the 2015 Pre-Dance Showcase Rehearsal and
the 2015 Pre-Dance Showcase Rehearsal and
North Shore School of Dance *2015 Pre-Dance Showcase Information* DRESS REHEARSAL & PICTURE DAY: FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2015 We have rehearsals/pictures all evening; please check the schedule for your child’s specific time. Dancers are to be kept with you in the theatre until they are called to go onstage. Pictures immediately follow child’s rehearsal time. After your child’s final picture, you may leave. Please bring completed picture forms to the dress rehearsal and hand them into the photographer. Forms will be handed out during your child’s observation day. Purchasing photos is optional, but we would like all children to be present for the class photo! Combination classes will take a class photo of each dance style. Parents should plan on changing their child into their 2nd costume before sending them back to rehearsal. PRE-DANCE SHOWCASE: ALICE IN WONDERLAND DATE: SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015 LOCATION: LAKE FOREST HIGH SCHOOL. 1285 N. MCKINLEY RD. LAKE FOREST. TIME: SEE SCHEDULE Performances are approximately 1 hour and include performances by North Shore Ballet Theatre. Dancer’s should arrive ready to go. Bring your child into the theater when you arrive (dancers do not need a ticket). Your child’s class will be called on stage when it is time to go backstage to begin the show. Combination and Multiple classes: Child should be dressed in her first costume. Send the other dance costumes, headpieces, and shoes in a bag with your child’s name on everything. Teachers and assistants will assist with changing the students backstage. At the end of the show (finale), the children will be brought back on stage for a final bow and pick-up. Please, only one parent per child should come to the stage for pick-up. TICKET INFORMATION: Tickets can be purchased online with a credit card at You will be able to choose your seats and print your tickets at home when purchasing online. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, April 15 at 6:30a.m. The Pre-Dance Showcase is reserved seating; all orders are first come-first served. Tickets are $6 per person. Each family is allowed 10 tickets maximum for the Pre-Dance Showcase. If you try to purchase more, a ticketing error will occur and you will not be allowed to purchase them. Additional tickets may become available at a later date; you will be notified by email if there are additional seats available. Only at that time will you be allowed to purchase over the maximum. Tickets can also be purchased at the front desk with a check or cash. GENERAL REHEARSAL/PERFORMANCE REMINDERS: If you are NOT participating in the Showcase you should NOT attend the dress rehearsal. Arrive no later than 10 minutes early, dressed and ready to go. We cannot wait for late dancers. Please take your child to the bathroom before the dress rehearsal/performance. Students are to wear their regular classroom attire and shoes to the rehearsal and performance. o Girls Classroom attire = pink leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes o Boys Classroom attire = white t-shirt, black pants, black socks, black leather ballet shoes All additional costume pieces will be handed out in class during observation week. Observation Week is: Saturday, April 25-Friday, May 1. All hair must be pulled out of your child’s face. Please put all long hair in a smooth bun or a ponytail. Make-up is optional for the girls. LAST MINUTE THEATRE REMINDERS: No food or drink in the theater at any time. No flash photography in the theater, it can be dangerous to our dancers. Video taping is available during the dress rehearsal and performance. Please do not block other viewers or the aisles with personal camera equipment. All parents and children must stay back from the stage and must not block the aisles while the show and rehearsals are in progress. Any questions please email attention Tonya Wibbenmeyer. Thank you and enjoy the show, Tonya Wibbenmeyer, Assistant Director and Pre-Dance Director Brook Burkhardt, Director’s Assistant, and Pre-Dance Instructor Caroline Kuhl, Kerri Vaile, Pre-Dance Instructor May 29, 2015 REHEARSAL TIME PICTURE TIME 4:22 4:30 4:30 4:37 4:37 4:44 4:44 4:51 4:51 4:58 4:58 5:05 5:05 5:12 5:12 5:19 5:19 5:26 5:26 5:33 5:33 5:40 5:40 5:47 5:47 5:54 5:54 6:01 6:01 6:08 6:08 6:15 6:15 6:22 6:22 6:29 6:29 6:36 6:36 6:43 May 31, 2015 SHOW TIME 10:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 12:00P.M. 10:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 12:00P.M. 10:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 10:00A.M. 10:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 10:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 12:00P.M. 10:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 10:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 12:00P.M. 10:00A.M. CHARACTER TEAPOTS TEAPOTS BUTTERFLIES TARTS ROSES MICE CATS CATERPILLARS ROSES MICE RABBITS CARDS CARDS CATS RABBITS TARTS FLAMINGOS FLAMINGOS LOBSTERS LOBSTERS CLASS NAME CLASS DAY/TIME FF2 WED 10:15 FF 3/4 SAT 9:45 PBALLET (BALLET) THURS 4:00 PB WED 10:45 FF4 MON 1:45 FF3 MON 1:00 FF4 SAT 10:30 PBM (MODERN)THURS 4:00 FF4 TUES 1:45 FF4 THURS 3:15 PTAPHH (HH) THURS 1:45 PBT (TAP) SAT 11:15 PBT (TAP) MON 10:30 PBJT (BALLET) MON 3:30 PJHH (HH) FRI 1:45 PTHH (TAP) THURS 1:45 PBT (BALLET) SAT 11:15 PBT (BALLET) MON 10:30 PBJT (JAZZ) MON 3:30 PJHH (JAZZ) FRI 1:45 TEACHER KUHL KUHL VAILE KUHL BURKHARDT BURKHARDT KUHL VAILE BURKHARDT BURKHARDT BURKHARDT KUHL BURKHARDT BURKHARDT BURKHARDT BURKHARDT KUHL BURKHARDT BURKHARDT BURKHARDT North Shore School of Dance Pre-Dance Showcase Program 2015 North Shore School of Dance is happy to announce that we have ad space available in the program for our Pre-Dance Showcase. Lake Forest High School is the location for our performances. Your advertisement, announcement, or tribute to a dancer will be seen by over hundreds of members of the community! Our School has students from all over the North Shore including: Highland Park, Highwood, Deerfield, Lake Forest, Glencoe, Northbrook, Winnetka, Wilmette, Riverwoods, Bannockburn, Lincolnshire, Kenilworth, Lake Bluff, and Buffalo Grove. Business Prices (Circle 1st choice) NSSD Family Pricing Full Page (Back Cover) – Vertical Layout $150 ¼ Page – Vertical Layout $20 Business Card – Horizontal or Vertical $10 Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5” 4.25x 2.75” 2 x 3.5” Dancer Message Prices ¼ Pg. Photo & Message – 1/8 Pg. Photo & Message – Your Dancer’s Name in a Star Name w/Good Luck Sentence - Dimensions 4.25 x 2.75” 2 x 3.5” Pricing $20 $15 $5 $5 (25 words or less) *Prices subject to change. Please Print Name (for Star) or Name w/Good Luck Sentence below: _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Artwork must be submitted in a .jpeg or illustrator format, to to avoid additional layout fees. All layouts must be complete when submitted. Ad space and placement is first come first served. Deadline for Artwork is April 25th. Business/Family Name:________________________________Contact Name_________________________ Phone:_________________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________ Method of Payment: Cash_____ Check_____ MC/VISA____ Visa/MC Account#___________________________________Exp. Date_____________________ Authorized Signature_____________________________________________________________________ Remit Payment and make checks payable to: North Shore School of Dance, 505 Laurel Avenue, Suite 102, Highland Park, Illinois 60035. (847) 432-2060