May Newsletter - Newtown Middle School


May Newsletter - Newtown Middle School
May 2015
Special Points of Interest:
 Opus Optima—page 8
 Teen Adventure Camp—page 9
 Typing Tutorial—page 12
Principal’s Corner
A message from Thomas Einhorn, Principal, Newtown Middle
The Lion’s Roar
Happy May!!!
Our eighth graders have just
returned from their 3-day,
2-night trip to Washington, D.C.,
which is one of the culminating
experiences of their middle
school years. I had the privilege
of accompanying our students to
Washington, D.C. and we all were
so incredibly proud of our
students. I also want to take
this opportunity to thank our
parent and teacher chaperones,
you are the greatest!! Our
eighth graders have already
completed their high school
scheduling process for next
year. Their exciting moving-up
ceremony has just been
scheduled for Monday evening,
June 15th, at the O’Neill Center,
Western Connecticut State
University. Bands, choirs, and
orchestras are performing their
final concerts for this school
year later this month. The sixth
graders at Reed Intermediate
are beginning the transition
process by indicating their world
language preference of either
Spanish or French, and their
music choice. They have come
for visits with us to begin their
middle school years, while their
parents joined us for an
introductory evening focusing on
all aspects of middle school life.
So much learning has happened
this year; so many relationships
have been formed and deepened.
These are endings to rejoice
over, beginnings to build upon.
Thank you, parents, for the vital
part you play! Our kids-in-themiddle are the greatest!
Tom Einhorn, Principal
Assistant Principal News
Pages 2-3
Student Council News
Pages 5-6
Student Base Health Cntr
Newtown Prevention
Page 7
Page 12
Page 2
Assistant Principal’s Corner
By James Ross, Assistant Principal
Standardized Testing
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: The Smarter Balanced Assessment
System will give parents and students more accurate and actionable information
about what students are learning. Because these assessments are computer
adaptive, they will also provide better information about the needs and successes of
individual students. These next-generation assessments are aligned to the Common
Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts/literacy and mathematics for
grades 3-8 and 11. 7th and 8th grade students will participate in the SBAC Test.
Parents: To assist your child with the SBAC test, please explore the practice and
training tests provided on the SBAC webpage. Use the URL below for more
information and to access these tests.
Testing Schedule:
April 27th – May 29th
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Testing Tips:
Get a good night sleep
Eat a balanced breakfast the morning of the test
Do your best and don’t be anxious
Bring a water bottle
Remember your test taking strategies
Page 3
Assistant Principal’s Corner
By James Ross, Assistant Principal
Newtown Rotary Club Students of the Month
April, 2015 Rotary Winners
Newtown Middle School
8th Grade—Luke L.
Eight Green is delighted to present Luke L. for Rotary recognition for April 2015. This year, Luke has
really started to come into his own. In addition to his school work, he plays baseball and is a lifelong
member of the Boy Scouts. He enjoys all aspects of Scouting, but particularly loves the monthly camp
outs, which take place year round.
Luke's teachers are especially proud of his academic growth and maturity. Eighth grade can be a
difficult year, but Luke has demonstrated a willingness to meet his challenges and to grow as a young
man. We have watched his decision-making and self-advocacy skills mature over this past year, and
we are proud to nominate him as our Rotary Student of the Month.
Congratulations Luke!
7th Grade—Hannah Groonell
It is with great pleasure to highly recommend Hannah G. for the Cluster Seven Orange Rotary Award.
As Hannah’s cluster teachers during the 2014-2015 school year, we have witnessed her growth and
developing potential to become a student of excellence. Hannah’s enthusiasm, artistic ability, and love
of learning make her an ideal candidate for the Rotary Award.
Hannah is extremely enthusiastic and is dedicated to becoming an exceptional student. She has great
compassion for her studies allowing her not only to become an effective student but a dynamic leader
as well. Hannah readily volunteers to lead group discussions and coordinate group activities, such as
her historical weekly group writing challenges and book talks. This exuberance draws fellow students
in and gets them excited to try new things and take risks in the learning process.
Hannah’s artistic ability allows her to enrich her learning to create exquisite applications of
understanding in her four cluster classes, such as her qualitative and quantitative poster in science,
Road to Revolution timeline in social studies, and countless other homework, classwork, and project
assignments she receives.
Hannah’s love of learning pushes her to actively participate in premier Newtown soccer and a travel
lacrosse team. She participates in community activities such as bringing cluster students together for
PAW or teambuilding activities. This willingness to try new techniques and give back to the community
was evident to her fellow students, making Hannah a mentor and role model.
As Hannah’s cluster teachers, there is no doubt in our mind that Hannah G. has the drive, dedication,
and positive attitude for the Rotary Award. She is far and away one of the best students we have
worked with.
Congratulations Hannah!
Page 4
Counseling Office News
Counselors: L. Allen, T. Broccolo, S. Connelly, and K., MacKinney
On April 22, 23, and 24th we had the pleasure of welcoming the 6th grade
students from Reed Intermediate School for an orientation. We had a great
turn out and even had students from private schools in the area participate. Ms.
Volpacchio also had two helpers for her Family & Consumer Science rotation on
Wednesday and we want to say a special “thank you” to Ashleigh G. and Miles R.
for their assistance. We had several current 7th grade students that were
asked to be tour guides for the three days. They were nominated by their
teachers as students who would be able to miss some class and maintain their
grades as well as be lively and excited as they presented information to our
guests. At the last minute, we asked these students to also become “experts”
and answer questions that the 6th graders had and provide answers to
frequently asked questions. These tour guides were truly experts and handled
themselves so well. They were able to answer questions honestly, easily, and
appropriately. They made us proud of how articulate and helpful they were in
the dealings with the 6th grade classes. We would like to thank our helpers for
the fabulous job they did representing Newtown Middle School.
Thanks to
Natalie B., Angela C., Julliette C., Sam E., Kylie G., Natalie H., Daniel I., Rick I.,
Devin J., Julia K., Jack K., Caroline M., Kiera O., Colton P., Shilin R., Martha S.,
Emma S., Luke S., & EJ W.
We have truly remarkable students!
Please mark your calendars for our May 14th meeting
at 6:00 p.m. in the Newtown Middle School
auditorium. We will go over final plans, times, hotel
information and behavior expectations. I will be collecting
both a copy and the original birth certificate or passport of your
student at this meeting.
Quebec Trip departs from Newtown Middle School on Friday May 22, 2015 at
6:00 a.m.
Page 5
Student Council News
Advisor: Nadia Papalia
Our spring beautification is
scheduled for Monday, May 4
from 2:00 to 3:15; the rain date
is Tuesday, May 5. If you are interested in
donating time and/or new
plantings to help beautify our
school, please contact Ms.
Papalia at
Staff Appreciation Week
begins on Monday, May 4. Our
Student Council members have
planned many
gestures for
our staff.
Please feel
free to send
your own
messages of appreciation.
Our 8th Grade Dinner Dance will be held
on Friday June 12, from 6:30pm to
9:30pm in the Reed Intermediate
School cafetorium.
8th grade parents, if you are interested in
helping to decorate for the dance, please
contact the PTA’s 8th Grade Dance cochairs, Vicky Ricks at, or Janet
Swierbut at
The $25 tickets will be on sale in
homerooms from Monday, May 18
through Friday, May 22. Although cash
is accepted, checks are preferred and
should be made out to Newtown Middle
School with “Student Council” noted in
the memo section. Tickets must be
purchased the week of May 18, as there
will be no tickets sold the days just before
the dance or at the dance.
Students’ attire should be appropriate
dress (please refer to the online
student handbook) and should not
include tuxedos, jeans, t-shirts, strapless
or backless dresses, dresses with bare
midriffs, long dresses (below calf length),
or formal prom gowns.
Please note:
students attending the dance must be in
school for the full day on June 12. There
will be no early dismissals for hair or
nail appointments; please make them
for Thursday or after 2:00 on Friday.
Student Council News (cont’d)
Advisor: Nadia Papalia
Our final turn-in for this year’s General Mills Box Tops fundraiser is
scheduled for Friday, May 8. Please keep clipping throughout the school
year and continue collecting Box Tops during the summer. Any box tops
collected can be turned in to Mrs. Olsen’s mailbox. Your contributions helped
our school earn money! Thank you for your support!
Since this will be Student Council’s last article for this school
year, the advisors would like to thank you for all of your
support this year!
The Newtown Public School District is committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all
qualified persons and equal access to Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The Newtown Public School District
does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed,
sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited
to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical disability or learning disability), genetic information, or any
other basis prohibited by Connecticut state and/or federal nondiscrimination laws. The Newtown Public School District does not unlawfully discriminate in employment and licensing against qualified persons with a prior criminal conviction. Inquiries regarding the Newtown Public School District’s nondiscrimination policies and practices should be directed to:
Title IX, Title VI and Section 504
Linda Gejda, Assistant Superintendent
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470
Page 6
School Based Health Center
Hello Newtown Middle School Staff and Families. We at the
School Based Health Center (SBHC) are thrilled to be an
official part of Newtown Middle School. On March 13, 2015 we
had our ribbon cutting. Please read the article about the ribbon
cutting in the March 20th edition of the Newtown Bee. Our
enrollment is increasing almost daily. We have enjoyed getting to
know the students and staff at NMS. We plan on attending the
parent orientation for incoming students on May 5th with a table in
our hallway by SBHC. If anyone needs an enrollment form, please
stop by our office or go the school’s website. Come by for a tour of
the center. Thank you for welcoming the health center to your
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NHS Varsity Dance Team
The NHS Varsity Dance Team will be holding tryouts for the 2015/16
school year on Saturday, June 6 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Please
bring plenty of water and lunch. Dancers will need to wear dance
attire (shorts and tank top - no sweatpants please) and jazz shoes,
turners or pedinis. The tryout will be held in the NHS dance studio~
there will be dance team members at the front door to help.
Feel free to contact Cheryl Stenz with any questions at
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Parents: We Need Your Voice!
Every other year Newtown Public Schools surveys a representative sample of 7th through
12th graders on substance use and attitudes. The data from these surveys is used to refine
curriculum, develop relevant programs, and provide necessary measures for grant writing. In
addition, the Newtown Prevention Council (NPC) uses the data as a foundation for the
development of goals and activities.
The NPC sponsors the companion Parent Survey for parents of students in grades 7 through
12. We have contracted with Qualitative Services of Groton, CT to administer the survey,
analyze the data, and provide a report. The information you provide is completely
anonymous. No one in Newtown will have access to the raw data, so we hope that you will
answer the 40 questions honestly. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to
complete. It will be available through May 15.
The link to the survey:
The report from this survey will help provide accurate community data to develop programs,
education and support for our youth and families. Thank you, in advance, for your
cooperation and input. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Blanchard at
Judy Blanchard and Chief Michael Kehoe
NPC Co-chairs
Page 13
Library Media Center News
Media Specialist: Jeanne Bugay
TypeMaster Tutorial
If you would like your student to
go from this…
To this...
As district and state assessments move from pencil/paper to keyboard/
computer, it is critical to enable our students to feel proficient at the keyboard.
The district offers an easy, friendly, self-paced tutorial program to use for all
students. We do monitor student usage on a regular basis and find that many
students have not yet logged on.
We need your help to encourage your child to use TypingMaster at home on a
regular basis
Directions for accessing TypingMaster
1. Go to the school website:
2. Click on the Students tab
3. Click on TypingMaster login
Login ID: last name first initial (no comma)
Password: PowerSchool/AR password
TypingMaster is a self-paced tutorial for students who want to improve their
keyboarding skills. There are 4 modules: speed building, numbers, special
marks and number pad. Each module contains up to 7 mini lessons. Typing
games reinforce skills. Immediate results are charted under the Results tab in
the program.
Page 14
Nutrition News: May 2015
How do you satiate a child’s appetite when they are addicted to carbs?
If your child or teen appears to only be consuming bagels, bread, pasta and the like, there
are a few things we can look at.
Meal Spacing
If a child (or teen or adult) is going too long without eating, his or her body will start telling
them to get calories in…fast. The body will probably not be craving low-calorie foods like
vegetables and fruits because in this moment, the body needs calories. Since
carbohydrates provide a quick energy source, this is what the body craves. This appears
as if the person is addicted to carbohydrates. So the solution would be to plan meals and
snacks spaced evenly throughout the day.
Physical Activity
Is your child participating in active play like P.E. classes, recess, playground, tag, or
sports? Physical activity will increase calorie needs, and if meal-timing is not planned
properly, a child will feel that they need to get carbohydrate-rich foods into their body.
Meal Timing
When you or your child or teen are somewhat hungry, but not famished, that is the best
time to eat. The body is in a state where it will accept the optimal fuel of a mix of
vegetables, fruits, protein foods along with some healthy carbohydrates.
If your child is filling up on too many snacks throughout the day, he or she might not have
the appetite for all of the food groups at the meal and may only eat carbohydrate foods.
So looking at what they are eating for snacks and adjusting those might help in getting
your child to eat more balanced. Another option is to offer snacks that are vegetables,
fruit, yogurt or string cheese, so over the course of a day, he or she is getting all of the
food groups…even if at the meals, they are choosing more
carbohydrate-rich foods.
NEW Survey: Your Input Wanted!
May 2015
Dear Parents,
In order to serve you better and customize nutrition news and education to your needs, I
would like to know what nutrition and wellness topics you’re interested in. Please fill out
this quick survey.
I appreciate your input.
Thank you,
Jill Patterson, RD
Resident Dietitian
Page 15
Dates to Remember
Look for details in the Lion’s Roar or on the NMS website
May 1
Early Dismissal 12:02 PM
May 4
Parent Round Table
9:30 AM
May 5
Incoming 7th Grade
Parent Orientation
May 7
Newtown Night of Jazz
7:00PM—NHS Auditorium
June 1
PTA Meeting
5:30 PM LMC
June 2
Holiday Hill Field Trip
7th Grade
June 12
8th Grade Dance
6:30 PM—9:30 PM
Reed Intermediate Cafetorium
May 11
7th Grade Spring Concert
7:00 PM—NHS Auditorium
June 15
8th Grade Moving Up
5:30 PM
O’Neill Center
May 13
8th Grade Spring Concert
7:00 PM—NHS Auditorium
June 17
Last Day School
May 14
Quebec Trip Final Meeting
6:00 PM—NMS Auditorium
May 22
Quebec Trip
May 25
Memorial Day
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