NCAC Agenda 5-20-15 + Attachments


NCAC Agenda 5-20-15 + Attachments
Wednesday, May 20 , 2015
Rabobank Community Room
1070 Main St., Cambria, 6:30 PM
I. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
II. Consent Agenda
a. Agenda Approval:
b. Minutes Approval: April 2015 (Attachment A)
III. Public/Council Comment: Limited to items NOT on the agenda (3 min per person).
IV. Regular Public Agency Reports
Public Safety: Commander Taylor / Parker / Sargent MacDonald / Odom
Cambria Community Services District: Director Clift
San Luis Regional Transit Authority: Geoff Straw
County Supervisor: Supervisor Gibson
County Planning: Airlin Singewald
V. Regular Business:
a. Land Use Committee: Mary Webb, Chair (Attachment B)
1. DRC2014-00110 Avalos – Proposed MUP to add 320sf to an existing 357sf deck at 1976 Emmons
Rd. Cambria APN 023-095-037
2. DRC2014-00099 Montez – Proposed MUP to replace existing 70sf permeable second story deck
with a 595sf permeable deck at 731 Cornwall Cambria APN 022-093-037 (this was originally on our
March Agenda) Direct link to MONTEZ referral package
1. DRC2014-00127 Beck – Proposed MUP for a 2 story addition to a SFR including a new master
bedroom/bath with deck, kitchen/dining area, 2nd floor deck, and storage area at 2020 Chester Ln.
Cambria APN 023-064-023
VI. NCAC Reports
a. Transportation Committee: Tony Church- (Attachment C)
b. Website Committee Report: Roland Soucie
c. Treasurer’s Report: Heide Santos
d. Environmental Report: Mary Webb
e. Latino/Latina Report: Cesilia Lomeli
f. Corresponding Secretary's Report: Linda Haskins
g. Community Outreach: Members
VII. Old Business: Safety Committee Development request (Attachment D)
VIII. Election/Bylaw Committee: Ted Siegler – Election Results (Attachment E)
a. Seating of new members
IX. New Business: Election of Officers
Adjourn :
Attachment A – April Minutes
PRESENT: Jason Anderson, Bruce Fosdike, Cesilia Lomeli, Tony Church, Linda Haskins, Mary Webb, Heide
Santos, Laurel Stewart, Jim Webb, Ted Siegler, Clive Finchamp, Marjorie Sewell, Roland Soucie.
EXCUSED: Marty Main, Claudia Harmon Worthen, Mac VanDuzer, Mike McLaughlin, Dawn Dunlap, Debbie
Mix, Vari MacNiel.
ABSENT: Bambi Fields
AGENDA APPROVAL: Bruce Fosdike - Amend Agenda to remove Montez and add Cal Trans project to LUC
report due to error. Motion to Approve- Bruce Fosdike , Seconded- Heide Santos, Council Vote unanimous
MINUTES APPROVAL: Motion to Approve – Mary Webb, Seconded – Marjorie Sewell, Council Voteunanimous.
Bob Putney- Concerned about the local Fire Department resources that are here in Cambria and that we need
to continue to be supportive and not allow outside agencies to control what we have here locally.
Heide Santos- The first responders to any emergency is the Cambria Fire Department. And discussed the issue
of the fire break and why is it useful?
Bob Putney – Explained the importance of the fire break and their usage.
Jason Anderson- Is it possible to coordinate with local residents with water tanks on trucks to help with
putting out fires?
Bob Putney – No, but there are fixed tanks and pumps that are available to extinguish the local fires.
Bruce Fosdike- The people that would be interested in doing that would need to be trained, have the proper
safety equipment, and pass inspection by Cal Fire.
Connie Gannon- Presented an article on how to build a fog catcher and the importance of how it can help our
local trees during the drought.
Shirley Bianchi-Commented on the behavior of the NCAC Board members and that everyone should be civil
and respectful to others.
Heide Santos- Concerned about the area in her local neighborhood that local neighbors have spent $2,000 to
clear a property. And the concern is that the area is still not addressed by the local Code Enforcement. The
property is still an issue and continues to be a local hazard to the residents that live in the area.
Mary Webb- There is still a concern with a property 1561 Main Street where there is many code violations
being done and Code Enforcement has not addressed at this time.
a. Public Safety: Not present
1. Next CCSD meeting will be held on 4/23/2015.
2. Next week the Cal Fire will start inspecting property for local fire hazards.
3. Cal Fire and contractors will decide on the removal of the trees and the individual property owner
has 14 days to remove the tree.
4. Review the fire danger evacuation plan and use the reverse 911 system, cell phones will need to be
registered for that system to work on them.
5. Review the efficacy reports with all the agencies involved such as Health Care District, CCSD Fire,
Cal Fire, and CCHS.
6. Discussion of the Draft Reserve Policy and the allocation of funds.
7. A consultant firm has been contracted to help with the process of obtaining a permanent permit
for the EWS plant.
8. Address what residents of Cambria expect from their local Fire department?
Tony Church- Asked about the testing of fire hydrants prior to needing them?
Bruce Fosdike- Testing the fire hydrants can disturb sand and silt and cause issues with it coming out of the
home taps.
Mary Webb- - Concerned about the EIR and EIS (EWS plant) and stated that multiple agencies have major
concerns about the project and have submitted these to the CCSD.
Bruce Fosdike – Concerned about Cambria residents having to conserve another 10% of water when we are
already conserving 40%?
Director Cliff- No, we are already saving enough water and there is no requirement to save additional water.
SUPERVISOR Gibson1. Code Enforcement is aware of the issues of the property on Warren and is still under investigation.
And the second property on Main Street is being addressed also.
2. The County is trying to stream-line the permit process for tree removal that is going through the
planning department.
3. Funding for the project is through the ER services and is ongoing.
4. Cal Fire is the top of the list for the local counties and agencies.
COUNTY PLANNING: Arlin Singewald- not present
1. Land Use Committee: Mary Webb, chair
1. BLACKS HATCHERY MUP 4/3/2015 –Case Number DRC2014-00120 Project description: APN:22-381012 Project description: Telecommunications Facility (small cell site). Proposed minor use permit
for a wireless communication facility on an existing building with one antenna, four RRU’s two ray
caps, two equipment cabinets, one GPS antenna, and one meter pedestal. Building roof mounted
(faux chimney).
Mary Webb- Motion made by the Land Use Committee to approve this proposal – Seconded by Tony Church –
Council Vote – unanimous .
2. CRITCHLEY MUP 4/2/2015- Case Number DRC2014-00116 Project description: APN 022-313-024
Project description: Proposed Minor use permit to remove an existing deck of 165 sf and replace
with a new permeable 290 sf deck. Max footprint and GSA all allowable on site.
Mary Webb- Motion made by the Land Use committee to approve this proposal- Seconded by Heide Santos –
Council Vote- unanimous.
3. Cal Trans – Case Number- DRC2014-00082 Project description: MUP to amend D010029P APN: 011231-013 and 011-231-014 EIR SCH #20008031059-Removal of the existing highway, construction of
the highway along the new alignment, the physical demotion of 2 existing single family residences,
development of an off road California Coastal Trail west of the highway, resource restoration and
enhancement along the2.8 miles stretch of the highway.
Mary Webb-Motion made by the Land Use Committee to approve this proposal to amend D010029P as
required by the CA Coastal Commission in CDP 3-13-012. -Seconded by Ted Siegler- Council Vote- unanimous.
Projects that were addressed to Jeremy Ghent (County roads) that have now been completed were: The
replacement of the litter sign at Highway and Main Street; the placement of additional signs at Nitt Witt Ridge;
the placement of earthen berms at Santa Rosa Creek Road. New items reported were pot holes on Sheffield
and Main Street in the West Village and others at the south junction of Main Street and Highway 1 (this may
be a Cal Trans responsibility). The broken chain linked fence at Vista Del Mar in San Simeon has been reported
to Paul McClintic at Caltrans.
WEBSITE COMMITTEE REPORT –Roland Soucie –nothing to report
The add costs $426.90 to be added the Cambrian Newspaper for the election. The total balance left is
ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT: Mary Webb- report to be presented by Jim Webb who gave a presentation on the
effects of the increased nitrate pollution problem at the CCSD sewage treatment site that is being
contaminated and affecting the local environment.
LATINO /LATINA REPORT: Cesilia Lomeli – a housing report will be addressed in the next NCAC meeting.
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY-Linda Haskins- sent out four letters for the month of March 2015.
ELECTION/BYLAWS COMMITTEE- Ted Siegler-Ballot Approval
The election will take place on May 5th 2015 at Heritage Oaks Bank. An example of the ballot was presented at
the NCAC board meeting- the election will take place from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Motion by Ted Siegler to
approve ballot as presented, Heide Seconded, Council vote unanimous.
Shauna McCormack –introduced herself as a candidate for area 5 and expressed an interest to joining the
NCAC Board to represent her area.
OLD BUSINESS- Well to Water project and the EIR scoping concerns addressed by Mary Webb.
NEW BUSINESSA letter was presented by Shirley Bianchi concerned with forming a Public Safety Committee through the
NCAC to support local citizen’s efforts to be prepared for a local emergency.
Linda Finley- the NCAC Board could assist in this project since it is already broken up into districts.
Bob Putney –expressed interest in the committee project as it is the responsibility of everyone in the Cambria
Bruce Fosdike – expressed that many people do not have an evacuation plan and asked the audience if anyone
is prepared.
Ted Siegler- Concerned that the role of the NCAC council is not to be involved with this committee and it
would be a duplication of services.
Bruce Fosdike- As per the NCAC Bylaws, it is within our responsibility to provide a forum for citizen education,
involvement, and discussion on issues that pertain to the North Coast Area.
Shirley Bianchi- Commented the Safety Committee would not be telling the NCAC what to do, the committee
only wants to partner with the NCAC board and have a regular committee that can be a part of the NCAC
regular meetings.
Kathe Tanner- Commented that a Neighborhood Watch would be helpful and expressed the importance of
having an evacuation plans every resident.
Roland Soucie –Comment- Active radio system that is available
Linda Finley-Comment – she participated in the CERT training and the neighborhood watch program is very
Jason Anderson- Comment- about an evacuation plan and where the areas to go to when there are is a fire.
Heide Santos –Motion to not address the Safety Committee formation until the next NCAC meeting and make
a decision about moving forward on this project. Seconded by Ted Siegler –Council Vote- 8 to 1 the motion
Adjourn at 8:30 pm
Attachment B – LUC
Chaired by Tony Church, as Chair Mary Webb could not attend. Present: Tony Church, Bob Sfarzo, Steve Cole,
Jason Anderson, Vari McNeil, Laurel Stewart and guests from County Planning, Megan Martin and new intern
Jacqueline Protsman.
Applicant Name: Avalos, Dan/AnnaMarie
1976 Emmons Road
Date: 4/22/2015
Case Number: DRC2014-00110
Project Description: MUP
APN: 023-095-037
Planner: Brandi Cummings
805-781-1006 or
Direct link to AVALOS referral package
Project Description: Proposed minor use permit to add 320 SF to an existing 357 SF permeable deck = 677 SF
deck (480 SF allowable). 197 TDC’s are required. 5250 Sf site; No tree removals.
Recommendation: Move to approve as stated in the project description provided that 197 TDC’s are
Applicant Name: Montez
731 Cornwall
Date: 2/26/2015
Case Number: DRC2014-00099
Project Description: MUP
APN: 022-093-037
Planner: Megan Martin
805 781-4163
Direct link to MONTEZ referral package
Project Description: Proposed MUP to replace existing 70 SF permeable second story deck with a 595 SF
permeable deck on a SFR. No tree removals necessary.
Megan Martin said the present contouring of the hillside will stay the same, and hand-digging will take place
for the pilings and posts. Posts for the deck will be varied in height to avoid excess soil removal.
Recommendation: Move to approve as stated in the project description and retaining the present contouring
of the hillside.
Applicant Name: Beck, Stephen
2020 Chester Lane
Date: 4/9/2015
Case Number: DRC2014-00127
Project Description: MUP
APN: 023-064-023
Planner: Megan Martin
805-781-4163 or
Direct link to BECK referral package
Project Description: Proposed minor use permit for a two-story addition (1116 SF) to an existing 3 brdm. 2.5
bath single family residence (1591 SF)) including a new master bedroom/bath with deck, Living Room,
kitchen/dining area, second-floor deck and storage area. Also adding 60 SF to existing 396 SF garage (456 SF )
7000 sf site area. 30 foot driveway existing. Allowable deck =681 SF (will build 522 SF). The project would add
5 fixtures (1 shower, 2 vanities, 1 toilet and 1 bar sink).
Roof and impermeable surface drainage to runoff via trench with 4” pipe. Drainage plan to be required as
property drains to Avon which is a problem drainage area. Public works will determine if reduced velocity
trench on site requires expansion. The project has been accepted as complete for processing, but a better
identification must be made of trees to be trimmed and trees to be removed in order to receive Planning’s
environmental go-ahead (per Megan). Also per Megan, Planning can work with a willing applicant to plant
pines rather than oaks if oaks are removed. Mr. Beck said he was willing to plant Monterey Pine Trees on his
Due to Cambria CSD’s emergency water shortage declaration on 1/31/14 the NCAC unanimously moved on
3/19/14 to:
“Therefore, be it resolved, that the North Coast Advisory Council strongly urges and advises San Luis Obispo
County to not approve permits for any new home or commercial construction that would be provided water
services by the CSD in Cambria, CA until a long term water supply project for Cambria, CA has been approved
by regulatory agencies and is in operation and;
that San Luis Obispo County approve permits for remodeling within the Cambria Community Services District
on the condition that no additional fixtures are added and all existing fixtures are replaced with current 2 to 1
water savings requirements.”
The district has no new long term water supply that has been approved by regulatory agencies and is in
operation. Cambria CSD has no conservation officer due to recent departure of Courtney Upthegrove, and the
rebate program is no longer being funded.
Recommendation: The Land Use Committee strong urges and advises San Luis Obispo County to only approve
remodeling within the Cambria Community Services District on the condition that no additional fixtures are
added and all existing fixtures are replaced with current 2:1 water savings requirements citing NCAC motion
from 3/19/14. Owner is willing to plant either 6:1 Oaks or 4:1 Monterey Pines and property is large enough to
accommodate the trees. We request the County ensure effective routing (and if possible, retention) of run-off
coming off the steep hill behind the addition as it drains to Avon.
Attachment C - Traffic Committee Report
Traffic Committee Report, 4th May 2015
The meeting was called to order at 3.20 p.m.
Present : Tony Church, Laurel Stewart and Bob Sfarzo
Guests : Jason Anderson , Vari Macneil and Jeremy Ghent
We discussed the proposed yield sign at Berwick Drive and Burton Drive and were advised by Jeremy Ghent from the
County that over the past ten years there had only been two incidents at that intersection. We all agreed that the
heaviest use by far was the traffic transferring from Berwick to Burton and not from the traffic transferring from the dirt
road section of Burton to the paved section of Burton. The yield sign was proposed because of a complaint received by
public works. We felt that a yield sign placed on Berwick might create a more dangerous intersection and it might be
better to leave as is. A safer traffic solution might be to place the yield sign on the dirt road section of Burton but that
would not be legal unless the dirt road section could be renamed. Jeremy agreed to pull the item from the Board of
Supervisor’s meeting scheduled for the 5th May to give further thought to the issue. A suggestion would be to do a
traffic count of the vehicles actually using the intersection.
The parking on Exotic Garden Drive was briefly discussed. There was supposed to be no parking on the road because of
fire department access concerns as well as being visible from Highway 1 which is designated as a Scenic Highway. The
situation is being handled by the County’s Development Services Department and we will be kept informed of any
changes that are made.
We were advised that the County will be removing dead trees in the county’s “Right of Way” to ensure that if there is an
emergency the roads will be kept clear. The original number identified was around 170/180 trees but currently this has
been reduced to about 106. The trees will be removed down to the ground and will be removed from the site. These
trees are counted separately from any that are being handled by PG&E.
Other items discussed were the trails from the top of Burton Drive to the East Village, the junction of Highway 1 and
Burton Drive and bicycle traffic in the West Village with relation to angled parking. These are ongoing items and no
recommendations or proposals were made.
I am pleased to report that the broken chain-link fence at Vista Del Mar in San Simeon has been repaired.
Attachment D – Election Results
We had a good turnout for the election today — 115 people. Here are the results:
AREA 3 - Park Hill
Barbara Beane 59 votes Elected Alternate
Claudia Harmon Worthen 3 votes
Marj Sewell 63 votes Elected Regular Member
AREA 5 - Lodge Hill East of Highway 1
Roland Soucie 17 votes
Shana McCormick 39 votes Elected Regular Member
Mike Lyons 27 votes Elected Alternate
Linda Haskins 12 votes
The results will be posted in the Library tomorrow morning.
Ted Siegler
Attachment E – Safety Committee Request
March 26, 2015
Bruce Fosdike, Chair
North Coast Advisory Council
Dear Bruce:
Statements from the recent SLO Fire Safe Council meeting and Grand Jury report have really ramped up the
concerns we have about the dying forest around us. We face extreme fire danger caused by four years of
drought and the real possibility that wildfire could devastate Cambria.
This potential for catastrophe is frightening. Any fire of this type would not only jeopardize Cambria, but the
entire North Coast.
We would like to see the North Coast Advisory Council take action to address it as one important element of
enhancing public safety in our community. We ask the council to create a new committee on public safety that
would encompass not only our current fire danger, but overall preparedness for future fire, earthquake, flood
and other emergencies, as well as for identifying and reducing criminal activity in our community.
We envision an NCAC committee comprised of concerned local citizens, Cambria and county fire officials,
CERT, Sheriff’s office representatives and others who will share knowledge, experience, insights and ideas
about public safety and collaborate to offer solutions to public safety challenges - all with a uniquely
Cambria/North Coast perspective.
All of us believe the NCAC has the influence and potential to make our community a safer place with the help
of local citizens and in collaboration with the county. Instead of waiting for others to do the job, we ask the
NCAC to lead the way with a new committee of volunteers who will take on this vital mission.
Many hands make light work. This is an important and timely opportunity to involve NCAC and community
volunteers in creating a safer place for all of us to live. We hope you will enthusiastically grab the hands of
volunteers and enlist them for a new committee dedicated to assuring and enhancing public safety in Cambria.
Thank you,
Shirley Bianchi, former SLO County District 2 Supervisor
William C. Bianchi, PhD.
Susan McDonald
Bob McDonald
Joyce Williams
Jerry Reynolds
Linda Finley
John Linn
Renee Linn
Aaron Linn
Chris Landgreen
Mark Landgreen
Jim Burley
Judy Burley