Onshore decommissioning of offshore platform


Onshore decommissioning of offshore platform
0131 2559899
Outer Harbour Decom facility, Gt Yarmouth
Jeremy Cork
0161 2427880
Onshore decommissioning of offshore platform infrastructure, Great Yarmouth
ENVIRON was appointed to undertake a review of the environmental considerations required to support
an application for the development of an onshore decommissioning facility at the newly developed Outer
Harbour at East Port, Great Yarmouth, required to facilitate the decommissioning of six former southern
North Sea platforms.
ENVIRON undertook an environmental permitting (EP) scoping study, which reviewed current EP
requirements and standards in EPR sector guidance documents. It also outlined the information required
to support the permit application package. This was completed in consultation with the Environment
Agency (EA) and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
The proposed facility was screened as an environmental impact assessment (EIA) development. As such,
ENVIRON produced and submitted an initial scoping study and then the ES to accompany the planning
application. This included the collection of baseline environmental conditions, review of local, regional and
national policy, an assessment of any significant environmental effects and proposed mitigation.
ENVIRON also prepared a sustainability statement that evaluated the contribution of the proposed
development towards sustainable development objectives contained within local and regional planning
policy including site planning and design and construction.