2015 Rubin Registration Form - New Orleans Federal Bar Association
2015 Rubin Registration Form - New Orleans Federal Bar Association
Please join us on May 14, 2015 for our discussion on ethics and professionalism. The Annual Judge Alvin B. Rubin Symposium is a living memorial to Judge Rubin’s contribution to federal jurisprudence and legal scholarship. Professionalism: Unlikely Heroes on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Dr. Jack Bass, Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Social Sciences at the College of Charleston and author of Unlikely Heroes, will explore the history of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and how a group of federal judges, most of them Republicans appointed by President Eisenhower, transformed the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown. v. Board of Education into a broad mandate for racial justice. One hour of Professionalism. A Tribute to Judge Rubin: The Ethics of Gilbert and Sullivan and How They Relate to Today's Law Professor Sally Richardson, Gordon Gamm Faculty Scholar and Assistant Professor of Law at Tulane University, offers an entertaining exploration of ethical issues found in works of Judge Rubin’s favorite composers, Gilbert and Sullivan. One hour of Ethics. Thursday, May 14, 2015, 2 pm - 4 pm U.S. District Court - EDLA, 500 Poydras Street, C-501, New Orleans, Louisiana 23rd Annual Judge Alvin B. Rubin Symposium - May 14, 2015 Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Firm/Organization ________________________________________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ Email ____________________________________________ Enclosed Fee: ______ FBA Member Discount: $45 in advance; $50 at the door Non-Member Rate: $65 in advance; $80 at the door Law Clerk, Staff Attorney, Government Attorney Rate: $25 Please mark here to pre-order Dr. Bass’ Unlikely Heroes. Books will be distributed at the seminar with payment of $34.95 due at the event on May 14, 2015. Please remit CLE payment to: Federal Bar Association, New Orleans Chapter, 500 Poydras Street, Room B-245, New Orleans, LA 70130. For information, call (504) 589-7990, fax (504) 589-7995, or email at fbaneworleans@gmail.com. No refunds after May 13, 2015.