Marksheet Data Entry for KS1 and KS2 Teachers Using SIMS
Marksheet Data Entry for KS1 and KS2 Teachers Using SIMS
Marksheet Data Entry for Teachers Using SIMS Key Stage 1 From within SIMS click on Focus | Assessment | Marksheet Entry Find and select the relevant marksheet for the group that you want to enter the results for. There are 5 Key Stage 1 marksheets for 2015: KS1 A. Teacher Assessments 2015 This marksheet allows for the entry of teacher assessments in each of the core subjects. KS1 B. P Scale Data Entry 2015 These are used to record the performance of children where they are working below Level 1 (i.e. level W) of the National Curriculum. P Scales can be recorded in English, Mathematics and Science. KS1 C. Test Outcomes (Optional) 2015 This allows entry of test scores that supported the Teacher Assessments. It is not mandatory to fill this in. KS1 D. Broadsheet (Review) 2015 This is a read-only marksheet and will display all the results for each pupil entered through Marksheets A, B and C. KS1 E. Average Point Score Calculator This is a read-only marksheet that displays the TA results for Reading, Writing and Maths. Click on Calculate to generate the average point score at KS1 for each pupil. To enter Teacher Assessments, select the KS1 A. Teacher Assessment 2015 marksheet eg: KS1 A. Teacher Assessment 2015: Year 2 KS1 A. Teacher Assessment 2015: 2GH (example of a Registration Group). Remember to Save. Results need to be entered into the data entry columns. You only need to enter data for the white data entry columns. The grey ones are read only formulae columns that will have the data automatically entered when you Save the marksheet. There should be no omissions. TIP: Right click in the grey headed column and choose Select Grade for Cell. A screen will display all the relevant grades for that column and you can double click on a grade for a pupil and will then be moved down to the next pupil. Click Close when you have finished. Where there are missing entries, you will be alerted by the text in the final column. Right clicking in the grey headed column and ordering this row in descending order will bring the failed rows to the top of the marksheet. Complete the data entry for these omissions and Save to validate the results. REMEMBER: If you have entered any W (working towards) marks on the KS1 A. Teacher Assessments 2015 marksheet, you will need to enter P Scale marks on the KS1 B. P Scale Data Entry 2015 marksheet as indicated below. To enter P Scales, select the KS1 B. P Scale Data Entry 2015 marksheet eg: KS1 B. P Scale Data Entry 2015: Year 2 KS1 B. P Scale Data Entry 2015: 2GH (example of a Registration Group). P Scales must be entered where a W have been recorded on the previous marksheet Key Stage 2 Following the processes described above for Key Stage 1: From within SIMS click on Focus | Assessment | Marksheet Entry Find and select the relevant marksheet for the group that you want to enter the results for. There are 5 Key Stage 2 marksheets for 2015. To enter Teacher Assessments, select the KS2 A. Teacher Assessment 2015 marksheet eg: KS2 A. Teacher Assessment 2015: Year 6 KS2 A. Teacher Assessment 2015: 6VC (example of a Registration Group). KS2 A. All Subjects TAs 2015 This Marksheet can be used to enter the detailed outcomes of Teacher Assessments in English, Maths, and Science at Key Stage 2 in 2015. Enter the results into the white columns and click on 'Calculate'. This will generate the aggregated subject scores for each subject and indicate where results are missing. Click on 'Save' to store what you have done. This also validates the data entry. NOTE: It is recommended that more detailed information on a child's attainment should be provided to parents and secondary schools and that schools should provide information to parents on the component parts of each subject (that is to say for each attainment level). The KS2 A. all subjects TAs 2015 marksheet provides the format for this level of data to be recorded and is included in the report. KS2 B. Minimum Subject TAs 2015 Allows entry of scores for the English attainment targets and the overall levels only for Maths and Science creates validated results and ensures no pupils are missed. REMEMBER: If you have entered any W (working towards) marks on the KS2 A. All subject TAs 2015 or KS2 B. Minimum Subject TAs 2015 marksheets, you will need to enter P Scale marks on the KS2 C. P Scale Data Entry 2015 marksheet as indicated below. KS2 C. P Scale Data Entry 2015 This Marksheet enables you to enter a P Scale assessment for students who are still working towards Level 1 in English, Maths, or Science. KS2 D. Test Summary Data Entry 2015 This allows the school to record test results once they are received from the marking agency. The results can be entered manually or imported. Note: these marks are not included in the student report. KS2 E. En Test Results Data Entry 2015 This Marksheet can be used to enter the detailed English results returned on paper by the Marking Agency. It covers externally marked English tests at Key Stage 2 for England in 2015. To enter only the essential Test Results for the students' individual reports, you should use the Marksheet "KS2 D. Test Summary Data 2015" KS2 F. Ma Test Results Data Entry 2015 This allows the recording of marks and levels from the Mathematics Tests. This Marksheet can be used to enter the detailed Maths results returned on paper by the Marking Agency. It covers externally marked Maths tests at Key Stage 2 for England in 2015. To enter only the essential Test Results for the students' individual reports, you should use the Marksheet "KS2 D. Test Summary Data 2015" KS2 G. Broadsheet Review 2015 Will display the results entered on the other Marksheets. Results cannot be entered here. NOTE: Statutory end of KS2 test results and externally marked level 6 test results should be available in an electronic format and may be used to import results directly into SIMS to populate the Key Stage 2 Wizard 2015. Local authorities and schools will only be able to access Key Stage 2 results via NCA tools ( they will no longer be available as e-results from the Key to success website. For support using NCA tools, contact the National Curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013, email or typetalk 18001 0370 000 2288.