Addition of AMAs to CHSS Panel
Addition of AMAs to CHSS Panel
GOVER.NMENT OF INDIA, DEPARTMENT OF'' .A?OMIC ENER.GY NUCLEAR. FI]EL COMPLEX CEISS SECTION March 20,2075 Ref:NFC/ CHSS /AMA / 2 / 3 I 20 15 CIR.CULAR The following changes which will be effective frorn OL-O4-2O15 to 31--O3-2O15 have been carried out in the AMAs (Ayurveda) 1ist. s1. No. 01 DR. M.P. DtrXIT, (AYURVEDA) CONSULTANT AYUR.VEDIC PHYSICIAN GROUND FLOOR, ANAND LAT{II'RI RESIDENCY, OFP: VASHAI/I BHAVAN, C}trINTAI, BASTHI ROAD, KIIAIRTABAD, I{YDERABAD _ 5OOOO4 Ph no. 9A4956L321 / 23398818 DR. M.P. DIXIT, B.SC., B.A.M.S. Replacement of Dr. Nivedya (Ayurveda) 02. Doctors Code No. Address Name of the Doctor 44-202 DR.G.S. SUEIN, (AYURVEDA) PHYSICIAN & ERANC}I MA,NAGER ARYA VAIDYA SAI,A KOTTAKKAL NO.1-1-39, SEVEN I-IILLS BUI.DING OP.MANJU CENEM.A,, S.D.R.OAD DR.G.S. SUBIN, (AYUR) Repiacement of Dr. Srinath consequent on his resignation from the c1lnic. +4-t86 SECUNDERABAD-sOO OO3 FIIONE:27722226 are requested to note the above, and avail medical treatment the empanelied Authorised Medical Attendants. under CHSS from A11 employees *&kn Administrative Officer Plants / Sections Ail Notice Boards A11 Cc: Ctr, NFC - for kind information I A11 DCEs / GMs / DGMs/AGMs cAo / JC (F&A) COS / CMS, OHC/CHCI CMO, OHC/CHCI Sr.MOs / SMs / Mgrs / Dy.Mgrs / OICs ACE MOs RD, HRPSU IRO, NFC -to ensure for display of the circular in all notice boards DIG, CISF, Hyderabad Commandant, CISF, NFC General Secretary - NFCiWU President, NUFCOA / NUFCOSSA / NFCSAA Copy for information to: Director, AMD, Hyderabad Administrative Officer, TIFR, Hyderabad Scientlst-ln-charge, CCCM, Hyderabad Head. RC, Jonaki, BRIT, Hyderabad Principal, AtrCS-I, - AAUH OIC, NPCIL, Nea,r Gurukul, trCIL Post, Hyderabad IIW, DAE, City office, Hyderabad Computer Dlvision, NFC to upload in NFC CHSS Website Shri B.S.Rama Rao - Co-ord., NFC Retired Officers Assn. GOVERNMENT OF INDTA DEPAR.TMEI{T OF .A.TOMIC ENER.GY NUCLEAR. F'I.iEL COMPI,EX CHSS SECTION March 20,2Ol5 Ref:NFC/CHSS/AMA / 2 I 3 I 20 ts CIR.CULAR The following changes which will be effective f,rom O1-O4-2O15 to 31-O3-2O15 have been carried out in the AMAs (A1'urveda) list. s1. No. 01 Doctors Code No. Address Name of the Doctor DR. M.P. DIXIT, (AYURVEDA) CON SULTANT AYUR.VEDIC PE{YSICIAN, DR. M.P. DIXIT, B.SC., B.A.M.S. GROUND FLOOR, AI'IAND LAHARI R.ESIDENCY, OFP: VASHAVI BHAVAN, Replacement of Dr. Nivedya (Ayurveda) 4+-202 CTTINTAL BASTHI ROAD, KIIAIRTAEAD, IIYDERABAD - 5OOOO4 Fh no. 984956L321 / 23398818 oc DR.G.S. SUBIN, (AYURVEpA) PHYSICIAN & BRA.NC}I MANAGER ARYA VAIDYA SAI,A KOTTAKKAI. NO.1-1,39, SEVEN I{ILLS BUI.DING OP.MANJU CENEM.A., S.D.R.OAD DR.G.S. SUBIN, (AYUR) Replacement of Dr. Srinath consequent on his reslgnation from the clinic. 44-186 SECUNDERAEAD-5OO OO3 FIIONE:27722226 are requested to note the above, and avail medical treatment the empanelled Authorised Medical Attendants. under CHSS from A11 employees *&k*" Administrative Officer Plants / Sections Ail Notice Boards A11 Cc: Ctr, NFC - for kind information I A11 DCEs / GMs / DGMs/AGMs cAo / JC (F&A) COS / CMS, OHC/CHCI CMO, OHC/CHCI Sr.MOs / SMs / Mgrs / Dy.Mgrs / OICs ACE MOs RD, HRPSU IRO, NFC -to ensure for display of the circuiar in all notice boards DIG, CISF, Hyderabad Commandant, CISF, NFC General Secretary - NFCiWU President, NUFCOA / NUFCOSSA / NFCSAA Copy for information to: Director, AMD, Hyderabad Administrative Officer, TIFR, Hyderabad Scientlst-ln-charge, CCCM, Hyderabad Head. RC, Jonaki, BRIT, Hyderabad Principal, AtrCS-I, - AAUH OIC, NPCIL, Near Gurukul, trCIL Post, Hyderabad IIW, DAE, City office, Hyderabad Computer Division, NFC - to upload ln NFC CHSS Website Shri B.S.Rama Rao - Co-ord., NFC Retired Officers Assn.
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