ELECTION - North Coast Co-op


ELECTION - North Coast Co-op
Election Timeline
June 2Candidate Application Packets available at
Customer Service and at
June 4Board Meeting, 6-8 pm
Co-op Community Kitchen, Eureka
July 9Board Meeting, 6-8 pm
Co-op Community Kitchen, Arcata
July 19 Candidate Application Packets due by 5pm
to Customer Service and statements due to
Nominating Committee Chair via email:
July 21Candidates notified of eligibility and next
Aug. 6Candidate Forum and Board Meeting,
6-8pm, Co-op Community Kitchen, Eureka
Sept. 1
Candidate Campaigning / Voting Begins
Sept. 3Board Meeting, 6-8 pm
Co-op Community Kitchen, Arcata.
Oct. 14
Voting ends
Oct. 16 Election results announced
Oct. 17Annual Membership Meeting | Election
results announced and new board members become official (required)
TBD Board Organizational Meeting (required). Exact date to be determined.
2015 Scheduled Board of Director Meetings:
June 4
September 3
July 9
November 5
August 6
December 10
Questions? Contact Nominating Committee Chair
Cheri Strong: board@northcoast.coop
Message from
the Board of Directors
Thank you for your willingness to run for the
North Coast Co-op Board of Directors.
Member involvement in a member-owned
co-op is important, and we all appreciate your
interest and willingness to serve.
We realize that running for the board can
seem like a daunting task.
This guide is intended to outline what can be
expected when running for the board, as well as
lay out some of what you can expect as a board
On behalf of the entire 2015 Board of Directors we wish you good luck!
Jeremy Cotton
Cheri Strong
Dave Feral
Steve Suttell
Kate Lancaster
Jessica Unmack
Fred Moore
Application Packets
due July 19
Learn more about our board:
Cooperative Principles
Voluntary and Open Membership
Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all persons
able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political, or
religious discrimination.
Democratic Member Control
Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their
members, who actively participate in setting their policies and
making decisions. Persons serving as elected representatives
are accountable to the membership. In primary cooperatives
members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote), and
cooperatives at other levels are also organized in a democratic
Member Economic Participation
Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control,
the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that capital is
usually the common property of the cooperative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed
as a condition of membership. Members allocate surpluses for
any of the following purposes: developing their cooperative,
possibly by setting up reserves, part of which at least would be
indivisible; benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the cooperative; and supporting other activities approved by the membership.
Autonomy and Independence
Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations, controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other
organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their cooperative autonomy.
Education, Training and Information
Cooperatives provide education and training for their members,
elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can
contribute effectively to the development of the cooperative.
They inform the general public - particularly young people and
opinion leaders - about the nature and benefits of cooperation.
Cooperation Among Cooperatives
Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, regional, national, and international structures.
Concern for Community
Cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their
communities, through policies approved by their members.
Board of Directors Responsibilities
Duty of Care
Candidates are encouraged to campaign as little or
as much as they feel is appropriate. The purpose of
campaigning is to help the membership get to know
you and why you are choosing to run for the board of
directors. Listed below are options for campaigning:
Board members have the duty to exercise reasonable care when making decisions for the Co-op.
Reasonable care is what an “ordinarily prudent”
person in a similar situation would do.
Duty of Loyalty
Board members must never use information
gained through their positions for personal
gain and must always act in the best interest of the
Duty of Obedience
Board members must be faithful to the Co-op’s
mission. They cannot act in ways that are inconsistent with the Co-op’s goals. They shall not have
three unexcused absenses in a 100 day period.
Board of Directors Job Description
• Commit to a three year term.
• Regularly attend board meetings and other related meetings (Board meetings are usually the
first Thursday of the month).
• Serve on at least one board committee.
• Stay informed about committee matters, prepare
well for meetings, review and comment on minutes and reports. (8-10 hours per month)
• Build a working relationship with fellow board
• Actively participate in the committees’ annual
evaluation, planning efforts, and relevant Co-op
• Disclose Social Security number, Live-Scan and
other information to government agencies, as
Candidate Statement
Each candidate must write a 250 to 500 word statement outlining why they wish to run for the board,
addressing the bullet points included in the application form. Candidate statements will be featured in
the Co-op News and posted on our website. (Statements must be submitted to the Nominating Committee Chair by July 19, no later than 5 pm.)
Video Statement
Candidates will have the opportunity to record a
short 3-minute statement about their candidacy that
will play on YouTube. The deadline for filming is Aug.
6. More details will be provided once you are selected as a candidate.
Candidate Forum
The candidate forum is an opportunity for members
to get to know the candidates and ask questions.
(The Co-op will host a candidate forum in the Co-op
Community Kitchen in Eureka on Aug. 6 at 7pm.)
Candidates can table in front of both stores in the
free speech area. If interested in tabling, candidates
must contact each store individually and set up dates
and times:
Arcata Location (707) 822-5947
Eureka Location (707) 443-6027
Member #
Length of membership
Phone (work/day)
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If so, give date and nature of offense (an affirmative answer will not
automatically disqualify you from being considered)
Do you have any conflicts of interest for which the Co-op should be aware? If YES, please explain.
 Current occupation
 Special interests
 Education (relevant degrees and/or training)
 Strengths you believe you would contribute to the Board
 Business and/or non-profit experience
 Why you would like to serve on the Co-op’s Board
 Co-op experience and/or knowledge of natural  Opportunities and challenges you foresee in the Co-op’s
 Describe any previous leadership, Board or
 Anything else you would like the membership to know
related experience
about you
PART 1: Email candidate statement and photo to Nominating Committee Chair: board@northcoast.coop
PART 2: Return the following documents to Customer Service:
 Application
 Signed Code of Ethics Agreement
 Signed Requirements and Expectations for Potential Candidates Agreement
Candidate statements may be published in the Special Election Section of the Co-op News and used in other election
materials posted around our stores and on the web. By turning it in, you agree to the Co-op’s use for election
promotion purposes. Once all required documents are received, you will be contacted by Cheri Strong, Nominating
Committee Chair of the Co-op’s Board of Directors. Please see the Guidelines for Candidates for more in-depth
Questions: Contact Nominating Chair Cheri Strong at board@northcoast.coop. Learn more about the North Coast Co-op
Board of Directors at www.northcoast.coop.
N orth C oast C ooperative
C odeof E thics
The Board of Directors believe it to be expedient and proper to adopt a Code of Ethics to clarify any uncertainty which may now or
in the future exist, regarding the authority exercised by the Board or individual Board members, and general rules applicable to Board
members’conduct of association business.
P reparation:I will come to Board meetings knowledgeable of the agenda and its issues, conversant with the terms used, and
familiar with the Board packets and materials applicable to the content of the meeting.
A uthority
:I recognize the Board’
s authority as being limited to establishment of policies deemed beneficial to the association; to
employing a manager to have charge of the business of the association under the direction of the Board, and to affecting other duties
as outlined by the By-laws.
:I understand that, as a Director, I have a fiduciary responsibility to the member-owners of the North
Coast Co-op to act in an informed, unselfish and prudent manner and that I am entrusted with caring for the assets and financial well
being of the corporation.
Respect:I will respect the right of others to communicate their ideas when in conflict with mine. I will refrain from interruption,
emotional reacting, or derision in words or gestures. I will hold before me the recognition that every Board member was elected by
the membership. I will especially respect and support the chairperson in the discharge of his/her duties.
L imitation of A u thority
:I recognize that, except when the Board is in formal meeting, my authority is equal only to the rights and
authority of any individual member of the Co-op.
M anagerialA u thority
:I recognize the authority of the manager given in the By-laws. (Under the direction of the Board of
Directors, the manager or his/her designated representative shall employ, supervise, and discharge all employees, agents and
P olicyD isagreement:I agree that while an individual Board member may disagree with a policy or action adopted by a majority
vote of the Board, he/she should support said policy or action as being the considered judgment of the Board. The individual board
member shall have the right to present further evidence and argument to the board and the board shall have the duty of
reconsidering upon proper evidence.
C onfidentiality
:I will refrain from discussing Board business prematurely or inappropriately with anyone other than fellow board
members. I will never act in the role of an independent spokesperson for the Board or the Co-op.
C onflict of Interest:I agree to disclose all economic conflicts of interest I may have. At a minimum these conflict involve real
estate being increased in value or acquired by the Co-op, contracts with the Co-op, working for or being related to, or disclosing
business information to a competitor.
A ttendance:I will regularly attend Board meetings out of respect to my position as a board member. I will attend board meetings
unless I am ill or have serious personal or business responsibilities. I will make every effort to notify the board assistant or board
chair if I am unable to attend a board meeting.
C ensu re:I agree that the Board may vote censure for repeated and/or flagrant variance by a board member from these standards.
S tatement of D irectorsA greement:
If elected as a member of the Board of Directors, I will abide by this Statement of Agreement, as enumerated under the
Code of Ethics. I agree that if, in the opinion of the majority of the board, I have violated the letter or spirit of this
Agreement, I shall resign my position on the board immediately.
Signature of candidate
Printed name of candidate
continu ed …
N orth C oast C ooperative
Requ irementsandE x pectationsforP otentialC andidates
Information on beinga D irectorat N orth C oast C ooperative
Directors have fiduciary responsibility to the owners of the North Coast Cooperative to act in an informed and prudent
manner and they may be held personally liable if they do not.
Directors have a duty to represent the owners at large and to act in their best interest (not those of any faction thereof).
D irectorRequ irements
 Must be a North Coast Co-op owner at time of submitting application for candidacy.
 Must state all potential conflicts of interest on application and must not have an overriding conflict of interest.
 Daily access to internet and e-mail.
 Proven patronization of the Co-op.
 Provide proof of local residency.
 Willingness to be fingerprinted, if elected as officer.
 No record of shoplifting at the Co-op.
 If a previous Co-op employee, was not fired within the past year.
 If convicted of a felony, said felony was disclosed in application.
 Must be willing to represent all members of the Co-op
 Must attend all regular and special Board meetings. If three or more unexcused consecutive absences, seat may be
declared vacant (as per Bylaw Section 5.20).
D irectorE x pectations
 A solid three-year commitment to the Board of Directors (or commitment to complete term elected for).
 Familiarity with and adherence to the Co-op’
s Bylaws and Board policies.
 Preparation and attendance at monthly board meetings. (Time commitment averages 8-10 hours per month).
 Attendance at board training sessions (one day retreat annually).
 Attendance at the annual owner meeting.
 Ability to actively and regularly participate via email, including transmittal of potentially large documents.
 Active participation in the board’
s meetings, committee work, linkage events, training sessions and recruiting
 Ability to understand financial statements.
 A genuine interest in cooperative issues and our community.
 A willingness to take responsibility for board duties and work together with understanding, mutual support, and
respect to make decisions that will enhance the viability of the Co-op.
 An ability to keep information and materials confidential.
 Write articles as needed for Co-op News.
S tatement of D irectorsUnderstanding:
In signing this agreement, I understand and fulfill all the above requirements and expectations necessary to be a potential
candidate of the North Coast Co-op’
s Board of Directors. I agree that if, in the opinion of the majority of the board, I
have violated the letter or spirit of this Understanding, I shall resign my position on the board immediately.
Signature of candidate
Printed name of candidate