June 9th, 2015 Volume 204 From the Current issue of Police Life


June 9th, 2015 Volume 204 From the Current issue of Police Life
June 23rd, 2015
Volume 205
Queen’s Birthday long weekend and the holiday makers roll in, filling the caravan park
and lining the creek bank. It occurs to me that public holidays take city people to the
beach, but country people want more country. We’re off to Wakity Creek, they say, or
Neighbourhood House Nug Nug, or Gunbower.
29 Market St.
It’s my second winter in Cohuna so I’m not surprised when the creek shrinks; exposing
rocks and logs. Muddy islands emerge, attracting wading birds and pelicans. The
Cohuna 3568
water is shallow as a swamp. The night sky is crisp and sparkling and the air smells of
Postal: Box 233
wood smoke.
In my backyard the giant leaves of the fig tree turn yellow and fall. The hydrangeas
Hours: Monday—Friday morph from flowering bushes to dry sticks. The leaves of the crepe myrtle turn scarlet
9am to 3pm
and drift to the ground. Each morning frost heralds a blue sky. Most days the winter
sun turns up the heat late morning - not quite enough to dry the clothes, but just
enough to lift the spirits. When it rains - as it has this year in the occasional deluge Tel: 5456 4666
the water soaks into the ground and stays - and the lemon tree grows new shoots.
Fax: 5456 4016
Note to self: Get a rain gauge so you can join the weather conversation with authority:
“We had 6.5 mls last night!”
They say Cohuna is a retirement town. The estate agent who sold me my house
nhcohuna@bigpond.com thought so. He showed me the clinic, the hospital and the Village before the house. “I
like to walk my dog,” I said, so he showed me the walking track, the forest and the
creek. “You can ride a bike if you prefer,” he said. “It’s flat as a tack.”
He’s right. Cohuna is so flat; they say you forget how to walk on hills. I’ve heard tales
of Cohuna folk struggling to stay upright in alpine country. They stagger about like
sailors on sea legs. It’s said they lean too far into the hills, like a motorbike on a curve.
In the main street I see an elegant lady hunched in her scooter, hair as white as cot“Cohuna Happenings” ton wool. She nods politely at a man speeding the other way, his Australian flag flying.
is published fortnightly I imagine myself at their age (not so far off). Cohuna is flat; I’ll be able to scoot to the
on Tuesday.
shops in no time.
It’s nearly here!
The much awaited Deb Ball is to be held this Friday. Nineteen debs and their partners
have been practising diligently for the past ten weeks under the watchful eyes of Geoff
This publication is compiled
and Betty Thompson, and Jo Dehne and John Hawken, assisted by the wonderful team
at Cohuna Neighbourhood
of volunteers from Cohuna Secondary College and Cohuna Neighbourhood House.
House for the community.
We encourage all community The dresses have been chosen, along with the shoes and suits, the make up and hair
members and groups to
planned, the Hall will look its magnificent best, thanks to Jenni Finn, and the parents
continue to contribute to
will finally see what all the practice and preparation has led to. To all involved…………….
our fortnightly newsletter.
Any items for publication
can be faxed, emailed or
left at Neighbourhood
House. Feedback and
suggestions always welcome
Cohuna is very fortunate again to be
included in the Regional Tour of the St
Kilda Film Festival.
This event has gained momentum each
year and this year’s film festival
promises to be bigger and better than
ever. Fourteen award winning short
films have been chosen for the tour.
These films will move you, make you
laugh, challenge you, inspire you,
educate you and entertain you.
Tickets are $20, which includes a wine on arrival,
cheese platter and live music. They are available at
the Gateway.
This year the Festival is in the Memorial Hall which
will be warm and comfortable on the coldest of
The evening starts at 6.30 with the films to be
screened from 7.30.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to be part of
something that is usually only available in the city.
We want to keep this coming back so show your
You are in for a treat!
If you need further information contact Jodie
On the 27th of August we are having our 80th birthday. All
ex members and all interested people are invited to help us
Venue: Community Meeting Room
Time: 2.00pm
Entry: $5.00
Raffle: $1.00
Wear an old brooch, and tell us about it.
Entertainment and afternoon tea provided.
June 2015 School Holiday Activities.
Cohuna Branch:
Balloon Animals : Wednesday July 1,
10.00 - 11.00.
Caring For Your Pet : Guest speaker and
Toys for your Pet Craft Session
Wednesday July 8, 10.00 - 11.00.
Are you interested in your girls attending Girl Guides??
If you have time to commit to being a Leader please contact
Carol Hall 5456 3100. Currently Guides are in recess.
Girl Guides provides girls with the opportunity to develop
leadership and decision making skills, improves
confidence, offers exciting activities and most of all is lots of
fun. Have a look at the Guides Victoria website.
Please consider if you can assist - as a leader you will also
benefit from great personal development.
soon with your mail. As well as the courses detailed on the
Next meeting Wednesday June 24th, 10.00am.
next page, and First Aid as below, there are various
We are gathering at Neighbourhood House and then visiting Computer courses, Zumba, Crochet, Responsible Serving of
the Men’s Shed and Art Gallery followed by morning tea.
Alcohol and Food Handling.
Contact Cathy for more information 5456 4666
Local artist Heather Stanmore is holding an exhibition
of her work at Alton Gallery, 111 Hare St Echuca in
July until 25th. ( Behind Paramount Theatre, between
Uniting Church and Campaspe College)
Titled “Sharing the Joy of Colour”, the exhibition
features thirty eight colour-inspired works
representing her twelve year involvement with art.
The Gallery is open to the public Fridays
10.00am - 3.00pm and Saturdays 10.00am - 1.00pm
or by appointment 0439 460 960.
Heather will be in attendance on Fri.3rd, Sat.4th,
Fri.10th, Sat.11th, Fri.17th, Sat.18th, Fri.24th and
Come rain, hail or shine - THE WORLDWIDE
KNITTING DAY – (which was to be held in the sunshine
near the ANZ Bank but venue had to be changed due
to the much-needed rain we received) was held in
Cohuna and participants enjoyed the warmth of the
Hotel dining room on Tuesday last, 16th June from
10am to 3pm.
The enthusiastic members of the Cohuna Spinners
and Weavers Group invited the public to come along
and enjoy a chat and share the intricacies of colourful
patterns and admire designed and created knitted
Some people came in to admire the works on display,
others chatted for a while. One person was even
taught the art of crochet.
Knitting is a great pastime, and is enjoying a surge of
interest by some people to create their own
Thanks to those who came along to be part of the
Cohuna Spinners and Weavers Group
Garden Lovers
Meeting: July 10th
Special: A Camellia Bloom
Possession: A Coloured leaf pot plant.
Hostesses: Georgene,
Aileen, Melva.
Judges: Pat & Beryl
Bring and share lunch
Next meeting June 25th.
Skill: A savoury slice to
share for lunch.
Possession: A Biscuit Barrel
Hostesses: Doris & Robyn
Craft Morning : 10.30
Neighbourhood House Courses Term 3
Chicken Master Class.
Thurs July 16th, 6.30 - 8.30, $30. 5 Ways with
Chicken. Learn different ways to use the whole
chicken in your meal preparation. Watch the
demonstration and then sit and enjoy the tasty
dishes. Great for some economical dinner time
Discover email and Internet.
Tuesday July 14th and Tuesday July 28th,
10am—12pm, $30.
Would you like to view your shares on line, check
the weather, check footy scores, log on to
internet banking or google any interest you
have? Maybe you would like to set up your own
email address. Come along and learn that the
internet isn’t such a scary place.
Doesn’t all Recycling Just go Straight to
When companies like Ellwaste collect recycling from
your yellow lidded bin it is taken to a Materials
Recovery Facility where it is sorted into plastics,
paper, metals and glass. Companies buy these
materials and take them to their factories to be
recycled into new materials.
Visy is a paper recycler. They buy paper and
cardboard from MRFs, transport it to their facility in
Melbourne, then pulp, wash and squash it to make
new paper products such as office paper, toilet
paper, cardboard boxes, notebooks, anything really.
Green waste is the same. Organics processors
compost your waste and sell it on to farmers as
fertilizer. The compost you make at home saves
you having to spend money on fertilizers at your
local nursery.
Sending waste to landfill is expensive. Recycle and
compost whenever you can.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The Horfield Uniting Church Anti Cancer Council
Coffee Morning was a great success resulting in
$442 to donate to this important cause.
The winner of the lucky door was Elva Lyons.
The Crazy Whist, Soup and Sandwich Tuesdays are
continuing through the winter months and anyone
interested in an afternoon of fun and entertainment
is welcome to join in.
Meeting Thursday June 25th, 2.30pm at the
Old Farmercy.
If you have cancer, or care for someone with
cancer, or have had cancer, you are very
welcome to come along to this informal group
for friendship and support.
Cohuna Neighbourhood House has completed the
process of upgrading its computers.
Our Public Internet access computers are included in this
We have an air-conditioned room with a bank of eight
brand new computers suitable for hire by organisations
and businesses that may wish to conduct targeted
training for their volunteers or staff.
If you are interested please contact the House for rates
and further information.
Fri. June 26: Cohuna Community Deb Ball
Fri. June 26: Term 2 ends
Tues June 30: Firewood collection closes.
Fri July 3: First Aid at Neighbourhood House
Fri. July 10: St. Kilda Film Festival
Mon. July 13: Term 3 begins
Sat. July 25: Kangas Ball
Fri. Aug 7: First Aid at Neighbourhood House
Thurs. Oct 1: Retirees Information Day
Fri & Sat Oct 16th & 17th: St, Mary’s “Arts
Alive” Art Show
Fri. Oct 23: Pro Rock Gala cabaret
Sat Oct 24: Pro Rock Carnival Show
Sat Oct 31, Sun Nov 1, Mon Nov 2: Cohuna
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 12pm
All men welcome.
Cohuna Historical
Trash & Treasure
Monday 9.30am - 1.00pm
Wednesday, Friday &
Saturday 10.00 - 12.00pm
Cohuna & District Leo Club
On Friday 5th June, the Cohuna & District Leo Club held
their annual Changeover Dinner at the Seniors Rooms.
Around 40 Lions, Leos, family and friends joined together to
enjoy a meal and celebrate the year that had passed and the work they had done.
Outgoing President Tony Doyle congratulated all Leos on their efforts to make a
difference in their community.
Elaine Keely was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for all her work assisting
with the Youth Garden at the Village, Leo Advisor Lee Walkington was also thanked for
her work with the club.
Tony was recognised by Lions International President Joe Preston, with a 100%
Presidents Award presented by Lions President Allan Walkington.
President Allan had the pleasure of installing the incoming Board for the next year, and
presenting his daughter, Hanna with the Charter and Gavel as the incoming President.
It’s not too often that the President of the Lions Club and the President of their Leo club
are from the same family. The official part over, Leos, family and friends enjoyed a
‘Games Night’ which proved to be a great success.
Pictured is President Allan Walkington
installing his daughter Hanna as the
incoming President of the Leos.
Below left, the crowd enjoying the
changeover dinner.
Adult Day Activity & Support Service
Open Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
Enquiries—Wendy 5456 5215
Cancer Support Group
4th Thursday of the month, 2.30pm at the Old
Cohuna A.P & H.Society
Meets at 7.30pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month,
at the Historical Society.
New ideas for Cohuna Show always welcome.
Further details contact Georgene Bryant, Ph 54567673
Cohuna Community Service Group
Meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at
Cohuna Water Tower.
Further details, contact: Danny White 0418359242
Paper collection -1st Sunday of month –please leave
on nature strip by 9am
#Train Hire Available#
Cohuna District Hospital Auxiliary
Meets on the 1st Friday of every month at 10.00am at
the Northern District Centre.
Cohuna Indoor Bowls
Wednesday Evenings 7:30pm and Tuesday 1pm
At the Cohuna Bowls Club
Enquiries - Dolly Guy 54 562645
Cohuna/Leitchville Sub-Branch R.S.L
30 Channel St, Cohuna
Monthly meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of each
month at 7.30pm
Enquiries-John Brown 5456 4581
Cohuna /Leitchville RSL
“ Crazy Whist’’
Wednesdays -1.30pm @ Club Rooms - Channel St.
$4 to Play-includes Raffle and Cuppa.
All Welcome
Cohuna Masonic Lodge
King Edward St Cohuna
Meetings -2nd Thursday of each month
Except Sept -2nd last Saturday
Cohuna Patchwork Group
We meet: Guide Hall, Belmont St. Cohuna
1st & 3rd Mondays 10.00am - 3.00 pm
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7.30 – 10.00 pm
Cost - $6.00
Enquiries - Marie Manners 5456 2183
Cohuna Probus
At 10am 2nd Monday of each month in the Community
Meeting Room
Cohuna Progress Association
Meeting 7.30 pm on 3rd Monday of month at Community
Meeting Room.
All welcome.
Cohuna Retirement Village Auxiliary
Meets 1.30pm 3rd Thursday of the month
at Retirement Village Multipurpose Room.
Enquiries– President Judy Wilson 54 564081
Cohuna Senior Citizens
Meet Tuesday 1pm – 4.00 pm
and Friday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
at Market St Rooms Cohuna
Contact Doris Mathers 5456 4266
New members welcome.
Cohuna T.O.W.N. Club
(Take Off Weight Naturally)
Meet every Wednesday at 6.00 p.m. at the
Cohuna Tennis Club rooms.
Enquiries - Anita Voss 54 564244 or
Neighbourhood House 54 564666
Churches which hold weekly services
32 Channel St, Cohuna
Belmont St, Cohuna
King George St, Cohuna
Sampson St, Cohuna
CWA Night Branch
Meets on the 3rd Tuesday, 7.30pm to 9.30pm in the
Community Meeting Room. New members welcome.
Enquiries to Jodi, 0439 381 673
Diabetic Support Group
Next meeting Monday August 10th
Any enquiries contact Merle Richardson on 54 564165
Family Drug Help
For those overwhelmed by a loved one’s addiction.
Support Group - Meets 2nd Thursday of each month,
7pm. at Neighbourhood House.
Ph 0427 567170 for more information.
500 Club
Every Wednesday evening at 7.15pm
at Community Meeting Room. All Welcome
Enquiries - Des Shelley 54562723
Hospital Bingo
Tuesday night – eyes down 8pm.
at Cohuna Bowling Club
All proceeds to Cohuna Hospital
Gannawarra U3A
Groups meet regularly to enjoy many varied activities.
Enquiries: President Betty Thompson 5456 2254
Garden Lovers
Meet 2nd Friday of every month in Community
Meeting Room at 1:30pm
Enquiries - Margaret Cousens 54 562845
Lions Club of Cohuna Inc
Meet at the Seniors Rooms on the 2nd
Thursday of each month at 7:45pm (Business Meeting)
and the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm in the
Cohuna Hotel Dining Room (Dinner Meeting)
Visitors welcome.
Leo Lions Youth: 1st & 3rd Friday 5pm @ Memorial Hall
President: Allan Walkington 0458 293 50
Secretary: Lee Walkington 0400 576 383
Photography Group
1st Monday, 7.30pm at Neighbourhood House.
RSL Pool & Morning Tea
Held in RSL Clubrooms at 30 Channel St
Monday mornings (except public hols) 9.15am – 12noon
All Members and Members’ friends welcome.
Enquiries – Trevor 0414 264 199
Spinners & Weavers
And any other craft you are interested in.
Tuesdays from 10am, front room at Memorial Hall
(turn right past stairs). Stay an hour or all day.
Enquiries Joy 54 562140