Spring Brochure
Spring Brochure
NORWICH RECREATION SPRING PROGRAMS 2015 Tel: 802‐649‐1419; Ext. 109 E‐mail: Recreation@norwich.vt.us PROGRAM REGISTRATION Please REGISTER on‐line at www.norwich.vt.us Departments / Recreation / On‐Line Registration. Payment may be made by credit card or check. If paying by check, please make it out to: "TOWN OF NORWICH ‐ RECREATION" & Mail to: Norwich Recreation Copies of this brochure are available P.O. Box 1137, Norwich, VT 05055 downstairs in Tracy Hall & on line @ www.norwich.vt.us. Dept’s – Recreation. If you cannot register on‐line or need help, please call 649‐1419 x. 109 or stop by the Recreation office. Hard copy registration forms, available downstairs in Tracy Hall need only be completed for Chi Kung, Pa Kua Chang Kung Fu, Table Tennis & our free adult programs. REGISTRATION DEADLINE ‐ Please try to register by April 20th, or before the first meeting. A $10 late fee will be charged after 4/27 for most team sports, so don’t delay. Check our ‘Guidelines’ on‐line, also. YOUTH PROGRAMS K & 1st & 2nd Grade DANCE NOTE: Newly opened to Second Grade DAY/DATES/TIME: Fridays, April 24th ‐ May 29th 3:30 ‐ 4:30pm LOCATION: Marion Cross School Multi‐purpose Room FEE: $60; Non‐Residents: $65 Min # 7; Max #18 INSTRUCTOR: Tammi DeFelice (603‐298‐5700 or tiptaptam@hotmail.com) with assistant if #’s warrant it We welcome back Tammi back to teach this Dance offering that will introduce students to Ballet, Jazz and Funky Jazz. This program will allow children to express themselves while learning basic dance technique in an enjoyable, cooperative setting. Come barefoot wearing comfortable clothing that is easy to move in. Coed KINDERGARTEN LACROSSE / “ Kids with Stix” DAY/DATES/TIME: Tuesdays, April 21st ‐ June 9th 3:30 ‐ 4:30pm LOCATION: on the Green with the MCS Gym as a rain back‐up FEE: $40; Non‐Res: $45 Max# 30 COACH: Chris Clapp (603‐491‐4168 or ccwintersport@gmail.com) ASSISTANT(S) Needed ! This program will provide an introduction to the sport of lacrosse. Participants will experience obstacle courses, skill stations and fun skills games. Learn basic stick‐handling, cradling and become familiar with ground balls and scooping. Shooting, passing & catching will also be introduced. Players should bring their own “labeled” stick. Some sticks will be available but parents should confirm the need with the coach ahead of time. Royal blue T‐shirt available for $13 is optional for this group. 1st & 2nd Grade GIRLS’ LACROSSE DAY/DATES/TIME: Mondays, April 20th ‐ June 8th 3:30 ‐ 4:30pm LOCATION: on the Green with the MCS Gym as a rain back‐up FEE: $40 Non‐Res: $45 Max# 30 COACHES: Jill Collins (649‐7223 or jillcollins1@comcast.net) & Sarah Martin (sarah‐martin@comcast.net) This program will provide an introduction to the sport of Girls’ lacrosse. Participants will experience obstacle courses, skill stations, modified games, as well as mini scrimmages. Learn basic stick‐handling, cradling, passing, catching and become familiar with ground balls and scooping. Dodging and shooting will also be introduced. Players should bring their own “labeled” stick. $13 royal blue T‐shirt optional 1 1st & 2nd Grade BOYS’ LACROSSE DAYS/TIME/DATES: Mondays 5 ‐ 6pm & Wednesdays from 2:30 ‐ 3:30pm; April 20th ‐ June 10th LOCATION: @ Huntley Meadow (on Mon’s the team will practice on the Girls’ Lax field and on Wed’s they will be on the Boys’ Lax field) FEE: $45; Non‐Res: $50 Max# 30 COACH: Chris Clapp 603‐491‐4168 (or ccwintersport@gmail.com) Assistants NEEDED – Volunteer on‐line &/or talk to Chris. This program will provide an introduction to the sport of lacrosse. Participants will experience obstacle courses, skill stations, modified games, as well as scrimmaging. Learn all the basic stick‐handling; cradling, passing, catching, and become familiar with ground balls and scooping. Dodging and shooting will also be introduced. Participants will be required to wear helmets and gloves, although the hockey versions are fine. Players should also bring their own “labeled” stick and optional arms pads if they choose to. Some sticks & gloves will be available but parents should confirm need with coach beforehand. Royal blue T‐ shirt available for $13 is optional for this group. 3rd & 4th Grade BOYS’ LACROSSE DAYS/DATES/TIME: Mondays & Wednesdays, April 20th ‐ June 10th 4:30 ‐ 5:45pm LOCATION: @ Huntley Meadow FEE: $50; Non‐Res: $55 (Non‐residents are eligible only if there is no comparable program offered in one’s town. Acceptance is also dependent on space availability) COACHES: Clayton Simmers (csimmers@yahoo.com or 649‐5709) Assistant, Campbell Levy Basic skills will be covered through participation in fun games with lots of action. Individual skill improvement as well as the mechanics of good team play will be stressed. We’ll have scrimmages against local teams. Participants must provide their own helmet with mask (“NOCSAE” sticker on helmet recommended), gloves (hockey helmet &/or gloves okay for ¾ grade level), shoulder pads, arm or elbow pads, “labeled” stick, cleats, athletic supporter with protective cup, and colored mouth protector. All practices and home games will be at Huntley Meadow. *Note that ‘away’ game days / times will vary. A jersey will be provided for games, but must be returned to the Parent Coordinator or Coach at season’s end. Participants will need to have navy Norwich shorts available for purchase on‐line for $13. Stop by the Rec. office in Tracy Hall to pick them up. 3rd & 4th Grade GIRLS’ LACROSSE DAYS/DATES/TIME: Mondays & Wednesdays, April 20th ‐ June 10th 3:30 ‐ 4:45pm LOCATION: @ Huntley Meadow FEE: $50; Non‐Res: $55; numbers permitting COACHES: Steve Loughman (stephen.loughman@wellsfargoadvisors.com (649‐3292) Assistant: Chris Clapp (603‐491‐4168 or ccwintersport@gmail.com) Come join this development program to learn all the basic skills and rules needed to enjoy playing girls lacrosse. Practices will be a combination of skill games & stations, drills, and scrimmages. We will have a few small‐field, casual games with local teams. No experience necessary. Navy Norwich uniform required ‐ jersey $20 & shorts $13 (or save; $30 for both); available for purchase on‐line. Stop by the Recreation office to pick it up. Please bring your own stick, safety goggles and mouth protector 5th & 6th Grade GIRLS’ LACROSSE DAYS/DATES/TIME: Tuesdays & Fridays, April 21st ‐ June 12th 3:30 ‐ 5pm LOCATION: @ Huntley Meadow FEE: $50 Non‐Res: $55; numbers permitting COACH: Ania White (802‐299‐5207 or aniawhite6@gmail.com) Participants will learn techniques for successful passing, catching, shooting and cradling as well as defensive stick work. Girls will receive a full understanding of the game. Games will be played against other area teams. Please bring your own stick, safety goggles and mouth protector. Cleats are also recommended. Navy Norwich uniform ‐ jersey $20 & shorts $13 required (or save, $30 for both); available for purchase on‐line. Stop by the Recreation office to pick up. 2 th 5 & 6th Grade BOYS’ LACROSSE DAYS/TIME/DATES: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 – 6pm; April 21st – June 11th LOCATION: @ Huntley Meadow FEE: $50; Non‐Res: $55 (Non‐residents are eligible only if there is no comparable program offered in one’s town. Acceptance is also dependent on space availability) COACHES: Pete Fahey (petefahey5@gmail.com or 649‐1756) Assistant, Clayton Simmers (csimmers@yahoo.com or 649‐5709) Advanced skill development and gaining an understanding of team strategy will be the focus for this group. Games will be played against area towns. Participants must provide their own “NOCSAE” lacrosse helmet with mask, lacrosse gloves, shoulder pads, arm or elbow pads, “labeled” stick, cleats, athletic supporter with protective cup, and colored mouth protector. All practices and home games will be at Huntley Meadow. *Note that ‘away’ game days / times will vary. A jersey will be provided for games, but must be returned to the Parent Coordinator or Coach at season’s end. Participants will need to have navy Norwich shorts available for purchase on‐line for $13. Stop by the Recreation office in Tracy Hall to pick them up. LACROSSE OFFICIALS needed for 3rd‐ 6th grade Boys’ & Girls’ games. Call Jill @ 649‐1419 x.109 PRE‐Kindergarten BALL ‐ for those entering Kindergarten this fall DAY/DATES/TIME: Wednesdays, April 29th – June 10th, 4 – 4:45pm LOCATION: on the Green, with back‐up space in the Marion Cross School Gym if raining COACH: Justin Campfield (649‐2482 or justin@thinksparkmedia.com) FEE: $40 (includes hat to be given out by coach at practice); Non‐res: $45 (dependent on space availability) PLEASE LABEL HAT WITH NAME For Boys & Girls ‐ An introduction to Baseball and Softball skills, mastery of the basic components of the sport and preparing to play games will be the progression we implement. The focus is to have fun practicing with friends, through games and stations encouraging individual skill development. Tees will be used as well as Coach‐pitch. We ask a parent to please attend if possible. More coaching help/Assistants would be wonderful. Sign up on‐line or contact the Coach. Norwich Recreation royal blue T‐shirts ($13) are available at the Recreation office in Tracy Hall but are optional. T‐shirts ordered on‐line will either be handed out by coaches at the first practice or you can pick them up at the Recreation office. Soft Incrediball & Tennis balls used. KINDERGARTEN BALL DAY/DATES/TIME: Thursdays, April 23nd – June 11th 4 – 5pm on the Green LOCATION: on the Green, with back‐up space in the Marion Cross School Gym if raining COACH: Phillip McCaull Assistants Needed A glove isn't mandatory, but please bring one if possible. FEE: $40 (includes hat to be given out by coach at practice); Non‐res: $45 (dependent on space availability) PLEASE LABEL HAT WITH NAME For Boys & Girls ‐ An introduction to Baseball and Softball skills, mastery of the basic components of the sport and preparing to play games will be the progression we implement. The focus is to have fun practicing with friends, through games and stations encouraging individual skill development. Tees will be used as well as Coach‐pitch. More coaching help/Assistants would be wonderful. It is a great opportunity to get to know your child's classmates better in an atmosphere of fun. Sign up on‐line or contact the Coach. Norwich Recreation royal blue T‐shirts ($13) are available at the Recreation office in Tracy Hall but are optional. T‐shirts ordered on‐line will either be handed out by coaches at the first practice or you can pick them up at the Recreation office. Soft Incrediball & Tennis balls used. 3 1st Grade BASEBALL DAYS/TIMES/DATES: Tuesdays, 5 – 6pm with some scrimmages on Wed’s, 6–7pm April 21st – June 10th LOCATION: on the GREEN (with MCS Gym as a Rain back‐up) FEE: $45 (includes hat to be given out by coach at practice); Non‐res: $50 (Non‐residents eligible only if there is no comparable program offered in one’s town & acceptance dependent on space availability) COACH: Robb Cramer (369‐9328 / rcramerjr@icloud.com) Assistants Needed For Boys & Girls ‐ An introduction to Baseball skills, mastery of the basic components of the sport and preparing for games will be the progression we implement. Having all participants comprehend the basic rules will be a goal. Concentration is on building and improving individual batting, throwing and fielding. The focus is on having fun practicing with friends, through games and stations, encouraging individual skill development. We will play Hanover & Lyme teams in local scrimmages on Wed. nights, starting May 13th ‐ 6pm games. Join in on the fun! A royal blue Norwich T‐shirt ($13) is required. They are available for purchase on‐line but must be picked up at the Recreation office in Tracy Hall or you may also buy them directly at Recreation office. The soft “Incrediball” is used. PLEASE LABEL HAT & BYO glove. 2 Grade BASEBALL nd DAYS/TIMES/DATES: Tuesdays, 6 ‐ 7pm & Fridays 3:30 – 4:30pm April 21st – June 12th LOCATION: on the GREEN (with MCS Gym as a Rain back‐up) FEE: $45 (includes hat to be given out by coach at practice); Non‐res: $50 COACHES: Dan French (649‐ 5427 or danfrench7@gmail.com) & Sam Hopkins (603‐359‐4204 or sam.hopkins@dartmouth.edu) & Raymond Swift (649‐5745) For Boys & Girls ‐ An introduction to Baseball skills, mastery of the basic components of the sport and preparing for games will be the progression we implement. Having all participants comprehend the basic rules will be a goal. Concentration is on building and improving individual batting, throwing and fielding. The focus is on having fun practicing with friends, through games and stations, encouraging individual skill development. We will play Hanover & Lyme teams on Tuesday nights starting May 5th. Join in on the fun! A royal blue Norwich T‐shirt ($13) is required. They are available for purchase on‐line but must be picked up at the Recreation office in Tracy Hall or you may also buy them directly at Recreation office. The soft “Incrediball” is used. PLEASE LABEL HAT & bring your own glove. 3rd/4th Grade BASEBALL DAYS/TIME/DATES: 1st practice for all players is 4/21 from 3:30 ‐ 6pm, then Tuesday & Thursday at either 3:30–5pm or 5:15–6:45pm depending on team placement, & Sat. afternoons at either 1pm or 3:30pm April 21st – June 11th LOCATION: Huntley Meadow / GIRARD Field FEE: $75, includes a hat for you to keep ‐ given out at practice COACHES: John Michael Taylor (649‐1909), John Turner (649‐3120), Dan McGinley‐Smith (649‐2233), Vince Watts & Chris Clapp (603‐491‐4168 or ccwintersport@gmail.com) Norwich ¾ Baseball will once again be part of the Montshire Cal Ripken League this spring. We will play 2 teams from each of the following towns: Hanover, Lyme and Thetford. Participation in a tournament on June 6th & 7th will also be part of the fun. There are no cuts, everyone plays, and we bat through the order. Participants will gain a strong understanding of the game, with individual skill development stressed. We anticipate having 2 equal Norwich teams. Sorry ‐ No team placement requests. Coaches will contact you to let you know which team you will be playing for. Please bring your own glove, & label both it and your hat with your name. Boys‐Please wear an athletic supporter/cup. Jerseys are provided and will be handed out before the first game. Participants must return them to John Girard (649‐1173) at season’s end or will be charged for their replacement. A RIF# 10 Ball is used. Coed 4 Cal Ripken Baseball for 5th & 6th Grades: Registration is now closed. Coaches will be in touch regarding practice and game schedules. XC RUNNING CLUB for 6th – 8th Graders – Coed DAYS/DATES/TIME: Tuesdays & Thursdays, April 21st – June 11th from 3:45 – 5pm LOCATION: The program will begin & end at the bandstand on the Norwich Green Held rain or shine. COACHES: Jenny Williams 802‐649‐1719 or jenny05055@gmail.com Assistants: Chris Rhim & Bruce Genereaux, Beth Hazlett, Sarah Siegel, Rob Frost. FEE: $45; Non‐Residents: $50 This program is designed to welcome and challenge all athletes. It is set up to accommodate a wide range of experience and fitness levels ‐ from serious runners who may want to use our program to complement their independent M/W/F track schedule, to those who are new to running (must be able to run/walk at least 2 miles). It is also wonderful training for those who are transitioning from winter to spring sports. Our focus will be hilly trail runs, extending our distances as the season progresses. Our group will run on the nature trail and within a 2 mile radius of the Green around town. Please come prepared with appropriate clothing layers, water and running shoes that fit. Participants will be made aware of local races of potential, optional interest, although we will not enter any as a team. We will host one fun meet in late May. COED Open TABLE TENNIS FOR: 5th Grade players through Adults DAY/TIME/DATES: Wednesdays, 7 ‐ 9pm; *Ongoing through June 10th, *No class on 4/15 LOCATION: Marion Cross School Gym COORDINATORS: Doug Haynes, certified USATT coach (603‐643‐2178) Douglas.Haynes@Dartmouth.edu & Doug Hill‐Douglas.P.Hill@Dartmouth.EDU FEE: for Norwich Residents: $2/night; $1 for Students; Non‐Residents: $3; $2 for NR Students or $5/Family Register & Pay on site at class. All abilities welcome Drop‐in basis Pick up games Lots of fun Excellent sport for developing eye‐hand coordination skills necessary in all racket sports SPRING FENCING ‐ Foil, Epee and Sabre DAYS/TIMES/DATES: Mondays & Wednesdays; Beginners 6 ‐ 7pm & Intermediate/Advanced 7‐ 8:30pm May 4th – June 29th NO class on May 11th LOCATION: Tracy Hall Gym, 300 Main Street, Norwich, VT AGE & LEVEL: 10 years & up, all levels of Fencers Adults welcome also! *FEE for Residents (2x/week): $120, or 1 day/week: $75; *FEE for Non‐Residents: (2x/week): $135, or 1 day/week: $85 Additional family members‐1/2 price, but must pay by check. (Contact Jill @ 802‐ 649‐1419 x.109 for this discount & click "pay by check" when registering on‐line) INSTRUCTORS: Paul Horak (649‐3735), Ralph Hoehn (UpperValleyFencingClub@gmail.com), Keegan Harris, Neal McBain, Brent Concilio & Bill Craig. Our instructors jointly, have decades of experience. The Upper Valley Fencing Club (www.UpperValleyFencingClub.com) provides ability‐appropriate challenges for fencers with a broad range of experience. Communal improvement of form, technique and skills is the primary focus during the formal programmed foil portion of each session, leading to open fencing in all three weapons in the latter part. Accommodation for several younger students possible‐ contact Paul or Ralph. All members, except for beginner/trial fencers must provide their own equipment. Those who wish to fence "on the box" must have their own gear & electric weapons. *All participants must also join the USFA). Sign up at: http://www.usfencing.org/page/show/698115-individuals ($10 noncompetitive fee minimum & then click to the latest registration page (via railstation.org). 5 SPECIAL Event… Touch–A–Truck Day On the Norwich GREEN 2:15pm ‐ 3:30pm Wednesday, May 20th FREE Refreshments provided FREE Sponsored by the Norwich Fire, Highway, Police and Recreation Departments Anyone who dreams about climbing into the town working vehicles/treasures, will love this opportunity. You will be able to have a hands‐on, close look at all these intriguing work vehicles and meet some of the dedicated staff of Norwich who drive and run them. A few of the cool machines we will have on hand are: Dump Truck, Loader, Backhoe, Police Cruiser, and Fire Truck(s). Special addition this year is the Fire Safety Trailer. Bring the whole family for some great photo opportunities! SPECIAL THANKS to these wonderful volunteers who ran great Mud Season Programs for us, including GOTR: Chris Carroll, Jill Collins, Steve Loughman, Pete Fahey, Clayton Simmers, Laurie Rosen, Tracy Zuckerman, Watt Alexander, Andrew Katz, Craig Thurston & Jon Molesworth. Any new ideas, suggestions, questions, concerns, etc? Feel free to talk to your friendly Norwich Recreation Council Members: Laura Duncan ‐ President; Chris Clapp ‐ Vice‐President, Jill Collins, Karin Dwyer, Ben Forbush, Reese Madden & Jill Kearney Niles ‐ Director A heartfelt thank‐you for many years of dedicated service goes out to retiring members, Kris Strohbehn, Kristin Brown & Stuart Close. Norwich Recreation Summer Preview To help you plan your summer, listed below is a preview of the summer programs we hope to offer. Please look them over and include them in your family’s plans. Our offerings allow a lot of flexibility and sign ups are accepted beginning mid‐June and on an ongoing basis thereafter. You can put together a summer full of diversity and fun at an affordable price. Details not marked are still in progress/TBD. (Programs subject to change) CIRCUS & CHALLENGER Soccer Camps (#’s 1 & 2 below) are the only programs to sign up for now. For all the rest, on‐line registration will begin by mid‐June. Ongoing updates will be posted on our on‐line Welcome Page. 1) CIRCUS CAMP – Last Chance! We have 2 new openings in each of our 2 Summer Circus Camp Sessions: July 13 – 24 & July 27 – August 7. Register on‐line now to get these last spots. 2) “Challenger” Soccer Camps ‐ For ages 4‐12 @ Huntley Meadow Two separate weeks offered: June 22‐ 26 & Aug. 17‐21 Morning: 9am ‐ Noon sessions for 7 ‐ 12 year olds and Noon ‐ 1pm for 4 ‐ 6 year olds. On‐line registration open NOW @ www.challengersports.com Register by May 8th to receive a free jersey! 3) Video Camp ‐ Weeklong camps of acting, writing screenplays, video‐taping & editing for students entering 6th‐9th grades. 10 am to 3 pm, $165/week @ the CATV Studio in the Tip Top Building, White River Junction, VT. Camps run from July 13th – August 14th Call 802‐295‐6688 or sophie@catv8.org for more information, or visit www.catv8.org. 4) Fencing –Monday & Wednesday evening classes will continue for experienced Fencers in the Tracy Hall Gym Coordinators: Paul Horak & Ralph Hoehn 5) Recreation Fun Day Camp ‐ For children ages 4 – 7; A wide variety of engaging activities from arts & crafts to nature walks to sporting activities. Held in the MC School; Monday ‐ Thursdays for 6 weeks from 9am ‐ 1pm. 6) Summer Sports Camp ‐ For children entering grades 1‐8. Offered Mon.‐Thurs., 9am ‐ Noon, End of June through Aug. 20th. Sign‐ups by the week. Interested CIT’s should contact Jill asap at Recreation@norwich.vt.us 7) Some Adult programs will also continue this summer but may have altered schedules for July & August. We have hopes of offering a new BARRE class, great for strengthening one’s core and improving balance. Michele will offer Rise & Shine Yoga 6 – 7:15am M – F for a few weeks this Summer Upcoming SURVEY – We will be asking folks to complete a survey to help us improve the Recreation Department and better meet your needs. We hope you will take a few minutes to provide us with valuable feedback. Check your e‐mail late spring. 6 SPRING ADULT PROGRAMS See FENCING & TABLE TENNIS (page 5) ‐ open to Adults also PA KUA CHANG KUNG FU Ongoing; Friday evenings, through June 26th 6 ‐ 8pm Held in the Marion Cross School Multi‐purpose Room on 4/10, 4/24 & 5/1 Held in the Tracy Hall Gym on 4/17 and May 8th through June 26th FEE/month: 60; Non‐Residents: $66 Register & pay at class. INSTRUCTOR: Glenn Gurman, a Martial Arts expert and Licensed Acupuncturist‐Herbalist & lineage holder of the Pa Kua Chang Kung Fu System, over 35 years of teaching experience (649‐1616) Register on‐line @ www.norwich.vt.us Town Departments / Recreation for Yoga, Senior Fitness & Tabata YOGA with MICHELE GEORGE SEASON: April 21st – May 28th LOCATION: Tracy Hall GYM ‐ Main Street, Norwich, except classes on April 29th & 30th as well as May 12th, which will be held downstairs in the Tracy Hall Multi‐purpose room. INSTRUCTOR: Michele George, M.Ed., former English teacher, and certified hatha yoga teacher (E‐RYT 500), has been teaching yoga since 1998. Her extensive training includes two decades of study and over 2000 hours of Teacher Training (Kripalu, Iyengar, Anusara). In 2013 ‐ ‘14 Michele and a colleague successfully launched their own 200‐hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. Michele is well known in the Upper Valley for her safe, dynamic & inspiring classes. (msgeorge.yoga@gmail.com or C# 603‐306‐2428) FEE: 10 class pass: Residents: $130; Non‐residents: $145 *Drop‐in rate: $15 or $12 for Students *Drop‐ ins for all classes must be cash or checks payable to Town of Norwich – Recreation. YOGA Class Descriptions ‐ For all classes please bring a yoga mat and a firm blanket, strap, and yoga block(s) if you have them ‐ some available to borrow. Tuesdays 8:45 – 10am Yoga Lab Designed especially for dedicated students who want to work on intermediate and advanced postures in a supportive and playful setting. With attention to precise alignment and skillful sequencing, learn how deepen and refine your practice intelligently, safely, and mindfully. Tuesdays 10:15 – 11:30am Gentle Yoga Supportive and fun for beginners, those recovering from injury/illness, or those wanting the basics, this class offers an ongoing exploration into clear alignment, breathing techniques, and a sprinkling of yoga philosophy. Thursdays 8:45 – 10am Yoga Flow Less talking, more moving in this mixed‐level class. A great, well‐rounded morning practice to energize the body and calm the mind. Min # 8 Note that in the summer Michele will bring back the 6am Rise & Shine class. SENIOR FITNESS For 70 plus: 1 Hour Station style workout, custom designed with a focus on low weight, high repetition sets. Individual strength, balance and flexibility improvement is the goal. Ongoing Join anytime Max # 5 INSTRUCTOR: Aimee Goodwin; Certified Tabata Bootcamp Instructor and ACE Certified Personal Trainer Contact her at 649‐3104 or aimee970@gmail.com with any questions. DAY SEASON TIME LOCATION Wednesdays April 22nd ‐ June 17th; 11:45am ‐ 12:45pm in the Tracy Hall Multi‐purpose Room (Instructor will notify participants with any exceptions to this schedule) Seniors' FEE for 10 small group classes (15% discount built in): $85; Non‐Res: $95 When 10 class pass is used up, participants can sign up for an additional 10 classes on‐line. 7 SPRING TABATA BOOTCAMP SEASON: May 11th ‐ June 19th; See class days & times below LOCATION: in Tracy Hall, except Monday NIGHT class is in the Marion Cross School Gym FEE: $110; Non‐Residents: $125 Access to the TABATA Bootcamp website is optional for an additional $5 ‐ $10 INSTRUCTOR: Aimee Goodwin; Certified Tabata Boot Camp Instructor & ACE Certified Personal Trainer Please contact her at: 649‐3104 or aimee970@gmail.com with any questions TABATA DAYS & TIMES: attend as many classes as you like from the following schedule… Monday mornings, 9 ‐ 9:45am ‐ Tracy Hall Gym ‐ NO class on 5/25 & 5/11 in Tracy Multi Monday evenings, 6:15 ‐ 7pm ‐ MC SCHOOL Gym ‐ NO class on 5/25 Wednesday mornings, 9 ‐ 9:45am ‐ Tracy Hall Gym Thursday evenings, 5:30 ‐ 6:15 pm ‐ Tracy Hall Gym except May 21st in Marion Cross School Friday mornings, 9 ‐ 9:45am ‐ Tracy Hall Gym Tabata Bootcamp is a 45 minute high‐intensity interval training (HIIT) class in which strength and cardio moves are combined to create a short, efficient all over body workout. Using minimal equipment and high energy music, Aimee will lead you through 25 minutes of targeted intervals, followed by 20 minutes of a focused core set and stretching. The 6‐week session will offer unlimited participation in 5 live classes offered per week, plus access to online videos of the classes. Intense, but adaptable for all fitness levels. FREE ADULT PROGRAMS for NORWICH RESIDENTS ! Norwich adults welcome for the following five FREE adult programs. Come out for some exercise and fun with neighbors & friends. Pick‐up / drop in basis. Badminton, Basketball & Volleyball are held in the Marion Cross School Gym. Occasionally, these programs may be canceled due to special events in the gym. When school is not in session, these groups will NOT meet. Call Coordinators listed below to confirm, or for more information. Please fill out registration form on site. Drop‐in basis; Ongoing; Coed‐singles & couples welcomed. 1) BADMINTON night ‐ Mondays, through 6/15 from 7:30 – 9pm Will NOT meet on 4/13 & 5/25 Coordinator: Andrew Katz 649‐5641 Badminton is also open to Norwich high school age students 2) BASKETBALL night for 25 year olds & up ‐ Tuesdays, through 6/9 from 7 – 9pm Coordinator: Craig Thurston wallpapervt@gmail.com or 649‐1599 Will NOT meet on 4/14 3) VOLLEYBALL night If you enjoy volleyball at any level please come on out. Thursdays, through 6/11 from 7 – 9pm Will NOT meet on 4/16 Coordinator: Andrew Katz (649‐5641) 4) ADULT SOCCER ‐ Open pick up soccer ‐ Shin guards & mouth guards recommended. Sunday evenings 4 – 6pm @ Huntley Meadow beginning 4/26, weather & footing permitting No cleats until ground is dry, please. Coordinator: Watt Alexander (296‐ 8109 or wattalexander@me.com) 5) CIRCUS CLUB ‐ Mondays 6:30 – 8pm through 6/15. Will NOT meet on 4/13 & 5/25. The Upper Valley Unicycle/Juggling/Circus Club is offering anyone with Circus interest, an opportunity to learn, practice &/or share their skills. Held In the Marion Cross School Multi‐purpose Room For ages 8 & up Coordinator: Jon Molesworth (802‐333‐9129) TENNIS COURT NOTES: The Hanover HS tennis team will practice at Huntley Meadow Mon.‐Fri. 3–5:30pm in April & May. One court should be available for Norwich residents but please try to avoid these busy slots. 8