for a church to call home we would like to get to know
you. Come by the info desk in the lobby to get more information
about New Life, ways to get connected to our community, and to
learn more about the many opportunities to grow in your Christian
Stand for Freedom: In the lobby today, you can learn more about this
awareness event and about a petition you can sign to promote the end of
modern-day slavery and sexual trafficking. The event is open to all on Friday,
May 29 from 4-midnight in the parking lot of our sister church, New Life
Glenside. For more information contact Larry Ackley or Todd Hill.
Blood Drive. New Life hosts the semi-annual Red Cross Blood Drive on
Friday, May 29 from 1:30-7pm. In November we donated 87 pints. One hour,
one pint saves 3 lives. See Deb Leonard to make appointment;
Save the Date! Men’s Retreat, November 13-15.
Women’s Prayer Group: The prayer group is cancelled for this Saturday.
Men’s Bible Study: We meet each Wednesday from 6-7:15am. Bring your
own coffee or other beverage, and study the Word of God with us. We read,
discuss, share and pray for each other. Contact Don Joos for more info.
Combined Worship/Picnic
May 24 at 10am
Worship Celebration
8:30 and 11:10am
“Forgiven and Forgiving”
Matthew 6:9-15
Ron Lutz, preaching
Erin Amann, worship
Matt Notary, prayer 8:30 service
Andrew Colpitts, prayer 11:10 service
Children’s Church at 8:30 and 11:10
Nursery care for infants and
toddlers is available throughout
the morning.
Children's Church is available after the
singing portion of worship. Children will
be dismissed to their classrooms at the
appropriate time. Please escort your
child to their classroom, and pick them
up promptly after the service.
Room 202: Infants-12 months
Room 201: 12-24 months
Room 208: New Mom’s Room
Room 203: 2 and 3 year old
Room 204: 4 and 5 year old
Room 206: K through 2nd Grade
There will be a combined worship service
followed by an all-church picnic next Sunday, May 24.
As a fund-raiser, the Granada Team will be
selling lunches after the service for a donation.
General Offering Stats as of May 10, 2015
New Life News
School of discipleship
Children’s Ministries
School of Discipleship for Children - 10:00-10:55am
Kids clubs end of year picnic is today from 4-6pm here at church. Please
RSVP to if coming so we can plan food.
Kids Clubs will be back September 13th!
Room 203
Room 205
Room 204
Room 206
Room 302
2 Year Olds
3 Year Olds
4 and 5’s
Grade 1
Room 301
Room 305
No Class
No Class
Room 207
Grades 2 and 3
Grades 4 and 5
Junior High (6-8)
Senior High (9-12)
Special Needs (11:10)
School of Discipleship Hour 10:00-10:55am
TODAY! No Sunday School or Youth Group.
Sunday 5/24 is the deadline for turning in Easton Applications.
Applications can be found on the church website.
Sharing Our Faith
Room 306
The Structure of Society
Room 102
Welcome to New Life Class
Room 304
Friday, 5/29 The youth will be participating in a Stand for Freedom event at
New Life Glenside from 4 p.m. to Midnight. We will be bringing awareness
to human trafficking and slavery that exists in our world today. All are
welcome to join us!
All-Church Nursery Rotation
Early—Terri Burke, Chuck Smalley, Julia
Pearson, Jill DePoy, Stacie Runion
Middle—Holly Tuttle, Paul MacQueen,
Jaime Standen, Kim King
NEXT WEEK– Combined at
Donna Stark, Michael Kantor,
Carly Johnson
Calendar of Events
Home Groups meet throughout the week
Tuesday, 7-10pm
Crossroads (Young Adult)
Wednesday, 9:15-11am
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Prayer Group—Cancelled
Combined Worship/Picnic
May 24: Joshua Earman, preaching
Joyce Johnson, worship
May 29: Blood Drive
May 31: Town Meeting at 10am
Late—Trish Confer, Susan Geiger,
Mercer Geiger, Tracy Eide, Natalie Eide
For a full calendar, visit our website at
Sermon Notes
New Life News
“Forgiven and Forgiving”
Ron Lutz, preaching
Matthew 6:9-15
Prayer Focus—Tim and Kate Gorbey
May 17, 2015
Tim and Kate Gorbey will be doing a summer internship with Serge in
Granada, Spain.
Prayer requests before they leave:
That God would give us peace during our last week before we go and that
we would not be ruled by anxiety.
That Kate's final week at her job would be a blessing and that her coworkers would see Christ in her.
That God would bring all of the last minute details together for our pet,
our finances and our travel.
Prayer requests in Spain:
That we would get to reconnect with lots of friends in Spain who don't yet
know Jesus and have the opportunity to share the gospel with them.
That our language learning would go really well - we're nervous!
That God would really speak to us about where He is leading us during
our time in Spain.
Bethany 5K Run-1K Walk is on Saturday, June 6. Mark your calendar and
put on your shoes to help make this a world in which every child has a loving
family. The event will take place at Fort Washington State Park. For more
information and to register, go to:
New Life is a partner with Bethany Christian Services.
Prayer of Belief: Lord Jesus Christ, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I
ever before believed, but, through you, I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared
hope. I thank you for paying my debt, bearing my punishment and offering
forgiveness. I turn from my sins and receive you as Savior. Amen.