Bulletin - Northampton Bible Church


Bulletin - Northampton Bible Church
To Our Guests. . . .
Children’s Check-In Table
We are delighted you have chosen to
worship with us this morning and hope
that you sense a warm and loving spirit
while here. Please fill out the Connection
Card and place it in the offering plate this
morning and accept our invitation to
return and worship with us.
9:30 A.M. Worship Service
Pastor Joe Pryor
Children’s Sunday School - East Wing
The Refuge for Teens - Lower Level
Young Adults - Room 203
Adult ABFs
Families on the Grow - Room 201
Truth n’ Testimony - Room 202
Adult Elective - Room 121
11:00 A.M. Worship Service
Pastor Joe Pryor
Adult ABFs
Berean - Room 201
Ambassadors - Room 206
6:00 Evening Service
Led by Pastor John DeMund
Room 308 (East Wing)
(Please use entrance door in that location.)
If you would like a CD of today’s
message, please fill out a Sermon
CD Request Card located in the pew
rack and hand it to the soundperson.
Listen to our sermons online; go to
click on “message series”.
NBC Finances:
Monthly Goal
Last week’s offering $ 5,817.00
Monthly Total
9:30 service: Beth Hakes
11:00 service: May Nye
Birth – Grade 5
Nursery Workers
9:30 service: 1.Cindy Farley
11:00 service: 1.Ben Hefling
2.Pam Hefling
3.Anna Foss
Next Sunday:
9:30 service: 1.Dave Schuckert 2.Janet Schuckert
11:00 service: 1.Debbie McHenry2.Christina Rohrer
Parents, check out: www.northamptonkids.org!
Here you’ll find all the latest information,
downloads, calendar and more!
Held during both worship services.
9:30 a.m. Room 208
11:00 a.m. Room 202
If you are working in VBS in ANY CAPACITY,
you are strongly encouraged to attend
one of the above scheduled meetings.
for a week at Camp Patmos. Please pray for them
by name: Kyle Ackermann, Corri Adams, Ellie
Adams, Braeden Bailor, Micaela Blackburn, Blaine
Clegg, Clay Farley, Josh Foss, Emily Fox, Katy
Fox, Sherry Fox, Taylor Galioto, Hannah Grecar,
Katie Haver, Becca Leipold, Dylan Leipold,
Ari Millner, McKenzie Nye, Niall Pansmtih,
Rigel Pansmith, Trevor Price, Caleb Pryor,
Wyatt Pryor, Carlie Reese, Libby Rohrer,
Connor Ryan, Jordan Sedensky, Ruth Schlup,
Jack Smith, Hunter Stanley, Isaac Steinwedel,
Owen Steinwedel, R.J. Vanaman, Bethany
Waggoner, Catherine Wagoner, Luke Waters,
Grace Wewer, Camie Woods, Loren Woods.
Drivers there: Leipold, Millner, Pansmith, Pryor,
Rohrer, Vanaman, Waters, Galioto
Drivers home: Adams, Clegg, Fox, Leipold,
Millner, Pansmith, Pryor, Rohrer, Waters,Galioto
Please arrive to church on Monday, July 6
at 9am and if you are PICKING UP, plan to be
at the dock on Saturday, July 11 by 10:45am;
address is 510 West Main Street, Lakeside
Marblehead, OH 43440. Parents, plan to pick
up your teen at the church on Saturday at
12:45pm. We will be in touch with everyone
through the text alert system to keep you
updated that day - text @rsmevents to 81010.
Note to all drivers: Please have a few dollars
for tolls and save receipt to turn in to Colleen
for reimbursement.
Grades 6 – 12
If you are in Middle or High School,
there’s a place for you at NSM!
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, July 11, 8:00
AT NBC - Sign the sheet at the Information
Center if you plan to attend.
Youth Bible Fellowship Sun., 9:30 a.m.
The REFUGE Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m.
For Refuge updates text @refugesm to 81010
You will hear from Casting Crowns, Skillet
and For King and Country.
Purchase tickets in the foyer
beginning TODAY!
Cost for any NBC TEEN, YOUTH STAFF and
DRIVER (if needed) will be $30.00
and includes a t-shirt.
AVAILABLE at this price, first come, first serve
and must be paid for when signing up;
all other tickets will be $40.00.
You can purchase tickets through
the church until July 26.
After that date, tickets can be purchased
on your ownby calling 1-800-965-9324
or visiting www.pointfestival.com.
For updates: text @rsmevents to 81010
The prayer requests and Bible study notes
for the past week’s Mid-Week Worship Service
are available at the Information Center.
A sign up sheet is also available if you
are interested in receiving these notes
by email each week.
NBC Teens, join us for
PointFest this year!
My Spiritual Journey
 I prayed today to invite Jesus into my life as
my personal Savior.
 I prayed today to re-commit my life to Jesus.
 Please have a church leader call me.
 I want to talk to someone about
beginning a relationship with Jesus.
 I want to be baptized.
I would like information about:
 Children's Ministries (Birth – Grade 5)
 Student Ministries (Grades 6-12)
 College and Career (Age 18-28)
 Adult Bible Fellowships  Small Groups
 Child
 29-35
 Jr./Sr. High  36-45
 18-28
 46-55
 56-65
 66+
Date of birth ___/___/___
Marital Status:  Single  Married
Spouse's Name:
I know someone in the hospital:
Chris Tomlin Concert in Cleveland
Friday, November 6
Tickets are $36.00 each (18th row; floor)
Anyone interested in attending should contact
Ray Vanaman at 330-618-2398.
Who: ______________________________
Dates: _______ Hospital: ______________
Reason: _____________________________
My Comments:
Please note:
Rahab Ministries is NOT accepting
any donations until the fall
Connection Card
This is our opportunity to get to know you and how
we can pray for you. Please take a moment to fill
out this card and place it in the offering plate as it
passes by later in the service or in the Comments
Box on the Information Center in the foyer.
Mr./Mrs./Miss.: ______________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Please check one:
 First time visitor  Returning visitor
 Regular Attender  Member
How I heard about NBC: _____________________
Name ____________________________Age _____
Name ____________________________Age _____
Staff/Official Board
Joe Pryor, Senior Pastor
John DeMund, Associate Pastor
Ben Hefling, Trustee
Andy Leipold, Trustee
Tom Cowell, Trustee
Matt Price, Trustee
John Hogan, Missionary Chairperson
Cindy Worron, Treasurer
Deb Cowell, Church Clerk
Charlie EuBank, Bible School Supt.
Colleen Bowers, Church Secretary
Dee Kirkland, Prayer Chain Chairperson
deekla@sbcglobal.net (330-923-3159)
DEACONS ON CALL — We are here to serve you! Please contact us
withyour requests, suggestions, questions or concerns. We thank you for the
privilege of serving our Lord as we serve you!
Dan Brook
330-998-0387 (cell)
John DeMund
330-666-4546 (home) 330-802-6661 (cell)
John Foss
330-678-2418 (home)
Dennis Leipold
330-929-1066 (home)
The Lord’s Day,
July 5, 2015
The Refuge is canceled this week!
6:45 p.m. Mid-Week Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible study - At NBC
8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast - At NBC
Jeff Woods
330-923-2455 (home)
Name ____________________________Age _____
Name ____________________________Age _____
My prayer request:
See Calendar Updates at northamptonbiblechurch.org
NBC Email List Sign-up! If you have a smart phone, scan the QR
code to open up the online sign-up form. There you can put in your information
and register to receive any of our regular emails. You can also register online at
Senior Pastor, Joe Pryor
Associate Pastor, John DeMund
Worship Leader, Josh White
333 W. Steels Corners Rd., Cuy. Falls 44223
330-929-1419 (office/fax)