THANK YOU! - Neilson Grove Elementary School


THANK YOU! - Neilson Grove Elementary School
Neilson Grove Parent Advisory
Council Newsletter
April 24, 2015
May 4th, 2015
May 6th, 2015
May 8th, 2015
Annual General PAC Meeting –
Election Time
Jesse Miller – Grades 2 - 7
Snack Day
We received an incredible response to our request for
donations from the Business Community of Neilson
Grove Elementary and Ladner and Tsawwassen.
We truly appreciate your support – THANK YOU, TOO!
PAC Meeting: Monday, May 4th, 7 – 8 p.m. in the Neilson
Grove Library. This is our Annual General Meeting. All
Neilson Grove parents are welcome. Please come out
to vote for your new PAC. All positions are again
open. Please come out and help form the 2015/16 PAC.
Jesse Miller: Presentations designed for schools by Jesse
Miller over the past 6 years have shaped how students
use and communicate over social media websites and
applications with the sole purpose of producing smart,
aware and ethical social media participants who
communicate an effective and positive message and
build an online reputation that will help students into the
next stages of life. Jesse will be meeting with our Grade
2 to 7 students on May 6th for conversation about Social
Media. Remember to talk to your children about what
they learned.
Snack Day! Friday, Friday, May 8th: Smoothie / Popcorn
Day. Yum!
Thank you to everyone that volunteered, baked cakes,
contributed to the bottle draw, donated items to the
Basket Raffle AND attended the Spring Fair.
We all had a great time playing carnival games and
jumping in the bouncy castle. The food was awesome
and the company was terrific.
Final tallies are not yet in, but we count this fundraiser a
success. We estimate that we will raise the fundraising
bar on the Playground poster by at least $3500.
Special thanks to Ryan Wellington for donating his time
at the Food Concession and Jen Barker for running the
Cake Walk all evening. Kudos to the Grade 6 & 7 students
for helping with the Carnival Games and to all the Parents
that donated their time at the games, the ticket sales
tables and in the Raffle Basket room.
And thanks to Leanne Belsham for keeping us on track
during the planning and execution of the Fair and all the
PAC members for working so hard to make this event
Joe’s FarmMarket
Café de Gourmet
Student Seller Winner:
Each student that sold a full book of tickets earned an entry
into a random draw for a gift certificate. Congratulations to
Grace T in Division 7 – Mrs. Monk’s Class
Basket Winners -- Congrats to:
Lotsa Lotto-Fabian Taylor
Let's Have a Staycation- Patty
Eat Your Heart Out-Miller family
Fun Family Night-Angela Smith
Garden Works-Keith Smith
Spa Package-mystery winner
Crafts Galore-Shelly Ainge
Backyard BBQ & Bonfire- Daniel Song
Ultimate Mother's Day-Jane MacMillan
Get Ready for Summer-Leanne Finkelstein
Show Off Your Beans Style-Shelly Ainge
Family Climb Time-Roger Bagha
Pretty Lady-Eleanor Dwyer
Sports Junkie-Greg Farina
Kitchen Helper-Dru Gibson
Grocery Goodies-Roy Osing
Challenge Yourself-Patti Nakatsu
Perfect Smile- Keon Senez
Sparkley Teeth-Janet Matheson
Get Swimming- Louise
Barn Gifts-Ralph
Get Growing-William Mackay
Neat Feet-Lani Osing
The Neilson Grove Playground is expanding. Habitat has
designed a fantastic layout based on student input and
We have a long way to go to meet our $89,000 goal. The
playground fund is approximately $13,500 at this time.
Proceeds from raffles and the Gaming Grant from the
Provincial Government will be allocated to the fund. We still
need your help.
We are accepting donations directly to this project. Please
make your cheque payable to: Neilson Grove PAC. When
dropping it off at the office, please ensure that it is clear
that it is for the Playground Fund. For more information,
please see:
Neilson Grove is on Facebook. “Like” and “Follow” us
We post often! It’s another way of keeping in touch
and on top of school events and activities.
Have comments or suggestions for the PAC or about
this Newsletter? Or want to include a Community
Contact the Neilson Grove PAC @:
Corrine Sepke, Chair (Grade 4 & Grade 7)
Stephanie Pettie, Vice Chair (Grade 1 & Grade 2)
Deborah Stewart, Treasurer (Grade 2)
Marilyn Belsham, Secretary (Grade 1 & Grade 3)
Lindsay Macool, DPAC Rep. (Kindergarten & Grade 2)
Shawna Wang, DPAC Rep. (Kindergarten & Grade 2)
Danielle Palivos, Lunch Prog. (Grade 1 & Grade 3)
Terynn Papadopoulos, Lunch Prog. (Grade 3)
Michelle Osing, Lunch Prog. (Grade 1 & Grade 4)
Heather Beaumont, Milk Program (Grade 6)
Patti Nakatsu, Fruit & Veggie Program (Grade 7)
Esme Kanda, Fundraising (Grade 1)
Michelle Miller, Fundraising (Grade 1)
Ila Senez, Emergency Prep. (Grade 3 & Grade 6)
Tori Harker, Traffic & Safety (Kindergarten & Grade 2)