Term 2 2015 - U3A Northern Illawarra
Term 2 2015 - U3A Northern Illawarra
U3A Northern Illawarra Inc A Bridge to Learning Newsletter No. 46 Editor: Ainslie Lamb Term 2, 2015 _________________________________________________________________________ PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear All Even though we don't expect shades of Gary Cooper in Beau Geste or Bob Hope in The Road to Morocco ,Margaret and I are really looking forward to the sights and sands of Morocco on our upcoming trip. I mention this only to highlight the versatility of our U3A. All the way from the Wednesday presentation which planted the seed of the idea, through to the make up of the group which has a number of U3A members, the influence is clear. U3A is designed to be so much more than a learning opportunity. As a group of likeminded people actively interested in the world around them, the group generates ideas and opportunities. and just as importantly, ways and means of benefiting from them I realise this is a very simple example but there are always many such interactions current. Accordingly I encourage you to lift your level of involvement in order to discover what may be of interest to you. Regards Peter BOOK LAUNCH – 6th May 2015 The tenth birthday of the U3ANI will be celebrated with the launching of the history of the Northern Illawarra U3A. Ron Browne, a founder member of our U3A, and Ainslie Lamb have written the story of our 10 year development. The book will be launched by the Hon. Sharon Bird MHR, our Federal Member and generous supporter.of our U3A. The launch will take place at 11 am on May 6th in the Excelsior Room, after Morning Tea and Birthday Cake. 1 SENIORS’ WEEK 2015 Congratulations to Joan Fleming, who was awarded a Seniors Week Achievement Award on 6th March for her many years of service to our U3A and other community groups, by Lee Evans MP on behalf of the NSW Government. Right - Joan with Lee Evans MP Thanks also to Beth Denny, Terry Dickson, Fran Thompson and Ainslie Lamb who ‘manned’ a U3A table at the Seniors’ Week Expo at the Master Builders Club on 13th March, showing the Balance’n’Bones DVD and generally talking to people about U3A. Left – Beth and Fran at the Expo. Thanks also to the NSW Dept. of Family and Community services for the grant towards our Seniors Week Open Day on 18th March. _______________________________________________________ Morning tea Yes, we all like to catch up for a chat and a cuppa and a biscuit, BUT morning tea doesn’t get there by itself, and it shouldn’t be left to the valiant few (Ireena and Wilma and the handful of others) to prepare and put away. More assistance – men as well as women – would be appreciated – just put your name on the roster that’s on the side table and turn up at 9am on the day you nominate. _____________________________________________________________________________ “THE SPICE OF LIFE” - Variety Concert Saturday 25th July at the Bulli Uniting Church, 2.30pm to raise funds to help cover the ever-increasing rental costs of running our U3A programs. Performers will include the Illawarra U3A Choir, Zlatco’s Serbian Cabaret, the OWN Drummers, a classical guitarist, and many more. Put the date in your diary now! ________________________________________________________ BOOKSTALL – Dorn Lowrey will conduct the next ‘bring and buy’ bookstalls on 20th May and 17th June – bring along 1 or 2 good books for sale (no magazines or badly worn books) - proceeds towards U3A recurrent expenses . _____________________________________________________________ Term Dates 2015 Term 2 - 20th April – 19th June (Public Holiday 8th June) (U3A State Conference, Mittagong 29 April – 1 May, 2015) Term 3 – 13th July –11th September Term 4 – (Public Holiday 5th October) – 6th October – 27th November 2 WEDNESDAYS AT THE THIRROUL DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Term 2 Program – 9.30 am to 12 noon in the Excelsior Hall With morning tea 10.30 – 11.00am Speakers marked * are members of the Northern Illawarra U3A. Week 1 – Wednesday 22nd April 9.30am Health, Education, Culture 11.00am Film, Art, Culture Gambling’s Impact on Society Texas Guinan – Silent Film Star/ Speakeasy Entrepeneur Desiree Zeballos Aileen Harland Desiree Zeballos represents Mission Australia, Aileen Harland is a member of Wollongong U3A, and a regular presenter to our U3A. her talk ties in with this afternoon’s film society presentation. Week 2 – Wednesday 29th April 9.30am Incredible Inventions 11.00am Australian Stories The Amazing world of Flight Ben Boyd Brian Loughlin* Jean Horgan* Week 3 – Wednesday 6th May 9.30am Australian History and Culture 11.00am Book Launch Birthday Cake Aboriginal History in the Illawarra before European Settlement History of the First 10 Years of our U3A Dr Mike Donaldson and Les Bursill The Hon. Sharon Bird MHR Ron Browne* and Ainslie Lamb* Dr Mike Donaldson is Convenor of the Sociology Program, School of Social Sciences Media and Communication, at the University of Wollongong. Les Bursill OAM is a Dharawhal historian, archeologist, anthropologist and publisher. Sharon Bird MHR is the Federal Member for Cunningham, and a geneours supporter of our U3A. Week 4 – Wednesday 13th May 9.30am 11.00am Our U3A Community Australian Culture ‘Glad’s Treasures’ Some Thoughts on Australian English Glad Doherty* Dr Tom Mylne “Glad’s Treasures” – bring along a prized possession and tell us why it nis significant to you. Dr Tom Mylne retired from James Cook University in 2012, after a career as an authority in linguistics and communication. ___________________________________________________________________________________Raffle winners – Bruce Ducan (Basket of fruit and veg), Gill Williams (Bunch of native flowers.) 3 Week 5 - 20th May 9.30am Our U3A Community 11.00am Travel, Art, Culture Creative Writing/ Drama Groups showcase Little Gems U3A members * Wendy Leatham Wendy Leatham is a member of Kiama U3A, and has presented many talks to U3As in the Illawarra. Week 6 – Wednesday 27th May – Reconciliation Day 9.30am 11.00am Close The Gap Close the Gap The Long Walk Topic TBA Ainslie Lamb* Noel Beddoe Noel Beddoe worked as a high school principal for twenty years (at Narrandera and Warrawong High Schools) and has been involved in Aboriginal education for most of his adult life. He is also the author of many successful novels including On Cringila Hill, and The Yalda Crossing, as well as a biography of Linda Burney MP. Week 7 – Wednesday 3rd June 9.30am Australian History 11.00am Health, Science, Education Gallipoli – Legend or Disaster Being Stroke Safe Bob Smith Robyn Smith Bob Smith is well-known to Northern Illawarra U3A as one of its founders, and also as a successful author (under the name of Vincent Smith). Robyn Smith (no relation) is a Stroke Safe Ambassador, representing the National Stroke Foundation. Week 8 – Wednesday 10th June 9.30am 11.00am Australian History, Art, Culture History, Art, Culture 200 years of Illawarra Art 1815 - 2015 Frida Kahlo Dr Joe Davis* Aileen Harland Dr Joe Davis, a local historian, has published several books on the Illawarra. Week 9 – Wednesday 17th June 9.30am 11.00am Information Update Health, Science, Education The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Inst. Dr Adam Hill Dr Adam Hill is a Computational Cardiologist at the VCCRI. NB – Glad Doherty will be organizing an excursion to the VCCRI on 6th August (Term 3) - Details next term’s newsletter. The Wednesday talks program is co-ordinated by Joan Fleming If you know of an interesting speaker, let Joan know and how to contact the speaker. You may also have interests and knowledge worth sharing, which is a basic principle of U3A. Don’t hesitate – you are among friends who will appreciate your presentation, whether it is 15, 30 or 45 minutes. Give the idea of making a contribution some thought, and talk to Joan. 4 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS AND CLASSES DURING TERM 2 Members are entitled to attend any program offered by our U3A. Members are requested to wear their membership badge to each U3A session they attend, and to record their attendance, both for administrative and insurance purposes. Visitors are invited to sample our groups, but are expected to become members if they decide to join in regularly. ______________________________________________________________________________ GROUPS MEETING AT THE THIRROUL COMMUNITY CENTRE Australian Studies – ( Convenors – Adolph Hanich, Mary Condon) – 2nd and 4th Mondays, 1.30 – 3pm, Black Diamond Room. An opportunity to analyse and discuss aspects of Australian history and culture, one or two topics per session, led by individual members. Topics for Term 2: April 27 - 1915: The Gallipoli Story (Guest Speaker) 1915: First Islamic Terrorist Attack on Australian Soil (Mary Condon) May 11 - Pioneer Women (Lindsay Margaret) Louisa Lawson (Judy Gibbs) May 25 - Constitutional Recognition for Indigenous Peoples (Elsa Storey) Why Australia is not a Republic (Ainslie Lamb) June 8 – Public Holiday – no meeting Please give some thought to topics for Term 3. We will discuss these on May 11 to give people plenty of time for preparation. Balance ‘n’ Bones – (Co-ordinator – Helen Whelan, helen@dispoiled.com). Gentle exercise for both men and women weekly during term, Mondays 9.30 – 10.30am commencing on Monday 20th April , in the Excelsior Hall, utilizing the Beth Denny DVD. NB – Monday 8th June is a Public Holiday – no class, but final class for Term 2 is 15th June. Brain Games (Co-ordinator – Ainslie Lamb) – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9.30 – 11.00am, in the Ocean Breeze Room. Term 2 dates – April 28, May 12 and 26, June 9. A variety of amusing activities and creative challenges to stimulate different parts of the brain. Creative Writing (Co-ordinators – Judy Gibbs and Ainslie Lamb) - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 11.00am to 12.30pm in the Ocean Breeze Room. Term 2 dates – April 28, May 12 and 26, June 9 For writers of all levels of experience, including writing for pleasure. New members welcome. _____________________________________________________________________________ Current Affairs (Convenor and Chairman - David Goss) - 1st and 3rd. Mondays, 1.30 - 3pm. in the Black Diamond Room. A participatory group seeking to enhance our knowledge and understanding of Australian and World Affairs. For the first 30 minutes we address a Theme important to understanding current events where the subject is introduced for 5-10 minutes and then discussed. The Chairman sends out a brief note on the issues he has noted in the past fortnight as a background to discussion. It strives to be more informative and balanced than the Daily Telegraph and as non partisan as The Australian! Anyone who wants to receive it should let David Goss know on daan.goss@bigpond.com and he will put you on the list. [cont’d next page] 5 The theme subjects for term two are 20 April - Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty. What will be its affect on Australia (as far as we know due to the efforts to keep the contents secret.) 4 May - Whither the Middle East ? 18 May - Europe, Russia and where will the border finish up? 1 June - To be decided at first meeting. 15 June – to be decided at first meeting. Drama Group - (Convenor - Sylvia Wishart ) – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 11.30 – 1.00pm in the Black Diamond Room. Term 2 dates – 21st April, 5th and 19th May, 2nd and 16th June. It’s a fun group – members with or without experience in acting or directing are very welcome. _____________________________________________________________________________ Drawing (Co-ordinator and tutor Jeannette Southam, Ph: 4285 1986) - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 1-3pm Ocean Breeze Room. Term 2 dates – 28th April, 12th and 26th May, 9th June. ___________________________________________________________________________ Film Society – film appreciation group –(Co-ordinator and leader Rick Thompson). Meets weekly on Wednesdays 12.30 -3.30pm in the Excelsior Room. Full program at p.8. _____________________________________________________________________________ Italian Conversation (Co-ordinator Margaret Stratton,) - Fridays during term, commencing 24th April and concluding 19th June - 9.30 – 11am in the Ocean Breeze Room. No new members unless you already have some fluency in Italian. _____________________________________________________________________________ Musical Journeys (Convenor – Alan Taylor) – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 11.00am to 1.00pm. in the Ocean Breeze Room. Term 2 dates – 21st April, 5th and 19th May, 2nd and 16th June. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philosophy Forum (Coordinator Roy Tang) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in the Ocean Breeze Room, 9.30 – 11.00am. The Philosophy Forum is a self-supporting group who meet to discuss ideas and philosophical questions. While occasionally there are guest speakers, all participants are invited and encouraged to be involved in discussions, in planning the program, and in leading or facilitating sessions. Term 2 topics are: 21st April - What is truth? 5th May - What are the rules for respecting others? 19th May - Where is the line between insanity and creativity? 2nd June - What makes you, ‘you’? 16th June - TBA THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES ARE HELD AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS Table Tennis (Convenor John Ryan) – Weekly Thursdays, 10.00am – 12.00pm at the Austinmer Uniting Church Hall, Moore Lane Austinmer, commencing 23rd April and concluding 18th June. All gear (bats, table tennis balls etc.) is provided. Play for fun and fitness. 6 Illawarra U3A Choir (Convenor Margaret Stratton). The choir, under Music Director Yvonne McColl, continues to grow. We have several bookings lined up for the year. The choir practices in Room 1-2 , close to the car park at the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music, Glenifer Brae, Murphy’s Avenue, Keiraville, 1.30 – 3pm on Tuesdays during term, commencing 21st April and concluding 16th June. New members very welcome – no auditions. If you enjoy singing but can’t attend every practice, don’t worry, you are still welcome to come when you can, and join in our ‘gigs’ when we sing at U3A functions. Heart Foundation Walking Group – join the Sandpipers every Thursday morning at Sandon Point car park, 9am for an hour, approximately 4km. walking. Several of our U3A members are in the group. For further information, talk to Wilma Johnson or Pat Johnston or just turn up. IPAC - Merrigong Theatre Co. - there are several members who regularly attend the Saturday 2pm matinee sessions of the Merrigong Theatre productions at the IPAC in Burelli Street, Wollongong, then meet up after the show to discuss the play over coffee. If you’re interested, obtain a copy of the 2015 Season program, and make your bookings. Concession prices are available if you book a season package of a minimum of 5 shows. Upcoming shows are: 23rd May – Storm Boy 6th June – Head Full of Love 20th June - Kelly STANWELL PARK OUTREACH GROUP Meets Mondays at “Hillcrest”, 15 Railway Ave, Stanwell Park, 9.30 – 12pm. Co-ordinator – Jenny Lee-Robins (4294 3475 or 0406 460 025) or email jennyleerobins@yahoo. com Talks program from 9.30am, followed by morning tea at 10.30, then each week from 11am a program of Music Appreciation – ‘ a mystery box of musical delights’ - presented by Collette Ormonde and Jenny Lee- Robins All members of Northern Illawarra U3A are cordially invited to attend these sessions. 20th April 27th April 4th May 11th May 18th May 25th May 1st June 8th June 15th June In Search of Haydn Kokoda Genghis Khan Propaganda in Film Planets (Sun) Aboriginal Art/Soul China’s Forgotten Fleet Public Holiday – no meeting Back in Time (Helensburgh Mine) Collette Ormonde DVD David Goss DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD ______________________________________________________________________ Excursions Term 2 There are no excursions currently scheduled for Term 2, but announcements may be made from time to time if any are arranged. Glad Doherty will co-ordinate any such events Late news- a man who fell into an upholstery machine is now fully recovered. 7 U3A NORTHERN ILLAWARRA FILM SOCIETY Venue - Excelsior Hall, Thirroul Library and Community Centre, 12.30 - 3.30pm each Wednesday during term commencing 22nd April and concluding on 17th June.. Co-ordinator and Leader: Rick Thompson Visitors are welcome. Guests not wearing a U3A name tag will be asked to contribute $5 as a temporary membership. These sessions are about discussing film and film issues, not simply (if that is possible) watching them. A discussion session follows each screening. Short films or excerpts may accompany some programs. Those films marked * will be screened with subtitles for the hard of hearing. April 22 *THE GUN WOMAN (US, 1918, 50 mins). Directed by Frank Borzage; with Texas Guinan; and ELEANOR'S CATCH (US, 1916, 15 mins.) Directed by and starring Cleo Madison. Two examples of the busy cycle of mid-silent period films by and about woman as central action hero/heroines, one a western, one a contemporary urban drama. (Tie-in with the 11 am Talk on Texas Guinan, same venue). April 29 THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE (US, 2001, 116 mins). Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. With Billy Bob Thornton, Frances McDormand, James Gandolfini. The Coen Brothers continue their variations on neo-noir themes: a small-time, small-town barber tries blackmail and nothing goes to plan. Presenter: Virginia. May 6 *F FOR FAKE (France/Germany, 1973, 85 mins). Directed by Orson Welles. With Welles, Oja Kodar, Clifford Irving, Pablo Picasso. Welles plays many games on us and with us in this "documentary" about famous forgers and forgeries. May 13 THE HITCH-HIKER (US, 1953, 71 mins). Directed by Ida Lupino. With Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy, William Talman. Lupino was also an active directorwriter-producer in the classic film noir period. In the desert, a hitch-hiker preys on two men who give him a ride. Presenter: Janice. May 20 SHORTS DAY. Selected short films, to be announced. May 27 *TEN CANOES (Australia, 2006, 92 mins). Directed by Rolf de Heer. With Crusoe Kurddal, Jamie Gulpilil, Richard Birrinbirrin. For Reconciliation Day, David Gulpilil narrates this ancient tale of forbidden love, shot in the Arafura wetlands with the Ramingining people. June 3 THE WOMEN (US, 1939, 133i mins). Directed by George Cukor. With Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, Norma Shearer. From Clare Boothe's Broadway hit, Cukor and an all-female cast present a busy, varied image of women's situations and sensibilities in 1939. June 10 *VIRIDIANA (Spain, 1961, 91 mins). Directed by Luis Bunuel. With Silvia Pinal, Fernando Rey, Francisco Rabal. Banned by Spain and the Vatican and regarded as a Bunuel masterpiece, the film centres on a novice nun as she makes her way through a very un-saintly sample of the society around her. June 17 *MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO (Japan, 1988, 88 mins). Directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Two young girls move to the country and discover a forest spirit, the Totoro, visible only to them. What follows is a highly imaginative re-working of Alice and the Rabbit Hole from Japan's greatest animator. ___________________________________________________________________ Late news: Police have been summoned to a day-care centre where a three-year-old has been resisting a rest. 8 U3A in Nigeria Accessed from www.myu3a.org/groups/ibadan,%20nigeria.htm By Dr Charles Afolabi JP, Executive Director of U3A Nigeria. Nigeria is a diverse country with many peoples and many languages. U3A NIGERIA is striving that the elderly persons will not die with their ideas and vocations. We are making sure that these are passed on to the new generation. The elderly persons are an important resource. When an old person dies a library vanishes. We use intergenerational programmes to break the policy of segregation of older persons which are replaced with a strategy of participation in order to ensure a society of all ages and interchange of knowledge between the older persons and the youth. Our activities include:- Education and Tourism, Prayer Group, Language, Beautification and Environment, Culture and Heritage, Research, Counselling, Library and Information, History and Politics, Sports and Recreation, Accident Prevention, Publication, and Expressive Arts for all ages to express themselves through Arts, Crafts, Writing, Music, Movement and Narrative Arts. Our greying population in Nigeria is a skill reservoir which has to be fully utilised if we really want the ageing society to be maintained and continue its creativity and productivity. PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY Healthy adults aged 65 and older needed for research study. Travel Compensation Provided • Study involves viewing objects to judge their locations • Must have good vision in both eyes (glasses or contacts OK) • Must walk well without assistance • Study will be conducted in a single session (about 2 hours) on University of Wollongong campus E-mail: cwallin@uow.edu.au (or call 0451069693 for more information The Corpus Christi Lifelong Learning Summer School 30 August – 12 September 2015 Founded in 1352 Corpus Christi College is the sixth oldest of the Cambridge colleges. This residential summer school gives lifelong learners from around the world the exceptional opportunity to experience something of Cambridge student life in the context of a programme specifically designed for adult learners. Participants can choose to attend the full two-week programme, or opt to attend for just one week. Academic courses Each week participants take two courses, each comprising seven and a half hours of teaching in small classes. Various courses are offered in History, Literature, Art History and Architecture. Course material is accessible to all, and only an interest in the subject is required. There are no exams; participants study for the joy of learning. Social programme A varied social programme is offered to help lifelong learners experience Cambridge to the full. Options include visits to one of the many University of Cambridge museums, punting on the River Cam, architectural tours, pub tours and a visit to the magnificent Ely Cathedral. A day trip to London is also included in the two-week programme. College life Accommodation is available in Corpus bedrooms and meals may be taken in the College dining hall or bar. Each week there is a Formal Dinner held in the College’s historic dining hall, and an English Afternoon Tea on one of the lawns (weather permitting). A series of College tours and guest lectures help participants to appreciate the College and its history. For more information visit www.corpus.cam.ac.uk/lifelong-learning and contact Dr Nick Godfrey, the Summer School Coordinator, at lifelonglearning@corpus.cam.ac.uk with any questions, or to simply register your interest in this or future programmes. 9 Management Committee 2015 - Contact Details President: Peter Wolfe Tel: 4268 2498 email: peterlwolfe80@gmail.com Vice-President – Development: Ainslie Lamb Tel 4283 7818 email: ainslielamb@gmail.com Vice-President – Operations: Special Interest Group Liaison; Health & Safety officer. Glad Doherty Tel: 4284 4286 email: gladoh@iprimus.com.au Secretary - Ireena Hardy email: denireen@bigpond.net.au Ph: 4283 2110 Address correspondence to: The Secretary, U3A Northern Illawarra, PO Box 849 Thirroul NSW 2515 Minute Secretary – Heather Harvey Treasurer: Chris Thorley Tel: 4267 1577 email: bjthor@bigpond.com Publicity Officer: Janice Creenaune Email: janicecreenaune@hotmail.com Committee members Lillian Bond Ron Browne Judy Bull Joan Fleming Brian Loughlin John Ryan Margaret Stratton Sylvia Wishart Tel: 4267 4928 email: lbond007@hotmail.com Tel: 42837818 email: rbrowne37@optusnet.com.au Tel: 4267 2417 email:judy.bull@bigpond.com Tel: 4268 1171 email: jonicat7@gmail.com Tel: 4284 0684 Tel: 4268 5965 qemail: jj_ryan@bigpond.com Tel 4267 3161 email: maggistraton@hotmail.com Tel: 4267 3270 email: sylden@gmail.com Wednesday Talks co-ordinator - Joan Fleming, Audio Visual facilities – Allan Taylor Welfare Officer - Lillian Bond Stanwell Park liaison: Jenny Lee Robins Tel: 4294 3475 Email: jennyleerobins@yahoo.com.au Newsletter Editor - Ainslie Lamb Public Officer - Sylvia Wishart, 3/250 Lawrence Hargrave Drive Thirroul 2515 Website: www.northernillawarra.u3anet.org.au Web administrator – Lillian Bond The Newsletter of the U3A of the Northern Illawarra is produced five times a year, providing advance notice of courses, speakers and topics, and other activities for each Term. Each edition will be available for collection on the first day of Term 1, and on the final day of each term, to give advance notice of activities in the following term. If you wish to have your Newsletter posted to you, hand or send a stamped self-addressed envelope marked “U3A Newsletter” to Ainslie Lamb, 12 Station Street, Corrimal 2518. Contributions for the newsletter are invited from members and from other U3A branches. Contributions should not exceed 200 words, or a half page maximum. Send typed contributions to the Newsletter Editor, by email – ainslielamb@gmail.com or to 12 Station Street Corrimal 2518. Email is preferred as it is easy to download into the Newsletter. Include your own name and phone number. Deadline for Term 3 2015 Newsletter – Wednesday 3rd June 2015 10 11