Apr - New Jersey Woodturners


Apr - New Jersey Woodturners
NewJersey Woodturners
A Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners
April 27th Meeting
April 25th Earth Day
This is the newsletter of the New Jersey Woodturners Association. Meetings are held monthly at the Essex County
Environmental Center (ECEC) in Roseland, NJ. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the days indicated below. Anyone
wanting more information may contact us by email at njwoodturners@gmail.com. Information is also available
at the club’s web site www.njwoodturners.com
Club Officers: 2015
President – Gil Malave
Vice Pres – Bob Amarant
Corresponding Sec'y – Stu Bauer
Recording Sec'y – Jon Teeple
Treasurer - Maurice Cohen
Librarian – Chet Conlon
Membership – Andy Coyle
Web Master – Bruce Arnold
Programs – Gil Malave
Safety Chair – Mort Olin
Photographer-- Mike Brown
Videographer-- Stu Bauer
Meeting and Event Schedule for 2015
Jan 26
Top turning demonstrations and hands-on.
Stick Pen demo – Andy Coyle
Feb 20-22 WoodShow - Somerset
Feb 23
Home made tools, jigs, etc
Mar 23
Meeting – Demo Various Subjects!
Mar 28-29 Totally Turning – Saratoga Springs, NY
Apr 25
Earth Day ECEC
Apr 27
Sharpening Demo & Hands-on
May 18
Design workshop and critique
Jun 21
Pat Kramer Seminar at Maurice's shop
Jun 22
Meeting – Pat Kramer Demo
Jun 25-28 AAW Symposium – Pittsburgh, PA
Jul 27
Meeting – Super Show & Tell
Aug 24
Turning tools selection and use
Sep 28
TBD or Turnathon
Oct 26
Meeting – Demo TBD
Oct ??
Nov 23
Octoberfest at ECEC
Planning meeting, elections &
Turners Exchange
No meeting. Happy Holidays!
Next meeting is May 18th and will feature a large
“Show and Tell” and design discussion and critique.
Club challenge: Bring in something you would like
to have critiqued by our distinguished panel of
Earth Day at the Essex County Environmental Center
was Saturday, April 25. NJWT had our usual “top
turning” demos. The weather was beautiful, but
turnout was lighter than usual mostly due to a lot of
competing events. Our Top sales brought in $100 for
the NJWT Children's Hospital Donation. Thanks to all
who participated!
Maurice reminded everyone that dues are overdue.
The Totally Turning symposium was the weekend of
March 28, 2015. Several members attended and had
the usual positive comments about the event. If you've
never gone consider it for next year!
Weekend Workshops being planned by Ed Nevins.
Schedule to follow as it is finalized.
THANK YOU to Mike Brown, Bruce Arnold and Jon
Teeple for their help with this newsletter!
Additional items of general club interest:
Pat Kramer will be the featured demonstrator on Monday, June 22 and will hold an all-day seminar on Sunday,
June 21 in Short Hills (Maurice Cohen). More details will follow.
There will be a Fine Arts Festival June 6-7 in New Brunswick. If interested in attending or demonstrating see Gil
or Stu for details.
The “Show and Tell” was the month's Club Challenge of “something you've never turned before” and
brought out some very interesting pieces:
Duke Hemmer: Two bowls
Tony Whalen: Two bowls
Tom Gall: Two eggs
Frank Garza: A mallet
Gil Malave: A huge 16” diameter walnut ball
Bruce Long: A segmented bowl
Kevin Seiler: A high end pen
The rest of the evening was devoted to sharpening demonstrations:
Carving Tool fine sharpening – Ed Nevins
Ed promoted honing, “hone till you see your reflection”
Sharpening is making the edge ridges on the chisel ever finer.
Sharpen 15-20 degrees for soft wood like basswood.
Sharpen 20-25 degrees for oak
Sharpen 25-30 degrees for using carving chisels with a mallet.
Ed uses a yellow stone buffing compound or diamond paste. Formax product 12668 Microfine Honing Compound
Tormek Slow Speed Wet Sharpening – Steve Antonucci
Demonstrated a Tormek Sharpening System and attachments.
Favors water-cooled to prevent overheating chisels. Emphasized “polishing the back” to get maximum sharpness.
Misc techniques including CBN diamond wheel, Sorby belt, etc – Gil Malave
Sorby ProEdge sharpening system; uses belts and produces flat bevel.
Traditional two-wheel system using the Oneway Wolverine Grinding Jig.
Gil demonstrated how to use the sharpening jigs as well as a CBN wheel.
Bruce Arnold, our computer guru and webmaster, continues to put new information/photos on our web site. Just
go here on the main page www.njwoodturners.com . Lots of tools for sale and lots of interesting tidbits.
If you have any tools, wood, books or magazines that you no longer are using, please consider donating them to
the club for our monthly raffle. Proceeds go to the club treasury which supports paying for our professional
demonstrators and someone in the club gets to use your unwanted item for a new purpose. A win-win for all!
Don't forget that there are lots of videos on technique on the AAW website (you are a member of the AAW aren't
you?) Check out YouTube under woodturning and be prepared to spend lots of time watching things go round and
The following pages show a representation of Earth Day. Due to technical difficulties the April meeting photos
will be included next month.
Keep turning and be safe!
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