April 2015 - The American Society of Safety Engineers


April 2015 - The American Society of Safety Engineers
The American Society of Safety Engineers
April 2015
President’s Message
In This Issue:
Technical Meeting
Safety Secrets
Risk Video Series
Safety Poster
Greetings and Happy April
New Mexico ASSE,
I hope all of you are
enjoying the nice weather
and moderate
temperatures of spring
thus far. Every year, I
realize that cleaning up my
yard takes so much time
and effort, which is hard to
find in a busy schedule.
However, when the
summertime arrives and
I’m enjoying the green
grass, trees, and flowers, it
always seems worth the
investment to me. I hope
all of you enjoy your time
outdoors in your yards,
lawns, and flowerbeds.
With the arrival of spring,
it seems more common to
have business trips for
work “pop” up. Here are
few safety tips to
remember while you are
“on the road.” Closing
deals and meeting with
potential customers is
foremost in the minds of
most business travelers,
but safety should be a
priority, too. You’re
vulnerable when you’re on
the road, so take steps to
protect yourself and your
equipment. These tips will
help keep you safe on your
next business trip.
At the Airport
• Keep your eyes on your
carry-on bags. Don’t put
them on the conveyer
belt to be scanned until
the person ahead of you
clears security.
• Shield from view any
contact information
attached to your luggage.
• On the plane, keep your
laptop underneath the
seat in front of you when
you’re not using it, not in
the overhead
compartment where it
could get tossed around
or stolen.
On the Road
• Learn how to use your
rental car’s headlights,
hazard lights, and locks
before you leave the
rental agency’s parking
• Get instructions from the
rental agency about what
to do in case the car
breaks down or if you
have an accident.
• Have a GPS, road map
and/or clear directions.
If you get lost, pull over
only in well-lit,
populated areas.
At Your Hotel
• Don’t stay in rooms that
open onto the street.
• Know the hotel security’s
phone number.
• Don’t work out in the
exercise room alone,
especially late at night.
• After you check in, have a
bellhop escort you to
your room to make sure
it’s secure.
• Ask room service to call
you right before they
deliver a meal.
• Leave the Do Not Disturb
sign on your door even
when you’re out.
For more safety tips, visit
I hope all of you have a
great and safe month!!
Craig Dickensheets, MS,
CSP, NM ASSE President
2015-2016 NMASSE Nominations for the Executive Board: You know how I have
been saying to “make a difference” or to “make a change”? Here is your opportunity by
serving on the NMASSE Executive Board. Nominations are being solicited now for the
following positions: President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Contact
Craig at 505-270-1092 or president@nm.asse.org.
2015 Safety Professional of the Year Award (SPY) Award Nominations: It’s that
time of year again to “nominate” that special safety professional for this prestigious
award. Please forward the names to Craig and he will send the nomination package to
you, then the executive board will make the “tough” decision on who will be honored as
the 2015 Safety Professional of the Year recipient. Take the time to nominate that
special safety professional!!
ASSE New Mexico
April 2015
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ASSE NM Professional Technical Symposium 2015
October 15 and 16, 2015
Sandia Resort and Casino
For this year’s event, ASSE NM Chapter will partner with the local American Industrial
Hygiene Association chapter for a 1.5 day event. The two groups have met to begin
planning and are very excited about the synergy that the 2 leading ES&H organizations
bring to their members. Please put the dates in your calendars. More details will follow.
If you would like to give a presentation, know of potential speakers, or know of exhibitors
that may wish to join the event, please notify one of the ASSE NM officers. Volunteers on
the planning committee are always welcome!
Please contact Chuck Atwood at preselect@nm.asse.org.
We apologize that a September date was previously announced
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April 2015
ASSE New Mexico
NM-ASSE Chapter Technical Meeting April 9, Furr’s
Fresh Buffet
The NM ASSE will have a
monthly meeting on
Thursday, April 9, from
11:30 am-1:00 pm at Furr's
Fresh Buffet, 2004
Wyoming Blvd. NE, ABQ.
Our speaker and topic will
be announced to the
membership in a separate
All interested are invited.
Lunch costs $11 for the
Furr’s Buffet. The NM-ASSE
Abby Ferri, Spilling Safety Secrets
Spilling my Safety Secrets
by Abby Ferri:
Part 1: This post is aimed
at my construction homies,
superintendents, longtime
foremen, and tradespeople
with 10 years of experience
that have an interest in
safety. Heck, it’s even for
the people that have asked
“what the heck do you do
all day as the safety guy?”
(yes, they were aware that
I’m female, but “safety guy”
Chapter meets at this
Furr’s location on the
second Thursday of the
month (except December).
For more information,
contact Craig Dickensheets
at 505-270-1092 or
is a gender-neutral term)
Part 2: Where my girls at??
This post is aimed at you.
Don’t worry guys, it is for
you too, if you are willing
to think outside of the hard
hat a bit.
ASSE Risk Assessment Institute New Video Series
Risk reduction is the
new paradigm in
OSH, and it starts
with risk
assessment. Continue
to grow your knowledge of
risk assessment with this
month’s three FREE
featured videos from Risk
Assessment in the Working
Getting Started: A
Getting organizational buyin to the concept and
benefits of risk assessment
is not an easy process.
Learn how to select the
right risk assessment,
stakeholders and plan for a
successful first risk
assessment. WATCH
that describe various risk
levels, components and
Understanding Risk
their definitions. Learn
Assessment Tools and
how to determine which
Resources: Strengths
ones are the best fit for
and Limitations
your organization, how to
With the plethora of risk
choose and modify a risk
assessment tools and
metric, and define the risk
methodologies in the
factors of likelihood and
industry today, it is difficult
consequences. WATCH
to determine the best tool
for your organization.
Learn how to examine
various strengths and
limitations, choose/modify “The risk assessment videos
your assessment resources provide an outstanding
opportunity to gain critical
and then implement the
information that can be
risk assessment process.
applied in the workplace.”
Choosing a Risk Matrix
and Risk Factors
Numerous standards and
guidelines are available
- Scotty Dunlap, Associate
Professor, Eastern
Kentucky University
Lori Snyder, ESH manager at WallColmonoy in Los Lunas, presented at
the ASSE Technical Meeting on
March 12, 2015
April 2015
ASSE New Mexico
Executive Officers
Craig Dickensheets, MS, CSP
Charles Atwood, CSP
President Elect
Vice President
Frank Taylor, CSP
Mike Starr, CSP, OHST, CHMM
Mike Starr, CSP, OHST, CHMM
Send newsletter items to
Janise Baldo, ME, CSP
Newsletter Editor
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
for job postings and more!
ASSE-NM Chapter
PO Box 26692
Albuquerque, NM 87126
April 2015
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