May Tower Talk News 2015 - North Broadway United Methodist


May Tower Talk News 2015 - North Broadway United Methodist
North Broadway United Methodist Church
In This Issue
Tower Talk
Church Family..8
Class begins
May 10
VBS Ministry
Team Meeting
May 17
May 17
Center Fun Run
May 25
May 31
Dear Friends,
I imagine that you are reeling a bit, as I am, from the news that four staff members are departing this Spring. It is particularly difficult to imagine these changes because the last two years,
when we have all worked together, have been some of the most fruitful ministry we have experienced at North Broadway in my time here.
It is a blessed gift that a congregation gives when they nurture people into ministry and then
send them out into the connection. North Broadway is particularly gifted at receiving, nurturing
and sending people into ministry. David Ziegel began his ministry here, and we were blessed by
his energetic and enthusiastic ministry for these past two years of his semi-retirement. What a
lovely way to close the circle of ministry.
Peter Borhauer and Beth Clark Ortiz are at the beginning of their ministries, and have had the
benefit of serving among the wonderful people of North Broadway. We send them forth with
prayers and blessings, and gratitude that they shared their gifts among us for a season. Other
congregations will long benefit from the gifts that they bring, and we will always have been a part
of their journey.
Jim Summers began in ministry here, went to
serve in other places, and then came home to North
Broadway. Now we are sending him once again into
the connection to go and serve at MTSO, where his
very capable skills will strengthen the ministry of the
While it is an anxious time, the Staff Parish Committee is a strong and capable team, and they are
working already to ensure the best staff for our great
ministry. Please hold them in your prayers.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Deb
Join us on May 17 for an exciting time in the life of a
the church. Seven youth have completed membership
classes and will be confirmed in the Church. Come out
to show your love and support for these young people
as they walk further along their faith journey.
Sunday Worship
8:30 am and 11:00 am
Sunday, May 3
5th Sunday of Easter
Holy Communion
Special Offering for the
YWCA Family Center
Life Matters: #Love
Acts 8: 26-40,
1 John 4: 7-21,
John 15: 1-17
Sunday, May 10
6th Sunday of Easter
Festival of the Christian Home
Life Matters: #Identity
Acts 4: 5-12, Psalm 23,
1 John 3: 16-24,
John 10: 11-18
Sunday, May 17th
7th Sunday of Easter
Ascension Sunday
Life Matters: #Belonging
Acts 1: 15-17, 21-26,
Psalm 1,
John 17: 6-19
Sunday, May 24th
Life Matters: #Passion
Acts 2: 1-21,
Romans 8: 22-27,
John 15: 26-27, 16:4b-15
Sunday, May 31
Trinity Sunday/
Peace with Justice Sunday
Illuminati Sings
Isaiah 6: 1-8,
Romans 8: 12-17,
John 3: 1-8 (17)
Music Notes
Coffee with the Pastor
The busy month of May is busy
for our musicians as well! On May
10, the North Broadway Bells will
play at both the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services, sharing Douglas Wagner's arrangement of "Immortal, Invisible,
God Only Wise". The Youth Choir
will share at the 11 a.m. May 17 service, in conjunction with Confirmation.
5-4-3-2-1 Class begins on
May 10 at 9:45 a.m.
This class is for those who wish to
know more about our congregation
and/or denomination. Everyone, including long-time members, is welcome to come and learn! The class
will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45
a.m. in the Chapel.
On May 24, our Youth, Children's, and Chancel Choirs will combine to bring in the Spirit of Pentecost. Finally, on May 31, the vocal
ensemble Illuminati (the sacred ensemble of the Columbus Gay Men's
Chorus) will share several numbers
at the 11 a.m. service.
Class topics are:
5 Fruitful Practices for
Vital Ministry
4 Areas of Mission Focus
3 Simple Rules for the
Christian Life
2 Expressions of Discipleship
1 Mission for the Whole Church
RSVP to Terese, Director of Welcoming and Inviting at 614-268-8626
Forum Class,
Room 111
A topical class
with occasional
guest speakers,
book studies,
and topical conversations. Facil-
TMT (Tuesday
Morning Theology)
Adult Education
Committee Meetings
TMT meets at 7:00 a.m. on the
second and fourth Tuesday of every
month in the Alcove, to share and
discuss selected poetry and literature.
All meetings are in Room 111
from 7-8:30 p.m. Here is the 2015
schedule: May 14, July 9, September
10, November 12.
Leader: Todd Clark
itator: Jeff Caswell.
5/3: What is good health care and
who knows if we have it? Led by Jeff
5/10: The problem of extremism
and hate groups in Ohio. Discussion
led by Joan Leitzel.
5/17: Borg and Crossan, The First
Paul. Led by Jack Bellay
5/24: TBA
5/31: No regular class, please attend early worship service and a
brunch at the Struve home after.
New Life Class, Rm. 201
A Weekly Bible Study using The
New International Lesson Series.
Leader: Rev. Susan Kyser
5/3: Coworkers With the Truth, 3
5/10: Gifts of the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
5/17: The Spirit Creates One
Body, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
5/24: Gift of Languages, Acts 2:121; 1 Corinthians 14:1-25
5/31: The Greatest Gift Is Love, 1
Corinthians 13
Discovery Class, Rm. 205
A topical class with members
planning together and sharing leadership. Facilitator: Shari Veleba
The Seekers, Rm. 203
The Seekers is taking a break. Stay
tuned for an update.
Vacation Bible School
9 a.m.-Noon (FREE)
Ages 3 1/2 (3 by Jan. 1,
2015) to completion of
sixth grade.
We teach the good news
through Bible Stories, music,
art, foods, crafts, and
more! Each day we focus on
Jesus’ life and our own lives. Jesus had a family, a name, a home, went to
church, and served others. We do too!
Afternoon Camp
12:30-4:30 p.m.
Completion of
Kindergarten-6th grade
We also have an
afternoon camp available for
those who need all-day
care. For children who
completed Kindergarten-6th
grade, the cost is $75 and the
programs ends at 4:30 p.m. Multi-child discounts and scholarships are available
upon request.
Register now on the NBUMC website at
Questions? Contact Beth Clark, Director of Children’s Ministry at
VBS Volunteers Needed!
Every year we put on a wonderful ministry that reaches many families, but
we can't do it without you. We are looking for volunteers to spend the mornings with children of God during the week of June 15 form 9-Noon. Even if
you can only come for a few days, you can be part of the great outreach. If you
are interested please email Pastor Beth at Please
help us share the love of God with our younger neighbors!
VBS Ministry Team Meeting
Sunday, May 17 from 12:15-1:15 p.m. in Room 111
Community Resources Center Opportunities
A Local Missions Ministry of NBUMC
Fill up the Grocery Cart
Once again, North Broadway
folks heeded last month’s call for toiletry items. While that need continues, the special request this month is
for canned fruits and vegetables,
green beans in particular.
Next time you’re shopping, pick
up some extra canned goods and donate them to the CRC food pantry.
Please bring your non-perishable
items for donation to NBUMC and
place them in the grocery cart located
in the Narthex. Thank you, for caring to share!
Questions? Contact Jill Short at or 885-1422
or Elaine Hairston at 848-7786 or
Support the CRC
at the 5K Fun Run/Walk
Join the NBUMC Fun Walk/Run
team to run, walk or staff the information table at the Ring Around the
Roses event on Monday, May 25 at
8:30 a.m.
We will hand out orange slices,
bottled water and
Let’s show our
neighbors our love
and support. Sign up
on Sundays, May 10,
17 and 24.
Thanks for supporting CRC.
NBUMC will be assisting CRC
again this summer at Broadmeadows
Park serving lunches, catered by a
local company, to children of low
income families. Our week to assist
is June 22 through June 26.
Four to five people are needed to
assist each day. If you can spare a
lunch hour one or two days that
week, we would love to have your
July Sunday Breakfasts
NBUMC will assist CRC in July by
serving Sunday Breakfasts at the CRC
building to low income adults, families, and Seniors. We provide the
food (cooking some of it there) and
people to serve and visit with those
attending the meal. About four people are needed to help at the Center
each Sunday, and many others can
provide breakfast food.
On a warm, sunny April morning,
a small contingent from the North
Broadway congregation laced up
their walking shoes and set out to
join nearly 2,000 central Ohioans in
the 2015 AIDS Walk Ohio Columbus event. Our walkers were joined
in spirit by others who were unable
to participate by walking, but who
donated to the NBUMC fundraising
tally and cheered from afar. Our team
contributed $340 toward the overall
event total of more than $300,000.
The funds raised from this year's
event will help to fund prevention
education efforts, medical care, and
basic services for those living with
HIV and AIDS. The NBUMC team
hopes to increase its ranks for next
year's Walk as we embrace this opportunity to be in ministry with all in
our community who are in need.
Contact Kathy Jones at 793-2390
or for
detailed information.
Angie Cox, Judy Skinner, Barb Schneider
and Tom Skinner are all smiles after the
5K Walk for Aids on April 18.
Tower Talk is a free monthly publication for the members and friends of
North Broadway
United Methodist Church.
48 E. North Broadway, Columbus OH
June TT Deadline is May 15
Nehemiah Action
- May 4
Join the Justice
Ministry of the city
for action on May
4th at the Celeste
Center. BREAD will be asking
George Speaks, Columbus Public
Safety Director, to work toward an
Initiative to Reduce Adult Violent
Crime. Columbus has a very good
prevention program working with
youth, yet much violent crime is committed by adults. He has stated that
one homicide is too many.
David Royer, CEO of the
ADAMH Board, will be there to respond to the request to move forward with a Certified Clubhouse to
stabilize the chronic mentally ill in
Franklin County! Mayoral candidates will be asked to champion our
"Welcome Columbus" initiative to
provide IDs for immigrants who feel
unsafe and are afraid to call law enforcement when they are the victims
of crime.
BREAD's power is in its large assembly. Team and Network members
are available on Sundays in the Gathering Area and at the top of the ramp
with tickets. So, be sure to get your
Monday, May 4
Leave NBUMC parking lot at
5:45 p.m.
Doors open at 6:00 pm.
Festivities start at 6:40 p.m.
Nehemiah Action begins at 7 p.m.
Location: Celeste Center, Ohio
Expo Center & State Fair, 717 E 17th
Ave, 43211.
Questions? Call: Mariellen Miller,
YWCA Family Center
Communion Sunday
The Communion Sunday Mission
Offering for May is designated for
our continued support of the YWCA
Family Center, and their mission of
providing a safe place for families in
need to stay while in transition to permanent housing. NBUMC has
worked with the YWCA for many
years, providing a hearty meal one
Tuesday each month, supporting the
construction of the new Community
Shelter Board facility on Van Buren,
and providing material and monetary
support. The YWCA has embarked
on a campaign to raise $25 million,
targeted at renovating the Griswold
Memorial Building where they provide affordable housing for women;
contributing to the overall operating
costs of the Family Center, as it seeks
to meet the needs of homeless families, and strengthening its endowment
to ensure that girls and women of all
backgrounds have increased access to
opportunities and to an organization
that is dedicated to their everchanging needs.
Please consider an additional offering on May 3rd for this worthwhile
campaign to assist the YWCA in
meeting the needs of those it serves.
If you would like more information
on the YWCA, or would like to get
involved with our work with the
Family Center, call the church office,
or talk to Judy Skinner.
YWCA Family Dinner
Join us Tuesday, May 12, to cook,
serve, and clean up dinner for our
families at the YWCA Family Center.
This is a great way to be the hands
and feet of Jesus to those in our community.
Contact: Judy Skinner at or call
the church at 268-8626.
Would You Like an
NBUMC t-shirt?
Stop by the welcome center and
give us your t-shirt size or call 614268-8626. The cost is 10.00. We
will be wearing these shirts for Pride
Parade, outreach events and Vacation Bible School.
Update on Imagine No
I want to say a huge thank you to
those who gave an additional offering on our recent Sunday to Save
Lives benefitting Imagine No Malaria. On April 12th (and as other donations trickled in throughout the past
few weeks), we raised $ 2,415 bringing the total amount of our pledge to
Thank you for your involvement
in this campaign and for your commitment to end deaths due to this
treatable and preventable disease.—
Pastor Peter
Adult Missions travels to Mansfield
Every time the Adult Missions Group returns from an early response or recovery trip, we always get the question, "What did you do?"
If we truly told you everything that we did, the conversation would be much
longer than the time you've allotted for an answer. It's common that after each
trip we give a presentation to the Forum Class, and it
always seems like we run out of time. Put simply, God
sends us to do good wherever we are. Good can be
translated into being a listener to a troubled homeowner, raking leaves, fixing gutters, hanging doors, installing windows, replacing worn out plumbing, rebuilding a porch, cleaning debris, repairing trim, installing grab bars and banisters, replacing light bulbs
and fixtures, caulking around tubs and sinks, etc. But
most important, we are doing God's work and sharing
love and hope with those we are sent to serve. One
homeowner said
to me, "I had a
stroke in the back
of my head. I
can hardly climb
my steps. I can't
tell you how
much this means
to me." Our mission is to support
each other, every
day. We are honRobinson, Mariann Brush, Kelly Sullivan, Joe Blundo, Jim,
ored and blessed Malachi
Burns, Randy Fahy, Vicki Nichols, Ron McDaniel, Ryan McDaniel,
each and every
Ben Thompson and John from Blue Rose Mission. Not pictured Peter
time we are able Borhauer and Matt Holbrook.
to venture out to
share God's love in a new community.
If you are interested in joining Adult Missions, please e-mail me, Mariann
Brush at
Market Day is Back!
North Broadway Children’s Center will be taking over the Market day
fundraiser in May and our pick up
days will be Wednesday. We will use
the extra money from Market Day to
update items and will continue to
provide the high-quality education
that the community has come to expect in the 60 years we have been
open. More information will be coming soon.
Safe Sanctuaries
Training May 10
We are offering three opportunities for Safe Sanctuaries training on
May 10 at 9:45 a.m. in the Undercroft. If you are were previously
Safe Sanctuaries trained, are currently
working in children’s and/or youth
ministries, or are interested in working in these ministry areas, please
attend one of the upcoming training
If you would like additional information about the training process,
about the Safe Sanctuaries policies,
or are planning to attend one of the
sessions, please contact Past Beth
Clark at
or 268-8626.
Book Club
Join us the 4th Tuesday of each
month at 2pm in Rm. 111. Kathie
Rose, WOSU book critic is joining
us for this session. We will discuss
Seabiscuit, by Laura Hillenbrand.
Contact Susan Scherer at 2688626 or
Reconciling Ministry
Sunday, May 17, at 12:30 p.m. in the Undercroft in the
lower level. We will discuss the Pride Parade and t-shirts.
For more information, contact Barb Schneider, or 440-8106.
United Methodist Men
First Friday Gathering
May 1, 4 p.m. at Roosters on
Olentangy. Bring a friend.
Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, May 21, 6:30 a.m. in
Room 111. Questions? Contact:
Andy Hall,
RED Cross Blood
Drive is a Big
Thanks to all who volunteered,
baked cookies, and donated blood
for the March 31 Red Cross Blood
Drive at NBUMC. We surpassed our
donation goal, and appreciate everyone’s effort in contributing to the
success of this life-saving mission.
United Methodist
Circle of Light will meet on May
11 at 11:30 for lunch at MCL
Kingsdale. All are welcome.
Birchwood Circle will meet in
Rm. 111 on Tuesday, May 12 at
9:30 a.m. Susan Scherer will speak
with us about listening to one's
inner voice. Please bring food or
personal care items to donate to
CRC. All are welcome!
Planning for Global
Missions' Salsa Sale
The Global Missions team is
thinking ahead to their annual salsa
sale, and we are going to need lots of
peppers and canning jars. If you have
space in your garden for an extra pepper plant, please consider planting
one for us. We can use bell, jalapeno,
banana, anaheim, poblano, and some
serrano peppers. And if you have
extra 4, 8, or 16 oz canning jars (or
come across some at a garage sale),
please leave them in the parlor kitchen, and we
will put them
to good use!
Social Media Update
If you haven’t liked us on Facebook, please do so. We look forward
to your comments and posts. This is
a great place to dialogue about sermons, missions and church events.
Are you receiving emails? If not,
please send an update to
Check in at Church on
Tweet @NorthBroadwayUM
Did you know you can subscribe
to our sermon podcasts
on iTunes?
Welcoming & Inviting
Register Now for the
Church Directory
May 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16
Thank you to Mariann Brush, who is
helping facilitate this project.
Contact Terese, Dir. of Welcoming
and Inviting, about either of these
events at 268-8626 or
Congratulations to the
following folks who
participated in the
Covenant Class Series
Sara Barton
Linda Bauer
Mary Jane Bellay
Peter Borhauer
Julia Bowman
Jason Buckner
Gloria Burke
Rita Burns
Elizabeth Clark
Todd Clark
Michelle Clayton
Jennifer CloudBuckner
Angie Cox
Doug Danforth
Rebecca Donnally
Angela Dyer
Allie Ebner
D.R. Ebner
Robert Feiertag
David Firth
Elizabeth Firth
Kristine Fout
Joetta Goodman
Andrew Hall
Betty Howard
Dale Huber
Jill Huber
Diane Hunter
Leslie Jackson
Dalyn Johnson
Katie Laux
Hallie Majewski
Mariellen Miller
Wayne Miller
Martha Mortland
Donald Newton
Jennie Newton
Larry Ogletree
Mary Palmer
Helen Patton
Kendra Poulton
Sharon Poulton
Michael Rex
Melanie Richards
Barbara Roush
Dean Roush
Barbara Schneider
Dave Schutz
Frank Shepherd
Edward Smith
Catherine Stapleton
Deborah Stevens
Daniel Struve
Kathy Struve
Jim Summers
Ron Taylor
Bob Tucker
Malcolm Wade
Linda Wright
Ned Wright
David Ziegel
It’s Time to
Play Ball
The co-ed team plays
games at Fancyburg Park in Upper
Arlington. The men's team
plays Thursdays, at Perry Field 2 in
Worthington. Game schedule in the
weekly news. Come cheer the team
on or get involved. Interested? Contact Kyle Hostetler at 282-0101 or
North Broadway United Methodist Church
48 E. North Broadway Columbus OH 43214
PH-614-268-8626 * Fax 614-268-2115
Church Family
Farewell thank you:
Dear NBUMC Family,
In case you weren’t in church on
April 19th, or if you have already forgotten what I said that day, I want to
say thank you for the ways in which
you have welcomed me into this community over the past two years. It has
been a joy and a privilege to work
with so many of you in our various
ministries as we have sought to help
the light of Christ shine in the world
around us through our very lives.
Thank you for the wonderful show of
support and appreciation on my last
Sunday, and in all the times we served
together. As I prepare to begin my
appointment at Miller Memorial
UMC, and as we prepare for the evernearing arrival of our son, I ask that
you keep Katy and me in your prayers,
just as I will continue to keep you and
the ministry of NBUMC in my pray8
ers. And I look forward to the day
that we meet again (perhaps relaxing
at Lakeside during Annual Conference!).
May the grace and peace of Jesus
Christ be with you now and always,
Pastor Peter
Bereavements: love, prayers and
to he family and friends of Mary
Bishop, who died on April 5.
to Hazel Augsburger, on the death
of her sister-in-law
Ruth Augsburger
Morgan on April 7,
Memorial Day
Sun., May 24 Building
closed at 1 p.m.
Mon., May 25-Building closed
For emergency assistance, call 268
-8626 ext. 100 and leave a message
with your name and phone number.
A member of the clergy staff will return your call.