- novae - University of Washington
- novae - University of Washington
NOVAE WORKSHOP AXIAL VOLCANO - WIRED AND RESTLESS! NAME EMAIL AFFILIATION Algar, Christopher Allen, Lisa Ziegler Arnulf, Adrian Auger, Vincent Baker, Edward Baross, John Barreyre, Thibaut Bemis, Karen Bingham, Katie Birch, James M. Butterfield, David Caress, Dave Chadwell, David Chadwick, Bill Chave, Alan Clague, Dave Collier, Robert Cook, Matt Crone, Tim Daly, Kendra Delaney, John Denny, Skip Di Iorio, Daniela Dreyer, Brian Farr, Norm Fundis, Allison Giovannelli, Donato Hammond, Stephen Harrington, Mike Holden, James Huber, Julie Kaiser, Carl Kawka Orest Kaye, Jon Keers, Hank Kelley, Debbie Kinsey, James Knox, Claire Kobayashi, Tom Kwasnitschka, Tom Lang, Susan Larson, Ben calgar@dal.ca lzeigler@jcvi.org aarnulf@ucsd.edu auger@ropos.com edward.baker@noaa.gov jbaross@uw.edu tbarreyre@whoi.edu bemis@rci.rutgers.edu bighamkt@gmail.com jbirch@mbari.org David.A.Butterfield@noaa.gov caress@mbari.org cchadwell@ucsd.edu William.W.Chadwick@noaa.gov achave@whoi.edu clague@mbari.org rcollier@coas.oregonstate.edu m2cook@ucsd.edu crone@ldeo.columbia.edu kdaly@marine.usf.edu jdelaney@uw.edu denny@apl.washington.edu daniela@uga.edu bdreyer@ucsc.edu nfarr@whoi.edu Allison@oceanexplorationtrust.org giovannelli@marine.rutgers.edu stephen.r.hammond@noaa.gov mikeh@apl.washington.edu jholden@microbio.umass.edu jhuber@whoi.edu ckaiser@whoi.edu kawkaoe@uw.edu jon.kaye@moore.org keers@uw.edu dskelley@uw.edu jkinsey@whoi.edu cesknox4@hotmail.com taro@paroscientific.com tkwasnitschka@geomar.de susanqlang@gmail.com ben.larson@noaa.gov Dalhousie University J. Craig Venter Institute Scripps ROPOS NOAA University of Washington/Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Rutgers University University of Washington/Undergraduate Student MBARI NOAA/PMEL MBARI Scripps NOAA Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MBARI Oregon State University Scripps Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory University of South Florida University of Washington/Oceanography University of Washington/APL University of Georgia University of California, Santa Cruz Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Ocean Exploration Trust Rutgers University PMEL/NOAA University of Washington/APL University of Massachusetts Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution University of Washington/Oceanography Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation University of Bergen, Norway University of Washington/Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution University of Washington/Undergraduate Student Paroscientific, Inc GEOMAR University of South Carolina NOAA/PMEL Lee, Raymond Lilley, Marv Lintz, Heather Lowell, Bob Lupton, John Luther, Doug Lutz, Richard Manalang, Dana Marberg, Aaron Martineau, Rhett McGuire, Chuck Morris, Bob Murdock, Sheryl Murray, Richard Nooner, Scott Orcutt, John Paros, Jerry Philip, Brendan Preston, Chris Proskurowski, Giora Reardon, John Robigou, Véronique Roland, Emily Rubin, Ken Sasagawa, Glenn Sautter, Leslie Seyfried, William Shah, Vega Sievert, Stefan Soule, Dax Sousa, João Stoermer, Mark Swallwell, Jared Szabo, Peter Tamburri, Keith Tan, Yen Joe Thomson, Richard Tolstoy, Maya Topcuoglu, Begum Turner, Jesse Cole Vardaro, Mike Vernon, Frank Vetriani, Costantino Weirathmueller, Michelle Werle, James Wilcock, William Xu, Guangyu Zhou, Huiyang Zumberge,Mark rwlee@wsu.edu lilley@uw.edu h.lintz506@gmail.com rlowell@vt.edu john.e.lupton@noaa.gov dluther@hawaii.edu rlutz@marine.rutgers.edu danam@apl.washington.edu amarburg@apl.washington.edu RhettM@asu.edu mcguire@apl.washington.edu morrisrm@uw.edu sherylmurdock@gmail.com RWMURRAY@nsf.gov Nooners@uncw.edu jorcutt@ucsd.edu paros@paroscientific.com btphilip@uw.edu preston@mbari.org giora@uw.edu JohnC.Reardon@L-3com.com verorn@comcast.net eroland@uw.edu krubin@hawaii.edu gsasagasa@ucsd.edu sautterl@cofc.edu wes@umn.edu vs1@uw.edu ssievert@whoi.edu dax.soule@gmail.com tasso@fe.up.pt mstoerm@uw.edu jarred@uw.edu pszabo@worklab.com tamburri@telus.net yjt@ldeo.columbia.edu Richard.Thomson@dfo-mpo.gc.ca tolstoy@ldeo.columbia.edu btopcuoglu@microbio.umass.edu jturn33@uw.edu mvardaro@coas.oregonstate.edu flvernon@ucsd.edu vetriani@rutgers.edu michw@uw.edu jwerle@internet2.edu wilcock@uw.edu xupeng_66@hotmail.com Zhouhy@tongji.edu.cn mzumberge@ucsd.edu Washington State University University of Washington/Oceanography Oregon State University Virginia Tech NOAA/PMEL University of Hawaii Rutgers University University of Washington/APL University of Washington/APL Arizona State University University of Washington/APL University of Washington/Oceanography University of Victoria National Science Foundation University of North Carolina Scripps Institution of Oceanography Paroscientific, Inc University of Washington/Oceanography MBARI University of Washington/Oceanography L-3 Mari-Pro, Inc. Oceaan et Terra Studio University of Washington/Oceanography University of Hawaii Scripps Institution of Oceanography College of Charleston University of Minnesota University of Washington/Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution University of Washington/Oceanography University of Porto University of Washington/Oceanography University of Washington/Oceanography WorkLab ROPOS Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Fisheries & Oceans CANADA Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory University of Massachusetts University of Washington/Undergraduate Student State University Oregon Scripps Institution of Oceanography Rutgers University University of Washington/Oceanography Internet2 University of Washington/Oceanography Rutgers University Tongil University Scripps Institution of Oceanography