Eric Payne - Northview Primary School


Eric Payne - Northview Primary School
May 2015
133 Lexington Avenue, Findlay, OH 45840 í Telephone: 419-425-8290
í Fax: 419-427-5462
í E-Mail:
The mission of Findlay City Schools, as a community partnership committed to educational excellence, is to instill in each student the virtues,
knowledge and skills necessary to be lifelong learners who recognize their unique talents and use them in pursuit of their dreams and for
service to society. This is accomplished through the cooperative efforts of involved and caring families, community members and staffs, who
share knowledge, facilitate discovery and inspire vision.
From the
Principal’s Desk,
Eric Payne
May is in full swing. The weather has made a turn to the warm side,
and the countdown is on! Each year, May brings with it the feeling of
a year of school nearly complete and summer vacation on the horizon.
It is hard for students to keep the visions of swimming pools, bike
rides, and popsicles from dancing in their heads as they work in
classrooms; but we need to remain focused on the task at hand -learning. Please help your students remain focused, continue their
academic growth, and meet the expectations for behavior right up
until the final bell rings on May 28th. We will certainly be enjoying
some of the fun activities and events that come along with the end of
the school year, such as assemblies, a visit from children’s book
authors, field day, and a school picnic; but in order for students to
enjoy these events, they must meet our year long expectations.
Please take a few moments each morning to remind your student of
appropriate playground, classroom, and cafeteria behavior to ensure
that they will have a very successful and fun end to the school year.
has, with the help and guidance of each of their teachers and
parents, put themselves in a position for success. As the 3rd grade
students move on, new teachers, experiences, and challenges await
every student that will return to Northview. New beginnings can be
very exciting and you can help your student transition to their next
grade level by encouraging them to read over the summer months.
The more your student reads while not in school the smoother the
transition will be when everyone returns on August 17, 2015. To
help students keep books in their hands throughout the summer,
Northview will again be holding summer library. Feel free to join in
the fun at summer library on Wednesday mornings between the
hours of 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. The summer library flyer is attached
listing the dates.
Also, as we begin to close down the 2014-2015 school year, it is time
to begin looking forward to the 2015-2016 school year. In doing so, I
would like to wish the 3rd grade students the best of luck as they
each leave Northview and move on to the next step in their education.
Many of them will be attending Bigelow Hill next year, while others
will travel a different path to a different school. Regardless of the
school, I am confident that each and every 3rd grade student
Continue to watch the mail, the Northview website, and Facebook
page for important dates and information over the summer.
Eric Payne
Northview's Facebook page is located at
or by using the QR code.
We encourage you to sign up for Findlay City Schools email distribution list. Go to www., under
schools, choose Northview. There is a heading "Subscribe" on the right column and two places to "Click Here"--one for
Northview Parent Email List and one for the Findlay City Schools Parent Email List.
Text Alerts - Sign up now for Findlay City Schools text alerts regarding school delays and cancellations. Please go to to sign up!
Please remember to visit the Student and Community Opportunities tab on our website to see
the opportunities available in the community for you and your child(ren).
Calendar of Events
May 18-22, 2015
Right-to-Read Week
May 18, 2015
Findlay North PTO Meeting @ Northview @ 6 PM
May 25, 2015
May 28, 2015
Last Day of School for Students
Aug. 14, 2015
Drop Off School Supplies - Grades 1, 2 & 3 between
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Aug. 17, 2015
First Day of School for Grades 1, 2 & 3
Aug. 17-18, 2015
Kindergarten Screening
Aug. 19, 2015
Kindergarten Parent Orientation Mtg. 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Aug. 20, 2015
2nd & 3rd Grade Parent Informational Meeting*
Grade 2 meets from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Grade 3 meets from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Aug. 20, 2015
Kindergarten Last Names A-K
Aug. 21, 2015
Kindergarten Last Names L-Z
Aug. 24, 2015
All Kindergarten Students start school
Aug. 26, 2015
Grade 1 Parent Information Mtg. 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM*
Sept. 3, 2015
Fall Picture Day
Oct. 28, 2015
Picture Retake Day
2015-2016 School Year
Findlay North PTO Needs You!
The next PTO meeting is scheduled for
May 18, at 6:00 pm at Northview
Primary. PTO minutes are posted on
Northview's web page under PTO. The
PTO includes Bigelow Hill, Jacobs, and
Northview parents and staff. Please
come and learn more about this important organization that
supports programs for your children.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2014-2015 school year began the
the week of March 2 at Northview Primary School. Children must be
five (5) years of age on or before August 1, 2015
to enroll for fall kindergarten. Parents in our neighborhood need to
bring their child's birth certificate (sorry no hospital record),
immunization (shot) record, social security card, court/custody
documents (if applicable), and proof of residency (prefer a current
utility bill) to register their child for kindergarten. Please advise your
friends and neighbors of these registration dates. For further
information, call Northview at 425-8290.
After June 11, parents will need to register their
kindergarten students at the Welcome Center, Washington
Building, located at 1100 Broad Avenue.
*Meetings are for parents only, no students.
Kindergarten class sizes are based on the number of
students registered during the spring. Students who
register late may be force transferred to another building if
classes in their home school are full.
School Fees
You can now pay school fees
online. Go to and
click on EZ Pay. There is a one
time requirement to set up an
account. Select your student's
school, type of fees, and type in the amount you want to pay and
checkout! You will still be able to pay for your school fees
through the office if you prefer. Fees for Kindergarten, Grades 1-3
are $43.00 per year. Payments can be made in full or by semester
(1/2 of the fee). Your prompt payment of the school fees would
be greatly appreciated. These monies go directly back to the
students in the form of materials and supplies. Grade cards will be
held if the school fees are not paid. All unpaid fees are rolled over
each year. If these fees are not paid by the time your child
gets ready to graduate from high school, their diploma will be
Online Payment System
You have the option to pay your child's fees and lunch money
online using the EZ Pay. A link is available on the district's website.
A fixed convenience fee of $2 will be passed on to the parents for
each transaction.
Student fees and lunch monies can still be paid by check or
cash at school.
2015-2016 School Year
Birthday Treats
Due to growing concerns of food allergies and time lost during the school day due to lengthy birthday celebrations,
we are establishing some guidelines for the 2015-2016 school year. We understand that birthday celebrations are a
special time for students, so please follow the guidelines below if you would like to share a birthday treat. Items
outside of the guidelines may not be served and/or delivered to the student and will be sent home.
U Birthday treats that will be permitted include a healthy snack or prepackaged cookies without frosting that
include an ingredient list for allergy purposes.
U Parents and students may also choose to donate a book to the Northview library to celebrate birthdays.
Mrs. Bloom will have a selection of books to choose from for $5. There will be a nameplate inside the cover of
the book with the student's name to recognize their birthday donation.
U Birthday treats with any frosting will not be permitted or served as a birthday treat.
U Ice cream will not be served or permitted.
U Balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, etc will not be delivered to students during school hours and will need to
be picked up by a parent.
Unexcused/Truancy Guidelines
Starting the 2015-2016 school year, pre-court for truancy may be filed with the juvenile courts when a student reaches three (3) unexcused
absences. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor charges may be filed after a pre-court hearing and five (5) unexcused absences.
Please be sure to call in your student's absence and provide a doctor's excuse whenever applicable. When the office is not able to reach a
parent, the student's absence is marked unexcused and truant.
Zoo Assembly
Che s
Northview Library
Fun Activities
Wednesdays in JUNE: Wednesdays in JULY:
July 1st
June 3rd
July 8th
June 10th
July 15th
June 17th
July 22nd
June 24th
July 29th