Spring Newsletter
Spring Newsletter
NHS Counseling News Spring 2015 Important Dates • Summer Connections (summer school) sign up Wednesday, April 1st • Return to School Monday, April 13th • Summer Connections Informational Parent Night Tuesday, May 19th @ Hillside Middle School • Seniors Last Day Thursday, May 21st • Graduation Sunday, May 31st • Finals Week June 8-11 Standardized Test Dates ACT June 13, 2015 Sign up by May 8 Late registration May 9-22 www.actstudent.org SAT Northville High School Counseling Department (248)344-3810 Website: http://nhs.northvilleschools.org/counseling Happy Spring Northville! The thaw has begun and Spring Fever is upon us. With it comes registration, scholarship applications, summer program/vacation planning and continued college search and acceptance. In the spirit of these yearly rituals, we in the Counseling Department would like to help keep you on track! Great Reads Looking for something to read during break? Take a look at these timely articles from High School Counselor Weekly. http://hscounselorweek.com/current/current_issue_ne.html This issue includes an assortment of articles on topics including: SATs/ACTs Financial Aid and Scholarships Parent Tips / Teen Issues Career tech Education College Articles with Topics on: Big Picture College Admissions Process and Strategies Visits and Interviews Waiting / Deciding / Rejection Seniors All Seniors need to complete 2 items before the end of the year! May 2, 2015 Sign up by April 6 1. Complete the Senior Exit Survey: http://goo.gl/kISCst June 6, 2015 Sign up by May 8 2. Request a Final Transcript from Parchment to your college of choice: http://nhs.northvilleschools.org/transcripts Sat.collegeboard.org Continue to apply to colleges as the year moves on. Please come to the Counselor Student Drop-in lunch hours or make an appointment with you counselor whenever you have a concern or question! Continue to take your time and avoid common mistakes: http://www.actstudent.org/college/mistakes.html NHS Counseling News Page 2 of 3 To remind you of what is coming, keep these dates in mind: Online M-Step Testing will take place for juniors on four days during the month of April. The days will be April 15th, 17th, 21st and 23rd. For more details about the testing schedule, please consult the following guide provided by the NHS administration team: http://nhs.northvilleschools.org/sites/nhs.northvilleschools.org/files/2015NHSMMETesting.pdf There will be a Mandatory AP Pre-administration session for all students who paid for an AP exam for this year. They must attend the pre-administration session that is on Monday, April 27th at 9:20-10:25 in the cafeteria. If they do not attend, they will not be allowed to take the AP exam. Advanced Placement testing will happen May 4th through the 15th. NHS AP testing takes place at Ward Presbyterian Church located at 40000 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI with the exception of AP Chinese, AP Spanish & AP Studio Art which will be at NHS. This year, nearly 1467 AP tests will be administered to 717 NHS students. The AP exam schedule and room assignment can be viewed here: http://nhs.northvilleschools.org/testing Final Exams for 9th – 11th grade will take place June 8-11. Be purposeful in your summer! Will you be getting a summer job? Visiting colleges? Attending a summer program? Starting a new hobby? Use the Counseling website to start getting ideas…. Counseling NHS Counseling News 3 Page 3 of 3 Website http://nhs.northvilleschools. Study Tips for Finals org/counseling Have you looked at the counseling website recently? There are many parent and student resources available at your fingertips. The parent link answers many of your questions such as notifying the school of a child’s Keep from cramming in June by making sure you work with teachers now to break studying up into more manageable chunks. Consider study sessions with friends, make extra good use of your Seminar time and consider utilizing some of the excellent NHS tutors available. Tutor lists are available in the Counseling Office Lobby. Some more tips from the Counseling website: http://goo.gl/0Rcgl absence, obtaining school work for an extended illness, communication with teachers and much more. Student presentations can be https://studyskills.com/ More resources: Take a look at some of the tips from a variety of colleges. They offer ideas on everything from setting the proper study environment to tips on how to set up study groups. While these were collected for University students, we find that many of the tips are applicable for High School as well! found under the link that corresponds to your student’s http://goo.gl/0Rcgl grade. Students can find information about summer program opportunities, test preparation, colleges, financial aid, scholarships, NCAA, career planning and Drop--in Hours Student Drop more. NHS Counseling Department 45700 W Six Mile Northville MI 48168 PHONE: (248) 344-3810 FAX: (248) 344-3801 E-mail addresses: Tracey Cadwell Jat-Muk cadwelltr@northvilleschools.org Dr. Diane Drouillard Sh-Z drouildi@northvilleschools.org Lisa Sadikot Des-Jas sadikoli@northvilleschools.org Maureen Schneider Mul-Sg shneima@northvilleschools.org Stephanie Smyth A-Der smythst@northvlleschools.org Q: How can I get a quick question answered without having to schedule an appointment? A: Counselors are available for student walk-ins! Every day during 3rd block a counselor will be available in the Counseling Conference room. If you have general questions, please feel free to drop in on your way to or from lunch. Different counselors will be available but all students are welcome, regardless of name designation. If you need a follow-up with your specific counselor, Ms. Purcell will make you an appointment. Lunch Time DropDrop-in Days Monday: Dr. Drouillard Tuesday: Ms. Cadwell Wednesday: Ms. Schneider Thursday: Ms. Smyth Friday: Ms. Sadikot